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09-04 投稿



complacently 发音

英:[[k?m'ple?sntl?]]  美:[[k?m?ples?ntl?]]

英:  美:

complacently 中文意思翻译



complacently 短语词组

1、complacently meaning ─── 自满的意思

2、complacently mean ─── 自满地刻薄

3、complacently sentence ─── 自满地判决

4、complacently define ─── 自满地定义

complacently 相似词语短语

1、competently ─── adv.胜任地;适合地

2、complaisantly ─── 沾沾自喜地

3、compliantly ─── adv.应允地;顺从地

4、complacent ─── adj.自满的;得意的;满足的

5、compactly ─── adv.简洁地;紧密地;细密地

6、complacency ─── n.自满;满足;自鸣得意

7、complacence ─── n.满足,自满;沾沾自喜

8、complicitly ─── 共谋

9、complacences ─── n.满足,自满;沾沾自喜

complacently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Having seen Li Surung's embarassed face , Delun Fujin laughed complacently in dark ! ─── 看到李萨灵尴尬的脸,德伦福晋暗地里满意地笑!

2、Case of illness: Complacently calls upset stomach all the time these days, return have loose bowels sometimes. ─── 病例:洋洋这几天一直喊肚子痛,有时还拉肚子。

3、Many students complacently leave the classroom with superficial understanding of course materials. ─── 许多学生带着浅薄理解十分满意地离开课堂。

4、Race of Abel, sleep, eat and drink; race God smiles on you complacently. ─── 睡觉,吃喝;上帝向着你们得意地微笑。

5、"Tells you, daddy." That child complacently declared to the father that, "I thought in the horse dunghill certainly also is hiding a pony!" ─── “告诉你,爸爸。”那孩子得意洋洋地向父亲宣称,“我想马粪堆里一定还藏着一匹小马呢!”

6、right," captain, Smee answered complacently; "we let her go." ─── 没问题,船长。”斯密得意地回答。“我们放她走了。”

7、complacently or inanely foolish. ─── 自满的、空洞的或愚蠢的。

8、A letter arrived from Olivier to Bernard. He was in Italy with de Passavant, and he wrote complacently about the wonderful journal they intended to publish. ─── 伯纳德收到奥利维尔的一封信,得知奥利维尔跟德·帕萨汶特两个正在意大利。信中洋洋自得地提到他们打算出版一份很好的杂志。

9、the others agreed. very soon, one man finished his snake. he was about to drink the wine when he saw the others were still busy drawing. he said complacently,"how slowly you are! ─── 有一个人很快就把蛇画好了。他正打算喝这壶酒时,看见别人都还忙着画呢。他就得意扬扬地说:"你们画得好慢呀,等我再画上几只脚吧!"

10、"That was just something for evening wear," returned his wife complacently. ─── “看起来,”赫斯渥回答道,“她最近添衣服花的钱可不少了。”

11、In the spring breeze of warm complacently, might as well walk into a few delicate numbers to experience inn along with the author, shift to an earlier date to purchase those who come greatly warm-up! ─── 暖洋洋的春风里,不妨随笔者走进几个精致的数码体验店,为将来的大采购提前预热一番吧!

12、If we complacently accept something, do nothing about it, is it as good as condoning it? ─── 如果我们毫不质疑的接受一些错误的看法,岂不等于纵容和助长这些观点?

13、Her eyes went to his caked boots, and she only smiled complacently. ─── 她的眼睛落到了他的粘着污垢的靴子,非常得意的微笑了。

14、Nobody in the industry should complacently assume that the game can continue as it has been played for the indefinite future. ─── 金融界的每个人都不应当应沾沾自喜地认为,在无尽的未来,这个游戏会继续以过去的方式玩下去。

15、We all dwell complacently among the same cultural assumptions. ─── 我们生活在自满的文化假定中。

16、Nanny Hawkins sticking complacently in the corner ─── 保姆霍金斯在一个角落里怡然自得地缝缀着东西。

17、Up there, a cicada was also singing complacently amongst green leaves.It was the cicada which had attracted the boy and the child wanted to catch it. ─── 至于下一步的动静,小牧童怎样捕蝉,捕到没有,诗人没有写,留给读者去想象了。

18、, and not complacently just get by on good behavior. ─── 而不是只是知足于安分守己的行为.

19、And he will magnify himself in his heart;And he will destroy many who are complacently secure. ─── 他心里自高自大,在人坦然安定的时候,毁灭多人;

20、He complacently lived out his life as a village school teacher. ─── 他满足于一个乡村教师的生活。

21、Although your home is not capacious, but should choose a few delicate warm color furniture only, can make whole household becomes warm complacently. ─── 即使你的家并不宽敞,但只要挑选几件精致的暖色家具,就可以令整个家居变得暖洋洋。

22、Suddenly, the boy stopped singing and stared quietly at a tree with zipped lips.Up there, a cicada was also singing complacently amongst green leaves. ─── 这从动到静的变化,写得既突然又自然,把小牧童天真烂漫、好玩多事的形象,刻画得活灵活现。

23、In transparent world, reflection gives the facial expression of warm complacently, this is a space that fills contemporary breath. ─── 透明的世界里,折射出暖洋洋的颜色,这是一个布满现代气息的空间。

24、"That was just something for evening wear, " returned his wife complacently. ─── “那套衣服是晚装,”他妻子心安理得地说道。

25、to nod/smile/speak complacently ─── 得意地点头/微笑/讲话

26、Having levelled my palace, don't erect a hovel and complacently admire your own charity in giving me that for a home. ─── 你既然铲平了我的宫殿,就没必要再盖个茅草屋,当成家送给我,然后自以为是地欣赏着自己的施舍。

27、Lennie, who had been following the conversation back and forth with his eyes, smiled complacently at the compliment ─── 伦尼一直两眼望来望去地听他们讲话,听到称赞自己的话,洋洋得意。

28、“full”, is mainly refers to complacently self sufficient. ─── “满”,主要是指自满自足。

29、Weather gradually cool, many families can consider thick on the shop in the home big carpet, let whole home become dimming complacently. ─── 天气渐凉,不少家庭都会考虑在家中铺上厚厚的大地毯,让整个家都变得暧洋洋。

30、Finally, nor is it true to claim, as some executives complacently do, that audiences have only recently decided they expect more from television. ─── 最后,事实并不像一些管理者们得意声称的那样,观众们只是最近才决定对电视节目给予更多期待。

31、One of them came out first and complacently took up the goblet, ready to drink. ─── __________________________。5.英国功能语法学派代表人物韩礼德将语域区分为相互联系的三个方面:__________________________________;

32、The flowery printing of full-bodied and natural breath, match deep color of skin, bring warm complacently go vacationing flavour. ─── 浓郁自然气息的绚丽印花,匹配深肤色,带来暖洋洋的度假味道。

33、For this, her specially checked what prepare for complacently only to be put in the expiration period of the ice-cream in freezer, fruit juice. ─── 为此,她特地检查了专为洋洋准备的放在冰箱里的冰淇淋、果汁的保质期。

34、I had been afraid until then to say a word about the play. But then, Mr Waldengarver looked up at us complacently, and said. ─── 直到此时我一直在担心要对这出戏有所评论,可是沃登加弗尔却得意非凡地望着我们大家,说道。

35、Complacently, I waited for the answer. ─── 沾沾自喜,我等待着答案。

36、So, complacently how is meeting abdomen uncomfortable? ─── 那么,洋洋怎么会肚子不舒服呢?

37、Finally, the flowers were pulled out of the land and transplanted in a cute flowerpot, and complacently he left. ─── 随后,他将花移出原来的土壤,种在了一个精美的小花盆里,得意地离开了。

38、11From his youth Moab has lived at ease resting complacently upon lees, never having gone into exile, never having been decanted;so she kept her own flavor as wine, her aroma remained the same. ─── 摩阿布自少年就享安逸,安息在自己的糟粕上,从没有由一缸倾注到另一缸内,也从没有被掳充军,为此她的滋味仍然存在,她的香味还未改变。

39、He did not run counter to his fate, but yielded himself up to it quite complacently. ─── 他不跟命运抗争,而是自满于服从命运的安排。

40、Children eyed little-known cousins with distrust and they, together with grown-up daughters, had to entertain the company with piano-playing or recitations while their own parents beamed complacently. ─── 孩子们用怀疑的眼神盯着那些他们从未听说过的远房兄弟们,同时,他们不得不和那些已经成人的女儿们弹奏钢琴来招待客人,而他们的父母此时正微笑着沾沾自喜。

41、I know that had I been a sanguine, brilliant, careless, exacting, handsome, romping child- though equally dependent and friendless- Mrs.Reed would have endured my presence more complacently; ─── 我明白,如果我是一个聪明开朗、漂亮顽皮、不好侍候的孩子,即使同样是寄人篱下,同样是无亲无故,里德太太也会对我的处境更加宽容忍让;

42、After all, human beings are by no means the jackdaw in Aesop's fable who could afford to indulge complacently but vainly in singing and dancing without knowing where his next meal would come from. ─── 毕竟,人类决不是伊索寓言中的那只寒鸦,可以自满且虚荣地整日沉湎于唱歌跳舞,却全然不知下一餐食物将从何而来。

43、The globe is in a critical situation, and who is it that has complacently exhausted the world's resources for the last hundred years? ─── 地球岌岌可危,是谁在一百年间沾沾自喜地用尽人类资源?

44、“Certainly, your honour,” the soldier replied complacently, rolling his eyes more strenuously than ever. and drawing himself up, but not budging to do so. ─── “大人,是。”这名士兵蛮高兴地说,他把眼睛瞪得更大,身子也挺得更直,可是还呆在原地不动。

45、In periods of relative calm, we complacently conclude there's no need to rock the houseboat. ─── 描述查谟和克什米尔问题的历史由来以及辩论谁拥有其主权更好不是本文的讨论范围。

46、Of solar warm complacently, gentle breeze is stroked gently. ─── 日光暖洋洋的,微风轻抚。

47、Such light not only the effect that has a kind of warm complacently, still agree the safe sense that person heart seeks without prior consultation. ─── 这样的光线不但有一种暖洋洋的效果,还暗合人内心追求的安全感。

48、And the swarthy little man, pleased by the answer, smiled complacently about him before he spoke again. ─── 他的回答使这位面容黝黑的矮个子感到很愉快,他得意地笑了笑,然后又开口说道。

49、Several of our men fell, among them the round-faced officer, who had been marching so carefully and complacently. ─── 有几个我们的人倒下了,其中有那个快活地、劲儿十足地行进的圆脸的军官。

50、” I didn't think a lot, and believed a girlfriend was a girl classmate.So I answered complacently: "Of course!I have many girlfriends!" ─── 我当时也没多想,认为女朋友就是女同学,很得意的回答:“有啊,很多呢!”

51、The cloth that changes an orange again art bedspread, can make whole bedroom is worn with bath like sunshine, make a person warm complacently; ─── 再换一套橙色的布艺床罩,就会使整个卧室跟沐浴着阳光似的,使人暖洋洋;

52、Be in strange happy park, we can be opposite yours this war news passes SNS individual trends, to your good friend broadcast, they want a mouse only a bit, can see you this make complacently. ─── 在奇乐公园,我们就可以将你的这个对战信息通过SNS个人动态,向你的好友广播,他们只要鼠标一点,就能看到你的这个得意之作。

53、Under the storm of denunciation Brissenden complacently sipped his toddy and affirmed that everything the other said was quite true, with the exception of the magazine editors. ─── 布里森登心满意足地啜着他的柠檬威十忌甜酒,面对着谴责的风暴。他承认对方的活每一句都对,只是关于杂志编辑的活不对。

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