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09-04 投稿


upstart 发音

英:[??pstɑ?rt]  美:[??pstɑ?t]

英:  美:

upstart 中文意思翻译






upstart 网络释义

n. 暴发户;自命不凡的人;傲慢自负的人adj. 暴富的;自命不凡的vt. 使…突然跳起;使…崛起vi. 突然跳起;崛起

upstart 词性/词形变化,upstart变形


upstart 短语词组

1、upstart crow ─── 自命不凡的乌鸦新贵(英剧名,UpstartCrow)

2、upstart loans ─── 暴发户贷款

3、upstart epoxy ─── 新贵环氧树脂

4、upstart crow tv ─── 乌鸦电视新贵

5、upstart interloper ─── 新贵的入侵者

6、upstart crown ─── 暴发户皇冠

7、quick upstart ─── 急势蹬足上

8、upstart components ─── 新兴组件

9、back upstart ─── 后起之秀

10、kick upstart ─── 新创业者

upstart 相似词语短语

1、upstarts ─── n.暴发户;自命不凡的人;傲慢自负的人;adj.暴富的;自命不凡的;vt.使…突然跳起;使…崛起;vi.突然跳起;崛起

2、upstare ─── 上档

3、upstairs ─── adv.在(或向)楼上;在(或向)上一层;智力上;adj.楼上的;n.楼上

4、upstared ─── 加重的

5、upstarted ─── 新贵

6、jumpstart ─── vt.安装;引进

7、outstart ─── 突出

8、upstares ─── 高层

9、restart ─── vi.[计]重新启动;重新开始;vt.[计]重新启动;重新开始;n.重新开始;返聘

upstart 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The new rules are also encouraging upstart competitors such as Project Turquoise, a trading platform created by a group of large investment banks. ─── 新法令还鼓励新的竞争对手的出现,例如由一些大型投资银行团体发起的ProjectTurquoise交易平台。

2、“The ancient cabbages that are rolled across the telescreen every night are Hollywood's curse on the upstart industry,” it wrote. ─── “古老的白菜每天晚上都出现在电视屏幕上,看起来就像好莱坞给新兴的电视业下的咒。”

3、In a sure sign that the upstart wireless Internet technology called Wi-Fi is proving too powerful to ignore. ─── 显而易见,无线上网技术新秀无限保真潜力巨大,不容忽视。

4、In each case it is difficult for an upstart to break in. ─── 对于暴发户来说,想进入到以上任一行业都是相当困难的。

5、It's Very Necessary to Restrain the Unlawfully - unusually Upstart to Construct the Harmonious Society ─── 构建和谐社会必须坚决遏制非法非正常暴富

6、The Enron scandal and the swift bankruptcy of upstart telecom Global Crossing; Ltd. have cast a long shadow of suspicion about possible accounting improprieties at company after company. ─── 安然丑闻和电信业新星全球有线通信公司的迅速破产加深了人们对一家家公司的会计做法可能存在问题的猜疑。

7、When MicroPort, a Chinese upstart, came out with products that were 40% cheaper, he recalls, doctors were initially sceptical. ─── 当中国新秀,微创医疗公司的产品比西方公司便宜40%时,李炳荣回忆起那时医生们还抱着怀疑态度。

8、Shenzhen City Industrial Co., Ltd. is an upstart founded in 1993, the company manufacturing business as the main direction of development. ─── 深圳市新贵实业有限公司是始创于1993年,公司以制造业为主要的业务发展方向。

9、You cannot buy class, as the old saying goes, and these upstart entrepreneurs cannot buy their prizes the prestige of the Nobels. ─── 正如老话所说,你无法买到阶级,而这些自命不凡的企业家也无法为他们设立的奖项买到与诺贝尔奖等同的声望。

10、The cloud laughed at the rainbow saying that it was an upstart gaudy in its emptiness. The rainbow calmly answered, "I am as inevitably real as the sun itself. ─── 云嘲笑虹霓,说它只是空虚中爆发的绚丽。虹霓恬静地答道,“我和太阳本身一样不可避免地真实。”

11、Drexler has also built one of the most visited shopping sites on the Internet, protecting his flank from upstart E-commerce competitors intent on squeezing out traditional retailers with cyber-malls. ─── 此外,朱克斯勒还在因特网上建立了受访率最高的购物网,粉碎了电子商务竞争者们想要通过网上购物排挤传统的零售商的计划。

12、That set the stage for a competing, unsolicited$9.9 billion offer for CBOT by the Intercontinental Exchange( ICE), an all-electronic upstart that has grown fast through acquisitions on both sides of the Atlantic( see chart). ─── 洲际交易所是一个采用电子交易平台的新兴场外市场,通过大西洋两岸的一系列并购迅速扩张。

13、"He is the meaning of words, Intel, this is a great deal, Because the company will be able to claim the world, it is an upstart Silicon Valley in terms of hardware choices. ─── 他这番话的含义是,对于英特尔来说,这是一项很大的交易,因为该公司将能向世人声称,它是硅谷新贵在硬件方面的选择。

14、However, the latest dynamic display, Mancini and Cassano's future at Manchester City upstart. ─── 但最新的动态显示,曼奇尼和卡萨诺的未来是在新贵曼城。

15、Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart. ─── 许多人更喜欢熟悉的权威人物而不喜欢自命不凡的年轻新贵。

16、Both the Celtics and Cavaliers were downed by the upstart Orlando Magic. ─── 凯子和骑士都败在了一支球队脚下:奥兰多魔术.

17、Upstart companies like Vibram, Feelmax and Terra Plana have come out with thin-sole designs meant to combine the benefits of going barefoot with a layer of protection. ─── Vibram、Feelmax和TerraPlana等突然窜起的公司已推出薄鞋底设计,把赤脚跑步的好处和保护层结合起来。

18、There are now more and more of an upstart city will reform its own small kitchen has become a bright and spacious open kitchen, great. ─── 现在已经有越来越多的都市新贵们将自家的小厨房改造成了宽敞明亮的开放式大厨房。

19、You realize that you no longer have the cachet you did as the upstart, the fresh face; you haven't changed Washington, and you've made a lot of people unhappy with difficult votes. ─── 你认识到,你不再是一个新贵,你的脸不再新鲜,你并无优越性,你并没有改变华府,而且你让很多人不高兴,得票数并不乐观。

20、With space being at such a premium in crowded cities, an upstart young designer has devised a bookcase that transforms into a bed. ─── 在如此拥挤,房价如此高的城市,一位新近设计师创造了一款能将书架变形成床的东西。

21、You can't marry that young upstart! ─── 你可不能嫁给那个年轻的暴发户!

22、reverse upstart ─── 反身屈伸上

23、Asus, the upstart Taiwanese PC maker that launched the netbooks category in late 2007, is pushing to make them ubiquitous. ─── 华硕,台湾pc厂商新贵2007年底试水无线笔记本市场,市场推广无处不在。

24、, a once-erratic upstart that has transformed itself into a technology innovator. ─── 后者已经从一家业绩不稳定的新贵转变成了一家科技创新企业。

25、You can' t marry that young upstart ! ─── 你可不能嫁给那个年轻的暴发户!

26、But come September, publishing upstart Flat World Knowledge will offer a much more appealing price point: its books will be free. ─── 但是下一个九月,出版业的爆发户-平面世界知识,将提供一个十分吸引人的价格:所有书籍免费。

27、The Soulscar clan has sent a powerful army which should deal with the upstart once and for all. ─── 灵魂伤痕部落已经派出了一支强大的军队,有可能对雷拉格造成致命的打击。

28、and a feisty upstart whose name is synonymous with the current migration to social networks. ─── 当前的社交网络潮弥漫着浮躁和虚荣的风气。

29、upstart interloper ─── 无营业执照的暴发户

30、Lesson those upstart person with a over-confident mind. ─── 狠狠的修理自以为很款很有势的爆发户.

31、The main difference between the DPJ and LDP may lie in the upstart party's willingness to challenge traditional social customs. ─── 日本民主党和自民党的主要区别可能在于,突然崛起的日本民主党愿意挑战传统的社会习俗。

32、The big question: Is an upstart like BYD technically savvy enough to deliver the technology without quality and performance problems? ─── 一大问题是:像比亚迪这样一家初创企业,它的技术能够成熟到足以推出没有质量和性能问题的锂离子电池驱动汽车吗?


34、Newly appointed official/the recently rich; the new-rich; upstart; overnight millionaire ─── 新贵

35、Surely the giant Sorcerer is not afraid of four more upstart pipsqueaks. Where is Eddie? ─── 当然了,魔法师巨人是肯定不会害怕再多四个小矮人的。埃迪在哪儿?

36、Become the pisciculture upstart of famed library area. ─── 成为闻名库区的养鱼暴发户。

37、They lived in fear of a technology inflection point that would suddenly strip them of their leadership and benefit an upstart funded by one of the Valleys venture capital firms. ─── 它们活在恐惧之中,担心出现技术拐点,使它们突然丧失领导权,让某个得到硅谷风险投资资助的暴发户得了便宜。

38、upstart from upperarm hang ─── 挂臂撑屈伸上

39、an upstart who makes conceited, sardonic, insolent comments. ─── 作出自以为是的、逞能的、讽刺的、或傲慢无礼的评论的暴发户。

40、An Inside Story Of An Upstart II. ─── 暴发户秘史2。

41、upstart from upper-arm ─── 挂臂屈伸上

42、drop-back short underswing upstart ─── 支撑后倒弧形短振屈伸上

43、Jun Zhu can not let those upstart published in the acts of individuals we see on a certain page. ─── 也无法让朱骏那些暴发户的个人行为刊登在我们看到的某某版块上。

44、Her empire has been conquered by a young upstart general, Octavian, the grand nephew of her former lover, Julius Caesar. ─── 她的帝国被她的前情人凯撒的侄子,一位年轻的新贵,将军吴大维占领了。

45、" But OPTIMUS PRIME knows better, he sees raw potential in the enthusiastic upstart and knows with experience SIDE SWIPE will one day be an irreplaceable asset. ─── 但是擎天柱更有远见,他看到了蕴藏在热情里的未经琢磨的潜力,他知道随着经验的增加,总有一天横炮将成为不可替代的战士。

46、Pacquiao was making Hatton look like an upstart amateur. ─── 帕奎奥弄得哈顿像个傲慢的业余拳手。

47、On the Republican side, Pat Buchanan's upstart campaign had won 37 percent of the vote, and the Presidents national approval ratings had dropped below 50 percent for the first time since the Gulf War. ─── 在共和党那边,半路杀出的帕特.布坎南赢得了37%的选票,布什总统在全国范围的支持率自海湾战争以来第一次低于50%。

48、Indeed he soon became the best cook in the palace,and his efforts gained royal favor. But this success only caused jealous resentment among the other royal cooks,and they plotted to get rid of this upstart newcomer. ─── 实际上,王子很快成为王宫里最好的厨师。他的努力赢得了王室成员的赞许,但是他的成功也引起了王室其他厨师的忌妒和忿恨,他们密谋除掉这个新来的“暴发户”。

49、Indeed he soon became the best cook in the palace, and his efforts gained royal favor. But this success only caused jealous resentment among the other royal cooks, and they plotted to get rid of this upstart newcomer. ─── 实际上,王子很快成为王宫里最好的厨师。 他的努力赢得了王室成员的赞许,但是他的成功也引起了王室其他厨师的忌妒和忿恨,他们密谋除掉这个新来的“暴发户”。

50、In the French revolution of July, 1983, and in the English reform agitation, these aristocracies again succumbed to the hateful upstart. ─── 在法国的1983年7月革命和英国的改良浪潮中,贵族统治再一次向可恨的暴发户屈服。(贬)

51、Similarly, the French are despised upstart smashed everywhere, huge rush to buy the players, and that the FA should intervene Manchester City. ─── 法国人同样不齿新贵们砸巨资到处抢购球星的行为,并认为英足总应该对曼城进行干预。

52、long undressing with running and upstart ─── 助跑屈伸上

53、neck upstart ─── 屈伸起

54、His company, having thrown him out, was sold in 1997 to Wizards of the Coast, an upstart fantasy publisher that made sweeping changes to the rules. ─── 他的公司把他扫地出门,并于1997年出售给了WizardsoftheCoast,这个狂想的暴发户出版商对游戏规则进行了大刀阔斧的修改。

55、Surely the giant Sorcerer isn't afraid of four more upstart pipsqueaks. Where is Eddie? ─── 当然了,魔法师巨人是肯定不会害怕再多四个小矮人的。埃迪在哪儿?

56、I do not like back home, because here the very few secular world, people feel not comfortable, coupled with small place, people's quality remain in the upstart level, I can not stand. ─── 我不喜欢回老家,就是因为这里的世界很少又很世俗,让人觉得好不舒服,加上小地方,人的素质还是停留在暴发户的层面上,受不了。

57、In the French revolution of July 1830, and in the English reform agitation, these aristocracies again succumbed to the hateful upstart. ─── 在法国的1830年七月革命和英国的改革运动中,他们再一次被可恨的暴发户打败了。

58、IT SOUNDS like the testosterone-tinged vision of an investment banker: a little-known upstart buys its most famous rival, three times its size. ─── 听起来好像是一个注射了性激素的投资银行家:一个鲜为人知的暴发户买下了相当于其三倍的最著名的竞争对手。

59、To which end Tess was artfully prevailed upon to seek work in a wealthy upstart family of the same illustrious name. ─── 为了达到这个目的,她花言巧语地说服女儿苔丝到同宗的一个暴发户家去找工作。

60、But this success only caused jealous resentment among the other royal cooks, and they plotted to get rid of this upstart newcomer. ─── 他的努力赢得了王室成员的赞许,但是他的成功也引起了王室其他厨师的忌妒和忿恨,他们密谋除掉这个新来的“暴发户”。

61、Roll Call is the" home town newspaper" of Capitol Hill. Information ranging from straight news to hometown gossip. The Hill is an upstart competitor that's a little edgier. ─── 登记表是一个国会山的〈乡报纸〉它列有从直接的新闻到家乡闲谈的信息。国会山是一个有点边缘化的新晋竞争者。

62、Then in the late 1970s a tiny brash upstart called MCI won a legal dogfight, allowing it to compete with AT&T. ─── 然后70年代末,一个叫美国微波通信公司起来了,赢得了和美国电话电报公司的法律诉讼,由此可以和美国电报电话公司开展竞争。

63、This latest investment decision from YaoMing may render him an online upstart after ChenTianqiao and DingLei. ─── 生活小百科网:姚明最新作出的这个投资决定,使他可能成为继陈天桥、李彦宏和丁磊之后又一个网络新贵。

64、Not poverty-stricken households in the village, there is no upstart, families are well-off households, are a model for the common prosperity of Jincheng. ─── 全村没有贫困户,没有暴发户,家家都是小康户,是晋城共同富裕的典范。

65、Farad benefit- - the name since upstart, the friend sees the car asks: "Hair! ─── 法拉利--暴发户起的名,朋友看到车都问:“发啦!

66、Now along comes an upstart (perched on a tiny patch of Middle Eastern desert, no less) daring to suggest it wants to join them almost overnight. ─── 如今,位于中东沙漠一角的一颗崛起的新星,勇敢地说要一夜间加入他们的行列。

67、Or - just as with the previous desktop hits of the past, will it come from a little-known upstart with a disruptive technology? ─── 亦或——就像以前的桌面,来自一个具有颠覆性技术的鲜为人知的暴发户?

68、He was a new upstart and a gentleman of the first head ─── 他是个暴发户,是个新封的贵族。

69、In this mode players will drop Jordan in a modern team, with him as a young upstart with a lot of talent. ─── 在这个方式中,玩家将会将乔丹置入一个古代球队中,这时的他是一个具有极大天赋的年老的同盟新贵。

70、But ths success only caused jealous resentment among the other royal cooks, and they plotted to get rid of this upstart newcomer. ─── 但 是 他 的 成 功 也 引 起 了 王 室 其 他 厨 师 的 忌 妒 和 忿 恨 , 他 们 密 谋 除 掉 这 个 新 来 的 " 暴 发 户 " 。

71、Until recently ICE, a fast-growing electronic upstart from Atlanta, had the edge. ─── 位于亚特兰大的洲际交易所依靠电子交易获得了迅速发展,成为交易所业“暴发户”,不久前还在竞购中占据上风。

72、and began by asking him what he was trying to accomplish, with his young upstart Jet Blue. ─── 最先问的就是他和他年轻的公司想达到什么目标。

73、At that time, we just wanted to get payback of our pay, and never thought to become upstart. ─── 卖西瓜的人为了卖更多的西瓜而“疲于奔命”,因为这是一个吃西瓜的季节,他们应该有好的销量。

74、He is a complete upstart. ─── 他是个不折不扣的暴发户。

75、Six months later, Ulic and Aleema were joint warlords of the Empress Teta system.Their claim to that system was challenged by the upstart nomad, Mandalore. ─── 六个月后,乌立克和阿力玛联合黛塔女皇星系的军阀,对抗前来挑战主权的傲慢游牧民族领导人曼道罗。

76、new rich; upstart ─── 暴发户

77、quick upstart ─── 争振上

78、The upstart humans! ─── 是改进人类!

79、A person who has recently attained high position or great power without due effort or merit; an upstart. ─── 暴发户一个没有付出努力或没能力,却新近获得高位或权势的人;暴发户

80、upstart with half turn ─── 屈伸上转体180o

81、Thinking they are at last safe, they are targeted by an experienced intimidating hit man and a psychopathic young upstart killer.The ensuing struggle will test Carmen to the limit. ─── 主人公因为目击了一场敲诈案件,美丽的卡门和她的铁匠丈夫韦恩被联邦警局当作证人严密保护起来。

82、Yesterday, Hu is putting forward a "2008 China's new aristocracy consumption threshold", it said, in line with the standards of the rich Chinese upstart total of 50,000 people. ─── 昨天,胡润抛出一份“2008中国新贵族消费门槛”,据他称,符合这一标准的中国新贵富豪共有5万人。

83、Not bad for an upstart. ─── 对一个市场新贵而言,这相当不错。

84、You would be no longer a lost child found, but you would be looked upon as an upstart, who had sprung up like a mushroom in the night ─── 您因此就不再是一个被拐走而又寻获的孩子,而会被人看作一个象夜间长出来的香蕈那样的暴发户。

85、Her empire has been conquered by a young upstart general, Octavian ,the grand nephew of her former lover,Julius Caesar. ─── 她的帝国被她的前情人凯撒的侄子,一位年轻的新贵,将军吴大维占领了。

86、After killing an upstart in self-defense, he escapes from the boy's vengeful brothers to the nearby town of Cayenne. ─── 毕生最爱亦改名换姓;连见亲生儿子一面的要求也被拒绝。回首前尘之际,皇宫酒吧已杀机四伏。

87、Until recently, it was easy to dismiss such ambitions as the hubristic musings of a young upstart. ─── 直到最近,人们很容易将这类雄心壮志视为年轻新贵的狂妄自大。

88、He dreaded their upstart ambition. ─── 他惧怕他们的狂妄野心。

89、still upstart ─── 慢拉上

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