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09-04 投稿



malacca 发音

英:[m??l?k?]  美:[m??l?k?]

英:  美:

malacca 中文意思翻译



malacca 短语词组

1、Piracy in the Strait of Malacca ─── 马六甲海峡的海盗行为

2、malacca cane n. ─── 马六甲手杖, ─── 马六甲白藤(杆)

3、straits of malacca ─── 马六甲海峡

4、malacca strait ─── 马六甲海峡(一般写做StraitofMalacca)

5、Malacca Straits Mosque ─── 马六甲海峡清真寺

6、Malacca Straits Council ─── 马六甲海峡委员会

malacca 相似词语短语

1、malacia ─── n.软化

2、malaria ─── n.[内科]疟疾;瘴气

3、medacca ─── 奖章

4、malac- ─── n.(Malac)人名;(罗)马拉克;(塞)马拉茨

5、malaco- ─── 马拉科-

6、malaccas ─── n.马六甲(马来西来一州名);马六甲海峡(位于亚洲东南部)

7、alpacca ─── 羊驼

8、Malacca ─── n.马六甲(马来西来一州名);马六甲海峡(位于亚洲东南部)

9、malanga ─── n.暗绿叶黄体芋,黄肉芋;n.(Malanga)(美、意)马兰加(人名)

malacca 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Devil Pork Curry, Malacca, Malaysia. ─── 魔鬼咖喱猪肉,马六甲,马来西亚。

2、Abstract:During his expeditions to Malacca, Zheng He sped up the cultural and economic development with his wisdom and love. ─── 提要:郑和航海到马六甲,以其聪慧和爱心,加速马六甲的经济、文化发展的速度。

3、The Silk Road on the Sea extends from southern China to present day Brunei, Thailand, Malacca, Ceylon, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Iran. ─── 海上丝绸之路从中国南部一直伸展到今天的文莱、泰国、马六甲海峡、锡兰、印度、巴基斯坦、菲律宾和伊朗。

4、Chris:Fann had to cook for my entire family in Malacca! The only thing she could cook though was rice! But it was hard! ─── 煮饭给我家人吃,是真的煮白米饭而已哦!可是她的饭很硬!

5、Most of the pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia or in the Malacca Strait involve oil tankers that are ransomed. ─── 索马里海岸线附近以及马六甲海峡的大多数海盗袭击都与劫持油轮、索要赎金有关。

6、As before, another friend of mine promised twice to come to Malacca and visit me but at last canceled the plan. ─── 之前我的朋友两度答应我说要来马六甲游玩的,但是每一次在最后一分钟时才取消他们的行程。

7、Pentagon report last year said China could maintain only a “symbolic” naval presence beyond its coast, but was interested in extending its presence to the Malacca Strait and the Indian Ocean. ─── 去年一份美国五角大楼报告说中国只能在其海岸边上保持一支“象征性”的海军存在,却对于在马六甲海峡和印度洋的发挥作用非常感兴趣。

8、The fall of Malacca and the Negotiations between China and Portugal ─── 满剌加的陷落与中葡交涉

9、Navigation Safety of VLCC Passing the Singapore and Malacca Straits ─── 大型油轮通过新、马海峡的航行安全


11、The captain of a Taiwan fisheries cargo ship has been wounded after his vessel was attacked by pirate boats in the Malacca Strait , officials said. ─── 官方称,一艘台湾渔场货船在行经马六甲海峡的时候,遭到海盗的袭击。船主受伤。

12、After sent off, I rush back to meet my buddies from Malacca, who attended his convocation. ─── 可是,我相信我的坚持是对的。曾经有不愉快地时候,也掉下不开心的眼泪。

13、Those who ordered from Alor Star, Penang and Malacca practice point need to wait till next week as we need to send the net out from KL to respective location. ─── 亚罗士打,槟城和马六甲的订购者必须等到下个星期,我们还须要从吉隆坡运送出来。

14、It's proven that under some exercises that we had engaged in...the bilateral joint patrols in fact contribute to making the Strait of Malacca safe. ─── 事实证明,双边联合巡逻事实上对确保马六甲海峡的安全起到了作用。”

15、Then there were the places whose names he liked: the Somali Current, the Big Hatchet Mountains, the Malacca Strait, and a long list of others. The sheets of paper with words and phrases and places eventually covered the walls of his room. ─── 还有就是一些他喜欢的地名:索马里河流、大哈契山、马六甲海峡以及一长串其他的地名,终于他的房间四壁都贴满了写着字、词句和地名的纸张。

16、Previously we just had our date at Malacca and outgoing together with friends at Kuantan and JB. ─── 哈哈。。

17、India has almost identical energy concerns, though its potential chokepoint is not Malacca but the Strait of Hormuz. ─── 在能源问题上,能源印度几乎有同样的担心,只不过其咽喉要道不是在马六甲海峡而是在霍尔木兹海峡。

18、Malacca, Malakka ─── 马六甲


20、Hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the Malacca Strait Contract Area, Indonesia ─── 马六甲合同区油气运聚规律研究

21、A Peril of the Sea of a Ming Diplomatic Mission to Malacca ─── 明朝出使满剌加的一次海难

22、Which gullet link the Pacific and the Indian Ocean? The Strait of Malacca ─── 沟通太平洋和印度洋的水道是:马六甲海峡

23、The pipeline from the Burmese coast will bring energy direct into China's impoverished Yunnan state, while bypassing the Malacca and Lombok/Makassar Straits. ─── 这条天然气管道将从缅甸海岸直达中国贫困省份云南,绕开马六甲海峡和龙目/望加锡海峡。

24、Alumni of Pei Feng Secondary School in Malacca who also keep in touch through such gatherings are even setting up a property fund for their alma mater. ─── 散居各地的马六甲培风中学的校友不但定期举办嘉年华会,他们还为母校筹募置业基金。

25、Tzu Chi's Malacca chapter has arranged a care-giving course for 40 families; divided into groups to visit care recipients, children prepare DIY desserts as gifts. ─── 慈济马六甲分会为40户家庭安排了居家关怀课程,以小组方式到照顾户家中进行家访,孩子还制作了小点心当作见面礼。

26、Before the Chief Minister of Malacca arrived, MC was requested the ceremony attenders to fill the seat arena several times in order to make the venue relatively more attractive. ─── 首长抵步前,大会司仪式多番要求出席者填满舞台前的位子,让会场显得比较好看些。

27、Two huge oil ships are reported on fire after crash into each other in the Strait of Malacca near the coast of Singapore. ─── 在新加坡海油井附近的马六甲海峡两艘大油轮相撞后着火。

28、The picture showed Premier Peng Li visiting Malacca State ─── 图为12日李鹏总理在马六甲州参观。

29、Not only do we offer new pharmaceutical prospects a suite of vertically integrated services, our horizontal coverage spans the Asian region from Singapore to Shenzhen, from Melbourne to Malacca. ─── 赫伯特不仅为新的医疗保健产品提供从融资到分销的纵向一条龙服务,我们的横向市场覆盖包括的东北亚和东南亚以及澳大利亚的广大市场。

30、Nearly nine-tenths of its oil imports cross the Indian Ocean and pass through the Malacca Strait. ─── 中国进口的石油有90%要经过印度洋并通过马六甲海峡。

31、Over 80 percent of China's crude oil imports transit the Strait of Malacca. ─── 百分之八十以上的中国的原油进口中转马六甲海峡。

32、Abreu's expedition, which left malacca for the Spice Islands in December 1511, met with little success ─── 阿布雷乌率领的远征队在1511年11月离开马六甲,驶往香料群岛,但成效甚微。

33、Malacca Chinese School Teachers Assn. ─── 马六甲华校教师公会。

34、As Chinese shops and restaurants were closed during the Lunar New Year's week, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malacca, Malaysia made special deliveries of Chinese New Year dishes to care recipients. ─── 由于过年期间,华人小贩、小吃店都没有营业,马来西亚马六甲慈济志工,发起送年菜给照顾户行动。

35、Collaborative Patrol or Joint Patrol: Cooperative Mechanism of Waterway Security in Malacca Straits ─── 从协作巡逻、联合巡逻之区别看马六甲海峡航道安全合作机制

36、climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for Malacca canes. ─── 斯里兰卡和印度南部的护卫灵因被用于马六甲白藤的茎干的长度而引人注目。

37、The method helped to decrease pirate attacks in the Straits of Malacca three years ago in an operation called "Eye in the Sky. " ─── 三年前,这种方法在一个叫“空中眼”行动中被用来减少马六甲海峡的海盗袭击事件的发生。

38、Lau, who has worked on conservation projects along the Malacca coast for three years, said poachers dig eggs out of their sandy nests and sell them to locals who believe they boost male virility and sooth pregnancy-related ailments. ─── 一位在麻六甲海峡为保育计画工作三年的刘女士表示,盗猎者会偷挖海龟蛋,并且卖给当地人,因为当地人相信海龟蛋有壮阳的功效,并能治疗与怀孕相关的疾病。

39、Malacca and Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia ─── 马六甲及吉隆坡

40、Geographically, the South China Sea is connected with the Pacific Ocean through the Luzon Strait to its east, and it reaches the Indian Ocean through the Malacca Strait. ─── 南海北部通过吕宋海峡与太平洋联通,南部通过马六甲海峡与印度洋联通。

41、Leehom will take his Malaysia tour across the nation and will be in Malacca, Kuala Lumpur and Penang. ─── 力宏本次的马来西亚之行将造访国内各地,包括马六甲、吉隆坡、槟榔屿。

42、In March last year, the singer held a promo tour which covered the Klang Valley, Malacca, Penang, Sarawak and Sabah. ─── 去年3月,他在KlangValley,马六甲,槟榔屿,沙捞越和沙巴举行过宣传巡演。

43、Tagi : , Malaysia , Malacca , Melaka , downtown , Chinatown , area , shopping , food , meal , ─── "吃喝玩乐"团逛马来西亚马六甲的唐人街。

44、In the 1400s, the Sultanate of Malacca established itself and spread Islam through most of the Malay archipelago. To this day, most Malays are Muslim. ─── 十五世纪时,麻六甲苏丹国建国,将伊斯兰教遍传到马来群岛。直到今日,大多数的马来人仍是伊斯兰教徒。

45、Keywords Singapore and Malacca Strait;Oil tank navigation safety;assessment index AHP;fuzzy assessment; ─── 新、马海峡;油轮航行安全;评价指标;层次分析法;模糊评判;

46、The Malacca Straits is one of the most important sea-lanes in the world.The main threat to its security comes from buccaneering assaults. ─── 摘要马六甲海峡是世界上最重要的海上交通航线之一,其安全的主要问题是海盗的袭击。

47、Analyses on the Intention, Influence of the US Military Forces Wanting to Enter and Station in Strait of Malacca ─── 美军欲进驻马六甲海峡的意图及影响

48、LEE HOM was on a promotional tour to Penang, Malacca, the Klang Valley, Sabah and Sarawak recently to promote his latest album, Heroes of Earth. ─── 力宏增进旅游到过槟榔屿、马六甲海峡、巴生谷、沙巴和沙捞越宣传最新专辑《盖世英雄》。

49、This paper discusses the problems in the sea-route of Malacca straitusing the framework of "common security". ─── 本文将用“共同安全”的分析框架来探讨马六甲航道安全问题。

50、At that time , my father heard that the British were planning to retake Singapore and Malaya.Papa brought us by road deep into plantation country outside Malacca Town. We did not come home until after liberation. ─── 当时,父亲听说英国人计划反攻新马两地,他带着我们一家大小从陆路逃难至马六甲镇边缘的一个园丘,直到日军投降后,我们才回返新加坡。

51、Apart from patrolling the sea with the US navy in the Strait of Malacca between Indonesia and Malaysia so as to prevent any acts of piracy, India in recent years has also conducted joint military exercises with Britain, France and Japan. ─── 除与美国海军在印尼与马来西亚之间的麻六甲海峡外海进行海上巡逻以防发生海盗行为之外,印度近年曾与英国、法国和日本举行联合演习。

52、“Our players are a bit tired because we played a Malaysia Cup match against Malacca on Saturday. ─── 呃!运动员有点疲倦,因为我们在星期六对马六甲玩一场马来西亚杯比赛。

53、China's navy doesn't take part in patrolling the Straits of Malacca through which a large portion of its oil passes and where piracy has been an issue in the past. ─── 中国军方并未参与马六甲海峡的护航行动,中国的大部分进口原油都要经过这个海峡,过去当地的海盗活动十分频繁。

54、Malacca is a city with a very long history, the natural conditions, many, many historic sites remains is the epitome of colonial history. ─── 马六甲是一个历史悠久的城市,自然条件优越,历史遗迹众多,许多遗迹也是殖民历史的缩影。

55、30AM, as the night still awaits daybreak, 200 Tzu Chi volunteers have already gathered at the Tzu Chi Chapter in Malacca, ready to celebrate the arrival of Tzu Chi's 42nd anniversary. ─── 清晨四点半,天色未亮,马六甲慈济园区已经集合了200位志工,准备好要迎接慈济第四十二周年的到来。

56、the Straits of Malacca ─── 食烷菌

57、The British took control of Malacca after the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824. ─── 在1824年签订的英荷之后,马六甲海峡的控制权转到了英国人手中。

58、Upon her arrival, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malacca were with Mithusi every step, showering the brave girl with love and care through her recovery. ─── 听到她的到来,马六甲的志工怀持续不断,献上爱与关怀,一路陪伴勇敢的小女孩到康复。

59、Penang was one of the three Straits Settlements under British rule along with Malacca and Singapore. ─── 槟城是三个海峡殖民地英国统治下与马六甲海峡和新加坡。

60、For ships sailing to Japan, the Strait of Malacca is a route that is very dangerous but cannot bypass. ─── 对驶往日本的船只而言,麻六甲海峡是非常危险但又不得不通过的航道。

61、scramble for Malacca between Britain and the Netherlands ─── 英荷争夺马六甲

62、More than four-fifths of crude oil bound for China crosses the Indian Ocean before passing through the narrow Malacca Strait. ─── 超过五分之四的运往中国的原油,在通过狭窄的马六甲海峡之前,需要经过印度洋。

63、"They came not only from China but also Malacca, the Riau islands and other places in the region." ─── 他们不仅来自中国,还来自马六甲、廖内群岛和本区域其他地方。

64、climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for Malacca canes. ─── 斯里兰卡和印度南部的护卫灵因被用于马六甲白藤的茎干的长度而引人注目。

65、The IMB report issued every half-year said that the dangerous sea areas were in sea areas of Indonesia, Bangladesh's outer sea, southern Red Sea and the Strait of Malacca between Indonesia's Sumatra and the western coast of Malaysia. ─── 国际航运理事会每半年一次的报告说,全球最危险的海域在印尼海域,印度海域,孟加拉外海,红海南部海域,以及麻六甲海峡--介于印尼的苏门达腊与马来西亚西岸之间。

66、European merchants coming northwards via the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea, particularly the Portuguese and British, traded extensively through Guangzhou. ─── 欧洲商人,特别是葡萄牙和英国的商人跋山涉水,经过马六甲海峡、南中国海,到达广州进行贸易。

67、Recommended by Morrison, Liang was hired by Milne, whom he followed to Malacca and by whom he was baptized in 1816. ─── 经马礼逊推荐,受雇于米怜,并随之前往马六甲,1816年由米怜施洗。

68、During the peak of the Malacca Sultanate, the Sultan was gifted the Princess Hang Li Poh by the China Emperor. ─── 这座以中国名字命名的山峰是汉丽宝公主从中国带来的随从居住的地方。公主被中国国王远嫁给马六甲苏丹,开始了两国的外交。

69、Floating Upon Str.Of Malacca ─── 漂浮在马六甲海峡

70、5.The Portuguese had a field day when they overran the ancient kingdom of Malacca. ─── 葡萄牙人攻占了古老的马六甲王国后,大肆地庆祝了一番。

71、Mei Yu paints a tarnished picture of Yue Niang in front of Old Mrs Chen, causing her to send someone to Malacca to check up on Yue Niang. ─── 美玉为了阻止月娘嫁入陈家,不惜在陈老太太面前诋毁月娘,指她名声不好,陈老太太派人往马六甲调查。

72、Ships plying between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea have to go through the Strait of Malacca. ─── 来往印度洋和南中国海的船只都要通过马六甲海峡。

73、There was a huge piracy problem around the Strait of Malacca, Defense Secretary Robert M. ─── 在马六甲海峡的周围有一个很大的海盗问题,国防部长罗伯特·M。

74、The water gently laps beneath the deck of our villa, as we admire the sun setting over the Straits of Malacca. ─── 当我们在欣赏马六甲海峡上空的日落时,海水正在我们别墅的露天平台下轻轻敲打着。

75、Malacca cane ─── n. 马六甲手杖, 马六甲白藤(杆)

76、With Tzu Chi's help, 15 year-old Madushi from Sri Lanka is in Malacca, Malaysia to receive treatment for her scoliosis. ─── 经由慈济援助,来自斯里兰卡15岁的玛都昫来到马来西亚马六甲,接受脊椎矫正治疗;

77、Of all the petroleum imported by China over 80 percent is shipped by oil tankers through the Strait of Malacca. ─── 中国进口的所有石油中,百分之80以上是通过油轮经马六甲海峡运输。

78、Abstract: The Malacca Straits is one of the most important sea- lanes in the world.The main threat to its security comes from bueeaneering assaults. ─── 文章摘要: 马六甲海峡是世界上最重要的海上交通航线之一,其安全的主要问题是海盗的袭击。

79、Revenue came not only from tin trade but also from the large amount of taxes collected, much to the displeasure of the traders and the British colonialists at the neighbouring port of Malacca. ─── 收入不仅来自锡贸易,而且还从收集到的大量税收,令贩商的不满,英国殖民主义者在马六甲邻近港口。

80、For those roti bakar (toasted bread) lover in Malacca, i am pretty sure that you all have eaten the roti bakar beside the Equatorial Hotel. ─── 若您是常旅行的人,有时会不会想要有人帮您提一提那累赘的旅行袋。也许,最好的方法就是尽量带少东西去旅行。

81、The church is called Norte Dame Church, just like what we had in Malacca Norte Dame Secondary School.Took some pictures and then go to the post office. ─── 那里的教堂叫圣母教堂,拍了一些照片,我们便到他们的邮政局去。

82、Abstract:600 years ago the great navigator Zheng He commanded a colossal fleet passed through the Strait of Malacca to visit the western seas. ─── 提要:600年前,伟大的航海家郑和率领庞大船队,经过马六甲海峡七下西洋。

83、The Application of Marine Electronic Highway Technology in the Straits of Malacca ─── 海上电子高速公路技术在马六甲海峡的应用

84、Major Cities: Kuala Lumpur, George Town, Ipoh, Johor Bahru, Seremban, Malacca Town, Alor Setar, Kuching ,Kota Bharu, Kuala Trengganu, Kuantan. ─── 主要城市:吉隆坡、乔治城、毗叻、柔佛巴鲁、芙蓉、马六甲城、亚罗士打、晋、哥打巴鲁、瓜拉丁加奴、关丹。

85、Malacca Museum of History dardess in the south of the southern Sao Paulo church, by a 300-year history of the Netherlands into residential areas. ─── 马六甲博物馆在史达德斯以南,圣保罗教堂的南面,由具有300年历史的荷兰民居改建。

86、Smaller Asian navies are expanding as a counterbalance to the big powers, and they have an interest in keeping hands off the choke-point of the Malacca Strait. ─── 其他亚洲小型海军的扩张,只是为了保持与大国的军事平衡,它们愿意把手从马六甲海峡的瓶颈处移开。

87、Major Cities: Kuala Lumpur, George Town, Ipoh, Johor Bahru, Seremban, Malacca Town, Alor Setar, Kuching ,Kota Bharu, Kuala Trengganu, Kuantan, Putrajaya. ─── 主要城市:吉隆坡、乔治城、毗叻、柔佛巴鲁、芙蓉、马六甲城、亚罗士打、晋、哥打巴鲁、瓜拉丁加奴、关丹、普特拉贾亚。

88、Locally, BSA is able to produce 1.2 million pieces from its plants in Selangor and Malacca. ─── 在当地,BSA设在雪兰莪州和马六甲的工厂产能达到了120万。

89、climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for Malacca canes ─── 斯里兰卡和印度南部的护卫灵,因被用于马六甲白藤的茎干的长度而引人注目

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