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09-04 投稿



headline 发音

英:['hedla?n]  美:['h?dla?n]

英:  美:

headline 中文意思翻译



headline 网络释义

n. 大标题;内容提要;栏外标题;头版头条新闻vt. 给…加标题;使成为注意中心;大力宣传

headline 词性/词形变化,headline变形

动词过去式: headlined |动词第三人称单数: headlines |动词现在分词: headlining |动词过去分词: headlined |

headline 短语词组

1、banner headline n. ─── 头号大标题

2、national headline ─── 全国性标题

3、big headline ─── 大标题

4、running headline =running head

5、check the headline ─── 检查标题

6、headline buster ─── 头条新闻破坏者

7、splash headline ─── 显眼的大标题

8、ripped from the headline ─── 摘自标题

9、daily headline ─── 每日标题

10、jump headline ─── 跳转标题

11、newspaper headline ─── [网络] 标题;报纸标题

12、make a headline ─── 制作标题

13、new headline ─── 新建标题

14、make the headline ─── 成为报上的头条新闻,突然出名,轰动一时

15、headline-grabbing adj. ─── 吸引注意力的;(尤指)成为新闻焦点的

16、headline news ─── 标题新闻

17、make headline ─── 制作标题

18、go the headline ─── 转到标题

19、scare headline ─── 耸人听闻的大标题

headline 同义词

headlamp |lamp

headline 反义词


headline 相似词语短语

1、deadline ─── n.最终期限;(监狱范围的)死线

2、headliner ─── n.写标题的记者;头牌人物

3、headlined ─── n.大标题;内容提要;栏外标题;头版头条新闻;vt.给……加标题;使成为注意中心;大力宣传

4、head lice ─── 头虱

5、headliners ─── n.写标题的记者;头牌人物

6、deadlines ─── n.截止日期(deadline的复数)

7、breadline ─── n.贫困线;等待分配救济食物的队伍

8、headlines ─── n.头条(headline复数形式);新闻提要,大字标题;v.给…加标题;出任主角(headline的第三人称单数)

9、headlike ─── 头像

headline 习惯用语

1、splash headline ─── (报纸等) 显眼的大标题

2、make headline s ─── 受到宣扬

headline 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the front page of the paper there was a lead story under the headline "Pig farmer reaps gains from GMO-free soy" . ─── 报纸头版引导文章的标题是“养猪户从非转基因大豆获利”。

2、Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"? ─── 为什么你从来没见过头版头条上写“算命大师中大奖”?

3、The "national" in its headline was a regulatory nuance rather than a description. ─── 它名称里“国家”这两个字并不是对它的描述,而只不过是一个政策上的细微差别而已。

4、One Chinese web portal devoted a special page to reports on the poverty belt, with a headline "so close and yet so far" . ─── 一家中国门户网站专门辟出一个网页用于报道北京、天津的周边贫穷地区的经济状况,其标题是“近在咫尺,却远若天涯”。

5、The headline, he said, should have read: “The Japanese people's amazing inability to be disappointed”. ─── 他说,这个标题应该改为“日本人民对失望无知无觉的本领如此惊人”。

6、One of the news headline on Sina today: Tens of thousands of people line up in Lan Zhou to fight for limited transportation IC card pick up slip. ─── 今天新浪的头条图片新闻:兰州万人争领公交IC卡预约单。

7、A bold black lor=# cc0066>headline screamed out from the front page. ─── 在(纸的)版上出现了一条令人触目惊心的粗黑体大字标题。

8、Oppressing petitioners is no way to govern or to redress their grievances, said the editorial, beneath the headline Stop this cruelty. ─── 该社论的标题为《杜绝野蛮行为》。社论写道,“打压上访者决不是管理或者处理民怨的方法。”

9、Becoming a household name, however, brought its problems for Slater with his every move being headline news. ─── 可是成了大名鼎鼎的人物倒为斯莱特带来了许多麻烦,他的一举一动都成了要闻。

10、By Chelsea standards it's been very quiet. That's probably the headline... both in terms of names and in terms of big spending," Kenyon added. ─── 不过,在香港进行商业活动时被询问的时候,肯扬谨慎的表明切尔西在今夏并没有大手笔转会的计划。

11、That is healthy enough by anyone's standards but the headline number conceals a more astonishing rebound. ─── 对于任何人的标准来说,这个数据已经非常健康了,但是新闻标题中的数字隐藏着一个更惊人的反弹。

12、On March 1, a reader's letter published in Lianhe Zaobao's Forum page with the headline "Feedback from readers taken seriously" caught my eye. ─── 3月1日《联合早报·交流》版刊登了一篇来稿,题为《读者的话管用》。

13、Why don't you ever see the headline! "Psychic Wins Lottery"? ─── 为什么你从来没有见过这个标题"心灵赢得精彩"?

14、When was the last time you remember Randt making a news headline? ─── 你还记得雷德最后一次成为新闻头条是什么时候吗?

15、"Christine Boutin snared by her controversial suggestions about September 11," Le Monde newspaper said in a headline. ─── “我知道,通常这些提到这个问题的网站点击率都很高。我相信,群众的想法是有事实根据的。”

16、Title is used and displayed as a headline in the SPT. ─── Title字段作为标题,在SPT中使用和显示。

17、The frame and headline colum n are important part of engineering drawings. ─── 图框、标题栏是工程图样的一个重要组成部分。

18、In a poll conducted by Star magazine on the 50 Most Annoying People of 2006, Spears captures the crown. "Brit was quite the headline maker this year! ─── 在《明星》杂志开展的“2006年最惹人厌的50大明星”评选活动中,布兰妮位居“厌星”之首。

19、In U.S.A, the president and the vice president are the most important stars of all headline news on TV or newspaper. ─── 在美国总统和副总统是电视和报纸的最重要的明星人物。

20、To give a banner headline to(a story or an item)in a newspaper. ─── 以通栏大字标题在报纸上发表(某个故事或某条消息)

21、China has targeted headline inflation of 4 per cent this year. ─── 中国的目标是将今年的整体通胀率控制在4%。

22、Visitors who read beyond the headline, scan subheadings. ─── 不浏览标题的访问者,会注意副标题。

23、"Gao Xingjian brings glory to Chinese the world over", screamed the headline of Taiwan's mass-circulation China Times daily the next day. ─── 台湾《中国时报》次日的标题非常醒目:“高行健摘桂冠,全球华人荣耀”;

24、Their eyes may fixate on an interesting headline or a stand-out word, but not on other content. ─── 如果看到有趣的标题或特别的词,眼光就会停留,不过不停留在内容块上。

25、Headline CPI inflation has soared since November 2006, to an 11-year high of 6.5%oya in October. ─── 中国的标题消费者价格指数自2006年11月起节节攀升,2007年11月更创下了6.5%的十一年来的历史最高值。

26、You can easily add body text underneath any headline. ─── 你能在任何标题的下面加入正文。

27、He worked as a copywriter for Volkswagen in DDB Barcelona in 1992, where he learned to respect Bernbach and the power of a good headline. ─── 1992年,他成为了DDB巴塞罗那公司的文案,为大众汽车服务。在那里他学会了尊重大师伯恩巴克,并明白了一条好标题的威力。

28、ran the story under the headline 'Home at last!'. ─── 刊登这个报道的大标题为“终于回家了!”。

29、His father is the subject of all headline news today. ─── 告诉你,他,和今天全世界最瞩目的新闻人物有着最直接的关系。

30、The following headline appeared in several London newspapers recently: "A Privatisation Too Far". ─── 下面这个标题最近出现在几份伦敦报纸上:“做过了头的私有化”。

31、An advertisement or headline designed to catch the eye. ─── 夸张的广告为引人注意而设计的广告或大标题

32、But the marriage was not quite as close as the headline figures suggested. ─── 但是两国联姻并不像一些标题数据所表现的那么亲密。

33、If it is a headline or subhead style, you will want a body type style to follow. ─── 如果是标题或下级标题样式,将需要跟随正文样式。

34、He became a general- assignment anchor at CNN Headline News in July. ─── 他从7月份开始担任有线新闻电视公司(CNN)(标题新闻)栏目的总编排。

35、The headline gives away most of the important information, but it's good news for the Lakers. ─── 今天的头条新闻我们看到最重要的消息,而且对于湖人来说是好消息。

36、The following example shows a simple page that displays a headline at run time. ─── 下面的示例显示一个简单页,该页在运行时显示标题新闻。

37、Exclusive type area Type area exclusive of headline and folio See inclusive type area. ─── 内文版度不包括书眉和页码在内的版尺寸。参阅书页版度。

38、Headline style may be used for titles in a language that normally use this style. ─── 在使用的特定语言中,有些标题要求特定的大标题格式。

39、If you get stuck writing a headline use the words "How To" - It's been said there's never been a bad "how to" headline. ─── 如果你要将标题写下来,请用“如何”这个词——这也就是说,从来没有一个糟糕的“如何”标题。

40、"I will not go to UEFA," read the headline of the Rome-based newspaper. ─── “我不会取欧足联。”这是罗马当地报纸的头条。

41、He displayed headline as evidence. ─── 他把一些标题摆出来作证。

42、Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency? ─── 你有没有看格林被提名为总统候选人的大标题?

43、"Desperate housewife," Liberation daily said in a headline. ─── 《解放日报》在一篇报道的标题中称塞西莉亚为“绝望主妇”。

44、Ian Gregson, Postmodern Literature, Arnold, a member of the Hodder Headline Group, London, 2004, p.15. ─── 作者简介:金学品,华东师范大学比较文学与世界文学博士生,湖北省孝感学院外国语学院讲师。

45、He had brightened at having his name in headline again. ─── 他因自己的名字再次出现在大字标题上而喜形于色。

46、To give a banner headline to(a story or an item) in a newspaper. ─── 以通栏大字标题在报纸上发表(某个故事或某条消息)。

47、How will you know which headline is the best overall? ─── 你如何知道哪个是最好的整体头条?

48、"Reality Crisis" read the headline. ─── “现实的危机”醒目的标题映入她的眼帘。

49、But if each of your ads has a distinct headline, you'll see an entry for each ad. ─── 但是,如果每个广告具有明显的标题,您会看到一个项目的每个广告。

50、Largely it is a bit of froth without substance that pontlessly denigrates the Dalai Lama to deliver a punchy headline. ─── 因此,他需要和能帮助他吸引全世界注意力的人保持联系。

51、Both newspapers carried the same banner headline, "Where are you, Mr. President?" ─── 两份报纸刊登了相同的头版通栏大标题:“总统先生,你在哪里?”

52、JB: You're great at these things DC, I cannot wait for the headline!(Laughter). ─── 大卫-库塔:我只是在家花了一些私人的时间。我骑了骑山地自行车、徒步旅行以及追我的未婚妻,类似这样的事情。

53、Carmen: Yes, just a moment. Here are all the documents filed in the headline of the East Textile Mill. Do you need anything else? ─── 好的,请稍等。这就是所有东方纺织厂的有关文件。您还要别的文件吗?

54、"Gao Xingjian brings glory to Chinese the world over",screamed the headline of Taiwan's mass-circulation China Times daily the next day. ─── 台湾《中国时报》次日的标题非常醒目:“高行健摘桂冠,全球华人荣耀”。

55、One headline, why believe it? ─── 一则头条新闻,干嘛相信它?

56、Why don' t you ever see the headline!& quot; Psychic Wins Lottery& quot;? ─── 为什么你从来没见过头版头条写!“算命师中大奖”?

57、A bold black headline screamed out from the front page. ─── 在头版上出现了一条令人触目惊心的粗黑体大字标题。

58、"Boy Saves Dog of Famous Actress", the headline said. ─── “男孩拯救著名女演员的宠物狗,”标题写到。

59、So what was the headline on an Associated Press analysis of that breakdown in negotiations? ─── 那么,美联社对谈判决裂新闻分析的标题是什么?

60、As elsewhere in Asia, higher prices for oil and food are the main cause of the jump in headline inflation. ─── 就像亚洲的其他国家一样,油价和食物价格的提高是目前通货膨胀的主要原因。

61、Headline RPI, which includes mortgage payments, is often used as a basis in pay negotiations. ─── 包括抵押付款的零售价格指数,常被用作工资谈判的基准。

62、While the fiscal balance has experienced cyclical improvement, the headline figure grossly understates fiscal strain. ─── 产能过剩问题日趋加剧也体现在非食品类商品通胀率停滞不前。

63、But extremely short descenders can also be a smart decision, while creating a display or headline type. ─── 但很短的下伸部也可能是一个聪明的决定,当它用于特排字体或者标题字体的时候。

64、Exclusive type area: Type area exclusive of headline and folio. ─── 内文版度:不包括书眉和页码在内的版尺寸。

65、"Exodus to countryside creates litter mountain" read a headline in the South China Morning Post on May 28. ─── “涌向乡村的人们造就了垃圾山”,这是5月28日香港《南华早报》一条新闻的标题。

66、Part of the Stamford Bridge project involved creating newspaper front pages with many a Chelsea headline used! ─── 在斯坦福桥的计划中的一部份包括了创作报纸头版,当中还使用了很多与切尔西有关的新闻标题!

67、Fury over tax increases(= as a newspaper headline). ─── 对增税极端愤怒(作报纸标题)。

68、The word Sums was written on the headline. ─── 头一行标着算术字样。

69、The combination of administrative and market measures being taken seems to have been quite effective, when judged by the headline economic numbers. ─── 从主要经济数据来看,内地结合行政与市场的调控措施似乎取得颇大成效。

70、Did you read the headline news today? ─── 你读了今天的头条新闻没?

71、The Sunday Times ran an article headline. ─── 《星期日泰晤士报》登载了一篇标题为"X兄弟们"的文章。

72、Next comes the work...about four hours of penciling, inking, touch-ups and stripping in the headline and bi-line. ─── 就我而言,我把它只是记下来。可以用铅笔用墨水笔修饰并且在标题,放在那里脱水4个小时。

73、In the sportsclub example you will want to add Soccer news, Bandy news, etc, in addition to Headline. ─── 在体育俱乐部的例子中,除了新闻头条外,你要加入美式足球的新闻、曲棍球新闻等等。

74、Can you tell me the outline of the passage under the headline ? ─── 你能告诉我大标题下面的那段文章的要点吗?

75、On the bus I always manage to glance at the headline in the newspaper. ─── 在公共汽车上我总能设法匆匆看一眼报纸大标题。

76、Verbalization happens post facto, the residue of headline skimming and subconscious synthesis. ─── 事实上除了大字标题和第一印象的总结以外,满眼的冗长。

77、Please, Clutch, can we make that the headline of the homepage? ─── 喂,版主,能不能把这个放在主页的头条?

78、Expand the headline in the lead paragraph. ─── 在扩大领先头条段.

79、Inclusive type area: Type area inclusive of headline and folio. See Exclusive type area. ─── 书页版度(版心面积):包括书眉和页码在内的版心面积。参阅内文版度。

80、Headline RPI, which includes mortgage payments, is often used as a basis in pay negotiations. ─── 包括抵押付款的零售价格指数,常被用作工资谈判的基准。

81、Keep up to date with the latest news with HeadLine - the mobile RSS NewsReader! Connect to any Internet RSS feed and read wherever you are. ─── 可以与最新的新闻头条同步,获取最新的RSS新闻头条。

82、Mr Lipsky said global growth was slowing but headline inflation was “accelerating”. ─── 利普斯基表示,全球增长正在放缓,但整体通胀正在“加速”。

83、However, it detection in everyday foods made headline news when the results were first announced. ─── 但是因为这是发生在我们的日常食品中,而使得此发现在刚被公布时引起相当的注意。

84、Boxed head A headline or title within a box. ─── 加上线框的标题或题目。

85、Ten shot dead by gunmen,' ran the newspaper headline. ─── 报纸的标题为“枪手击毙十人”。

86、The headline glared from the page. ─── 大标题突出在这一页

87、The following example shows a simple Web page that displays a headline at run time. ─── 下面的示例显示一个简单网页,该页在运行时显示标题新闻。

88、An RSS feed consists of a list of items, each of which contains a headline, summary, and a link back to the full-text article on the web. ─── RSS馈料是由项目表构成,每一项目是标题,摘要,全文联线。

89、Headline retail sales unexpectedly fell 0.4 per cent in April after a downwardly revised 1.3 per cent decline in March. ─── 4月份美国广义零售销售额意外下跌0.4%,3月份数据向下修正至减少1.3%。

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