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estuaries 发音

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estuaries 中文意思翻译



estuaries 同义词

oestrus |heat | rut

estuaries 词性/词形变化,estuaries变形

名词复数: estuaries |形容词: estuarial |

estuaries 反义词


estuaries 相似词语短语

1、estuarian ─── 会是

2、vestiaries ─── adj.服装的;n.藏衣室

3、actuaries ─── n.精算师;[保险]保险计算员(actuary的复数形式)

4、bestiaries ─── n.动物寓言集

5、estuarine ─── adj.河口的,江口的

6、estuarial ─── adj.港湾的

7、ostiaries ─── n.看门人

8、textuaries ─── 诠释学家

9、ossuaries ─── n.藏骨堂;骨罐

estuaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、estuaries and coasts ─── 河口海岸

2、Estuaries, the confluence zones between river and sea, show a complex dynamic behavior.Saltwater intrusion can lead to a more or less well-defined salt wedge with associated with density current. ─── 摘要河口位于河与海交界之通道,具有复杂的动力特性,盐分入侵可以导致或多或少的盐楔并伴随著密度流。

3、Analysis of the calculated value reveals some peculiar characteristics of tidal flow in estuaries of strong tide as in Qiantang Estuary which are somewhat different from that in other estuaries. ─── 分析计算结果,可以揭示出像钱塘江这样的强潮河口的一些不同于其他河口的特殊潮流特性。

4、They postulate that the tern occurs in estuaries, which is supported by our observations - the Matsu Islands are located near the mouth of the Ming River in the Peoples Republic of China. ─── 他们假定燕鸥出现在河口,这是我们观察所支持的论点-马祖列岛接近中华人民共和国闽江河口。

5、Nine different environments exist within the Everglades. They include mangrove and cypress swamps, estuaries and coastal marshes. ─── 在此包括红树群落、柏树沼泽区、江河湾和海滨沼泽在内的九种不同的生态系统并存。

6、Hydrodynamic mechanism of flood tide channel formation at estuaries ─── 河口涨潮沟形成水动力机制初探

7、These characteristics make spartina a valuable component of the estuaries where it occurs naturally. ─── 这些特点使自然生长的米草成为河口的宝贵组成部分。

8、any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries ─── 多数涉水鸟,经常出现在海滨和河口

9、"Now, many of their estuaries and coastal seas are suffering the same malady. ─── 但是现在,那里的许多河口和沿海地区却出现了同样的问题。

10、There were the Hadrian's wall running from Carlisle to Newcastle, and the Antonine wall linking the estuaries of the Forth and the Clyde. ─── 一条是哈德良长城,从卡莱尔到纽卡斯尔,另一条是链接福斯河口和克莱德河口的安东尼长城。

11、Restore America's Estuaries ─── 恢复美国的河口

12、commonly found in tropical bays and estuaries; not aggressive. ─── 一般生活在热带海湾及江口;没有攻击性。


14、Based on our investigative data for Tokyo Bay, Ise Bay, and Hamana Lake in Japan , thispaper compared the concentration and saturation factor of the dissolved methane in seawater of these three estuaries. ─── 本文基于日本东京湾、伊势湾和浜名湖的调查资料,详细地比较了这3个海湾海水中的溶存甲烷浓度、饱和度。

15、The latter sedimentary feature is common in estuaries where the development of cut-and-fill deposits of sand is strongly influenced by tidal movements ─── 后一种沉积特征在港湾内很普遍,在那里沙层沉积的切割和充填的发育受到潮汐运动的强烈影响。

16、"Some of the estuaries fishes were retrieved from what are now parking lots, " Hastings said. ─── “有些地方甚至变成了停车场,某些河口鱼类的标本算是被抢救性的发掘了出来,”黑斯廷斯说。

17、Abstract: Siltation in the downstream area is the key problem of construction of a barrage in tidal estuaries. ─── 文章摘要: 潮汐河口建闸的关键问题是闸下淤积。

18、Exploring water resources in estuaries---the new concept of bayou reservoir ─── 入海水资源开发--新型海湾水库构思

19、With fisheries and estuaries closed, they cannot easily find other jobs. ─── 随着渔场和和河口场的关闭,他们很难找到其他工作。

20、GCM A Compact, Low-Cost GPS Drifter for Use in the Oceanic Nearshore Zone, Lakes, and Estuaries. ─── 一个简单低成本近海区域、湖泊和河口。

21、The regulation of estuaries;the sediment transport problems in harbors and navigation channels;the environmental problems in water intakes and outlets of electricity plants. ─── 多从事河口整治、港口航道建设中的泥沙问题、电厂取排水口布置等咨询业务。

22、The significance in the study of PAHs in aquatic sediment was given and a survey on PAHs pollution in surface sediments from both domestic and oversea rivers,estuaries and coastal zones was made. ─── 提出了研究水体沉积物中多环芳烃的意义;针对国内外河流、河口及海岸带水体沉积物中多环芳烃污染状况的环境调查进行了评议,并就国内典型区域进行了污染特征及来源的剖析;

23、In October, the United Nations Environment Program declared the Yangtze and Pearl River estuaries dead zones. The water doesn't have enough oxygen in it to support fish. ─── 去年十月,联合国环境署宣布扬子江及珠江入海口为死水区。这两处地区水的含氧量不足以维持鱼类的生存。

24、The idea first sounded odd to Dave Hedlin, whose farmlands are nestled among inlets, bays, and estuaries in the shadow of the snowcapped Mount Baker volcano. ─── 对于DaveHedlin,一个在贝克尔火山脚下的港口,水湾,河口都有农田农夫来说,这个主意最初听起来很古怪。

25、Some of the estuaries fishes were retrieved from what are now parking lots,” Hastings said. ─── 有些地方甚至变成了停车场,某些河口鱼类的标本算是被抢救性的发掘了出来,”黑斯廷斯说。

26、For cultivation, elvers of the eel are caught from the wild population in estuaries during their upstream migration. ─── 为了养殖的目的,渔民于河口域捕获即将溯河的野生鳗线族群。

27、Found mostly inshore: chiefly in bays, inlets and estuaries, sometimes in low salinities. ─── 大部分配现于近海:主要地在海湾,小水湾与河口中,有时在低的盐度。

28、Defecation in bays, estuaries, or lagoons where fish or shellfish are caught should be greatly discouraged, since this may be a source of infection. ─── 在海湾、河口或者泻湖等捕鱼和采集贝类的地方排泄更加不能鼓励,因为这样可以形成污染源。

29、Chen Jiyu; Yun Caixing; Xu Haigen; Dong Yougfa (Institute of Estuaries and Coast Shanghai Normal University); ─── 上海师范大学河口海岸研究所;

30、Erosion-control design for sea wall foundation at strong tidal estuaries ─── 强潮河口海塘基础防冲设计研讨

31、HABITAT Narwhals live in the icy waters of the Arctic seas. They rarely stray far from ice. In summer they infrequently enter estuaries, deep fjords, and bays. ─── 习性:独角鲸生活在北冰洋的冰水中。它们很少会远离冰块。夏天的时候,它们很少进入河口,深峡湾和海湾。

32、Often found in enclosed bays and estuaries (Ref. 247).Reported to enter freshwater (Ref. 11980) but cannot survive there for more than a few hours (Ref. 247). ─── (参考文献247)报告进入淡水(参考文献11980)但是不能够在那里存活超过个小时.(参考文献247)鱼群主要地分离依大小与性别;

33、If you prefer to see other animals, then join them while they swim in the winter months with Florida manatees up tidal estuaries and rivers to keep warm. ─── 如果你想看看其他的动物,不妨在冬季时分跟著他们到佛罗里达州,与海牛一起顺著河口三角洲及河流的潮汐上溯去避寒。

34、"In addition, we pump 11bn litres of water from houses and factories into our rivers and estuaries every day, and these are also spreading resistance. ─── 此外,我们每天都要向河流中排放11亿升来自工厂和住宅的废水,这些也会使抗药性蔓延。”

35、hydrological regime in estuaries ─── 河口水文

36、of or relating to or found in estuaries. ─── 在港湾中形成(或淤积的)或与之相关。

37、any creeping semiaquatic feather palm of the genus Nipa found in mangrove swamps and tidal estuaries; ─── 分布在美洲红树沼泽和河口三角洲一带的利珀属植物,半水生,鳞状树干;

38、The rehabilitation of Three Estuaries and the development of New Seaside Region ─── 三河口治理与滨海新区发展

39、Since estuaries protect animals and plants from storms and floods and prevent erosion, protecting them is very important. ─── 既然河口能保护动植物免受暴雨和洪水之苦,防止它受到侵蚀,保护河口就显得非常重要.

40、Estuaries are the homes of thousands of animals and plants. ─── 入海口是成千上万种动植物的栖息地。

41、Access to ESTUARIES and CHESAPEAKE SCIENCE Online; Instructions to Authors ─── 期刊内容;著者指南

42、We also recognize the diversity and complexity of controlling in fluences in estuaries. ─── 我们也认识到在河湾内控制影响的多样性和复杂性。

43、Its mission is to preserve the nation's network of estuaries by protecting and restoring the lands and waters essential to the richness and diversity of coastal life. ─── 其目的是通过保护和恢复陆地和水系以维持海滨生物的丰富性和多样性,从而保护国家的河口网络。

44、Barramundi Where: tropical freshwater rivers and estuaries, inshore reefs, tropical freshwater dams. ─── 地点:热带淡水河,河口,近海珊瑚,热带淡水水库。

45、Occurs in estuaries and tidal zone of rivers. Prefers fresh water, rarely found in brackish water. Feeds on small fishes and invertebrates, including mosquito larvae (Ref. 12693). ─── 出现于河口与河的潮间带。偏爱淡水,很少地发现于半淡咸水。吃小鱼与无脊椎动物,包括蚊虫幼生。(参考文献12693

46、Qidong Zhongye lubrication equipment Co.,Ltd. located at the north shore of Yangtze River estuaries - north industry garden,Qidong economic development zone. ─── 启东中冶润滑设备有限公司位于万里长江入海口北岸-启东经济技术开发区城北工业园。

47、In many estuaries on the eastern seaboard of the U.S., oysters act as ecosystem engineers by accumulating into huge reefs rising several meters from the seabed; ─── 在美国东岸,许多沿海河口都有牡蛎生长,牠们就像生态系的工程师,从海床层层堆叠出数尺高的大型礁岩。

48、Nutrients arrive in estuaries from both the land and the ocean. ─── 从陆地和海洋来的营养成分到达入海口。

49、Measures must be taken to protect the aquatic resources when building harbours and oil terminals, as well as water conservancy facilities and tidal power stations in estuaries. ─── 建造港口、油码头,兴建入海河口水利和潮汐发电工程,必须采取措施,保护水产资源。

50、For example, development of estuaries or marsh areas may indirectly affect wildlife and marine life, thereby impinging on the interests of hunters and fishermen. ─── 例如,开发港湾和沼泽地可能会间接地影响野生动物和海生动物,因此,这就侵害了猎人和渔民的利益。

51、Fishery: Caught in coastal estuaries along northern Australian coastline. Very popular angling species. ─── 渔业:通常在北澳洲海湾及入海口捕捞。非常受欢迎的品种之一。

52、(4) Compared with other estuaries in China, more macrozoobenthos species were found in Jiaojiang Estuary, which may be related with its wide estuarine gate geographically. ─── (4)与国内其他河口近几年的调查数据相比,椒江口潮间带发现的大型底栖动物种数较高,且存在开敞型河口潮间带大型底栖动物种数大于内湾河口潮间带的现象。

53、Also,this approach could give reference value to silt problems of other estuaries. ─── 其中的研究方法对其它河口的泥沙问题研究具有一定的参考价值。

54、The toxical organotins universally were found in the estuaries and coasts. ─── 有机锡是普遍存在于港口海域中的毒性化合物,沉积物是其重要的栖息地。

55、Based on the morphological characteristics of riverbed of tidal estuaries, a calculation formula for the widening rate of the estuarine regulation line is derived. ─── 摘要根据潮汐河口河床形态关系,推导了河口治导线放宽率的计算式。

56、PARCS is an NSF/ARCSS initiative to study the paleoclimate of Arctic Lakes and Estuaries. ─── “古环境北极科学”是美国国家科学基金会/北极系统科学研究北极的湖与河口古气候学的一次行动。

57、current in estuaries ─── 河口水流

58、any creeping semiaquatic feather palm of the genus Nipa found in mangrove swamps and tidal estuaries; its sap is used for a liquor; leaves are used for thatch; fruit has edible seeds. ─── 分布在美洲红树沼泽和河口三角洲一带的利珀属植物,半水生,鳞状树干;树液用于液剂;叶可用来盖茅草房;果实的种子可食。

59、estuaries of five rivers ─── 五河入湖口

60、It's certain that estuaries contribute much tothe economy throughtourism and fishing. ─── 毋庸置疑,河口通过旅游业和捕鱼业活跃了经济。

61、sediment movement in estuaries ─── 河口泥沙运动

62、any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries. ─── 多数涉水鸟,经常出现在海滨和河口。

63、This web site provides information about RAE's intorduction, the statuses and main disposals of Estuaries and RAE's members, etc. ─── 本网站的内容包括:关于RAE及其活动的信息、各地方河口状况及主要处理办法的介绍资料,以及有关RAE成员的资料等。

64、In Asia, people living in coastal areas have many hundreds of years of experience producing shrimps using ponds located adjacent to bays or estuaries. ─── 亚洲沿海居民数百年前已开始在海湾或河口地区建立虾塘养虾。

65、Barramundi Where: tropical freshwater rivers and estuaries, inshore reefs, tropical freshwater dams. ─── 地点:热带淡水河,河口,近海珊瑚,热带淡水水库


67、Phosphorus-laden water has also seeped into the St Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries, poisoning oyster beds and causing harmful algae blooms. ─── 富磷污水也已经渗入圣鲁西和克卢萨哈奇河口,污染了牡蛎养殖场,并导致有害藻类的大量繁殖。

68、Spawns in inlets, bays and also estuaries, probably throughout the year but mainly in late spring to early autumn and especially about November to February. ─── 产卵在小水湾,海湾以及河口,一整年都有可能但是主要在春末到秋初与尤其大约十一月到二月。

69、Besides the normal sea, foraminifers inhabit some littoral-marginal environments such as lagoons and estuaries, as well as inland relict seas left over by marine regression. ─── 正>一、前言有孔虫是典型的海洋生物,在河湖等淡水水域和与海洋毫无关系的咸水湖沼里,都没有有孔虫,因此,它是海相和海陆过渡相及残留海的指相化石之一。

70、But because the Rena is close to shore, the oil could still foul delicate estuaries in an area known for its pristine environment. ─── 但由于“雷纳”号搁浅的地方临近海岸,泄漏的油污仍然会破坏河口地区原有的生态环境。

71、commonly found in tropical bays and estuaries; not aggressive ─── 一般生活在热带海湾及江口;没有攻击性

72、Research in fluvial geomorphology in China during the past 30 years was mainly along the lines of valley geomorphology, channel geomorphology, estuaries and deltas. ─── 三十年来我国河流地貌的研究主要为河谷地貌、河床演变和河口三角洲。

73、Everywhere there are lagoons, estuaries, where the tide goes high into our lands; ─── 只要是在海边的礁岩地带,或是河流的入海口,都属于汽水域。

74、The abundance of chaetognaths showed no significant correlation with temperature in both estuaries, but displayed higher relationships to salinity and copepods. ─── 两河口域之毛颚类丰度与水表层温度均无显著的相关性;与水表层盐度及桡足类丰度则有较高的正相关。

75、With its uniquely shaped bill, the lower mandible is much longer than the upper one, skimmer birds feed on small fish by flying open-mouthed over the surface of estuaries and rivers. ─── 剪嘴鸥有着独特的成形鸟喙,它的下颚比上颚长很多。它们大张着鸟喙低飞过河口或河流的水面,捕捉小鱼为食。


77、The Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Research, and the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC), is devoted to undertake the applied basic research on estuaries and coast. ─── 河口海岸科学研究院与河口海岸学国家重点实验室,主要从事河口海岸的应用基础研究,研究方向为:河口演变规律与河口沉积动力学;

78、Estuaries are great places for nature's young ones. ─── 什么时候是变成形容词的?

79、In fact, study on trace-making organisms and their traces in small estuaries can more effectively and directly provide theoretical evidence and biological and trace marks for estuary study. ─── 事实上,小型河口湾的造迹动物及其遗迹的研究能够更有效、更直接地为河口湾的研究提供理论依据及生物和遗迹标志,意义重大。

80、The coastal area of Belize is an outstanding natural system consisting of the largest barrier reef in the northern hemisphere, offshore atolls, several hundred sand cays, mangrove forests, coastal lagoons and estuaries. ─── 伯利兹的海岸是北半球最大的堤礁自然生态系统,它由近海环礁、几百个沙洲、美洲红树林、沿海泻湖、港湾等组成。

81、Areas like this, where freshwater meets the ocean, create dazzlingly diverse ecosystems called estuaries. ─── 在这样的地区里,淡水湖与海洋相遇,创建了一个名为河口的多种多样、光辉灿烂的生态系统。

82、Unfortunately, this function also makes estuaries very sensitive to enviro-mental pollution. ─── 不幸的是,这个作用也使河口对环境污染很敏感。

83、Reclaiming land from seawaters in estuaries mentioned in the preceding paragraph should conform to the planning for controlling estuaries. ─── 在前面提到的入海河口围海造地,应当符合河口整治规划。

84、At the same time, studies on estuaries are mainly restricted on those large rivers. ─── 同时,对河口湾的研究更多是集中于大江大河。

85、Estuaries absorb nutrients and pollutants from inland. ─── 河口吸收来自内陆的各种营养物和污染物。

86、Increased salinity in estuaries could reduce the abundance of freshwater species but could increase the presence of marine species. ─── 河口水质变咸可会减少淡水鱼的品种数目,相反该地区海洋鱼类的品种也可能相对增多。

87、Second,Dr Worm considered estuaries. ─── 接着,沃姆博士研究了河口地区。

88、Mangroves are a group of the intertidal plants with unrelated phylogenetic affinity distributed in regions of estuaries, riverbanks or along the coastlines of tropical and subtropical areas. ─── 中文摘要红树林为一群具不同亲缘关系,生长于热带及亚热带河口与海岸地区的维管束植物,主要为乔木及灌木所构成之森林。

89、Impact of human activities on salt water intrusion in estuaries ─── 人类活动对河口咸水入侵的影响

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