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Dravidian 发音

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Dravidian 中文意思翻译




Dravidian 网络释义

n. 德拉威语;德拉威人adj. 德拉威族人的;德拉威人的

Dravidian 短语词组

1、South Dravidian ─── [网络] 南Dravidian

2、North Dravidian ─── [网络] 北Dravidian

3、Central Dravidian ─── [网络] 中央Dravidian

4、South-Central Dravidian ─── [网络] 南中央Dravidian

5、Dravidian languages n. ─── 达罗毗荼诸语言

6、Dravidian language na. ─── 德拉维语

Dravidian 相似词语短语

1、davidia ─── n.珙桐属

2、Dravidian ─── n.德拉威语;德拉威人;adj.德拉威族人的;德拉威人的

3、Dravidic ─── n.德拉威人;德拉威语;adj.德拉威人的

4、davidias ─── 戴维迪亚斯

5、Ovidian ─── adj.奥维德的;奥维德诗的;奥维德诗歌风格的

6、Dravida ─── n.达罗毗荼(印度地名)

7、acaridian ─── 阿卡里亚语

8、avidin ─── n.[生化]抗生物素蛋白;[生化]卵白素;亲和素

9、Dravidians ─── 德拉威人

Dravidian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a Dravidian language spoken primarily in south central India ─── 主要分布在印度南部中心的德拉维甸语

2、Among the many descendants of Brahmi are Devanagari (used for Sanskrit, Hindi, and other Indian languages), the Bengali and Gujarati scripts, and those of the Dravidian languages. ─── 婆罗米语的众多后裔当中,有梵文字母(用于梵语、北印度语和其他的印度语言)、孟加拉语和古吉拉特语,还有德拉威语。

3、The Dravidian language of the Gonds. ─── 冈德语冈德人的达罗毗荼语

4、a member of a Dravidian people living on the SW coast of India ─── 居住在南亚次大陆西南海岸线的德拉威人民族

5、a Dravidian language spoke by the Savara people in SE India (north of Madras). ─── 印度东南(摩达罗北部)的萨瓦拉人所说的德拉维甸语。

6、There has also been reciprocal influence between Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages. ─── 梵语和德拉威语也是相互影响。

7、the Dravidian language spoken by the Kolam people in central India. ─── 印度中心的科拿米人所说的德拉维甸语。

8、a Dravidian language spoken by the Telugu people in SE India. ─── 印度东南的泰卢固人所说的德拉维甸语。

9、a Dravidian language spoken primarily in southern India. ─── 主要在印度南部说的德拉维甸语。

10、32. a Dravidian language spoken primarily in eastern India. ─── 主要分布在印度东部的德拉维甸语。

11、Sanskrit was the language spoken by Aryan invaders and local inhabitants spoke various dialects of Dravidian and Munda languages. ─── Sanskrit是语言由Aryan侵略者讲了话并且地方居民讲了Dravidian和Munda语言各种各样的方言。

12、Its fabulously rich princes built Dravidian temples and palaces which won the admiration of travellers between the 14th and 16th centuries. ─── 14至16世纪期间,富可敌国的王子们建造许多德拉威庙宇和富丽堂皇的宫殿,它们至今仍吸引世界各地的旅行者。

13、If the Aryan language gradually replaced the Dravidian, features from Dravidian would form a "substratum" in Aryan. ─── 如果雅利安语逐渐取代了德拉威语,德拉威语的特征会“埋藏”在雅利安语里面。

14、A Dravidian language spoken in the state of Kerala on the Malabar Coast of southwest India. ─── 马拉雅拉姆语印度西南马拉巴尔海岸的喀拉拉邦所使用的一种达罗毗荼语

15、a Dravidian language spoken by the Gond people in S central India. ─── 印度南部中心的贡迪人所说的德拉维甸语。

16、a Dravidian language spoken by the Tulu people. ─── 图鲁人所说的德拉维甸语。

17、a member of a Dravidian people living in Pakistan ─── 一个住在巴基斯坦的德拉威族的一员

18、There are many Dravidian influences visible in the Vedic texts. ─── 在吠陀文献里明显见到多处受到德拉威语的影响。

19、Upon their entry in South Asia the Aryans encountered the Dravidian languages. ─── 在他们的词条在南亚Aryans遇到了Dravidian语言。

20、a Dravidian language spoken by the Kota people. ─── 哥打人所说的德拉维甸语。

21、a member of the Dravidian people living in N Bengal in eastern India. ─── 住在东印度北孟加拉的德拉威人。

22、the Dravidian language spoken by the Kolam people in central India ─── 印度中心的科拿米人所说的德拉维甸语

23、However, there are also many subsidiary shrines within temple complexes, more particularly in the South Indian (the Dravidian style) temple. ─── 然而,在错纵复杂的庙宇里面也有很多辅助性的神殿,在南印度(德拉威人方式)的庙宇更加显著。

24、Moreover, the presence of Dravidian speakers throughout the whole subcontinent at any time in history is not attested. ─── 此外,讲述德拉威语的人是否在任何时期和任何历史都遍及整个次大陆还没有证实。

25、Other major families include, in Asia, Sino-Tibetan, Austronesian, Dravidian, Altaic, and Austroasiatic; ─── 其他主要语族有,亚洲的汉藏诸语言、南岛诸语言、达罗毗荼诸语言、阿尔泰诸语言和南亚诸语言;

26、The governor of a province, a cotton millionaire, a half-starved Dravidian coolie, a British private soldier were all equally human beings, to be approached in much the same way. ─── 一位省督、一位棉花百万富翁、一位饿得半死的德拉威人苦力、一位英国列兵,都是应以差不多同样方式接近的平等的人。

27、but it cannot be proved that all people of this type originally spoke Dravidian languages or that all followed the same culture. ─── 遍布在南亚或东南亚的尼格罗人原始澳大利亚类型人也同样多,甚至更加多。

28、Each region adapted the script of the local vernacular, whether Indo-Aryan or Dravidian. ─── 每种宗教都使用本国当地的文献,不管印度雅利安人还是德拉威人。

29、He was an Indian, a black Dravidian coolie, almost naked, and he could not have been dead many minutes. ─── 他是个印度人,一个黑皮肤的德拉维苦力,身上几乎一丝不挂,死去没有几分钟。

30、A member of a Dravidian people of southern India and northern Sri Lanka. ─── 泰米尔人一支居住在印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的德拉威人的成员

31、A member of any of the peoples that speak one of the Dravidian languages, especially a member of one of the pre-Indo-European peoples of southern India. ─── 说达罗毗荼语的人说任一种达罗毗荼语的人,特别是指印度南部前印欧人成员

32、Ethnic Composition: a mixture of Sinhalese, Dravidian, Arab and Black. ─── 民族:(斯里兰卡)僧伽罗人、(印度的)达罗毗荼人、阿拉伯人和黑人的混合民族。

33、a Dravidian language spoken by the Gond people in S central India ─── 印度南部中心的贡迪人所说的德拉维甸语

34、a member of a Dravidian people inhabiting central India ─── 居住在印度中部的德拉维人

35、Since different Dravidian languages were spoken in different part of the country, many kinds of Prakrits came into existence. ─── 因为不同的Dravidian语言讲了话在国家的另外部份,许多Prakrits进入了存在。

36、an isolated Dravidian language spoken by the Brahui people in Pakistan ─── 巴基斯坦的布拉灰人所说的一种孤立的德拉维甸语

37、a member of a Dravidian people living in Pakistan. ─── 一个住在巴基斯坦德拉威人民族。

38、Ethnic Composition: a mixture of Sinhalese, Dravidian, Arab and Black. ─── 民族: (斯里兰卡)僧伽罗人、 (印度的)达罗毗荼人、 阿拉伯人和黑人的混合民族。

39、Base 8 languages are rare in the world, but it does appear that early Dravidian is base 8, but later changed to base 10 (possibly under Indo-European influence). ─── 事实上没有代表8的垂直线符号,非常可能是意味着哈拉帕语言的基数是8。

40、Dravidian language ─── 德拉维语(流行于印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的一个语族)

41、These seventh and eighth century Dravidian relics with Buddhist elements are temples to the Hindu gods Vishnu and Shiva. ─── 这些七世纪和八世纪时的带有佛教色彩的德拉威遗迹是印度教的神毗湿奴和湿婆的神庙。

42、Lacy tree branches cast their shadows on the Five Raths, seventh century Dravidian shrines to Hindu gods each carved from a single, massive granite boulder. ─── 春羽树的枝条在五车神庙上投下阴影,这里是七世纪时期达罗毗萘人祭祀印度教诸神的圣坛,每一座神庙都是用一整块巨大的花岗岩卵石雕刻而成。

43、These seventh and eighth century Dravidian relics with Buddhist elements are temples to the Hindu gods Vishnu and Shiva. ─── 这些七世纪和八世纪时的带有佛教色彩的德拉威遗迹是印度教的神毗湿奴和湿婆的神庙。

44、a member of a Dravidian people of southern India and northern Sri Lanka ─── 泰米尔人,一支居住在印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的德拉威人的成员

45、Like other major Dravidian languages, Telugu has very marked distinctions between formal or literary and colloquial registers and between social dialects. ─── 与其他主要德拉威语一样,泰卢固语有显著的文言、口语之分以及社会方言之分。

46、a Dravidian language spoken by the Kodagu people. ─── 克达古人所说的德拉维甸语。

47、The interaction of the invading Dravidian with the Munda must have created some new languages, called the Dravidian languages. ─── 侵略的Dravidian的互作用以Munda一定创造了一些新语言,称Dravidian语言。

48、Dravidian family ─── 达罗毗荼语系

49、This suffix system can be found in Dravidian, but not Indo-European. ─── 这种后缀体系会在德拉威语,而不是印欧语找得到。

50、6.The older terminologies of Dravidian and Indo-Aryan are not used in current practice because of their racial and dubious origins. ─── 古老的德拉威人和印度雅利安人术语学并不在现行实践中使用,因为他们的人种和可疑的起源。

51、a Dravidian language spoken in southern India. ─── 分布在印度南部的德拉维甸语。

52、a member of a Dravidian people living on the SW coast of India. ─── 居住在南亚次大陆西南海岸线的德拉威人民族。

53、an isolated Dravidian language spoken by the Brahui people in Pakistan. ─── 巴基斯坦的布拉灰人所说的一种孤立的德拉维甸语。

54、A member of the Dravidian people living in the Nilgiri hills in S India. ─── 一个住在南印度尼尔吉里山脉的德拉威民族的人。

55、" In the 20th century the term Dravidian generally refers to a family of languages and not to an ethnic group. ─── 在20世纪,“德拉威”这个术语通常是指一个语系,而不是指一个同种同文化的民族。

56、A member of any of the peoples that speak one of the Dravidian languages,especially a member of one of the pre-Indo-European peoples of southern India. ─── 说达罗毗荼语的人说任一种达罗毗荼语的人,特别是指印度南部前印欧人成员。

57、Moreover, the presence of Dravidian speakers throughout the whole subcontinent at any time in history is not attested. ─── 此外,讲述德拉威语的人是否在任何时期和任何历史都遍及整个次大陆还没有证实。

58、33. a Dravidian language spoken primarily in south central India. ─── 主要分布在印度南部中心的德拉维甸语。

59、a Dravidian language spoken by the Telugu people in SE India ─── 印度东南的泰卢固人所说的德拉维甸语

60、Before the time the Muslims invaded the subcontinent, the new forms of South Indian bhakti were spreading beyond the bounds of the Dravidian south. ─── 在穆斯林入侵次大陆之前,南印度新形式的巴克提在撒布,是为德拉威语的南部所不及。

61、also been reciprocal influence between Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages. ─── 梵语和德拉威语也是相互影响。

62、The history of the origins of Hinduism actually lies with the Dravidian peoples and this may actually be a lot further back than 1500 BC. ─── 事实上印度教起源的历史能跟德拉维人联系上,这样可能就远远不止公元前1500年。

63、a member of the Dravidian people living in SE India. ─── 住在东南印度的德拉威人。

64、South Indian speakers of Dravidian languages considered that a cultural imposition from the north. ─── 在南方说德拉威语的印度人认为这是从北方来的文化压迫。

65、a member of the mixed Dravidian and Caucasoid people of southern India and Sri Lanka. ─── 德拉威人和住在南印度、斯里兰卡的高加索人的混血种人。

66、a member of the Dravidian people living in N Bengal in eastern India ─── 住在东印度北孟加拉的德拉威人

67、drive Dravidian ─── 德拉威人的

68、a member of the Dravidian people living in S India. ─── 生活在南印度的德威拉民族的人。

69、In the 20th century the term Dravidian generally refers to a family of languages and not to an ethnic group. ─── 在20世纪,“德拉威”这个术语通常是指一个语系,而不是指一个同种同文化的民族。

70、A member of a Dravidian people inhabiting central India. ─── 冈德人居住在印度中部的德拉维人

71、The principal Dravidian language of Mysore, a region of southern India. ─── 卡纳达语印度南部一地区迈索尔的主要的达罗毗荼语

72、The Dravidian language of the Tamil. ─── 泰米尔语泰米尔人所讲的达罗毗荼语

73、15. a Dravidian language spoken primarily in central India. ─── 主要分布在印度中心的德拉维甸语。

74、One of these features is the appearance of retroflex consonants in Indian languages, both Indo-European and Dravidian. ─── 这些特征之一是出现在印度语言里的卷舌音,印欧语系和德拉威语系都存在。

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