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09-04 投稿



exhilaration 发音

英:[?ɡ?z?l??re??(?)n]  美:[?ɡ?z?l??re??(?)n]

英:  美:

exhilaration 中文意思翻译



exhilaration 网络释义

n. 愉快;令人高兴

exhilaration 短语词组

1、exhilaration wow ─── 兴奋哇

2、exhilaration definition ─── 兴奋定义

3、exhilaration book ─── 兴奋书

4、exhilaration define ─── 兴奋定义

5、exhilaration syn ─── 兴奋综合征

6、exhilaration etf ─── 兴业etf

7、exhilaration song ─── 兴奋之歌

8、secular exhilaration ─── 长期兴奋

exhilaration 相似词语短语

1、exhilarating ─── v.使高兴,使兴奋(exhilarate的现在分词);adj.使人兴奋的;令人高兴的

2、exfiltration ─── n.溜出敌军阵地,偷偷越过(封锁线等);漏出,逐渐渗出

3、exhilarations ─── n.兴奋,欢欣

4、exhilarative ─── adj.使人高兴的;使人畅快的;令人兴奋的

5、exhilarate ─── vt.使高兴,使振奋;使愉快

6、equiparation ─── 方程式

7、exhalation ─── n.蒸发,呼气;散发物

8、exaration ─── n.冰川剥蚀;冰蚀作用

9、exhilarator ─── 参展商

exhilaration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Now and then he turned his eyes from the girl's face to that of the partner, which, in the exhilaration of the dance, had taken on a look of impudent ownership. ─── 他时而转移他的目光从女子的脸上到她的舞伴的脸上,那张脸在跳舞狂热中俨然有“佳人属我”的神情。

2、the exhilaration of performing on stage ─── 在舞台上演出的激动心情

3、But my blood surged with exhilaration, as if I had already flown out of the room, straddled the neck of the North Wind and galloped off into space. ─── 但是我的血沸腾,我似乎已经飞出了房间,跨在北风的颈上,砉然驱驰于长空!

4、AS THE exhilaration over Barack Obama's inauguration fades, Europeans have begun to absorb an uncomfortable truth. ─── 当对奥巴马就职的兴奋渐渐隐去,欧洲人开始接受一个很不自在的事实。

5、"Few Yosemite visitors ever see snow avalanches and fewer still know the exhilaration of riding on them"(John Muir) ─── “优胜美地的参观者中少有人见过雪崩,而知道其令人兴奋的骑马的人就更少了”(约翰·缪尔)

6、Her mood could swing rapidly from gloom to exhilaration. ─── 她的情绪可能在转瞬之间从阴郁转向兴奋。

7、The first few days are a blur of exhilaration and exhaustion. ─── 刚开始的那些日子 兴奋与疲惫掺杂不清。

8、Some arise from psychological interventions, such as, grief, depression, worry, stress, exhilaration, etc. ─── 有些原因来自心理干扰,如悲伤、忧郁、焦虑、紧张、兴奋等。

9、He grabbed the end of the rope and swung out toward the other bank with a kind of wild exhilaration and landed gently on his feet, taller and stronger and wiser in that mysterious land. ─── 他攥着索桥的一端,带着一种欣喜若狂的心情,摇摇晃晃的滑到了河的另一边,轻松的着陆了。在那片神秘的地方,他感觉自己更高大,更强壮,更明智。

10、Collaborate. The space between people working together is filled with conflict, friction, strife, exhilaration, delight, and vast creative potential. ─── 合作.,一起工作的人们之间充满了斗争,摩擦,争吵,愉快,欢欣和巨大的潜在创新.

11、The aim of the structure is to rise from one theme to another in a stair-step manner, ending on a note of triumph or exhilaration. ─── 此种结构的目的是要以梯级的方式从一个主题升至另一个主题,以胜利欢庆或兴高采烈的音调终结。

12、"Few Yosemite visitors ever see snow avalanches and fewer still know the exhilaration of riding on them" (John Muir) ─── “优胜美地的参观者中少有人见过雪崩,而知道其令人兴奋的骑马的人就更少了”(约翰·缪尔)

13、Now and then he turned his eyes from the girl's face to that of the partner, which in the exhilaration of dance, had taken on a look of impudent ownership. ─── 他时而转移他的目光从女子的脸上到她的舞伴的脸上,那张脸在跳舞的狂热之中俨然有“佳人属我”的精神。

14、The space between people working together is filled with conflict, friction, strife, exhilaration, delight, and vast creative potential. ─── 一起工作的人们之间充满了斗争,欢欣和巨大的潜在创新。

15、Excited investors dashed to buy the stock with hopes of making a kill from the stock but that exhilaration could by now be burnt out for the short time investors. ─── 兴奋的投资者连忙购买该公司股票,希望从股票中赚上一大笔钱,但对于短线投资者而言,现在可能空欢喜一场了。

16、The Tantric path encompasses beauty, sensitivity, and exhilaration through eating, drinking, tasting, smelling, touching. ─── 坦陀罗的道路通过吃,喝,味觉,嗅觉,触觉而达成,包围着美丽、敏感和令人愉快。

17、You feel the exhilaration of being an explorer when she talks about looking out the window of the space station just before going to bed. ─── 在她说到在空间站上睡前看着窗外的风景时你会感受到作为探险者的愉快。

18、Collaborate.The space between people working together is filled with conflict, friction, strife, exhilaration, delight, and vast creative potential. ─── 一起工作的人们之间充满了斗争,摩擦,争吵,愉快,欢欣和巨大的潜在创新.

19、It might be the exhilaration of that potent cordial, which is distilled only in the furnace-glow of earnest and long-continued thought. ─── 那力量可能是潜在热情的兴奋表现,是从长期不断的诚挚思想的熔炉中蒸馏出来的。

20、the exhilaration of weightlessness, to which many astronauts have testified. ─── 许多宇航员都证实了失重的兴奋感

21、Causing exhilaration;invigorating. ─── 令人高兴的使人感到快活的;振奋的

22、Among journalists and intellectuals, a brief interval of exhilaration had given way to depression and fear. ─── 在记者和知识分子中间,短暂的兴奋变成了压抑和恐惧。

23、He moves toward it, feeling both fear and exhilaration. ─── 他正奔向那里,感到既害怕又兴奋。

24、Annex brings a completely refreshing feeling to the increasingly irksome gameplay, adding a sense of exhilaration and intensity not found before. ─── 占领模式给越发枯燥的游戏玩法带来了焕然一新的感觉,并增加了前所未有的爽快感和紧张感。

25、There was a lift in the air, an exhilaration. ─── 空气清朗起来了。这真是个可喜的现象。

26、Enmeshed in the bizarre intermixture of thought, Simon helplessly experienced Pryrates' panicky exhilaration. ─── Simon的思绪中,缠绕着一种奇异的想想,他无助地体验着Pryrates此时,那不安的兴奋。

27、There is no exhilaration like catching a glimpse of the past as we did recently when the Olympic Flame was lit in the Games' ancient birthplace and where the shot-put event will be staged. ─── 最近当奥运圣火在比赛古代的诞生地同时也是掷铅球比赛的场地点燃时,在捕捉过去的瞬间,没有一丝狂喜。

28、Kino hurrying towards his house, felt a surge of exhilaration. ─── 原译:奇诺朝着他的屋子匆匆地走去,感到一阵涌起的兴奋。

29、My cousins, full of exhilaration, were so eloquent in narrative and comment. ─── 我的两个表姐,满心喜悦,滔滔不绝地叙述和评论着。

30、There is a sense of exhilaration about being alone on the beach. ─── 独自在海滩上令人心旷神怡。

31、Accept challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. ─── 接受挑战吧,这样你才能感受到胜利的喜悦。

32、Morning have a tang of exhilaration and the evening sun sets redly as a smoke-grey mist softens the outlines of trees and houses. ─── 今晚第一次看到了比较有文章感觉的英文了。才知道原来英文真的有比较优美的句子。也不枉听了一晚上的无聊课。

33、Involving in karting you can realize three things: firstly, the exhilaration but possible danger of speeding; ─── (二) 认识道路安全及驾驶行为;

34、When the main engine cuts off and the second stage takes over, beer bottles clank in a happy toast of relief, exhilaration and an expectation of great things to come. ─── 当主引擎关闭而第二节启动时,大家快乐地互碰啤酒罐乾杯,松了口气、兴奋不已。预祝它一路顺风。

35、Yet, with this exhilaration, a desolating emptiness. ─── 然而这股兴奋而来的,却是空洞寂寥的感觉。

36、Dozens fainted in the blazing sun of the afternoon but nothing dampened the spirit and exhilaration of the event. ─── 一些人由于中午强烈的阳光受到轻微的伤,但这并没有减少人们渴望和平的精神和兴奋的心情。

37、I felt the strangest sensation of fear and exhilaration. ─── 我有一种既害怕又快乐的感觉。

38、I like the wind on Saran, the exhilaration of words. ─── 我喜欢风日洒然,绝美的四个字。

39、The first few days are a blur of exhilaration and exhaustion. ─── 刚开始的那些日子,兴奋与疲惫掺杂不清。

40、a state or feeling of intense,often excessive exhilaration or well-being ─── 一种强烈的,常常是极度兴奋或极度幸福的状态或感觉

41、His voice could be so soft and happy-go-lucky, it went through her veins like an exhilaration. ─── 她的嗓音能如此的柔和和无忧无虑,一阵兴奋流过她的血管。

42、Of this experience he says he found the lunar surface a welcoming place, and in his exhilaration at first stepping onto the surface he joked: "I think they put champagne in the water. ─── 对于这一次经历,米切尔说他发现月球表面是一个令人愉快的地方,而他在首次踏上月球表面时兴奋不已,以至于开玩笑道:“我想他们在水里掺了香槟。”

43、A state or feeling of intense, often excessive exhilaration or well-being ─── 兴奋一种强烈的,常常是极度兴奋或极度幸福的状态或感觉

44、But an important caveat needs stating:the exhilaration felt when reading Shakespeare, for example, lies in the reader’s freedom to build his or her personal reality from the text. ─── 但一个重要的告诫需要指出:在阅读时感到愉快莎士比亚,例如,在于读者的自由,建立其个人现实的案文。

45、Due to Masters unconditional love and infinite Light, the seminar thus ended in an atmosphere of great exhilaration and contentment. ─── 由于师父的爱力加持,这场讲座在来宾们的欣喜与满足中落幕。

46、Quite simply, it was a spectacular aerial roller-coaster ride of high exhilaration ─── 简言之,这是一次美妙的、极度兴奋的空中环滑车旅行。

47、From the first moment when I gripped a barbell and lifted the steel up over my head, I felt this was exhilaration, and I knew then that this was something that I was gonna do. ─── 自从第一次抓紧杠铃、将其高高举过头顶之际,我就为此感到异常兴奋。那时我知道,这就是我将来要做的事情。

48、As before, the England fans will inevitably go through an emotional turbulence of hysteria and tearful exhilaration at the team's ups and downs. ─── 英国球迷又将象以往一样随着这支球队的输赢,情绪剧烈地波动着,有时候歇斯底里,有时候喜极而泣。

49、Overjoyed by the effect her invention had produced, the queen also indulged in a pinch of this powder, which was the cause of considerable exhilaration. ─── 喜出望外的效果产生了她的发明,因此女王沉迷于一小撮这个粉,这是造成相当愉快。

50、In one cruel moment our exhilaration turned to horror; we waited and watched and tried to make sense of what we had seen. ─── 一个残酷的瞬间,我们由精神振奋变为充满恐惧,我们等待着,观望着,试图弄明白眼前发生的事情。

51、You feel the exhilaration of being an explorer when she talks about looking out the window of the space station just before going to bed. ─── 在她说到在空间站上睡前看着窗外的风景时你会感受到作为探险者的愉快。

52、Exhilaration: n. Exhilaration is a strong feeling of excitement and happiness. ─── 愉快的心情;高兴。

53、A dream is the big picture, the ultimate happiness, joy, thrill exhilaration that we can be excited about. ─── 梦想是大图景,是让我们兴奋的终极的幸福、喜悦、快乐和激励。

54、But the exhilaration turns to fear when Robert begins stalking her.Now she must use her knowledge as a researcher to set a trap that an exhibitionist would find irresistible. ─── 当丽莎遇上老手罗拔,她内心最原始的欲望刹那间迸发出来,脱下了一件又一件衣服的丽莎,站在窗前,享受那种与生俱来的自由和兴奋。

55、In the immediate aftermath of conflict there's the extraordinary transition from states of fear and exhilaration to the routines of civilian life. ─── 在战争刚结束后,有一个非同寻常的从恐惧以及狂喜到规律性的平民生活的过渡。

56、Davidson's restlessness was intolerable even to himself. But he was buoyed up by a wonderful exhilaration. ─── 戴维逊坐立不安,连他自己都感到无法忍受。但是一种奇特的兴奋情绪支撑着他。

57、'The Hummer brand is synonymous with adventure, freedom and exhilaration, and we plan to continue that heritage by investing in the business,' said Yang Yi, Sichuan Tengzhong's CEO, in a statement. ─── 四川腾冲重工首席执行官杨毅说:捍马品牌就是冒险,自由和*的代名词,我们收购后也会保持他应有品质.

58、but more than anything, such a profound sense of humanity, such fun and exhilaration, such melancholy and wisdom. ─── 更难能可贵的是,他译出了原作里深邃的人性,欢愉与兴奋,忧伤与睿智。

59、She was still languid from her brief sleep and the exhilaration of the evening. ─── 昨晚由于兴奋,夜间睡眠时间太少,她现在仍倦怠无力。

60、Though getting a little bored with the same food stalls, I still love the energy, the sunshine and exhilaration of street festivals. ─── 但是,还是很喜欢那种热闹,那种阳光的欢乐。

61、People all over the world describe falling in love in similar terms: euphoria, exhilaration, elation. ─── 全世界坠入爱河的人们都经历相似的状态:有欣快感,极度兴奋,超常的快乐。

62、Once it's all over, you are left with a feeling of relief and exhilaration ─── 整个过程结束后,在你心里留下轻松而又兴奋的感觉。

63、he said, unable to suppress the exhilaration in his voice.“This is it!We're off to Hogwarts!” ─── 他难言兴奋的说道,“就这样,我们就要到霍格沃茨了!”

64、To see my private musings, which seemed only ephemeral and abstract, expressed in the writings of a great thinker excites me to pure exhilaration. ─── 个人的思考似乎短暂又抽象,然而看到它被伟大的思想家表达出来实在让我欣喜若狂。

65、iend the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to hit a ball. ─── 时光任苒,朋友已经老大不小了。

66、The exhilaration of winning such a famous event has stayed with him. ─── 赢得一场如此著名赛事的欢欣始终萦绕着他。

67、As we went we became sensible of a wild and splendid exhilaration. ─── 我们一边走着,一边感到暴风骤雨般的欣喜。

68、I want to describe to my friend the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to hit a ball. ─── 几十年的岁月,在旁人,是享尽天伦,人生的繁花开满一树。

69、It's been a while since you've felt the exhilaration that comes with starting a new job. ─── 开始新工作的愉悦和兴奋已经过去好一阵子了。

70、Exhilaration caught him up as he bounded down the blue-lit hallway and emerged under dark, cloud-smeared skies. ─── 当他跳着出了泛着蓝色灯光的走廊,来到了黑色的夜空下,他感到太兴奋了。

71、The idea of jumping brought mixed responses from family and friends, from exhilaration at successful bungees, to “No-way, never. ─── 去蹦级的想法招来家人和朋友不同的反应,有人祝我好运成功,有人说“不行,没门。”

72、Through it all we worked like demons with the wild exhilaration of despair, for even despair can exhilarate ─── 我们象中了魔似的拚命地干着,因为绝望也能给人以力量。

73、Few visitor ever see snow avalanches and fewer still know the exhilaration of riding on them. ─── 参观者中少有人见过雪崩,而且知道那种雪崩时在山上骑马的刺激和兴奋的人就更少了。

74、his voice could be so soft and happy - go - lucky , it went through her veins like an exhilaration. ─── 她的嗓音能如此的柔和和无忧无虑,一阵兴奋流过她的血管。

75、The growing child can thrill with the exhilaration of strenuous sports. ─── 成长中的儿童会在剧烈运动中兴奋得发抖。

76、The concert version of the film music tells the story with cinematic flourish, encompassing the tenderness of farewell, the piteous death of Falstaff and the exhilaration of battle and victory. ─── 电影音乐的音乐会版本渗满电影感,对道别时依依不舍之情、法尔斯塔夫死亡时的凄凉及战争胜利的喜悦都表达得淋漓尽致。

77、The two theme hotels are integrating magic and exhilaration with adventure. It is just several minutes' walking from the hotels to the fairyland. ─── 两间主题酒店结合奇幻、刺激及惊险。由酒店到香港迪士尼乐园只是数分钟之步程。

78、Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. ---- G.S. Patton. ─── 接受挑战吧,以便你能体会到胜利的喜悦。

79、Mornings have a tang of exhilaration and the evening sun sets redly as a smoke-grey mist softens the outlines of trees and houses. ─── 清晨饱含着兴味盎然的气息,黄昏的落日又在树林与房舍的轮廓上覆以一层轻纱般的通红烟雾。

80、Can you relive the exhilaration of riding free, the sense of triumph as you broke free of the crutches of support? ─── 你还记得当你第一次不需要任何支撑,能自由自在的骑车的那种狂喜和胜利的感觉吗?

81、Different colors have different Visual-spatial effects, such as the advance of warm colors, dilatational, exhilaration), a reasonable allocation reflects the magic of art anti-infectivity. ─── 差别的色彩有差别的触觉不工夫成果(如寒色的撤退感、蔓延感、懊丧感),公道的摆撤可表示不不入奇妙的艺术感染力。

82、Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. - G.S.Patton, Sr. ─── 接受挑战吧,如此你才能体会到胜利的喜悦。

83、accept challenges .so that you mey feel the exhilaration of victory. ─── 接受挑战吧,这样你才能感受到胜利的喜悦。

84、Exhilaration of life can be found only with an upward look. This is an exciting world. It is crampacked with opportunity. Great moments wait around every corner. ─── 只有乐观向上地看待生活,你才能够找到生活的乐趣。这是一个令人兴奋的世界。它充满着机会。随时都可能出现重大时刻。

85、exhilaration; in high spirits; jubilant ─── 兴高采烈

86、She was still languid from her brief sleep and the exhilaration of the evening ─── 昨晚由于兴奋,夜间睡眠时间太少,她现在仍倦怠无力。

87、My reaction, I’m afraid, was pure exhilaration: at last I could do things my way. ─── 我有点儿害怕,但我的反应是真的高兴,至少我可以按我自己的方式行事。


89、The painter seems to tell readers, through the expectant eyes of his central figure, that after a lonely wait, there is joyful exhilaration. ─── 画家似乎想通过画面中人物那一双张望的眼神告诉观赏者,长久的等待后,是欢欣雀跃的惊喜。

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