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09-04 投稿



lunar 发音

英:[?lu?n?r]  美:[?lu?n?(r)]

英:  美:

lunar 中文意思翻译




lunar 网络释义

adj. 月亮的,月球的;阴历的;银的;微亮的n. (Lunar)人名;(西)卢纳尔

lunar 常用词组

lunar new year ─── 农历新年

lunar calendar ─── n. 阴历

lunar month ─── 太阴月;朔望月

lunar 短语词组

1、lunar cycle ─── 月运周期

2、lunar hymen ─── [医] 半月形处女膜

3、lunar crater ( ─── 月面)环形山; ─── 月坑

4、lunar bone ─── [医] 月骨

5、lunar day ─── 太阴日

6、lunar periodicity ─── [医] 月周期性

7、lunar caustic ─── [化] 熔融硝酸银 ─── [医] 银丹, 硝酸银

8、lunar month ─── 朔望月, 太阴月

9、happy lunar new year ─── 新年快乐(农历)

10、lunar eclipse ─── 月食, ─── 月蚀

11、happy lunar year ─── 新年快乐农历年快乐

12、lunar year ─── 太阴年

13、lunar module ─── 登月舱

14、lunar new year ─── 农历新年

15、lunar excursion module ─── 月球探测飞船

16、lunar calendar ─── 阴历

17、lunar politics n. ─── 不切实际的问题

18、a lunar year ─── 太阴年

19、lunar latitude ─── [网络] 月球纬度

lunar 相似词语短语

1、Gunnar ─── n.贡纳(北欧神话中的形象)

2、lunular ─── adj.新月形的

3、lunate ─── adj.新月状的;半月形的;n.(史前的)半月形工具;月状骨

4、lunacy ─── n.精神失常;愚蠢的行为

5、lupanar ─── n.妓院

6、solunar ─── adj.日月共同作用引起的

7、lunary ─── n.诚实;阴地蕨;adj.月球的(等于lunar)

8、lacunar ─── n.花格平顶,(花格平顶的)嵌板;花格镶板;凹格(拱形)天花板;天花板的装饰镶板;adj.有花格平顶的;陷窝的,含陷窝的;(与)空隙有关的

9、lungan ─── n.龙眼

lunar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We Chinese have the Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th of May in the lunar calendar. ─── 中国人在农历五月初五过端午节。

2、Lunar New Year's Eve is a day of family reunion for the Chinese. ─── 大年三十是中国人举家团圆的日子。

3、Half a century on, he is still waiting for his lunar excursion. ─── 半个世纪过去了,他们仍在等待月球旅行。

4、The Winter Solstice is one of the lunar calendar's solar terms. ─── 冬至课文冬至是中国农历的一个节气,

5、The Chinese zodiac, or Shengxiao, is composed of 12 animals, each of which symbolizes a lunar year. ─── 中国的生肖由十二种不同的动物组成,其中每一个动物符号都代表一年。

6、There are twenty-four seasonal division points in Chinese lunar calendar. ─── 在中国的阴历中有二十四个节气。

7、Of course, if viewed from the lunar surface near the terminator line, the Sun would be rising and still close to the lunar horizon. ─── 当然如果身处月球表面的明暗界线上,会看到太阳极慢从地平线上升起。

8、The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape. ─── 巨大的火山坡很奇怪地让人想起月球上的景观。

9、Apollo Ten astronauts unlinked the Lunar module and flew it close to the moon's surface. ─── “阿波罗10号”的宇航员解开登月舱,让其飞到月球表面。

10、And they placed a small satellite in lunar orbit before they returned to Earth. ─── 在返回地球之前,他们还在月球轨道释放了一颗小卫星。

11、The window of chic lunar hole style brings trifling Chinese amorous feelings. ─── 别致的月洞式的窗户带来些许的中国风情。

12、The Chinese seasonal divison points are arranged according to the lunar calendar. ─── 中国的节气是按照农历排下来的。

13、When did the Chinese begin to have the lunar calendar? ─── 中国人是什么时候开始用阴历的?

14、In lunar calendar in November before, she hesitates in making a move to you. ─── 在农历十一月之前,她对你还是举棋不定。(目前是这样)

15、What do you use the lunar calendar for? ─── 你们用农历做什么的?

16、Today I see the first lunar probe-Chang'e 1 is launched in 6:05pm. ─── 今天我看到嫦娥一号升空,在6:05分。

17、Because the lunar calendar says today is auspicious. ─── 因为农历上说今天是黄道吉日啊。

18、Do you have any idea how people here celebrate the Lunar New Year? ─── 你知道这里的人如何庆祝农历新年吗?

19、They streaked down through the lunar shy at a speed of 3, 700 miles an hour. ─── 他们以一小时三千七百英里的速度向下掠过月球天空。

20、On the moon, the lunar explorers ran a considerable risk of being hit. ─── 在月球上,登月探险者们冒着被撞击的极大危险。

21、Chinese people celebrate the lunar New Year. ─── 中国人庆祝农历新年。

22、But in 2008, an analysis of a handful of lunar volcanic glass beads suggested they might have formed in a watery environment. ─── 但是,在2008年,对少量月球火山玻璃碎屑的分析显示它们可能是在含水的环境中形成的。

23、Which country is developing the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter? ─── 哪个国家开发了月球探测轨道器?

24、What makes this lunar eclipse difficult is that Neptune will be so active. ─── 使这个月食显得困难的是由于海王星太活跃了。

25、In comparison with the classical lunar theory the motion of an Earth Satellite offers important practical differences. ─── 与经典的月球理论相比较,地球卫星的运动有显著的实际差别。

26、Today is September ninth by lunar calendar. It's the Double Ninth Festival. ─── 今天是农历九月初九,是重阳节。

27、This year is the year of the Pig in the Lunar calendar. ─── 今年是农历的猪年。

28、My birthday is on the first day of lunar new year. ─── 农林一月一日,不就是正月初一,新年的第一天吗?

29、Let's go to Australia during the Chinese Lunar New year. ─── 农历年我们去澳洲。

30、The Lunar New Year is coming. ─── 农历新年快到了。

31、Lunar eclipse occur when the earth's shadow fall on the moon. ─── 地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀。

32、Chinese traditional holiday and lunar calendar go very well. ─── 中国的传统节日和农历搭配得很合适。

33、A. Lunar days change every year so many people don't know which day is Qi Xi. ─── 一、农历的日子年年都变,很多人都搞不清楚农历七月初七到底是那一天。

34、When man will begin life on the lunar surface is still not determined. ─── 人类什么时候可以在月球表面开始生活还没有确定。

35、Lunar eclipse occurs when the earth rs shadow falls on the moon. ─── 地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀。

36、Blue Sky Moon: The dark areas are known as lunar seas because they were once believed to be filled with water. ─── 蓝天月球:黑色的区域叫做月海,因为人们曾经以为那里面全是水。

37、The 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the Mid-autumn Festival. ─── 农历八月十五正值秋季正中,所以叫中秋节。

38、Owing to the phenomenon of libration it is possible to observe up to 60% of the total lunar surface. ─── 由于天平动的现象,我们可能观测到月球总面积的60%。

39、and if you disable the automatic compensation or have damaged thrusters, you might have to play "lunar landing" with your ship. ─── 如果你的推进器损坏,而且解除自动推力补偿系统,那么你只有玩“月球登陆”了。

40、The controversy that you point out may be understandable from the fact that the Indian calendar is lunar-based, like the Islamic calendar. ─── 争论的是,你指出,这可以通过印度历法是以月亮运行为基础这个事实来理解,就跟伊斯兰历法一样。

41、Chinese Moon Festival falls on the 15th of August in the Chinese lunar calendar. ─── 中国农历八月十五是中秋节。

42、Do you know what it is according to the lunar calendar? ─── 你知道那天是农历几号吗?

43、In the calendar of my Grand Father, there are two solar season feasts on each lunar month. ─── 在这外公日历表上,每一个农历月份上占有两个太阳节气。

44、The Chinese New Year starts with the beginning of the year on the lunar calendar. ─── 农历年的开始就是中国人的新年。

45、This is a traditional festival of the Dongs. It falls on the3 rd day of the3 rd lunar month. ─── 侗族花炮节花炮节是侗族的传统节日,时间是农历三月三。

46、Since the months of the lunar year revolve through the solar year, Ramadan falls at various seasons in different years. ─── 从月球年的月旋转经过太阳年,Ramadan秋天在各种各样的季节用不同的岁月。

47、Statistics are skewed by the Chinese lunar new year holidays. ─── 中国农历新年假期因素,使统计数据受到了扭曲。

48、Lunar craters can be plainly seen with the aid of a small telescope. ─── 借助小型望远镜可以看清月球上的环形山。

49、Last week we witnessed the first lunar eclipse in the new century. ─── 上周我们观看了新世纪 第一次月食.

50、Most of the reflectors are clustered close to the lunar equator. ─── 大多数反射镜都簇集在月球赤道附近。

51、The Egyptians had a lunar calendar to regulate festivals by phases of the moon. ─── 埃及人有一个靠月亮的阴晴圆缺来确定节庆的农历历法。

52、The lunar highlands are scarred by innumerable craters ranging up to 236 km in diameter. ─── 在月球的高地上留下无数环形山,有的直径达236千米。

53、There are five major festivals in the Chinese calendar, with the Lunar New Year being the most important. ─── 中国历法有五个主要节日,最重要的是农历新年。

54、For this eclipse, the lunar disk just grazed the shadow's dark inner umbra. ─── 在这张月食影像中,月球盘面刚刚进入内部本影。

55、May the fifth on the lunar calendar. ─── 农历五月初五。

56、The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. ─── 中秋节在农历八月十五。

57、Unlike the Western zodiac, it's based on a 12-year cycle4 according to the lunar calendar. ─── 和西洋星座不同的是,中国生肖是以农历来计算,十二年为一轮。

58、The Lunar New Year Fireworks Show in 2008. Video taken in Tsim Sha Tsui praya. ─── 2008年香港贺岁烟花汇演,于尖沙咀海傍拍摄。

59、All traditional Chinese festivals are lunar calendar festivals. ─── 中国的传统节日都是按照太阴历计算的。

60、But at the same time, they use their own lunar calendar. ─── 但同时他们也用自己的阴历。

61、The twelfth lunar month in this year is Dajian (having 30 days). ─── 今年的腊月是大建。

62、Today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event on the 15th day of the first lunar month throughout China. ─── 今天,正月15挂花灯在整个华夏大地仍就是一项很隆重盛大的活动。

63、The Lunar New Year is the most significant festival in Taiwan. ─── 农历新年在台湾是意义最重大的节日。

64、I will lead a group of people on duty on the lunar New Year's Day. ─── 大年初一由我带班。

65、Feb.18 of this year is the Spring Festival, the most important fete of the year according to our lunar calendar. ─── 今年的二月18号是春节,这是我们一年之中最重要的节日。

66、The giant opencast mines of Rio Tinto create a surreal, almost lunar landscape. ─── 力拓矿业集团的巨大的露天挖掘煤矿构成了宛如仙境又貌似月球的风景。

67、When does the year of the lunar calendar begin? ─── 农历的一年从什么时候开始呢?

68、As a result, major lunar eruptions of basalt, the most common volcanic rock, ceased nearly three billion years ago. ─── 因此在约30亿年前,月球上大多数的玄武岩岩浆(最常见的火山岩)喷发就已经停止了。

69、Ancient people thought a lunar eclipse was a bad omen. ─── 古代的人们相信月蚀是一种坏的预兆。

70、The other was the Lunar module. ─── 另一个是登月舱,

71、The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. ─── 农历五月初五是端午节。

72、Besides Chinese New Year, what are the other festivals according to the Lunar Calendar? ─── 农历新年以外还有什么节日?

73、The lunar calendar is different from the calendar used in the west. ─── 和西方所用的历法不一样。

74、It's held in mid-January of the lunar calendar. ─── 在阴历元月十五举行。

75、It is August 15th, the Mid-Autumn Festival, according to the lunar calender. ─── 今天农历八月十五,中秋节。

76、Let's go to a temple fair on the first day of the lunar calendar year. ─── 大年初一我们去赶会吧。

77、The lunar appeared haloes as thick cloud covered the moonlight . ─── 厚厚的云层遮住了月光,只留下一圈朦胧的光晕。

78、A young Air Force officer served as lunar module pilot for Apollo 16. ─── 一位年轻的空军军官担任了阿波罗16号登月舱的驾驶员。

79、Solar perturbation of the lunar orbit. ─── 出差由于太阳引力引起的月球轨道运动的摄动

80、Good. Fortunately I'm still single. How long is the Lunar New Year celebration? ─── 多好啊,幸好我还是独身。新年有多久?

81、China's lunar probing is serving entirely for the peaceful use of space. ─── 中国的探月工程完全以和平利用空间为宗旨。

82、Lunar July Chuqi, commonly known as "Tanabata Festival. ─── 农历七月初七,俗称“七夕节”。

83、People usually call the lunar month of October "the little spring". ─── 人们习惯把农历十月称为小阳春。

84、Well I suppose it is based on the old lunar months, isn't it?"—"Yes, that's right." ─── 嗯,我想它是基于旧的阴历月份的,不是吗?”—“对,是那样的。”

85、Otherwise the daily mean is perturbed appreciably by the lunar constituents. ─── 否则,日平均值就会明显地受到太阳分潮的干扰。

86、Taipei's Dihua Street often bustles with people for the Lunar New Year Festival. ─── 台北的迪化街常常为了农历春节而人山人海(车水马龙)。

87、A ride in the lunar module's upper stage was quite an experience. ─── 在登月舱上半截的一次驾驶,可真是一次难得的经验。

88、A: You know, the lunar New Year is coming. We must finish the jiaozi advertisement soon. ─── 你知道,阴历新年将至,我们必须赶在年前把我们的饺子广告推出去。

89、But lunar exploration has brought up a new objection . ─── 但是对月球的探测带来一个新课题。

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