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09-04 投稿



histology 发音

英:[h??stɑ?l?d?i]  美:[h??st?l?d?i]

英:  美:

histology 中文意思翻译



histology 短语词组

1、pathologic histology ─── [医] 病理组织学

2、branchial cleft cyst histology ─── 鳃裂囊肿组织学

3、histology and embryology ─── 组织学和胚胎学

4、forensic histology ─── [法] 法医组织学

5、bronchi histology ─── 支气管组织学

6、histology in photo shop ─── 照相馆组织学

7、terminal bronchiole histology ─── 终末细支气管组织学

8、histology and histopathology ─── 组织学和 ─── 组织病理学

9、normal histology ─── [医] 正常组织学

10、topographic histology ─── [医] 器官组织学, 局部组织学

11、trachea histology ─── 气管组织学

12、special histology ─── 特殊组织学

histology 词性/词形变化,histology变形

名词复数: histologies |副词: histologically |名词: histologist |形容词: histological |

histology 相似词语短语

1、pistology ─── 信仰学

2、dittology ─── n.词或音乐的重复

3、histiology ─── 组织学

4、Christology ─── n.(神学中的)基督论;基督学

5、hierology ─── 古埃及象形文字的研究

6、histologic ─── 组织的;组织学的

7、aristology ─── 亚里士多德

8、hippology ─── n.马学

9、discology ─── n.唱片学

histology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The histology of the main nerve rings has been described in detail . ─── 主要神经环的组织原已有详细描述。

2、METHODS:Injury the livers of mice by using CCl 4,determine its biochemical index,observe the change of pathological histology,test the activity of SOD and content of LPO in the mice after polysaccharides ig,and compare with normal animals. ─── 方法:采用四氯化碳(CCl4)致小鼠肝损伤,测定生化指标,观察病理组织学改变,检测小鼠ig多糖后体内SOD活性和LPO含量,与对照组进行比较。

3、Methods Experimental model of partial portal vein arterialization was established in rats.The changes of hepatic microvasculature and histology in the rat model were observed. ─── 方法建立大鼠部分门静脉动脉化重建肝脏血流的实验模型,观察该模型大鼠肝脏微血管和组织学的变化。

4、Do you think non-invasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis can replace the diagnosis of liver histology by liver biopsy? ─── 您认为非侵入性诊断肝纤维化可以取代肝脏穿刺活检诊断肝纤维化?

5、In this review article, the histology of frenum, prevalence of related problems, classification of diagnosis, and possible treatment recommendations were stated. ─── 本文献回顾主要探讨舌系带的组织构造、流行率的相关问题、诊断与分类及可能的处置方法。

6、Methods:The cartilage tissue from OA was used to detect cNOS expression by histology and in situ hybridization. ─── 方法:用组织学及原位杂交技术,对临床经过石蜡包埋的骨关节炎关节软骨标本进行定位定性检测。

7、At the end of the third and sixth weeks following the operation, we observed result, took histology and radiographs of the operated area. ─── 在第三周时植体均被致密的结缔织包围,而第六周时植体旁已经可以见到新的骨质生成;

8、Methods The study was carried out by using the histology and immunohistochemical staining. ─── 方法组织学及免疫组织化学染色观察。

9、METHODS:RNM was given to animal model of rats a nd the efficacy,histology,and mean characterics of toxicology were observed. ─── 方法:试品采用组方中药,制成合剂,制造动物模型,灌胃给药,观察功能学、组织细胞学变化和主要的毒理学特征。

10、The new cognitions will have promoting role for teaching of Histology and Embryology. ─── 新认识将对组织胚胎学的教学产生重大推动作用。

11、Objective To introduce the characters of anatomy, histology and embryology about terminal crest and its clinic significance. ─── 目的介绍心脏界嵴的解剖学、组织学、胚胎发生学特征及其临床意义。

12、The relationship between the histology and sonographic findings was analysed. ─── 分析其病理结果与超声声像图的关系。

13、BFH was obvious similar with MFH at the cellular changes of histology, imaging diagnostic indexes, recurrence rate, age of onset and disease focus. BFH was different from NOF and MFD significantly. ─── BFH瘤灶与周围正常组织之间的微细变化的组织病理学与影像诊断学指标,复发性、年龄、病灶范围等临床指标,与MFH有明显的同一趋向性,而与NOF、MFD则有明显的差异性。

14、METHODS: Thirty three patients with parenchyma mass in liver had automatic biopsy for histology by ultrasound guiding. ─── 方法:对33例有肝脏实质性占位病变的患者在超声引导下行肝肿块穿刺组织自动活检术。

15、Objective To investigate the effects of "Sanse Paste" on histology during regeneration following skeletal muscles contusion in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. ─── 摘要目的探讨骨骼肌钝挫伤后外用中药三色膏对组织修复过程中肌肉组织形态学变化的影响。

16、The researches cover molecular biology, physiology, general biology, ecology, informational biology, histology and biochemistry etc. ─── 该研究所的研究主要涵盖分子生物学,生理学,普通生物学,生态学,情报学,组织学以及生物化学等。

17、Methods To observe the damage of blind sac and epithelium membrane system with the aid of histology and electron microscope. ─── 方法以组织学和电镜方法观察盲囊管腔及上皮细胞膜系统的损伤情况。

18、It was used as the gold standard to combining RUT AND histology determination. ─── pylori,以快速尿素酶试验和组织学联合检测作为金标准。

19、The review will focus on epidemiology, clinical presentation, histology and immunohistochemical staining, and prognosis and management. ─── 这项检讨将集中于流行病学,临床表现,组织学及免疫组织化学染色,预后和管理。

20、Objective To study the effect of reconstructed hepatic blood flow after partial vein arterialization on hepatic microvasculature arid histology. ─── 摘要目的探讨用部分门静脉动脉化重建肝血流后对肝脏微血管和组织学的影响。

21、Institute of Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology, Centre of Molecular Medicine, Medical University Graz, 8010 Graz, Austria. ─── 中国医科大学,附属第一医院,循环内科,辽宁,沈阳,110001

22、However, there are some differences in biological features, pathogenic mechanism and histology. ─── 但肿瘤模型与人类肿瘤在生物学特性、致病机制、组织学等方面尚存在一定差别。

23、Histology showed a marked increase in the size of the cartilaginous soft callus. ─── 组织学显示出了软骨质的柔软的骨痂的尺寸的标记的增加。

24、We performed a set of explorations and reform on teaching Histology and Embryology in English to improve the teaching quality. ─── 在对留学生进行组织学与胚胎学全英文授课的教学实践中,为了提高教学质量,我们进行了一系列的探索和改革。

25、According to its characteristic histology, HL is devided into two main types in update WHO Classification of Tumors: nodular lymphocyte predominant HL (NLPHL) and classical HL (CHL). ─── 在最新WHO疾病分类中,根据其组织学特征分为结节性淋巴细胞为主型(nodular lymphocyte predominant HL,NLPHL)和经典型(classical HL,CHL)2种类型。

26、Diagnosis was based on clinical suspicion, confirmed by histology or ophthalmoscopy for all spontaneous forms and for most iatrogenic cases. ─── 对所有自发病例和大多数医源性病例先发现临床疑似病例,再经组织学或检眼镜检查法确诊。

27、By referring to the making and using of multimedia courseware for histology, this paper introduces some approaches to improving the quality of multimedia-aided teaching. ─── 本文结合组织学多媒体课件的制作和使用,介绍了一些提高多媒体教学质量的方法和一些应注意的问题。

28、However, we cannot make any conclusion because of the small patients' group with different histology type.Further study is needed. ─── 可是由于样于数小及组织型态的不同,无法做出具体的建议,需做进一步的探讨。

29、Methods: DGR with 99MTC-EHIDA radionuclide imaging,serum NO concentration with colorimetric assay, H.pylori infection with histology (Giemsa stain) and H.pylori-IgG level with ELISA assay were detected in 65 patients with chronic gastritis. ─── 方法 :对 6 5例慢性胃炎患者 ,用同位素99MTC -EHIDA测定十二指肠胃胆汁反流 ,硝酸还原酶法测定血清NO含量 ,采用胃黏膜经Giemsa染色后检测H . pylori,用ELISA法测定血清H .

30、This paper deals with the study on morphology and histology of the fruit of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. var, grandiflora Nakai. ─── 本文应用扫描电镜等较先进的实验研究方法,对水栀子(大花栀子Gardeniajdsminoides Ellis. var. grandiflora Nakai. 的果实)进行了形态学和组织学研究。

31、Abstract : The methods of wax microtomy and microscopic measurement were applied to study the histology of digestive tract and the face of tunica mucosa of the Trionyx sinensis. ─── 摘要 : 采用常规石蜡切片,观察了中华鳖消化道组织结构和粘膜表面。

32、The osteoinduction of the composite was assessed by histology and image analysis system. ─── 取材后通过组织学方法和图像分析评价其骨诱导活性。

33、Objective: To explore the emerging time, situs and morphous of ossification center with MRI examination, and compare the results with histology. ─── 摘要目的:探讨用MRI检测骨化中心出现的时间、位置、形态等,和组织学进行对比性研究。

34、Compared with the hemarthrosis group ,the histology of HA group is better. ─── 各时间段胶原含量与对照组均无明显差异。

35、as usual, then excise of the capsule wall and observe its changes of its thickness, histology and ultrastructure. ─── 扩张后切取囊壁,观察囊壁的厚度组织学及超微结构的变化。

36、The histology structure of nine hens' ovarian adenocarcinoma was observed on routine paraffin sections stained with H.E. ─── 摘要应用常规石蜡切片,H-E染色,对9例鸡卵巢腺癌进行病理学观察。

37、Methods:137 cases of CAG were divided into type A,B and AB with histology. ─── 方法:137例萎缩性胃炎划分成A型、B型和AB型。

38、Histology of resected polyps revealed adenomata. ─── 切除的息肉组织学检测结果显示为腺瘤。

39、Description and Histology Identification of Several Algae of Sargassum sp. ─── 中药海藻及几种类同品的性状和组织构造鉴别。

40、Methods The X-ray and pathological features of sclerosing adenosis of 17 focuses in 15 cases proved by histology were reviewed in comparison with that of breast cancer. ─── 方法收集15例共17处经手术病理证实的硬化性乳腺病的临床钼靶X线表现及病理改变资料并与乳腺癌进行对照分析,重点研究2种病变在临床及X线表现上的差异。

41、Methods Histology of 42 livers was studied. HE, Masson, Sweet and D-PAS staining and cytokeratin 7, CD68 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen immuno-histochemical staining were used in the study. ─── 方法用常规HE染色、组织化学Masson三色、Sweet网织、D-PAS染色及免疫组织化学CK7、CD68、增殖细胞核抗原染色对42例CSHB病例进行回顾性观察和分析。

42、Abstract: Glandular saccus regions in proventriculus of 8 Bactrian camels from Nei Monggol Autonomous Region were studied on histology, histochemistry and electron microscopy. ─── 摘要: 用组织学、组织化学及电镜技术对双峰驼前胃腺囊区的组织结构和腺细胞的超微结构进行了观察。

43、The histology of reproductive system in female crab Charybdis feriatus (Linnaeus) was studied. ─── 摘要试验结果表明,锈斑蟳雌性生殖系统由卵巢、输卵管、生殖孔和受精囊组成。

44、BM-9 Phase contrast microscope is widely used in biology, bacteriology, histology, pharmaceutical chemistry, such as research work. ─── BM-9相衬显微镜广泛应用于生物学、细菌学、组织学、药物化学等研究工作。

45、The median IRs of VBP and VAP to specific histology of epithelial ovarian cancer(EOC) were 77.3% and 71.0% , respectively. ─── VBP、 VAP方案对上皮性卵巢癌的中位抑制率分别为 77.3%和 71.0%。

46、Bell,T.A.& D.V.Lightner,1988,A handbook of normal penaeid shrimp histology,Baton Rouge,Louisiana:World Aquaculture Society. ─── 丁煜、王雷、李光友,1999,中国对虾复合疫苗的初步研究.海洋与湖沼,30(4):355-361.

47、The distribution and histology of lymphoid tissue in the Fabricius' bursal stalk were studied. ─── 摘要研究了番鸭法氏囊柄部淋巴组织的分布及组织学结构。

48、Main outcome measure Relatie sensitiity for cerical intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 2 or more at blindly reiewed histology, with atypical cells of undetermined significance or more seere cytology considered a positie result. ─── 主要观测指标:液基细胞学检出盲法观察组织学为2级或2级以上宫颈上皮内瘤相对灵敏度,不典型增生细胞或较严重细胞学异常认为阳性结果。

49、This article introduces constructivism theory and its application to the teaching of histology & embryology . ─── 文章阐述了建构主义学习论及其在组胚教学中的应用。

50、Abstract: “Animal histology and embryology” is a basic course in animal medicine and animal science, and is also a classic fmorphology. ─── 摘 要: 动物组织学与胚胎学是动物医学和动物科学专业的一门必修专业基础课,是一门典型的形态学科。

51、Whereas no significant association is seen between MMP-7 expression and patients’ sex, age, tumorous size and position, invasive depth and range, type and grade of histology. ─── 大肠癌MMP-7的表达与性别、年龄、部位、大体类型、组织学分级、肿瘤直径大小等指标均无明显相关,而与有无淋巴结转移、有无远隔器官转移显著相关(P<0.05)。

52、Nondippers and reerse dippers were equally common in recipients with normal histology and in those with pathologic findings on sureillance biopsy. ─── 在监测性肾活检显示组织学正常或不正常的患者中非勺型和倒勺型同样常见。

53、The thymus of mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi) was studied by general histology method and immunohistochemical method. ─── 摘要使用常规组织学和免疫组织化学方法对鳜胸腺进行研究。

54、Groups of high and medium dose of FFHC significantly enhanced the flux liquid of coronary artery of ischemia,inhibited the CK and LDH activities of perfusion liquid,and improved the pathological histology of ischemia-reperfusion. ─── FFHC高、中剂量组对心脏缺血再灌注损伤具有明显的保护作用,能提高缺血再灌注心脏的冠脉灌注量,抑制缺血再灌注损伤心肌CK和LDH外漏,拮抗缺血再灌注所造成的心肌的组织学损伤。

55、Method: Pharmacognostic studies were made through field collection, market investigation, document utilization, comparative morphology and histology. ─── 方法:野外采集,市场调查,结合文献查阅,形态和组织学比较研究。

56、But cartilage restored by this methods is not equal to the normal cartilage in many aspects,such as histology,cartilage feature and so on. ─── 但该方法所修复的软骨在组织学,软骨特性等方面均不如正常软骨;

57、Expand as equationally as usual, then excise of the capsule wall and observe its changes of its thickness,histology and ultrastructure. ─── 扩张后切取囊壁,观察囊壁的厚度组织学及超微结构的变化。

58、The rate of the able detect both the cytology and histology of early stage of the squamous cell carcinoma was 87.50%, the rate of accuracy was 81.50%. ─── 早期鳞状细胞癌检出率为87.50%,其准确率为81.50%;

59、Researches about temporomandibular joint focus on basic studies including histology and morphology. ─── 有关颞下颌关节(Temporomandibular joint,TMJ)的研究主要集中在基础性研究(包括组织学变化和形态学改变)方面。

60、Metastasis of the unfavorable histology of nephroblastoma tended to be far from the diaphragm. ─── “不顺利”型肿瘤有远隔转移倾向。

61、The thymus of Siniperca chuatsi was studied by the general histology method and immunohistochemical method. ─── 用普通组织学方法和免疫组织化学方法研究了翘嘴鳜的胸腺。

62、Instantly and at one week,two weeks,three weeks and four weeks after irradiation,the histology change of retinal and choroid were observed with light microscope in the rabbit. ─── 方法青紫蓝兔随机分为两组,行不同照射程度的经瞳孔温热疗法,分别于照射后即刻、1周、2周、3周和4周时观察光镜下视网膜和脉络膜的组织学变化。

63、Intersexual goats of Saanen breed of Xinong at Northwestern Agricultural University were studied in anatomy, histology,cytogenetics and genetics. ─── 摘要 本文从解剖学、组织学、细胞遗传学及遗传学方面对西农莎能山羊的间性个体进行了研究。

64、Objective To investigate clinical effect and histology characteristics of adis in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and to compare with those of adis. ─── [目的]观察艾迪莎治疗溃疡性结肠炎的临床疗效及组织学特点,并同柳氮磺胺吡啶(SASP)比较。

65、Thirty three cases obtained the clear histology, and the diagnosis rate of histology was 100%. ─── 33例活检均能获得明确的病理结果。

66、Methods: Collected 6 XGP patients' clinical information, and performed a retrospective analysis of their pathologic histology feature, Combined with literature review. ─── 方法:对6例黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎患者的临床资料、病理组织学特点、进行回顾性分析,并作文献复习。

67、Skin can be observed in its native state in vivo without the fixing,sectioning and staining that is necessary for routine histology. ─── 它能在活体组织观察细胞形态和组织结构,甚至在使用增强对照的试剂后,能在分子水平观察细胞的活动。

68、Likewise, liver histology can worsen rapidly in patients who have recurrent exacerbations or reactivation of hepatitis B. ─── 否则,肝脏组织学检查就会加重患者的病情或导致乙肝复发。

69、Methods:230 cases of adrenocortical adenomas were analyzed for clinical presentation, post-operative histology and fallow-up results. ─── 方法:对230例肾上腺皮质肿瘤的临床表现、术后病理及随访结果进行分析。

70、Title: Morphology and histology of eleven medicinal plant roots of Dendrobium Sw. ─── 关键词:石斛属;根;横切面观;根被表面观;形态学;组织学

71、From Jan. 1989 to Dec. 1993, 198 Patients hospitalized for fever of unknown origin (FUO) were studied. They were diagnosed with the methods of aetiology, serology, histology, etc. ─── 对198例原因不明发热(Fever of Unknown Origin FUO)患者行病原学、血清学、组织学等方法检查确定其诊断。

72、Methods:153 cases of CAG were divided into type A,type B and type AB by histology. ─── 方法:153例萎缩性胃炎作出A型、B型及AB型分类。

73、To discuss the methods of Histology teaching in English for foreign students,and help to exchange experiences and methods with each other and make progress together. ─── 探讨留学生组织学全英文教学的方法,以求相互交流、共同提高。

74、In order to meet the requirements of medical teaching contents and teaching method reform,we made CAI discs for histology teaching by Authorware 6.0 according to the teaching reality. ─── 为了适应新世纪教学内容对教学方法改革的要求 ,我教研室结合组织学教学实际 ,利用Authorware6 .0制作出组织学教学用多媒体CAI光盘。

75、Imaging results were correlated with BMI, detection of sentinel nodes, blue dye detection, and histology. ─── 影像的结果与BMI、前哨淋巴结的检出、蓝色染料的检出和组织学相关。

76、Comparison of liver histology with alcoholic liver disease after treating with bicyclol and polyene phosphatidylcholine. ─── 双环醇与多烯磷脂酰胆碱治疗酒精性脂肪肝的临床病理比较。

77、Methods :Experimental model of partial portal vein arterialization was established in rats.The changes of hepatic microvasculature and histology in the rat model were observed. ─── 方法:建立大鼠部分门静脉动脉化重建肝脏血流的实验模型,观察该模型大鼠肝脏微血管和组织学的变化。

78、Methods The thyroid in the rabbits had been cut off and the physics and histology of the bone in the rabbits were observed. ─── 方法采用手术切除家兔甲状腺并对其骨的物理学和组织学方面进行实验研究。

79、Methods Modeled the mice fatty liver by high fat emulsion,compareing with DBGT tablet, and observe the effects of Ganzhixiao Mixture on mice liver pathology histology. ─── 方法以高脂乳剂塑造小鼠肝高脂的脂肪肝模型,以东宝肝泰片为阳性对照,并观测肝脂消合剂对小鼠的肝组织病理的影响。

80、The products are mainly used in the histology analysis and research by the hospitals, science research institutes and colleges, judicial authorities and etc. ─── 产品主要应用于医院、科研院校、司法机关等机构进行组织学分析和研究。

81、Poor prognosis of survival was noted in both MALT lymphoma and DLCL despite its initial staging and histology. ─── 就我们所报告的5例甲状腺淋巴瘤而言,无论是何组织型态及临床分级,皆表现出低生存率。

82、Relative survival was estimated and the impact of age, sex, period, histology, and anatomic site modeled. ─── 我们对相对存活率进行了评价,并建立了年龄、性别、发病时间、组织学和解剖位置对存活率的影响模型。

83、The level and intensity of cyclinD1 and VEGF expression were closely related to histology grades.p27 expression Maybe related to histology grades . ─── p27蛋白的表达与组织学进展可能存在相关性,其表达强度与组织学分级无关。

84、Skin can be observed in its native state in vivo without the fixing, sectioning and staining that is necessary for routine histology. ─── 它能在活体组织观察细胞形态和组织结构,甚至在使用增强对照的试剂后,能在分子水平观察细胞的活动。

85、Methods DWI, ADC of 13 patients with PCNSL who were confirmed by postoperative histology were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法经手术后病理证实的13例原发性中枢神经系统非霍奇金淋巴瘤的DWI信号视觉观察和ADC值测量进行回顾性分析。

86、Title: Identification of histology and microscopical characters of Verbena littoralis H. B. K. ─── 关键词:马鞭草科;海滩马鞭草;组织构造;显微特征

87、This article introduces constructivism theory and its application to the teaching of histology & embryology. ─── 文章阐述了建构主义学习论及其在组胚教学中的应用.

88、The anatomy, histology and development of the androgenic gland was observed in Penaeus chinensis. ─── 摘要作者对中国对虾促雄性腺的位置、形态和组织结构以及变化过程进行了观察。

89、The united application of histology and cytology in transthoracic needle biopsy under CT guidance . ─── CT引导肺穿刺组织学与印片细胞学的联合应用

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