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impetigo 发音

英:[??mp??ta?ɡo?]  美:[??mp??ta?ɡ??]

英:  美:

impetigo 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 脓疱病


impetigo 词性/词形变化,impetigo变形

名词复数: impetigos |

impetigo 同义词

resistance | impenetrability |unyieldingness | watertightness | invulnerability | solidity | impermeability | inflexibility | rigidity | obduracy

impetigo 反义词


impetigo 短语词组

1、impetigo eczematodes ─── [医] 湿疹样脓疱病, 脓疱性湿疹

2、impetigo pityroides ─── [医] 糠疹样脓疱病

3、impetigo simplex ─── [医] 单纯脓疱病

4、impetigo bullosa ─── [医] 大疱性脓疱病

5、impetigo primarum viarum ─── [医] 口炎性腹泻

6、impetigo vulgaris ─── [医] 寻常脓疱病, 触染性脓疱病

7、commissural impetigo ─── [医] 融合性脓疱病

8、contagiosa impetigo ─── [医] 触染性脓疱病

9、impetigo parasitaria ─── [医] 寄生性脓疱病

10、staphylococcic impetigo ─── [医] 葡萄球菌性脓疱病, 毛囊脓疱病

11、impetigo follicularis ─── [医] 毛囊脓疱病, 浅脓疱性毛囊周炎

12、impetigo circinata ─── [医] 轮状脓疱病

13、impetigo herpetiformis ─── [医] 疱疹样脓疱病

14、impetigo contagiosa bullosa ─── [医] 大疱触染性脓疱病, 科利特氏化脓病

15、impetigo neonatorum ─── [医] 新生儿脓疱病

16、impetigo adenosa ─── [医] 腺性脓疱病

17、syphilitica impetigo ─── [医] 梅毒性脓疱病

18、Bockhart's impetigo ─── [医] 博克哈特氏脓疱病

19、Fox's impetigo ─── [医] 福克斯氏脓疱病, 触染性链球菌性脓疱病

impetigo 相似词语短语

1、impleting ─── 恳求

2、impieties ─── n.不虔诚;不尊敬;无信仰;无信心

3、impeticos ─── 无可挑剔的

4、impetigos ─── n.脓疱病(impetigo的变形)

5、impeticoses ─── 警觉的

6、impetigines ─── 脓疱病

7、impeticosed ─── 弹劾

8、impetiginous ─── adj.小脓疹的;像小脓疹的;[皮肤]脓疱病的

9、impletion ─── n.充满,充实物

impetigo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、impetigo pityroides ─── [医] 糠疹样脓疱病

2、A 26-year-old female with impetigo herpetiformis and gestational intrahepatic cholestasis is first formally reported. ─── 报告1例疱疹样脓疱病并发妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症。

3、impetigo contagiosa ─── 触染性脓疱病

4、Impetigo due to Staphylococcus aureus ─── 金黄色葡萄球菌致脓疱病

5、bullous impetigo of newborn ─── 新生儿大疱性脓疱病

6、neonate' s impetigo ─── 新生儿脓疱疮

7、Observation of Treatment of Neonate Impetigo by Berberine Bath ─── 黄连素药浴治疗新生儿脓疱疮的临床观察

8、impetigo contagiosa bullosa ─── [医] 大疱触染性脓疱病, 科利特氏化脓病

9、Yu Xiaxie sea often cause skin allergies, urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis, impetigo, psoriasis and other skin diseases of the intractable seizures. ─── 如海鱼虾蟹往往引起皮肤过敏者荨麻疹、湿疹、神经性皮炎、脓疱疮、牛皮癣等顽固性皮肤病的发作。

10、Impetigo, upper respiratory tract infection, skin trauma, scratches, and skin infections were the predisposing factors of SSSS; ─── 脓疱疮、上呼吸道感染、皮肤外伤、抓伤及皮肤局部感染是SSSS患病的主要诱因;

11、wounds, cold sores, chapped skin, furuncle, impetigo and intertrigo. ─── 创口,冻疮,皮肤干裂,疔疮,脓疱疮和褶烂。

12、Circinate impetigo ─── 环形脓疱病

13、impetigo vulgaris ─── [医] 寻常脓疱病, 触染性脓疱病

14、Keywords Radiating type thermal protection bed Impetigo herpetifomis Neonate Nursing; ─── 辐射式保暖床;脓疱疮;新生儿;护理;

15、follicular impetigo ─── 毛囊型脓疱疮

16、impetigo of Bockhart ─── 博克哈德脓疱病

17、impetigo syphilitica ─── 梅毒性脓疱病

18、syphilitica impetigo ─── [医] 梅毒性脓疱病

19、"Impetigo Bacterial inflammatory skin disease, the most common skin infection in children." ─── 脓病: 细菌感染性炎症性皮肤病,是儿童最常见的皮肤

20、At the same time, general hygiene was publicized to prevent the transmission of impetigo. ─── 结果治疗后第2天,4例脓疱疮患儿病灶渗出明显减轻,部分开始结痂;

21、Streptococcal Pyoderma or Impetigo Contagiosa ─── 链球菌脓皮病或接触性脓疱病

22、impetigo parasitaria ─── [医] 寄生性脓疱病

23、variolosa impetigo ─── [医] 天花脓疱病

24、Acute eruptive impetigo resulting from lincomycin: Report of 2 cases ─── 林可霉素引起急性发疹性脓疱病2例

25、Bockhart impetigo ─── 博克哈特脓疮病(侵入毛孔的葡萄球菌性脓疮病)

26、Methods:The clinical data of neonatal impetigo infection in neonates born in the department of obstetrics in our hospital were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:对某院4月份产科出生的新生儿脓疱疮感染的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

27、Treatment of Impetigo by Chinese Recipe with Purslane ─── 马齿苋方治疗黄水疮

28、Objective To investigate the therapeutic and nursing effects of using calamine mixture fluid on newborn babies with impetigo. ─── 目的观察炉甘石混合液用于治疗新生儿脓疱疮的疗效及总结护理要点。

29、Keywords impetigo;herpetiformis;cholestasis;intrahepatic;pregnancy; ─── 脓疱病;疱疹样;胆汁淤积症;肝内;妊娠期;

30、See your GP for treatment for impetigo. ─── 看到你的家庭医生为治疗脓疱。

31、Given the lack of evidence, it is no longer recommended to keep children with impetigo out of school or daycare centres. ─── 由于缺乏证据,它不再是建议保持儿童脓疱疮失学或日托中心。

32、Objective: To analyze relevant factors of hospital acquired impetigo neonatorum and to elucidate its prevention methods. ─── 目的:对医院获得性新生儿脓疱疮发生的可能病因进行分析并探讨其预防措施。

33、staphylococcic impetigo ─── [医] 葡萄球菌性脓疱病, 毛囊脓疱病

34、impetigo simplex ─── [医] 单纯脓疱病

35、Keywords impetigo herpetiformis;clinic;histopathology; ─── 疱疹样脓疱病;临床;病理;

36、Keywords Pakistan earthquake;Impetigo;Therapy; ─── 巴基斯坦地震;脓疱疮;治疗;

37、Bockhart rs impetigo ─── 博克哈特氏脓疱病

38、impetigo herpetiformis ─── 疱疹样脓疱病

39、Keywords Staphylococcus aureus(SA);impetigo;staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome(SSSS);exfoliative toxin(ET);reversed passive latex agglutination test(RPLA); ─── 金黄色葡萄球菌;脓疱疮;金葡菌烫伤样皮肤综合征;表皮剥脱毒素;反向乳胶凝集试验;

40、for newborn children with impetigo, it can relieve pain and control infection rapidly. ─── 对新生儿脓疱疮减轻患儿疼痛,较快控制感染;

41、Impetigo (streptococcal infection of the skin) is another contagious skin infection common in displaced people. ─── 脓疱病(链球菌导致的皮肤感染)是灾民中另一种常见的接触性皮肤传染病。

42、Nursing care of 12 cases impetigo patients in Pakistan earthquake refugee camp ─── 地震灾区难民营12例脓疱疮患儿的护理

43、"A Broad-spectrum antibiotic applied to the Blisters can treat simple impetigo; more extensive cases, especially in infants, may require a systemic antibiotic. " ─── 广谱抗生素对无并发症的脓病疗效不错。若脓病延及身体较大面积(特别是婴儿患者),则应早期全身应用抗生素。

44、A preventive herbal cream for dry skin diseases,cuts,scratches,minor bums, wounds,cold sores,chapped skin,furuncle,impetigo and intertrigo. ─── 干性皮肤病,割伤,抓伤,蚊虫叮咬,创伤,风湿,皲裂皮肤,疔疮,脓包和擦烂皮肤专用的预防性中药膏。

45、Keywords Pakistan earthquake;Refugee camp;Impetigo;Nursing care; ─── 关键词巴基斯坦地震;难民营;脓疱疮;护理;

46、impetigo circinata ─── [医] 轮状脓疱病

47、Hong Kong Skin & Laser Centre treats diseases of skin, such as acne, rosacea, eczema/dermatitis, impetigo, dermatophytosis, candidiasis, herpes zoster and actinic keratosis. ─── 港颜皮肤激光中心医治皮肤疾患,包括痤疮(暗疮)、酒渣鼻、湿疹/皮炎、脓疱症、皮真菌病、念珠菌病、带状疱疹、光化性角化病等等。

48、facial impetigo ─── 面部脓痂疹

49、They may be dry, golden yellow, soft, friable, and superficial, as in impetigo; ─── 痂可以是干燥的、金黄色的、软的、易碎的和表浅的,如脓疱病;

50、An observation of therapeutic effect of bromogeramine and SMZ-TMP in treating impetigo neonatorum ─── 新洁尔灭与复方新诺明治疗新生儿脓疱疮的疗效观察

51、Clinical observation on external use of mupirocin ointment in the treatment of staphylococcal impetigo and preliminary study on drug sensitivity ─── 莫匹罗星软膏外用治疗金葡菌感染的脓疱疮临床观察及药敏实验初探

52、impetigo herpetifomis ─── 脓疱疮

53、impetigo follicularis ─── 毛囊脓疱病

54、commissural impetigo ─── [医] 融合性脓疱病

55、impetigo neonatorum ─── 新生儿脓疱病

56、Care of dilution of peroxyacetic acid for newborns with impetigo ─── 过氧乙酸稀释液治疗新生儿脓疮疹及护理

57、A report on precaution and treatment of sheep infectious impetigo ─── 羊传染性脓疱病的防治

58、gyrate impetigo ─── 回状脓疱病

59、furfuraceous impetigo ─── 糠状脓疱病

60、To understand the clinical and histopathological features of impetigo herpetiformis(IH),23 cases were analyzed . ─── 为了了解疱疹样脓疱病的临床与病理特点,对23例病人进行了分析。

61、bullous impetigo ─── 大疱性脓疱病

62、Altabax is for patients who are at least 9 months old and hae impetigo due to the common bacteria Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes, states GlaxoSmithKline, which makes Altabax. ─── 脓疱是由细菌所造成的高度传染性皮肤病,最常见于儿童身上,通常是因为和脓疱的患者有过身体接触,共用衣物、寝具、毛巾或其它物品而将传染扩散开来。

63、wounds,cold sores,chapped skin,furuncle,impetigo and intertrigo. ─── 创口,冻疮,皮肤干裂,疔疮,脓疱疮和褶烂

64、Fox's impetigo ─── [医] 福克斯氏脓疱病, 触染性链球菌性脓疱病

65、impetigo bullosa ─── [医] 大疱性脓疱病

66、contagiosa impetigo ─── [医] 触染性脓疱病

67、They may be dry, golden yellow, soft, friable, and superficial, as in impetigo; ─── 痂可以是干燥的、金黄色的、软的、易碎的和表浅的,如脓疱病;

68、staphylococcal impetigo ─── 葡萄球菌性脓疱病

69、A 76-year-old man developed fulminant liver failure and subsequently died following treatment with gatifloxacin for impetigo. ─── 1例76岁男性因使用加替沙星治疗脓疱病而发生肝衰竭死亡。

70、Analysis on the causes and prevention measures of neonate's impetigo infection ─── 新生儿医院获得性脓疱疮感染原因分析及对策

71、For general first aid uses such as cuts, burns, abrasions, insect bites, bee stings, rashes, impetigo, boils, pimples, sinus problems, fingernail and toenail infections. ─── 对于一般的急救用途,例如割伤,烧伤,擦伤,昆虫咬伤,蜂蜇,皮疹,脓疱疮,疖子,青春痘,窦问题,指甲和趾甲感染。

72、streptococcal impetigo ─── 链球菌性脓疱病

73、impetigo eczematodes ─── [医] 湿疹样脓疱病, 脓疱性湿疹

74、Ceftriaxone-induced drug fever during treatment of patient with impetigo herpetiformis: a case report ─── 头孢曲松钠治疗疱疹样脓疱病引起药物热一例报告

75、impetigo variolosa ─── 天花脓疱病

76、Objective:To conclude nursing experience about little children impetigo. ─── 目的:总结小儿脓疱疮的护理经验。

77、Treating neonatarum impetigo by iodophor and cimetidine tagamet: a report of 21 cases ─── 碘伏及甲氰咪呱治疗新生儿脓疱疮21例

78、Objective: To analyze relevant factors of hospital acquired impetigo neonatorum and to elucidate its prevention methods. ─── 目的:对医院获得性新生儿脓疱疮发生的可能病因进行分析并探讨其预防措施。

79、A diagnosis of ampullar impetigo was made and she received cloxacillin for 3 weeks without improvement. ─── 她被诊断为壶腹状脓疱疹,接受邻氯青霉素治疗3周,没有改善。

80、Loss of all or portions of the epidermis alone, as in impetigo or herpes zoster or simplex after vesicles rupture, produces an erosion. ─── 糜烂就是仅有表皮的部分或全部缺失,如在脓疱病、带状疱疹或单纯疱疹水疱破裂之后。

81、The incidence rate of impetigo in infants born in Hospital A(33.9%)was significantly higher than those of infants born in the other two (11.5% and 13.9% respectively). ─── 甲院出生的婴儿脓疱病发病率(33.9%)显著高于乙院(11.5%)和丙院(13.9%)。

82、SOURCES: News release, FDA. WebMD Medical News: "Understanding Impetigo -- the Basics." News release, GlaxoSmithKline. ─── 来源:新闻搞,FDA,网络医学新闻“了解脓疱的发生”葛兰素史克新闻搞。

83、conclude nursing experience about little children impetigo . ─── 总结小儿脓疱疮的护理经验。

84、impetigo adenosa ─── [医] 腺性脓疱病

85、impetigo primarum viarum ─── [医] 口炎性腹泻

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