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09-04 投稿


burrs 发音

英:[b??z]  美:[b?rz]

英:  美:

burrs 中文意思翻译



burrs 短语词组

1、burrs in the grass ─── 草丛中的毛刺

2、burrs def ─── 毛刺定义

3、burrs define ─── 毛刺定义

4、burrs on the beach 2019 ─── 海滩上的毛刺

5、burrs letter to hamilton ─── 伯尔斯写给汉密尔顿的信

burrs 词性/词形变化,burrs变形

动词过去式: burrowed |动词第三人称单数: burrows |动词过去分词: burrowed |名词: burrower |动词现在分词: burrowing |

burrs 相似词语短语

1、burns ─── n.络腮胡子;v.[外科]烧伤(burn的第三人称单数)

2、burros ─── n.驴子(尤指美国西南部用作驮畜的驴)(burro的变形)

3、burks ─── n.(Burks)人名;(英、西)伯克斯

4、burls ─── n.瘤;树节;节;vt.去掉节

5、burgs ─── n.镇;城;村;n.(Burg)人名;(英)伯格;(法、罗、德、捷、匈)布尔格

6、birrs ─── n.比尔(埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚国基本货币单位);活力;冲量;旋转声;vt.使发出旋转声;vi.发出旋转声;n.(Birr)人名;(法、德)比尔;(英)伯尔

7、buras ─── n.比勒斯(美国地名)

8、buhrs ─── [机]硅质磨石;n.(Buhr)人名;(捷)布赫尔;(德)布尔

9、burbs ─── 郊区(等于suburb);打嗝(加拿大英语)

burrs 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It widely serves as fresh water and seawater cooling pump, burr pump, ballast pump and general pump, and used for seawater desalting device and marine pressure cabinet. ─── 广泛应用于淡水和海水冷却泵、舱底泵、压载泵、消防泵、日常总用泵等。

2、Finally select the subtraction, material Park, select simple layout, and to the refined burrs, and this form of binding. ─── 最后还是选择减法,用材质朴,选择简洁的版式,并以改进后的毛边本形态装订。

3、Burrs might appear in the g-reen parts of the PW system. ─── PW系所得的生胚较易产生毛边。

4、Sandler DP, Burr FR, R.Weinberg C. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and the Risk for Chronic Renal Disease. Annal of Internal Medicine 1999;115(3):165-72. ─── 周献章,张哲铭.止痛剂肾病变-一种在台湾可能被忽略的疾病.肾脏与透析2003;15(4):168-70.

5、"Mist' Willie Burr frum Macom whut is kin ter us, he brung it ter Miss Pitty. ─── "我们的一个亲戚威利 - 伯尔先生给皮蒂小姐带了这封信来。

6、If a cover design-time to set aside the bottom side of the head, burrs, and sizes, this behavior completely avoidable. ─── 如果在封面设计时留出天头,地脚的毛边尺寸,这种现象完全可以避免的。

7、All 4 once worked at the Burr Oak Cemetery and have now been charged with felonies. ─── 因涉嫌实施如此令人发指的恶行,4人均已面临重罪指控。

8、Burr was indicted for murder, but the charges were later dropped. ─── 安伦波被控以谋杀罪,但是这个指控最后被撤销了。

9、Replacing quartz sand with mullite sand, the high temperature intension of sand core can be improved, the burr defect is avoiding, the quality and life of track plate and pin are improved. ─── 利用莫莱石砂替代石英砂生产履带板砂芯可提高其抗高温开裂强度,消除履带板销孔的脉纹铸造缺陷,提高履带板与履带销的质量与使用寿命。

10、The winter's forst must rend the burr of the nut before the fruit is seen. ─── 只有冬天的寒霜撕碎了坚果的芒刺,才能看到果实。

11、Think he's just got some burr up his butt where I concerned. ─── 反正是说这个人不好的意思,就是不知道怎么翻出来.

12、An automatic radiusing machine was developed to eliminate the burr or edge fin of bar end. ─── 为了清除棒材在生产过程中产生的端部毛刺、飞边等缺陷,研制开发了棒材自动倒角机。

13、Use the reaming blade on the end of the tube cutter to remove any burrs. ─── 用截管器尾部的铰刀清除毛边。

14、She speaks with a soft West Country burr. ─── 她说话带有一种西部地区浓重 r 音的口音。

15、No burr,flash,scratch, flow mark , bright speck ,shrinkage defects etc on the surface of product. ─── 外观表面不可有毛边、刮痕、流痕、亮痕、缩水等不良现象.

16、The paper presents the principle of no burr doub le-faced striking hole and work process. ─── 介绍了无毛刺双面冲孔的原理及手把体模锻件双面冲孔的工作过程。

17、Roller antidandruff horizontal plane to ensure no chewing gum smooth burr. ─── 4、采用卧式辊筒去屑机保证香口胶光滑无毛刺。

18、The winter's frost must rend the burr of the nut before the fruit is seen. So adversity tempers the human heart, to discover its real worth. ─── 只要冬天的寒霜撕碎了坚果的芒刺,才能看到果实。因此,逆境能炼就一个人的心,发现这颗心真正的价值。

19、Coarse herbs having small heads of greenish flowers followed by burrs with hooked bristles. ─── 一个粗糙草本属,头状花序,呈绿色的花,钩状刺毛。

20、Our dog came home with burrs in his coat. ─── 我们的狗回家时毛上有些带刺的种子。

21、Oh,and before I forget,contact Gregory Burr and arrange a meeting for tomorrow afternoon. ─── 噢,先交代你一声,你和格雷戈里·柏尔联络一下,约他明天下午见面。

22、On February 17th, 1801, the House of Representatives broke an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, electing Jefferson president. Burr became vice president. ─── 1801年2月17日,美国众议院在托马斯·杰弗逊和布尔之间得票数相同的情况下,选举托马斯·杰弗逊为美国总统,布尔为副总统。

23、Two kinds of materials are available: ordinary cloth and daji, adhere abradant and glue to the dry it then it can remove burrs as a rough buffing before plating. ─── 分普通布和卡叽两种材质,将磨料与胶水粘在布轮上,烘干后能去工件的毛刺,适用于镀前粗抛。

24、Stacking of thin specimen is permitted provided they are that, parallel, and from dust or burrs. ─── 在彼此平行并且没有灰尘和毛刺的条件下,允许重叠薄样品。

25、The winter's frost must rend the burr of the nut before the fruit is seen.So adversity tempers the human heart,to discover its real worth. ─── 只有冬天的寒霜撕碎了坚果的芒刺,才能看到果实。因此,逆境能练就一个人的心,发现这颗心真正的价值。

26、The hydraulic shearing unit makes fixed cutting available with very little burr, and may be operated automatically with a maximum work speed of 6 m/min. ─── 切割部分可分为砂轮切割和不停机切割系统,不停机切割系统可实现定尺切断。切断毛刺小,可实现全自动化生产。其工作速度为6米/分钟。

27、Remove all weld splatter and burrs. ─── 所有焊缝必须焊透.

28、Burr and Henslee's Entertainment Law (American Casebook Series? ─── 布尔与海斯里娱乐法(美国案例书系)

29、Usable fine rubber is arenaceous drop contact surface burr, make contact surface slick level off. ─── 可用细砂皮砂掉触点表面毛刺,使触点表面光滑平整。

30、Furthermore, some methods to restrain or decrease the two-side direction burr in grinding-hardening machining are developed. ─── 同时,给出了若干抑制或减少两侧方向毛刺的方法。

31、Are oily feeling gradually eroded, diabetes'mellitus oil, and finally produce glitch, and Burr will be longer and longer. ─── 又受到油性腐蚀,忽然感脂干油,末了爆发不净刺本体,而且不净刺会越来越不幼。

32、Similarly, a Swiss scientist developed the VELCRO? fastener based on the burrs that covered him and his dog when they returned from a walk in the woods. ─── 同样,瑞士科学家通过观察丛林里粘在小狗和他身上的芒刺,研制出了粘贴式尼龙搭扣。

33、Removing scratches or burrs for welding side of hairline. ─── 拉丝表面焊接后的去划痕及毛刺。

34、On aspect of pruduct function, the cleanness criterion's unfufilling due to the burr should be prevent to avoid the wear &failure of the engine. ─── 在产品功能方面,防止因毛刺存在或脱落而引起的清洁度达不到标准,引起柴油机磨损和故障。

35、The bilateral-bidirectional clam has the work piece stable and the cutting face smooth without burr and dust power, and low noise and low pollution. ─── 双边双向夹钳使工件平稳,切面平滑无毛边、无粉尘,锯切时低嘈音、低污染。

36、My hair is bold like the chestnut burr; and my eyes, like the sherry in the glass that the guest leaves. ─── 我的头发就像松软的栗毛,我的眼睛就像客人留在杯中的雪利。

37、If the tank is made of sheet steel, clean it thoroughly to remove all dirt, chips, and burrs. ─── 如果坦克是由钢板,清洗彻底去除污垢、薯片、毛刺。

38、The common conjugate surface includes tooth surface of gear, working surface of solid cam, helicoidal surfaces existing in spiral burr, worm, chip flute of cutters, and so on. ─── 常见的共轭曲面包括齿轮的齿面、空间凸轮的工作面和螺旋面等,其中螺旋面被广泛应用于螺纹、蜗杆、螺杆泵及金属切削刀具等领域。

39、Second,obtains closed but including burrs contour lines by using contour lines connection and deformed dilation. ─── 其次采用边界连接及变形膨胀方法,得到完全闭合、但存在多余毛刺的区域边界;

40、On the basis of the process of metal cutting, a model for the leaned burr formation in metal cutting is made. ─── 以切削运动和进给运动方向为基准,对切削毛刺进行了分类,建立了金属切削中进给方向毛刺生成模型.

41、Depending on the depth of the burr, shade and light areas were produced. Pure white was obtained by entirely effacing the burr and burnishing the plate.By extension, a form of half-tone screen which imitates this effect. ─── 因不同的芒刺深度而获得不同明暗的色调;光白部份则把芒刺激完全磨去。引用这个名称,模仿这个效果的半色调网片,称为沙粒网。

42、Part to be free of all burrs and chips expect as noted. ─── 如说明那样分解开,不留任何毛刺和碎屑。

43、But the above two template thinning methods had the deficiency of being easy to get burrs after thinning for the cause of thinning direction of the templates was not detail. ─── 但是这两种模板细化方法均存在细化后图像容易产生毛刺的不足,究其原因是由于模板细化方向粗糙造成的。

44、It is therefore possible to prevent cracks from occurring on portions other than the cutting surface, and burrs from occurring on the cutting surface. ─── 因此,这是不可能避免裂缝的出现,对部分以外的切割面,毛刺发生于切削表面。

45、Carrier design must be developed in one of three ways to avoid match cuts and the burrs that are associated with them (no burrs are exceptable in these area's). ─── 为避免重复过切以及由此产生的毛刺必须使用以下三种之一的过切设计。(在这些区域毛边是不可接受的)

46、Must be free of burrs,cracks and sharp edges component cleanliness ACC. to T.B. ─── = 无毛刺, 裂痕和尖边. 工件清洁度按照 T.

47、In reply to her mother's command and entreaty that she would behave more decorously, little Pearl paused to gather the prickly burrs from a tall burdock which grew beside the tomb. ─── 听到她母亲又是命令又是恳求地要她放规矩些,小珠儿才不再跳舞,从长在墓旁的一株高大的牛蒡上采集多刺的果实。

48、Coating the outer wall are protein fragments that resemble burrs, the hooks that bristle around the outside of certain seeds. ─── 覆盖外壁的是像毛刺的蛋白质,钩子直立在某些种子的外部。

49、A break came the following year,when popular Nashville balladeer Gary Burr asked Hill to become his regular backing vocalist at his Bluebird Cafe shows. One such performance was attended by Warner Bros. ─── 在纳什维尔颇受欢迎的流行歌手盖瑞·伯尔,请希尔为他在蓝鸟咖啡屋的演出担任固定伴唱。

50、These burrs, due to the tendency to have pointed shapes, punch holes in and tear rubber protective clothing. ─── 尖形的毛刺可能穿透并刺破橡胶保护物。

51、The operations were performed for 110 cases, of them, 98 cases with ITEDH underwent surgical evacuation of the hematoma after admission; burr hole drainage in 12 patients. ─── 手术治疗110例,开颅血肿清除98例,锥颅血肿穿刺引流术12例,保守治疗15例。

52、slivers and burrs left cutting the tube, by reaming and filing, both inside and outside. ─── 通过内外铰锉,将遗留在管道切割口的长条和毛刺清除掉。

53、There is no such defects as crack, air bubble, burr on the surface of sanitary unit, the color wait for Owner's decision. ─── 卫生单元内表面装饰应完善。无裂缝、气泡、毛刺现象,颜色待定。

54、A kind of simple but effective thinning algorithm is also proposed in this paper, it assure strictly that thinned lines be in the centre of ridge lines, and the whole image be thinned thoroughly, without any burr and twist. ─── 在二值化图像的细化处理中,本文提出了一种简单、有效的细化算法,严格地保证了细化线位于纹线的中心,且细化彻底,没有毛刺和纹线扭曲的现象。

55、Thenwe plunged downthe trail into the woods alive withthe hum of cicadas hanging thick inthe branches of the burr oaks and hickories. ─── 我们匆匆吃了点三明治,然后沿着小路走进森林,一路上浓密的橡树和山胡桃树叶子里的蝉叫声一直伴随着我们。

56、A high-speed burr was used to decorticate the surface of C2 lamina and C1 arch. ─── 使用高速球钻在C2椎板和C1椎弓表面去皮质。

57、A burr should not form too easily, or be too large. ─── 卷边毛刺不应很容易形成,也不应太大。

58、The places Passengers can reach are not allowed to have exposed sharp edges, burrs, monoceras and dangerous material, convex knife. ─── 乘客可触及之处检查不允许有外露的锐边、毛刺、尖角和危险凸刀出物。

59、Italian, the native language of stars such as jockey Frankie Dettori, was second. In third place was the Scottish burr, made famous by actor Sean Connery. ─── 意大利口音名列第二。代表明星包括职业赛马骑师弗兰基-德托等。以“小舌音”为主要特点的苏格兰口音位列第三,这主要归功于男星肖恩-康纳利。

60、Interior changes include new stainless-steel door guards with illumination, a leather wrapped instrument panel, an alcantara lined roof, and exclusive burr walnut wood trim. ─── 内部的变化包括新的不锈钢大门警卫与照明,真皮包裹的仪表盘,排队的阿尔坎塔拉屋顶,和专属毛刺胡桃木内饰.

61、Thread-bound book cover general paper is to use the same color as the book block of burrs, paper, or green-blue coloring sheet. ─── 线装书封面用纸一般是使用与书芯颜色相同的毛边纸,或用青蓝色的染色纸。

62、She speaks with a Scottish burr. ─── 她讲话时带苏格兰人的颤音r音。

63、If a cover design-time to set aside the bottom side of the head, burrs, and sizes, this behavior completely avoidable. ─── 如果在封面设计时留出天头、地脚的毛边尺寸,这种现象完全可以避免的。

64、The case of burrs defective in cyanide tin - copper alloy deposits were investigated and preventive methods were proposed. ─── 分析了氰化镀铜锡合金过程中镀层出现毛刺弊病的原因,并提出了解决方法。

65、Burr holds a bachelors degree from San Jose State Universitys School of Journalism and Mass Communications. ─── Burr拥有圣何塞州立大学新闻和大众传播学院的学士学位。

66、Check the surface of pipes to avoid burrs and sharp angle, which could spare all damages to wires in the process of installation. ─── 检查管道外表面确认无毛刺、锐角,以免在安装时对电缆造成损坏。

67、The main defects are deformation and burrs of cutting surface in the square pipe end. ─── 切口变形和毛刺是矩形管管端的主要缺陷。

68、Authorities have closed Chicago's Burr Oak Cemetery as officials tried to identify the people in about 100,000 graves. ─── 当局关闭了芝加哥橡木公墓,因为官员们试着弄清楚大约100,000个坟墓里的人的身份。

69、The centers must be aligned and the mandrel must be free of burrs. ─── 这些中心点必须排列成一行,并且保证心轴上没有毛刺的现象出现。

70、Also, if the burr is very elastic, and tends to just flop side to side rather than getting harder to feel as you use lighter strokes or finer grits, that is a bad sign. ─── 同样地,当你使用细目砂轮(带)打磨时如果卷边很有弹性地在刀锋两边移来移去就是个坏信号。

71、Fast weaveform captures it is difficult that rate utmost land increased to capture check burr and other are abiogenesis the probability of incident. ─── 快速波形捕获速率最大限度地提高了捕获难检毛刺和其它偶发事件的概率。

72、Skivings: Fine threadlike particles found in the vicinity of the projector gate; caused by physical abrasion against a sharp burr or nick on a film-path component. ─── 刮片:在放映机镜头片门附近发现的细丝状粒子,是由于和胶片通道元件上的毛边或刻痕发生物理摩擦而产生.

73、Burr joined Adobe in 1999 as senior director of worldwide public relations, bringing more than 23 years of high-tech public relations and marketing communications experience with him. ─── Burr于1999年加盟Adobe,任全球公共关系高级主管,其时他已拥有超过23年的高科技公共关系和市场营销沟通经验。

74、Burr had removed the cartridges from each man's musket during the night. ─── 伯尔夜早已把各士兵步枪的子弹取去。

75、The phones in Europe don't seem to ring;they burr. ─── 在欧洲听筒似乎发不出清脆响亮的声音,它们发音粗浊不清。

76、Burrs on edges and around holes shall be blunt enough as to not cut the hand when handled normally. ─── 但是在棱角和切割洞孔表面周围的毛剌应钝化,以保证在正常操作处理时不会割伤手指。

77、Also check that the adjoining pipework is clean and free from debris and burrs. ─── 也检查所连接的管道是否清洁,没有碎片和毛刺。

78、She speaks with a soft rural burr. ─── 她说话带著乡下人的轻柔的r音。

79、To analyze the draw craft of overlay of automobile, make to sure the draw craft of overlay of automobile , availably avoid the phenomenon of cockling, crazing ,burr and flipping. ─── 从汽车覆盖件拉深工艺设计依据到设计原则的分析,确定了正确的汽车覆盖件拉深工艺的方案,有效地避免覆盖件的起皱、开裂、拉毛和回弹现象。

80、All patients underwent curettage, combined with a high-speed burr, cauterization of interior wall of the cyst using phenol and ethanol. ─── 手术方法均采用病损局部开窗配合高速磨钻切刮术,术后腔内用石炭酸、75%酒精灭活。

81、The clean cut can be achieved without HAZ, burrs, debris, thermal damage, mechanical stress or contamination. ─── 切割面干净利落、无热影响区、毛刺、裂隙、热损伤、机械应力以及污染。

82、So the gossip ran, tearing the town apart, tearing apart, too, the close-knit clan of Hamiltons, Wilkeses, Burrs, Whitemans and Winfields. ─── 就这样,街谈巷议在继续,全城分成了两派,那些组织严密的家族,如汉密尔顿家、威尔克斯家、伯尔家、惠特曼家和温尔德家,也同样分裂了。

83、Appearance: No harmful flaws, cracks, burrs, bends and other harmful defects permitted. ─── 外观:划痕,裂纹,毛边,褶皱,此类严重的缺陷不接受。

84、On inspecting aspect, the job is to prevent or reduce out-of-tolerance and reject due to the burr. ─── 在检测方面,防止或减少因毛刺存在使检测超差,废品增多。

85、Shear clearances should be designed to minimize burrs with consideration to die life. 8% of metal thick per side or 6% with raw material under .030" thick. ─── 冲裁间隙设计时应考虑到最小的毛刺及模具寿命,一般为材料厚度的8%,当料片厚度小于.030"时使用6%的冲裁间隙。

86、Burr immediately climbed into the driver's seat and continued on the mission of entering the town to reconnoiter road conditions. ─── 但他拒绝接受医护并坚持和他的战友们留在阵地上。

87、Cut tube end square. Ream, burr and size. ─── 垂直切割管道。刮除毛刺,测量尺寸。

88、The silk-screen should be clear, without burrs, and the dimension should be accurate. ─── 尺寸准确,丝印清楚,不能有毛边。

89、All surfaces are free of burrs, preventing it from accumulating dirt. ─── 所有的表面都没有粘附物以防止污垢的堆积物。

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