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09-04 投稿


boded 发音

英:[?b??d?d]  美:[?bo?d?d]

英:  美:

boded 中文意思翻译





boded 短语词组

1、boded well meaning ─── 预示着好意

2、boded definition ─── 预兆定义

3、boded ill ─── 凶兆; ─── 凶多吉少

4、boded sentence ─── 预兆句

boded 词性/词形变化,boded变形

动词现在分词: boding |动词过去式: boded |动词第三人称单数: bodes |动词过去分词: boded |

boded 相似词语短语

1、bodged ─── v.糟糕地(或粗心地)办(一件事)(等于botch);(非正式)拙劣地修补;(使)混乱;n.混乱;拼凑的东西(等于botch);差错;n.(Bodge)(美)波德杰(人名)

2、booed ─── int.(表示不满、轻蔑等)嘘;(惊吓别人发出的声音)啵;v.向……喝倒彩;发出嘘声;n.嘘声;n.(Boo)(美)博(人名)

3、bodied ─── adj.有形的;有躯体的;v.赋…以形体;体现(body的过去分词)

4、boned ─── adj.骨骼的;去掉骨头的;用骨架撑起的;施过骨粉料的;去骨的;n.(Boned)人名;(西)博内德

5、bodes ─── vt.预示;为…的兆头;vi.预示;v.停留;继续;遭到(bide的过去式);n.(Bode)人名;(英、法、德、意、俄、尼日利、瑞典)博德

6、bided ─── v.忍耐;等候;伺机(bide的过去分词)

7、bode ─── vt.预示;为…的兆头;vi.预示;v.停留;继续;遭到(bide的过去式);n.(Bode)人名;(英、法、德、意、俄、尼日利、瑞典)博德

8、boked ─── n.博客;小细脉;n.(Boke)人名;(英、塞、瑞典)博克

9、bonded ─── adj.黏合的;(感情上)结为一体的;受(法律)约束的;被迫像奴隶一般工作的;存入保税仓库的;有担保的;共价的;存放关栈待完税的;v.结合(bond的过去式和过去分词)

boded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bide with me awhile. ─── 和我一起呆一会儿吧。

2、Bbb Bode Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd lies in coastal city Bbb, neighboring ten million ton SINOPEC BBB REFINING &CHEMICAL CO.,LTD. It enjoys convenient highway, railway, air and sea transportations. ─── 九州博德化机有限公司地处海滨城市九州,与中石化千万吨级九州炼油化工有限责任公司相邻。高速公路、铁路纵横交错,航空、海运交通方便。

3、Tis you tis you must go and I must bide ─── 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待

4、"The genetic difference between these two viruses is actually quite substantial, so I think it certainly does bode well," he told reporters in a conference call. ─── “这两种病毒的遗传差异是很明确的,我想这是好现象”他在一个电话会议的报告上说。

5、He is worth no weal that can bide no woe. ─── 不能吃苦的人就没有幸福。

6、He decided to bide his time until he got an opportunity to talk to her alone. ─── 他决定等待机会单独同她谈谈。

7、His idle habits will not bode well for his future. ─── 他那懒散的习惯预示着他不会有好的前途。

8、"I am just going to bide my time and hopefully the chance comes and I can take it. ─── “我现在要坚持过这一段时间,希望当机会来临的时候我能够抓住它。

9、In the past Mr Paulson has been rather sympathetic to the Chinese on their currency conundrum, so this does not bode well for relations between the two. ─── 以前他对中国的汇率难题很是同情,这对两国关系来说并不是个好兆头。

10、And the contrast between the immense good fortune of a few and the continuing suffering of all too many boded ill for the future. ─── 对比一下少数企业拥有的巨大好运和一些企业预示着未来将继续遭受的苦难间落差。

11、Both may 12)bode well for tolerance. ─── 也许这两者都预示着宽容之心。

12、Say nothing, but sit quietly and bide your time until your pre-election dire predictions come true and then say "told you so". ─── 什么也不说,只是静静的坐在一旁消磨时间,直到选举前可怕的语言变成现实的时候,才说“老早就告诉你了嘛。”

13、"Take it from me, he just needs to bide his time.I wish I had been more patient in 2001 - I was headstrong in my younger days.I made some impulsive decisions. ─── “接受我的建议把,他一定要听过这段时间,我真希望自己01年的时候能够更耐心一些,年轻的时候我太刚愎自用了,做出了一些冲动的决定。

14、They did not bide their time for twenty years engaging in office politics. ─── 他们不想花20年时间搞政治斗争。

15、Nor do the ironies he culls from the history of medicine bode well for the disease-free future imagined by some prophets of biotech. ─── 他从医学史上挑出来的一些颇具讽刺性的事件,也同样并不预示生物科技所想象出来的"无疾病的未来”。

16、Any further biased or offensive action or words against them is tantamount to attempts to turn back the wheel of history and will not bode well for the future of Indonesia. ─── 倘若再有任何歧视和侮辱性的动作或称呼,显然是开历史倒车,不利印尼明天的前途。

17、But it doesn't bode so well for Americans who are worried about their jobs. ─── 但这对于那些担心工作问题的美国人却并非是什么好兆头。

18、His parting shot does not bode well for all the talk in the West of a future built on international partnerships. ─── 他最后的尖刻话语却给西方关于阿富汗未来的一切议论罩上阴影,西方希望建立一个有国际合作的阿富汗。

19、Otherwise we should rather fall back and carefully bide our time. ─── 否则宁可退让,持重待机。

20、Beijing Bode Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd. ─── 北京博得交通设备有限公司。

21、Since the winter solstice, the salt farms and fish farms in the coastal town Bode of Gaqi (Chiayi) are currently attracting over 200 species of birds, as well as many bird watchers. ─── 入冬了后,嘉义倚海耶布袋镇耶一寡曝盐埕及饲鱼场这马有两百外种耶野生鸟仔尬意去歇脚。

22、Ms Ulrich said a sharp rebound in new housing starts in September boded well for the months ahead. ─── 李晶表示,9月份新住宅开工数量大幅反弹,对未来几个月是很好的预兆。

23、Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust. ─── 你必须遵照法则,有全然的爱和理想的信念。

24、The late Deng Xiaoping gave warning, in the wake of the collapse of European communism, that China should keep a low profile in world affairs and bide its time. ─── 在东欧共产主义国家解体后,已故国家领导人邓小平曾经警告,中国在国际事务中务必采取韬光养晦的策略。

25、But Hershey may want to pick up pieces of Cadbury, which could bode well for Buffett, some investors said. ─── 一些投资者表示,但是,好时公司可能会收购吉百利公司的部分业务,这对巴菲特来说是个好兆头。

26、But he was too clever to bide here any longer-a small sleepy place like this! ─── 可是他那样聪明人,怎么能在这样一个死气沉沉的小地方,长远呆下去哪!

27、Humans know how to wait, to bide their time until the story is complete. ─── 人类知道如何等待时机,耐住性子,直到事件结束。

28、But if a male smells only other males nearby and detects females in the distance, he'll bide his time to store up the energy reserves he'll need to survive the search for a mate. ─── 但是,假如雄性蜘蛛觉察到其他的同性对手靠近,并且嗅到有雌性蜘蛛在远处,他就会慢慢地成长,为寻找异性伴侣的长途跋涉储备一些时间和能量。

29、His idle habits bode ill for his future. ─── 他的懒惰习惯预示他将来不会有好的前途。

30、Reduction in numbers of games should have boded ill for their survival in later times. ─── 数量的减少对它们以后的生存来说应该是个不祥之兆。

31、But his reticence boded nothing good to the Anglican cause. ─── 但他的沉默预示着什么好事,圣公会的事业。

32、But if the company whose wads of cash have it dubbed 'Bank of Toyota' is asking for help, that doesn't bode well for its rivals. ─── 但如果连这家因拥有充裕资金而被称为“丰田银行”的公司都要求助,对竞争对手来说也不是什么好兆头。

33、So bide your time in office, Mr President.We are not going to allow you to destroy us anymore. ─── 你等着吧,总统先生,我们是不会再让你迫害我们的!

34、Bi, min dada bode bi. ─── 在我爹爹家。

35、In bide one's time below condition, every AMD server saves 99.75 dollars charge of electricity every year than Intel server. ─── 在待机状况下,每台AMD办事器每年比英特尔办事器节省99.75美元电费。

36、to bide at home during the winter ─── 冬天期间留在家里

37、Grimgor returned to the Worlds Edge Mountains in a fury that boded ill for those that stood in his way. ─── 兽人们用脚踹着哭哭啼啼的地精前进,但道路不辨,地标消失,一切都被这旋转的白色迷宫所吞没。

38、It had been a half of more huff and puff than inspiration but the fact that Villa had failed to register a single shot in 45 minutes boded well for the remainder of the game. ─── 上半场我们展现出来的其实并不够酣畅淋漓,而只是展示出了我们队的震慑力和统治力。但是,维拉上半场45分钟内的射门记录居然是零,这可是对接下来的比赛的绝妙预兆。

39、He is a great player who could probably play in any position but he has to bide his time. ─── 他是个伟大的球员,几乎能胜任任何位置,但他也打不上主力。

40、It's you, It's you must go and I must bide ─── 你得离去,而我得等待

41、When Boded Miller was asked what the future might hold for him, he said he was unsure. ─── 当32岁的米勒被问到今后的打算时,他说他也不清楚。

42、The 22-year-old had to bide his time following his move from Brondby just over a year ago but is now a Liverpool regular thanks to a series of assured displays. ─── 22岁的他从布隆德转会而来,刚开始一年他不得不在替补席上等待机会,但是现在经历过一系列的磨练,已经在主力阵容中占有一席之地了.

43、The Prime Minister had seen that kind of look in politicians before, and it never boded well. ─── “我能帮你做什么?”他说着,很快的握了一下福吉的手,向他桌前的椅子上作了个手势。

44、"It's condescending, it's weird and it't a little creepy," Mr. Bode said, "But there's nothing punitive about them saying, 'Well, if people want to come here and stay with the animals, they can'. ─── 博登先生说“这是有点降低人格的,是不可思议的,甚至有点令人害怕不安的,”“不过他们所说的‘如果有人愿意来这里和动物呆在一起,他们可以来。 ’这话没有惩罚的意思。

45、His careful habits bode well for his future. ─── 他那认真的习惯预示著他会有好的前途。

46、But the appeasements the West has made out of a desire to avoid upsetting ultra-sensitive Chinese feelings, and through opportunistic business interests, bode ill for the future. ─── 但是西方的妥协被解释为一种避免刺激超级敏感的中国人感情的想法,和完全是投机的商业利益所在,昭显出对未来不良的征兆。

47、The more familar Bode plot looks different in form only because the frequency is expressed logarithmically . ─── 只有因为频率对数,被表达熟悉预示剧情看起来不同以形式。

48、Earlier this year, there was a spell when all you could see coming down the autumn catwalks was a sea of black, which boded for a pretty depressing winter ahead! ─── 今年早些时候,有一个拼写时,所有你能看到数百万美元打造的秋季模特都是一个黑色的海洋,这预示着一个非常令人沮丧的冬天提前!

49、The market was particularly encouraged by a pickup of new orders, which boded well for further economic recovery. ─── 令市场感到特别鼓舞的是新订单的回升,这预示着经济的进一步复苏。

50、He was preeminently cunning, and could bide his time with a patience that was nothing less than primitive. ─── 他更多的是狡猾,运用天性中的忍耐性等待时机到来。

51、The curtain is pulled, the show is staged, and the Games officially kicked off at the 8th minute, 08/08/08, a team of four eights that will bode well for the Chinese, and the world. ─── 08年08月08日下午08点,这四个吉利的8字,带给中国,带给全世界好运!

52、Suo bode jalanpuzi bi no? ─── 你家有家谱麽?

53、The winger had to bide his time for a chance last term but took it with aplomb with a series of dazzling displays after Christmas. ─── 之前贝纳永总是需要耐心等待属于自己的机会,然而自从去年圣诞节以来一系列精彩的发挥之后,他逐渐站稳了在出场名单中的脚跟。

54、This failed to materialise on Thursday, but Hartnett suggests investors stayed optimistic because they decided it boded well that the government thought another rescue package was not necessary. ─── 到了3月5日,这未能变成现实。但哈特尼特表示,投资者依然保持乐观,因为他们认定,政府认为没有必要再推出一个援救计划,这是个好的征兆。

55、Such a culture not only makes the environment unconducive for the patient's recovery, it also does not bode well for hospital management.Furthermore it is totally uncivilised.Anyway, what's new?! ─── 但这种模式确实不利于病人休养,不利于医院管理,更不文明,反正见怪不怪了。

56、But he said the handover of power from one member of the Castro family to another does not bode well for Cuba's immediate political future. ─── 不过,他说,古巴政权从卡斯特罗家族的一个成员移交给另一个成员,这预示着古巴政治前途不会立即有所改变。

57、When the condition that bide one's time and awaits the work, AMD server power consumption is less than Intel server power consumption 44.1% . ─── 在待机和期待工作的状况时,AMD办事器耗电量比英特尔办事器耗电量少44.1%。

58、Bank of America Merrill Lynch agreed that the inventory and orders data boded well for a recovery in output in coming months. ─── 美国美林银行也认为,库存和订单的增长预示着在未来数月里产量也将有所回升。

59、The curtain is pulled, the show is staged, and the Games officially kicked off at the 8th minute, 08/08/08, four eights that will bode well for the Chinese, and the world. ─── 北京2008年8月8日8分,这是个吉利的八字会带给中国人一切好运,北京奥运会就在这一刻隆重拉开序幕!

60、As long as these industries directly bide one's time, rely on low-cost means of SMEs as the main competition will be adjusted prices. ─── 只要这些行业的排头兵按兵不动,依靠低价为主要竞争手段的中小企业也就无法上调价格。

61、From Glenn to Glenn And down the mountain side. The summers gone And all the flowers are dying. Tis you, tis you must go And I must bide. ─── 噢,丹尼男孩,笛声正在召唤从山谷间到山的另一边夏天已走远,花儿已枯萎你得离去,我得等待。

62、As an accompaniment to that show, Kassel arts academy professor Arnold Bode (1900-1977) organized the first-ever “Documenta” art exhibition. ─── 1955年第一届的德国联邦花园展在卡塞尔市举办,此市大学之艺术学院教授ArnoldBode(文件展之父,1900-1977)也顺道举办第一届文件展。

63、His idle habits bode ill for his future ─── 他那些懒惰的习惯是他前途的凶兆。

64、Bode Miller races during the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup giant slalom December 20 in Alta Badia Italy. ─── 伯德米勒比赛期间,FIS的世界杯高山滑雪大回转比赛12月20日在阿尔塔巴迪亚,意大利。

65、The return of Cristiano Ronaldo, who played more than half an hour at Chelsea, and the bedding in of Dimitar Berbatov also bode well. ─── “罗纳尔多回归,他在对切尔西的比赛打了至少半个小时,一直处于磨合期的贝尔巴托夫也表现得越来越好。

66、Tis you, tis you must go, and I must bide. ─── 即使你能活着回来,我早已垂暮,也无法等到那一天。

67、The fact that most don't, or won't, does not bode well for the future of this country. ─── 事实表明:这个国家的前途并不看好,这是多数人不会看到,或不愿看到的事实。

68、In the second half we showed grit and determination when we went down to ten men and it can only bode well for the future. ─── 下半场,十人应战,全队坚守阵地,这预示着我们将会赢得比赛。

69、In my opinion, the Tao of subsistence in financial crisis is to study English and bide your time! ─── 回复:直播贴!不能再忽视了!大家一起讨论一下金融危机及其可能带来的影响。

70、"If he can be magnanimous and modest, he can be patient and bide his time, then we can reach some kind of settlement and reconciliation. ─── 假如他可以表现出宽宏大量,谦虚谨慎,可以耐心等待,那么,泰国就有可能获得某种和解。

71、Anyway, we shall do better to bide where we are, and let the soldiers rally us. ─── 不管怎样,我们最好在这儿等一下,等那些士兵跟我们集结在一起。

72、The market was particularly encouraged by a pickup of new orders, which boded well for further economic recovery. ─── 令市场感到特别鼓舞的是新订单的回升,这预示着经济的进一步复苏。

73、Reporters developers can bide one's time, anxiously awaiting the CBD detailed regulations promulgated. ─── 各路开发商也只能按兵不动,焦急等待CBD详规出台。

74、If we bide our time the chance will come. ─── 只要我们等待时机,总会有希望的。

75、Bide at home. ─── 呆在家里

76、They are still in a minority. But they have learned how to be patient and to bide their time. ─── 他们虽然还是少数,但已经学会了怎样耐心地等待时机。

77、beginning of that summer boded ill. ─── 夏季一开始就来势不善。

78、None of this boded well for me at graduation in 2010. ─── 这些在我2010年毕业时都显现出来,而这并不是什么好的征兆。

79、Xujianping think, to the chairman of the board of directors to the company's good reputation and solid foundation for the "free pool" was not worried, and therefore the current basic "bide one's time. ─── 南方房产实业公司有关负责人透露,就“免公摊”问题他们已经着手准备,从元旦起他们拟采取“双轨制”。

80、Bide the Wiccan laws ye must in perfect love and perfect trust. ─── 什麽?看不懂?其实它的大意是说,以爱与信任的方式遵守威卡的律法。

81、A cutting of Devil's Snare, passed off as a potted plant (Flitterbloom), was used to murder Broderick Bode in St. Mungo's. ─── 一枝魔鬼网,伪装成盆栽的植物(蟹爪兰),被用来谋杀在圣芒戈住院的布罗德里克·博德。

82、Still, Mr.Spielberg's difficulties winning financing don't bode well for the rest of the film industry. ─── 不过,斯皮尔伯格面临筹资难题的窘状对电影行业的其他人来说可不是什么好兆头。

83、Better to bide our time and develop our economy, they said, and follow Deng Xiaoping's advice to “hide the brightness, nourish obscurity”. ─── 他们表示,最好是在发展经济的同时等待时机,听从邓小平“韬光养晦”的忠告。

84、He says Bode has been able to raise its percentages of success by adapting and refining its DNA-extracting techniques. ─── 他说博德靠调整和改进其DNA提取技术一直在提高其成功率。

85、Otherwise we would rather fall back and bide our time. ─── 否则宁可退让,等待时机。

86、Hason Wood will bide by its principle, credit above all, quality first-grade, service satisfactory and delivery fast. ─── 华森木业将坚持其一贯宗旨,信誉至上,质量第一,服务周到,交货快捷,尽其所能使客户满意。

87、Bbb Bode Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd lies in coastal city Bbb, neighboring ten million ton SINOPEC BBB REFINING& CHEMICAL CO., LTD. It enjoys convenient highway, railway, air and sea transportations. ─── 九州博德化机有限公司地处海滨城市九州,与中石化千万吨级九州炼油化工有限责任公司相邻。高速公路、路纵横交错,航空、运交通方便。

88、Montreal's average daily room rates have dropped 10 percent in Canadian dollars since 2000, but increased 20 percent in U.S. dollars. This has not boded人 well for hotels like ours. ─── 从2000年开始蒙特利尔市的平均日房价率按加元计算已下降了百分之十,但是按照美元来计算则增加了百分之二十。这对像我们一样的酒店行业并非一个好兆头。

89、Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust. Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. ─── 你必须遵照法则,有全然的爱和理想的信念。你必须活着和允许去活着,公平地得到和公平地给予。

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