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09-04 投稿


embroidering 发音

英:[?m?br??d?r??]  美:[?m?br??d?r??]

英:  美:

embroidering 中文意思翻译



embroidering 词性/词形变化,embroidering变形

名词复数: embroideries |

embroidering 短语词组

1、embroidering sewing machines ─── 绣花缝纫机

2、embroidering machine ─── 刺绣机

3、embroidering machine for sale ─── 销售绣花机

4、embroidering meaning ─── 绣意

5、embroidering on velvet ─── 天鹅绒刺绣

embroidering 相似词语短语

1、embroideries ─── [纺]刺绣

2、embraiding ─── 牵连

3、broidering ─── vt.在…上刺绣;饰以刺绣

4、embordering ─── vt.镶边;加边

5、embroidered ─── adj.绣花的;刺绣的;v.刺绣;润色;渲染(embroider的过去分词)

6、embroider ─── vt.刺绣;装饰;镶边;vi.绣花;刺绣

7、embroiderer ─── n.绣花机;刺绣工

8、re-embroidering ─── 重新刺绣

9、embowering ─── v.(诗、文)用树荫等遮蔽

embroidering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ancient Chinese craftsmen used peacock feathers twisted together as the embroidering thread to stitch the ornamental designs; ─── 古代艺人以孔雀羽毛扭为绒缕,绣制服饰,金翠夺目,

2、embroidering feeder attachment ─── 绣花用导纱器

3、Sani women are expert at spinning, weaving, and embroidering. ─── 撒尼姑娘擅长纺纱、编织和刺绣。

4、F, Double-sided glue tape series: D/S hot melt glue tape, D/S oil glue tape, D/S water glue tape, embroidering D/S glue tape, D/S PP. ─── 双面胶系列:双面胶热熔胶、双面胶油胶、双面胶水胶、绣花双面胶、双面PP。

5、Do the daily job related to Embroidering, such as programming, machine maintenance, technical support etc. ─── 处理有关电绣方面的所有事务,如编程、机器维护、技术支持等。

6、As well, our factory can customs by your design, like embroidering the name and logo of your company on the shoes, ─── 同时,我们的工厂可以海关由您设计,如绣花的名称和标识的贵公司的鞋子,

7、embroidering techniques ─── 刺绣技艺

8、all-over embroidering ─── 满地绣

9、This is the Szechuan version and the music showcased the excitement and shyness of the young girl embroidering a pouch for her lover. ─── 乐曲中,以象征雨滴的三连音音型贯穿全曲,先后在不同音区交替演奏这优美迷人的旋律。

10、It was like the bride of the house, in the seclusion of her midday siesta, resting on a many-coloured quilt of her own embroidering, murmuring low the secrets of her heart. ─── 它就像屋子里的新娘,在她午睡的幽闭当中,躺卧在她自己绣成的花褥之上,喃喃地诉说她心中的秘密。

11、Accordingly we adopt the advanced stamp technique, and other techniques,such as the beadings, pyrograph, the computing embroidering, manual embroidering. ─── 为此我们大量使用了各种先进印花技术,并结合使用了钉珠,烫石,电脑绣花,手摇绣花等各种工艺。

12、embroidering device ─── 刺绣装置

13、hole and flat-stitch embroidering machine ─── 圆孔及平针组织绣花机

14、embroidering hoop ─── 绣花圈

15、Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidering. ─── 与其锦衣裹身下地狱,不如衣衫褴褛上天堂。

16、prick with a needle; in sewing or embroidering. ─── 用针刺;在缝纫或者刺绣中。

17、GG798-S Serial Automatic Sequins embroidery is another new product in our factory.Itadds function of Sequins embroidering based on ordinaary embroidering. ─── 简介: GG798-S 系列电脑金片刺绣机是本公司继新推出的电脑绗缝机后推出的又一款新机型,该机型是在普通平绣机的功能基础上加入金片绣作功能。

18、Sharper associate between the shorts and windbreak, the vivid green color intersperse the sweet spring in the air with embroidering. ─── 短裤与风衣的组合率性俐落,嫩绿色泽与绣花点缀甜美春意。

19、And when her ladies asked her what she was doing, she replied with a smile that she was embroidering beautiful flames. ─── 当侍女们问起她在做什么时,她微笑着说,她在绣美丽的火焰。

20、Colour Drawing And Tattoo Series. Transform into glamorous colour miraculously. Create an outstanding embroidering world. ─── 纹绣绘染系列幻变天样魅彩·创造超凡纹绣绘染新境界。

21、He did this in part by embroidering the gown with garlands of spring flowers. ─── 通过在礼服上装饰了春天的花环,他在某种程度上做到了。

22、She is embroidering Chinese characters on a handkerchief by candle light. ─── 她借着灯火在一条手绢上绣字。

23、The invention discloses a towel embroidering apparatus. The apparatus consists of a guide rail and a thread-wiping and looping mechanism. ─── 本发明公开了一种毛巾绣装置,该装置包括导轨和拨线打环机构;

24、There are some special works of traditional design used as patterns for embroidering clothes, shoes, hats, pillows, bed curtains and door curtains. ─── 一些有传统特色的剪纸作品还可以用作刺绣到衣物鞋帽床罩和门帘的图案。

25、Some products pick, embroidering, repairing, the finished product choiceness, or thick put, expressed the Yi people intelligent wisdom and ability and the art creative powers well. ─── 有的产品有挑,有绣,有补,成品或精巧,或粗放,充分表现了彝族人民的聪明才智和艺术创造力。

26、The outside casing and the inside compress colour pattern may print equally or embroidering making appointment on the product and propagate content. ─── 外包装和内部压缩品上均可印刷或绣制指定的彩色图案及宣传内容。

27、a frame made of two hoops; used for embroidering. ─── 用两个木环做成的框架;是用来刺绣的。

28、This machine embroidery sewing machine is suitable for embroidering various drawings zigzag stitching and one needle or two needles sewing on the light and medium materials. ─── 本机适用于薄料、中厚料,如针织品、棉、化织等各种缝料上进行绣花。单针或双针曲折缝,单针或双针平缝包梗。

29、For hanging up delineation to make work more fresh and clear, end while embroidering diagram completion the one step hang up a side. ─── 二、为了勾画轮廓使作品更加鲜明,在绣图完成时最后一步是勾边。

30、embroidering requisite ─── 刺绣用具

31、Embroidering is a skill that demands great patience. ─── 绣花可是件细活儿,要有极大的耐心才行。

32、By 10 o'clock the women have turned their hands variously to making pickles, embroidering saris or collecting rubbish. ─── 十点以前,这些妇女已然开始做腌菜,在沙丽上刺绣或是收捡垃圾。

33、Sun-life, we have the national advanced production line of sizing, weaving, blanching, coloring, sewing, embroidering and warping. ─── 我们公司具备国际级先进水平的生产线?浆、织、漂、染、缝、?、包装等生产线。

34、The stitch of this needlework is one of the China embroideries.The process of one complete needlework includes pattern designing , drawing , embroidering , .Then the perfect needlework will appear . ─── 作品的针法是中国刺绣中的一种,一幅作品的最终成型要经过画面设计、手工绘制、手工刺绣、才得以完成您目前所看到的精美作品。

35、Xu never needs a draft when embroidering the pads, be it a peony, rose, or lotus.All these pretty patterns seem to be engraved in her mind. ─── 尤为神奇的是,老人绘牡丹、画玫瑰、绣莲藕,从来不用划线打格,图案全在记忆里,小小鞋垫上各种各样的图案十分漂亮。

36、a frame made of two hoops; used for embroidering. ─── 用两个木环做成的框架;是用来刺绣的。

37、A method is provided for embroidering embroidery elements by means of a processor-controlled sewing machine (1). ─── 本公开提供了一种通过处理器控制的缝纫机(1)刺绣刺绣元素的方法。

38、The Research of Embroidering Pattern in Home Textile Design ─── 绣花图案在家纺设计中的应用研究

39、weaving and embroidering ─── 织绣

40、And once Hester was seen embroidering a baby-garment with such a lavish richness of golden fancy as would have raised a public tumult had any infant thus appareled, been shown to our sober-hued community. ─── 有一次,人们看到海丝特在刺绣一件婴儿的袍服,那种华美的样式和奢侈的色彩,如果有哪个婴儿穿在身上在我们这晦暗的居民区中招摇,一定会引起轩然大波的。

41、She is learning embroidering. ─── 她正在学刺绣。

42、Our company has 40 computer sewing embroidering machines imported from TianDao of Japan and HanNan of S. ─── 南通亿阁家用纺织品有限公司是一家专业从事绗绣绣花的大型家纺企业。

43、Chemical lace is created by embroidering designs with machines on a background fabric which is chemically removed, leaving the "lacy" holes between the embroidery and giving the effect of "lace" ─── 化学饰带是用用机器在一块背景织物上绣出来的图案,对背景织物进行处理,最后背景织物被去掉。只剩下绣花品上的“花边”孔,从而达到“花边”效果。

44、She's a dab hand at embroidering. ─── 她是个绣花巧手。

45、embroidering machine ─── 刺绣机

46、a frame made of two hoops; used for embroidering ─── 用两个木环做成的框架;是用来刺绣的

47、It has automatic function of trimming thread and replenishing embroidering. ─── 带有自动剪线、补绣功能。

48、The yarn-dyeing, embroidering and metal-processing technologies developed rapidly in the period, spurring changes in costume and adornments. ─── 汉代染织工艺、剌绣工艺和金属工艺发展较快,推动了服装装饰的变化。

49、And when they plant, they do it as carefully as embroidering. ─── 他们种田,为什么像绣花一样细致?

50、Ancient Chinese craftsmen used peacock feathers twisted together as the embroidering thread to stitch the ornamental designs ─── 古代艺人以孔雀羽毛扭为绒缕,绣制服饰,金翠夺目

51、semi automatical embroidering machine ─── 半自动剌绣机

52、Baolu Lace Embroidery Machine is special designed for fabric embroidering, suitable for piece e... ─── 发布者:孔学南所在地:广东深圳市行业:机械及行业设备职位:经理工作年限:十年以上

53、With functions of checking embroidery pattern scope and embroidering the ramge of the pattem. ─── 具有查看花样刺绣范围及刺绣花样周边功能。

54、jacquard embroidering ─── 提花吊线

55、An Algorithm of Forming Embroidering Stitch on the Basis of Image Segmentation ─── 一种基于图像分割的绣花针法生成算法

56、Members of the committee planning the meeting have commissioned soaps made from exotic fruits for ministers'hotel suites and even discussed embroidering bedsheets with each minister's name. ─── 筹备委员会已为石油部长下榻的酒店套房定制了用外国水果制成的香皂,甚至还讨论在床单上绣上每位部长的名字。

57、Cap embroidering flat needle plate ─── 帽绣平针板

58、Requirements: - Colleague graduated from related majors; - Have work experience about combining, embroidering, s...... ... ─── 公司名称:某知名欧美企业工作地点:广东省东莞市发布时间:2009-4-4

59、In order to distinguish my work from the traditional style of landscape painting, I created the “technique of embroidering colors” to inject intelligence to landscapes with “weaved” dots and lines. ─── 为与国画中的山水风格区别开来,我自创“绣色画法”处理此类题材,用针织般的点线赋予动态的山水以灵性。

60、Or could it be some spider embroidering a half yard of muslin as a tie for that strangled neck? ─── 抑或是一只蜘蛛正在那被勒的脖子上绣半尺薄纱聊作领带?

61、Fourth: angels silk vidic embroidering cloth embroider line, good quality, moderate price, various design, most favorite brands wenxiu friends. ─── 第四名:天使丝蒂奇,绣布绣线的质量不错,款式繁多,价格适中,大多数绣友们钟爱的品牌。

62、Table linen of man-made fibres, not embroid, knitted or crocheted ─── 化纤制其他餐桌用织物制品

63、embroidering pattern ─── 绣花图案

64、"Pouch" is the love keepsake that girls make for whom they love.When embroidering pouches,they always immerse in the miss of their sweethearts. ─── “荷包”是女子为心上人制作的感情信物,绣荷包时她们始终沉浸在对情人的思念之中。

65、Imagine a beautiful young lady embroidering a dainty pouch. ─── 想象一下,一个漂亮的年轻女子绣讲究袋。

66、Yi-ethnic girl bathed in brilliant sunshine is embroidering quietly beside the door. ─── 民族工艺,彝族刺绣以其结实耐用、技艺精巧、图案别致、花纹精美而著称。

67、Sharper associate between the shorts and windbreak, the vivid green color intersperse the sweet spring in the air with embroidering. ─── 短裤与风衣的组合率性俐落,嫩绿色泽与绣花点缀甜美春意。

68、At his trial in 1980, one particular entry was read out to him: “Why can't we shoot a few counterrevolutionary elements?After all, dictatorship is not like embroidering flowers. ─── 在1980年的审讯里,他的一句特立独行的言论被宣读出来“治理国家又不是绣花,为什么就不能枪毙反革命分子?”

69、In the middle section of the music, a gentle and melodic tune from Shanxi’s version of Embroidering a Pouch shows the longing of one’s home in a festival period. ─── 歌词俏皮风趣,四川民歌特有的衬词更增添了歌曲的幽默感:“黄杨扁担软溜溜(哇)(姐呀哈哩呀),挑一担白米下酉州(哇)(姐呀姐呀) 下酉州(哇)(哥呀哈哩呀)。”

70、Feed throw-out screw: Whether in embroidering or plan sewing, the fabric feed can be regulated to sew fabrics of different thickness by simply adjusting the feed throw out screw. ─── 可以进行普通缝纫或刺绣。缝纫不同厚薄之布料,只须将送布牙的高低稍予调校即可。

71、Discussion about the Development of Embroidering Pro cess in China ─── 我国刺绣工艺的发展

72、Matilda was embroidering an altar cloth covered with flowers and birds. ─── 玛蒂尔达在一块有花鸟图案的祭坛布上刺绣。

73、Be famous both at home and abroad for its beautiful patterns, neat colours, fine embroidering and vivid needling ─── 素以图案秀丽、色彩雅洁、绣工精湛、针法灵活的特色驰名中外

74、"JIALUN" brand serial computer embroidering machines which the company produced, it is con... ─── 发布者:张珍所在地:浙江金华市行业:机械及行业设备职位:外销员工作年限:

75、Presser foot for brocade embroidering with tail needle ─── 尾针锦片绣压脚

76、I take embroidering a flower as to living and at quiet enjoy to create liliaceous with the happiness of rose, these flowers bring me consolation. ─── 我以绣花为生,平静地享受创造百合花和玫瑰花的快乐,这些花带给我安慰。”

77、jacquard embroidering half-hose machine ─── 提花吊线短袜机

78、She informed me that she was embroidering . ─── 我问她在做什么,她告诉我在刺绣。

79、It adds function of Sequins embroidering based on ordinary embroidering, with both function of flat ordinary embroidering and Sequins embroidering. ─── 是在普通平绣机的基础上加入亮片绣功能,具有普通平绣、平绣亮片混合绣作功能。

80、Our factory owns 30 different kinds of computer embroidered machines. "single needle, multi-needle and specially embroidering",owns excellent issue-sample and standard checking ensuring system. ─── 我厂拥有各种电脑绣花机三十多台。"单针、多针、特种刺绣(横向50公分、纵向86公分),拥有优秀的打版制样人员以及标准的产品检验保证体系。

81、Look, there are a few workers embroidering over there. ─── 你看,那边正好有几位师傅在绣。

82、Norbert H?hne Sewing Machines deals among other things in Handle devices, Used Machines as well as in Industrial sewing machines, Knitting and drafting machines, mesh-making machines and also in Automatic embroidering machines. ─── 在以下范围内我们提供产品和服务:熨烫仪器、旧机械和编织、针织机,网络生产机械以及工业缝纫机或刺绣机。

83、White Glazed Porcelain Cup with Decoration of Girl Embroidering Red Flag ─── 白釉彩绘少女绣红旗瓷杯

84、He always had a way of embroidering ─── 他总爱添油加醋。

85、Yesterday I was at an evening party, and out of five ladies three were Catholics and had a papal indulgence for embroidering on Sundays. ─── 我昨天出席了一次晚会,那里的五个夫人中就有三个是天主教徒,在教皇的许可下,星期天她们要在十字布上绣花。

86、embroidering rings ─── 刺绣圈

87、We can design and produce various model machines of alternating head embroidering and special specification as your needed. ─── 根据您的需要,我们可以设计和生产各型号的隔头绣以及特殊规格的机器。

88、we had accomplish the whole process by ourselves.such as cutting ,embroidering,quilting and packing. ─── 对于你们的产品,从裁剪,绣花,缝纫,包装,都是我们自己完成的,没有另外的工厂在生产.

89、Design of a Pneumatic Pattern Embroidering Component Used in Sock Weaving Machine ─── 织袜机中气动提花机构的设计

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