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09-04 投稿


watchword 发音

英:[?wɑ?t?w??rd]  美:[?w?t?w??d]

英:  美:

watchword 中文意思翻译



watchword 网络释义

n. 口号;标语;口令;暗号

watchword 短语词组

1、watchword xword X ─── 字

2、watchword guard ─── 口号守卫

3、watchword brand ─── 口号品牌

4、watchword bible ─── 口号圣经

5、watchword define ─── 口号定义

6、watchword matrix ─── 口号矩阵

7、watchword def ─── 口号定义

watchword 词性/词形变化,watchword变形


watchword 相似词语短语

1、catchwords ─── 流行语(catchword的复数);(词典等的)词目(catchword的复数);接头词;提示词(catchword的复数)

2、catchword ─── n.标语,口号;流行语;口头禅

3、patch cord ─── [电]接插线,调度塞绳

4、patchwork ─── adj.拼缝的;n.拼缝物;拼布手艺;拼凑的东西

5、catch-cord ─── 布边用线;抓线

6、watchwords ─── n.口号;标语;口令;暗号

7、matchwood ─── n.碎片;做火柴杆的木料

8、patchcord ─── n.插入线;插接线

9、patchworky ─── 拼凑

watchword 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He ordered that the Sacred Book be read, and he gave them their watchword "Help from God" ─── 犹大就亲自率领第一队,进攻尼加诺尔:

2、password; counter word; watchword; word of command; countersign ─── 口令

3、"Accessories" was Miss Harriot's watchword . ─── 当今的格言是"寓学习于娱乐之中"。

4、"Let that rather be the your watchword, 'I am my brother's keeper. ─── "让这成为你的格言,'我是我兄弟的守护者。'

5、a secret signal (or sign); countersign; watchword ─── 暗号

6、"Caution and flexibility" were laid down by the plenum as the policy guidelines, along with the focus on protecting growth which has become the watchword since March. ─── 谨慎灵活"以全会的政策方针被定立下来,同重点保护经济增长,已成为三月以来的口号。

7、This seemed to be some watchword or signal that all was right ─── 这大概是表示一切正常的口令或暗号。

8、"Serve the people, rely on business, vitalize and develop the economy, and cater to the whole country" is the watchword of this company. ─── 本公司的口号是:服务人民,依托商业,开拓搞活,面向全国。

9、Ever since the World Health Organization proclaimed the year 2000 the year of “Health for all,” the term has been a watchword for all developed countries. ─── 自世界卫生组织提出公元2000年全民均健的目标,健康促进成为世界各先进国家达到全民均健的重要手段。

10、10. The watchword is lower sppending. Proposed budget cuts will be announced shortly. Until then, everybody in Albany should swear off buckpassing and bite the budget bullet. ─── 现在的口号是节流。削减预算的提案不久就会宣布。在此以前奥尔巴尼[市府与议会]的每个人都应扬弃互相推卸责任,而应咬紧牙关。收藏指正

11、To Discuss the Traditional Virtue and the Watchword of the time ─── 刍议传统美德与时代精神

12、9. We gave the watchword, and the sentinel let us pass. ─── 我们说出口令,哨兵就把我们放过去了。

13、It is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honour of a Christian. ─── 一个没有祷告生的基督徒,是不正常的。

14、This book, then, is Calvino's legacy to us: those universal values he pinpoints for future generations to cherish become the watchword for our appreciation of Calvino himself. ─── 这样,这本书就成为了卡尔维诺留给我们的遗赠:他为未来的人们指出的要重视的那些普遍的文学标准,也成为我们进入卡尔维诺自身世界的暗号。

15、with whom all the superior officers go to the general of the whole army, who then gives them of course the watchword and other orders, to be by them cared to all that are under their command; ─── 和这些护民官一起,所有的高级军官都去见全军的将军,后者向他们发布口令和其他命令,并通过他们下达到全军;

16、Our watchword is: Evolution, not revolution'. ─── 我们的口号是: `要循序渐进,不要剧烈变革.'

17、16.A checking program of watchword is programed,and the aim of checking capacity is achieved by the modiffication of entrance in BIOS and the connection of the checking program of above watchword. ─── 编制了一个口令校验程序,并通过修改BIOS中的入口,与上述口令校验程序连接达到检验身分的目的。

18、Your watchword is fair play;your hatred, foul play. ─── 你的口号是公正比赛,你所憎恨的是不公正比赛。

19、Then he gave the watchword to the officer of the day as" Equanimity," and so, turning as if to sleep, gave up the ghost at Lorium. ─── 然后他留下当天的口令“公正无私”,随即转身睡觉并死于洛里姆。

20、As I said at the beginning of this article, and as you've hopefully seen for yourself, the watchword of Tapestry is simplicity. ─── 正如我在这篇文章开始时说的,而且也像您自己看到的,Tapestry的口号是简单。

21、Did it ever strike you that you wanted another watchword also, fair work, and another hatred also, foul work? ─── 那么,你可曾想过,你还需要另一个口号,那就是老老实实地工作;你深恶痛绝的应是投机取巧。

22、9. And shall we not take the watchword, “Wholly for God,” as the keynote for our devotions, every morning as we rise? ─── 我们岂不该在每天早晨起来的时候,以这“完全为神”的话作为我们奉献的要旨吗?收藏指正

23、Self-reliance in adversity has always been our watchword. ─── 逆境自强,一向都是我们的座右铭。

24、Certainly lightness(注9) was his watchword. ─── 当然,“易于消化”是他的格言。

25、Impudence was Meazza's watchword, and he became noted for his ability to sidestep goalkeepers in one-on-one situations. ─── 在巴黎夺的冠军之后不久,他就受了严重的伤,几乎可以结束他的职业生涯。

26、"The watchword from our perspective right now . . . is patience, commitment and solidarity, " he said. ─── 他表示:“我们目前的口号……是耐心、守诺和团结。”

27、Baidu has publicize the watchword of “New Media”.Then Baidu set the strategy of C2C progression.Then while Jack Ma went to HongKong to assemble money, Robbin Li went there to assemble talents. ─── 于是后来有了百度世界大会高调提出的新媒体口号,又有百度进军C2C的战略目标,再到后来是在马云赴港圈钱的同时李彦宏赴港圈人。

28、Efficiency seemed to be the watchword of the evening. ─── 效率似乎是他们获胜的法宝。

29、Q. How much has consistency been the watchword of the season for the BMW Sauber team and for yourself? ─── 问:如何了很大的一致性的口号已经在本赛季为宝马索伯车队和自己呢?

30、Just as the watchword of my generation was freedom, that of my daughter's generation seems to be control. ─── 正如我们那个时代呼唤自由一样,我女儿这一代人呼唤的,是一种控制。

31、"Excelsior" is our watchword. ─── “精益求精”是我们的口号。

32、Experience shows that quality should be the watchword under those circumstances; ─── 有经验显示,在这种情况下,质量应该成为格言。

33、Our watchword is:'Evolution, not revolution'. ─── 我们的囗号是:"要循序渐进,不要剧烈变革。"

34、Quality is our watchword. ─── 质量是我们的口号。

35、Discipline is the watchword of great performers. ─── 纪律是伟大执行者们的口号。

36、The watchword is lower sppending. ─── 现在的口号是节流。

37、Did it very strike you that you wanted another watchword also; ─── 那么,你可曾想过,你还需要另一个口号,那就是老老实实地工作;

38、Did it ever strike you that you wanted another watchword also, fair work, and another hatred also , foul work ? ─── 你可曾想到对待工作你也要有一条口号,那就是老老实实,而你该憎恨的是寡廉鲜耻?

39、In fact, openness appears to be the watchword for this renewed bustle. ─── 实际上,开放性看起来已成为这次革新运动的口号。

40、cartoonist Stuart Carlson shows us "duck and [take] cover" as the watchword of 1955 ─── 漫画家斯图尔特-卡尔森让我们看到1955年美国人的座右铭"弯下腰躲起来"

41、Now “continuity” is Mr Hatoyama’s watchword. ─── 但现在,“延续性”已经成了鸠山的口号。

42、As I said at the beginning of this article, and as you ve hopefully seen for yourself, the watchword of Tapestry is ─── 正如我在这篇文章开始时说的,而且也像您自己看到的,Tapestry的口号是

43、"Stability," a watchword of his rule, was both a blessing and a curse. ─── “稳定”,他独裁的口号,既是他的祝福,又成了他的诅咒。

44、Let our watchword be freedom. ─── 让我们的口号定为自由

45、But Standard & Poor's decided to put the eurozone on negative watch. Fragility remains the watchword. ─── 但标准普尔(Standard&Poor’s)仍决定将欧元区列入负面观察名单,原因依然是欧元区的脆弱性。

46、He did not know the watchword. ─── 他不知道口令。

47、11. The watchword is lower sppending. Proposed budget cuts will be announced shortly. Until then, everybody in Albany should swear off buckpassing and bite the budget bullet. ─── 现在的口号是节流。削减预算的提案不久就会宣布。在此以前奥尔巴尼[市府与议会]的每个人都应扬弃互相推卸责任,而应咬紧牙关。

48、Your watchword is fair play; ─── 赛跑时,你起跑必须公正。

49、The name of a Capulet...was now rather a charm to allay resentment, than a watchword to excite fury ─── 如今凯普莱特这个姓与其说是引起忿怒的暗号,不如说是消解仇恨的灵符。

50、Today the watchword is "Learn through playing". ─── 当今的格言是「寓学习於娱乐之中」。

51、You ll quickly learn that the watchword in Tapestry is ─── 您很快就会了解到Tapestry的口号是

52、Indeed, paying attention to what you eat and drink seems to be the report's watchword. ─── 事实上,报告要表达的意思就是注意你的饮食。

53、Transparency is the watchword here. ─── 透明是这个过程中的口号。

54、We gave the watchword, and the sentinel let us pass. ─── 我们说出口令, 哨兵就把我们放过去了。

55、Indeed, paying attention to what you eat and drink seems to be the report's watchword. ─── 的确,注意我们的吃喝似乎就是这份报告所要表达的。

56、Versatility is the watchword today. ─── 多才多艺是这个时代的口号。

57、Fortress Israel, it appears, will have to be his watchword. ─── “保卫以色列”似乎要成为他的口号。

58、A verbal signal; a password or watchword. ─── 口令;口令或暗号

59、That is the watchword for today. ─── 这是我们今天的口号。

60、And shall we not take the watchword, "Wholly for God," as the keynote for our devotions, every morning as we rise? ─── 我们岂不该在每天早晨起来的时候,以这“完全为神”的话作为我们奉献的要旨吗?

61、In your lightest games you have always someone to see what you call "fair play". In boxing you must hit fair; in racing, start fair. Your watchword ─── 请注意,一切明确的工作本质上都具有三重性:诚实、有用和愉悦。人们在娱乐中讲究诚实而在工作中却不讲诚实--据我所知,没有比这更奇怪的事情了。

62、"Never again" became the watchword. ─── “下不为例”成了口号。

63、Kidneys may be there to process waste, but " waste not, want not" seems to be the watchword when transplanting them. ─── 肾脏在你体内可能是处理垃圾的,但移植它们时,“不浪费,不等待”看上去却是最适合的口号。

64、"Accessories" was Miss Harriot's watchword ─── “陪衬品”是哈里奥特小姐的口头禅。

65、Our watchword is: 'Evolution, not revolution' ─── 我们的口号是‘要循序渐进,不要剧烈变革.’

66、Your watchword is fair play; your hatred, foul play. ─── 你的口号就是公正比赛,你所深恶痛绝的就是违反规则。

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