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09-04 投稿



intrench 发音

英:[?n?trent?]  美:[?n?trent?]

英:  美:

intrench 中文意思翻译



intrench 词性/词形变化,intrench变形

intrench 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The enemy be strongly entrench on the other side of the river ─── 敌军在河的对岸用坚固的壕沟防守

2、but careless comments about the facts of pending cases may tend to entrench the commissioner in his assumptions, making it difficult for him to consider the evidence impartially when the case comes before the agency for final decision. ─── 但对待决案件事实的漫不经心的评论会使委员牢固坚信自己的推定,当案件被提至行政机关做最后裁决时,使他难以公允地考虑证据。

3、The Western Powers helped the World Revolution to entrench itself deep in Europe. ─── 西方列强帮助世界革命来巩固本身深在欧洲。

4、As happened with Greece, Spain and Portugal in the1980 s, joining the EU club has helped entrench democracy, the rule of law and economic growth in countries that for too long had none of these things. ─── 兰

5、entrench oneself ─── 进入壕沟固守; 使自己处于稳固地位

6、They entrench themselves behind undeniable facts. ─── 他们在无可否认的事实后面固守着自己。

7、make a stand at every step; advance gradually and entrench at every step ─── 步步为营

8、Instead of discouraging corporate shareholding, the government plans to entrench it. ─── 现在政府计划鼓励这个措施。

9、to entrench upon the rights of others ─── 侵害他人之权利

10、In a world of ever more rapid global financial flows, the first policy conclusion is the need to entrench stability in macroeconomic policy. ─── 在全球流动资金更快速流动的世界,需制定的首要政策是确保宏观经济政策的稳定性。

11、Arguments that only entrench you more firmlyin error. ─── 那些只能使你更加坚持错误的争辩。

12、The rakyat saw through the coup which was orchestrated to entrench Najib’s position before the UMNO General Assembly where he was made the country’s premier. ─── 人民视纳吉为操纵霹雳州政变的幕后黑手,他是为了在巫统党选前巩固自己在党内的地位。

13、3.Provide training and guidance to associats in repect to Safety, Health and Environment;intrench the concept 'Safety is Job No.1' and make certain that work is done sefely. ─── 为员工提供有关安全,健康和环境的培训和指导,加强员工的安全意识,确保安全操作。

14、The Kuomintang (KMT) ruling clique retreated from the mainland to entrench in China's Taiwan Province in confrontation with the Central Government with the support of foreign forces. This is the origin of the Taiwan issue. ─── 国民党统治集团退踞中国的台湾省,在外国势力的支持下,与中央政府对峙,由此产生了台湾问题。

15、to hold on stubbornly,as to a position; entrench oneself ─── 固执地坚持,如立场;稳固自己的地位

16、But if the managers" stockholding ratio is more than or equal to 32.88%, the increasement of the managers" stockholding may raise the agent costs and entrench upon external stockholders. ─── 而如果管理层持股比率大于32.88%,这时增加管理层持股比率会增加公司的代理成本,导致管理层对外部股东的利益侵占。

17、Entrench ( v.): establish securely(used in passive voice or with a reflexive pronoun) ─── 确保(地位等);确立(用于被动语态或与反身代词连用)

18、Fascism cannot entrench itself in power without annihilating the workers' organizations. ─── 法西斯主义如果不消灭工人组织就不能牢固地掌握政权。

19、entrench oneself in ─── 扎根于 ...

20、A sea change in the balance of power in favour of China, India, Russia and other emerging states is wrecking European and US efforts to entrench human rights, liberties and multilateralism. ─── 联合国的权力分配发生了根本变化,中国、印度、俄罗斯、和其他新兴国家从中受益,欧美捍卫人权、自由和多边主义的努力则因此受到了阻碍。

21、entrench upon the truth ─── 违背真理

22、To hold on stubbornly, as to a position; entrench oneself. ─── 固执地坚持立场;稳固自己的地位

23、The Blairite view that design flaws in the provision of welfare and public service entrench inequality and hold back the disadvantaged is basically valid. ─── 布莱尔主义认为,福利和公共服务体系的设计缺陷,强化了社会不平等,阻碍了弱势群体的进步与发展。这种观点基本上是正确的。

24、A new year looks sure to entrench old resentments. ─── 新一年看起来这种原来的不满情绪会进一步增加。

25、At least in the short run, the actions also further entrench the government in a mortgage industry, leaving taxpayers exposed to default-related losses that could run into the scores of billions. ─── 至少短期来看,这还会巩固政府在抵押贷款行业的地位,使纳税人暴露于风险之下,面临可能高达数十亿美元的违约相关损失。

26、To hold on stubbornly,as to a position;entrench oneself. ─── 固执地坚持立场;稳固自己的地位

27、arguments that only entrench you more firmly in error ─── 那些只能使你更加坚持错误的争辩

28、On May 10th the junta went ahead, in areas unaffected by the disaster, with a sham referendum on a new constitution designed to entrench its rule. ─── 5月10号,在没受灾害影响的地区,军政府按计划继续举行了装样子的新宪法公投,用以维护它的统治。

29、They understand the law will entrench the rights of the carpet-baggers who have looted the state as it has privatised assets. ─── 他们明白,这个法律将会牢牢的保护那些在国有资产私有化进程中利用混乱大发国难财的人的利益。

30、Bethlehemites retort that the wall's main aim is not to provide security but to entrench the new“ facts on the ground” established by the gradual appropriation of their vineyards and orchards. ─── 伯利恒人反驳说,修建围墙的主要目标并非用于提供安全保障,而是为了维护新建立的“既成事实”,以色列人蚕食盗取了他们的葡萄园与果园。

31、Others don’t.Prejudicing against those who don’t is an arrogant act designed to entrench a position of perceived superiority by denying others access to knowledge. ─── Some people have the luxury to choose which language they use to acquire knowledge (我个人从大一开始就再也没读过中文的生物方面东西了).

32、But once the occupiers have left, the chances that the Iraqis will entrench and cherish a stable, federal, pluralist democracy must still be rated at less than even. ─── 但一旦这些占领者离开,伊拉克人能够建立并呵护一个稳定的、联邦制的、多元主义的民主制度的机会肯定仍少于一半。

33、Their tactics is to go ahead steadily and entrench them-selves at every step, and then strike sure blows. ─── 他们的战术是步步為营、稳所稳打。

34、entrench and defend ─── 加强与防卫

35、The lure of membership has helped to entrench stability and democracy, first in the southern Mediterranean and now in central Europe. ─── 入盟的诱惑已经在保持稳定和民主方面发挥了作用,首先在地中海以南现在是中欧。

36、5.Some conclude that the Shias have no real intention to share power, only to string America along while using its firepower to destroy rivals and entrench their own dominion. ─── 一些人总结说什叶派其实毫无分享权力的意图,他们只是在糊弄美国人,仰仗美国主子的强大军力,消灭对手,以使其统治更加坚不可摧。

37、Now China needs a leader who understandings that only freedom can entrench prosperity. ─── 现在,中国需要一位深谙自由才是中国长久繁荣之保证的领导者。

38、SIA and Singapore need to entrench themselves in the new Asia, where China calls the shots. ─── 新航和新加坡都需要在新亚洲延伸自己的触角,而中国正在成为新亚洲的领袖。

40、Parliament will entrench some constitutional amendments to shift the balance of power between president and prime minister. ─── 议会将确保进行一些宪法修正来改变总统和首相之间的权力平衡。

41、Much asmarket dominance, it is one of the cardinal virtues of open source that there are no legal or business policies that would entrench it as a monopoly. ─── 尽管我们渴望某些项目能够赢得市场主导地位,但开源最主要的优点之一就是没有任何法律的或者商业的政策确保其成为垄断。

42、To sum up my studies and researches, I hope the people from military dependent s villages will entrench themselves in Taiwan s society and create their own wonderland here again. ─── 又曾经居于文化主流,而今成为边缘族群,加上眷村改建,背负两种乡愁的眷村人落入真正的无根,因此透过记忆与认同的辩证,凸显眷村人孤危焦虑的处境。

43、Reagan’s enduring legacy was to entrench lower taxes as part of small-government philosophy. ─── 里根可以流芳百世的传奇就是减税,这是他小政府哲学的一部分。

44、Until now, the MDC had strongly opposed the amendments on the ground that they would entrench the ruling party ahead of the election. ─── 直到此前为止,民运都强烈反对那些可能加强执政党选举中领先地位的修正案。

45、The worry is that the lack of a deal will entrench a de facto political separation between Gaza, run by the Hamas hardliners, and the West Bank, with a more moderate or even a mixed regime. ─── 这句到底是拆好还是不拆好?抑或那个加沙和西岸的定语都可省略(和上文重复)?

46、to entrench on the domain or rights of another ─── 侵占他人领地或侵犯他人权利

47、"It also realises that attempts to Bring communities together quicker than they are ready to will only generate resentment, resistance and further entrench divisions." ─── 又认识到,如果超越各族群的意愿而令其快速融合,则足以引发怨恨、抗拒而加深彼此的疏离。

48、"The Chinese private entrepreneur ... is willing to take a long view and endure tough contemporary conditions and relatively low returns to be able to entrench himself locally," she argued. ─── 她认为:“中国的私营企业家......愿意从长远出发,忍受当前的恶劣条件和相对低的回报,在当地为自己打下基础。”

49、" Second, nationalist narratives are often communicated in ways to create and/or entrench nationalist sentiment. ─── 其二:传扬民族主义叙事通常是为了创建或保护民族情绪。

50、But neither should the law become a tool to entrench one particular way in which artists (or more accurately, distributors) get paid. ─── 但是,法律也同样不应当成为维护艺术家(或者不准确的说,发行者)获取报酬的一个特别的方式。

51、Better to strike out than to entrench oneself in defence. ─── 与其固守,毋宁出击。

52、advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step; ─── [1] 前进中的每一步骤都安营设防。

53、dig in; entrench oneself ─── 掘壕据守

54、 双语使用场景

55、Critics say the constitutional blessing of collective rights and traditional authorities smacks of corporatism and will entrench undemocratic caciques (political bosses). ─── 批评家称这个宪法表达的集体权利和传统的管理机构的愿望略有点社团主义的意味并将会产生不民主的酋长们(政治首脑)。

56、Entrench: to establish in a strong position ─── 使处于牢固地位;确立





霰弹枪的近战威力的体现其实要追溯到二战时期的堑壕枪,也就是PUBG游戏中的的M1897 trench gun。其在近战威力主要体现在两点,1是在近距离作战中,M1897的弹丸威力较大,在当时的堑壕战中,堑壕的墙壁大多是厚厚的土层,所以没有对铅丸跳弹的担忧,并且由于12号在使用鹿弹(buckshot)时每一发弹丸几乎都等同于一发手枪弹的威力,所以可以造成较大的杀伤。其次就是m1897的射击方式了,那也就是与雷明顿870一样的泵动式,并且由于其有一个称谓slam fire的系统,也就是扣住扳机,只要拉一下枪栓就发射一发,所以其射速极快,对比起同时期的大威力栓动卡宾枪,优势自然是妥妥的。于是在上世纪由于对霰弹的认识都是穿透力不强,并且近距离威力巨大,所以大量的警察部队开始使用霰弹枪,在上世纪,几乎所有美国的警车上都配有一把霰弹枪。





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