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09-04 投稿



dissepiment 发音

英:[[d?'sep?m?n?]]  美:[[d?'sep?m?nt]]

英:  美:

dissepiment 中文意思翻译



dissepiment 同义词

heresy | denial | rebel | dissension | difference | opposition | dispute | protest | disagreement | differ | exception | demur | vary | objection | refusal | division | rebellion | no | take exception | oppose |disagree | divide | discord | conflict | resist | take issue | take

dissepiment 反义词

consent |assent

dissepiment 短语词组

1、dissepiment definition ─── 论文定义

2、dissepiment crossword ─── 假填字游戏

dissepiment 词性/词形变化,dissepiment变形

形容词: dissepimental |

dissepiment 相似词语短语

1、disseverment ─── 分开

2、dispeoplement ─── 分散

3、dissepiments ─── n.[生物]隔膜;隔壁

4、sepiment ─── n.隔膜;篱栅

5、discernment ─── n.识别;洞察力;敏锐;眼力

6、dissentient ─── adj.反对的,持异议的;不赞成的;n.不赞成的人,持异议的

7、dissident ─── n.持不同政见者;异议分子;批评政府者;adj.持不同政见的,意见不同的

8、dissepimental ─── 发育不良

9、dissilient ─── adj.[植]爆裂的;裂开性的

dissepiment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、false dissepiment ─── 假隔膜

2、vesicular dissepiment ─── 泡状鳞板(动)

3、exothecal dissepiment ─── 外鞘鳞板(动)

4、The elevator application of dissepiment frequency-conversion PLC intelligent control timing system ─── 提升机PLC智能控制变频调速系统的应用

5、Also,It has so strangeness and dissepiment with each other, it can impossible hanppen love ! ─── 当然,彼此过于陌生和隔膜,也不能发生爱情。

6、Tradition has it that the household having one family name Meng has grown a Spanish gourd , bloom and bear fruit on roof surname is a household in dissepiment ginger. ─── 相传有一家姓孟的人家种了一棵南瓜,在隔壁姜姓人家的房顶上开花结果。

7、More and more data suggest that the potential role of infection develop atherosclerosis and the injury of vassal dissepiment is one of main cause of atherosclerosis. ─── 越来越多的资料暗示感染物质在动脉粥样硬化的发生中起一定作用,而血管壁损伤的炎症反应是动脉粥样硬化的主要原因之一。

8、The elevator application of dissepiment frequency-conversion PLC intelligent control timing system ─── 提升机PLC智能控制变频调速系统的应用

9、key elements are discussed on the basis of theory of thermostatic valve, such as inductive temperature wrap, dissepiment and spring, the function of spring is explained. ─── 在介绍了温控阀原理的基础上,分析了感温包、隔膜和弹簧等关键元件,说明了它们的选择原则以及弹簧组的作用。

10、horsehoe dissepiment ─── 马蹄型鳞板

11、herringbone dissepiment ─── 人字型鳞板

12、Keywords dissepiment of walnut;total flavone;microelements; ─── 核桃隔膜;总黄酮;微量元素;

13、The window opens up the dissepiment between nature and human being, lets part of the spring come in the house, makes us enjoy ourselves not have to go out. ─── 窗子打通了大自然和人的隔膜,把风和太阳逗引进来,使屋子里也关着一部分春天,让我们安坐了享受,无需再到外面去找。

14、Because the dissepiment to the lower classes and the lack of bottom experience, writers often fabricate the figures. ─── 作家由于与底层的隔膜和底层经验的缺乏,往往会对底层人物进行想象性的表述。

15、endothecal dissepiment ─── 内鞘鳞板(动)

16、Application of Dissepiment Measurement Pump ─── 隔膜计量泵简介及应用

17、The Application of the Technology of Absorb and Vent Smoke and Dust with Liquit Dissepiment in Family Kitchen ─── 流体隔膜吸排烟尘技术在家庭厨房中的应用

18、Application of Dissepiment Measurement Pump ─── 隔膜计量泵简介及应用

19、Microsurgical treatment of Chiari malformation associated with syringomyelia by the tonsillectomy and the cutting of the dissepiment ─── 第四脑室输出道疏通术治疗Chiari畸形并脊髓空洞

20、Dissepiment of walnut ─── 核桃隔膜

21、Dissepiment and flap ─── 隔膜及活瓣

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