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09-04 投稿



ideologist 发音

英:[?a?d???l?d??st]  美:[?a?di?ɑl?d??st]

英:  美:

ideologist 中文意思翻译



ideologist 词性/词形变化,ideologist变形


ideologist 相似词语短语

1、ideologists ─── n.思想家;理论家

2、ideologises ─── 意识形态的

3、ideologise ─── 意识形态

4、ideologies ─── 意识形态

5、areologist ─── n.高空气象学家

6、ideologize ─── v.作思想分析;以意识形态解释

7、geologist ─── n.地质学家,地质学者

8、ideologic ─── 意识形态的;思想体系上的

9、ideologised ─── 意识形态化

ideologist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Qian Xuesen is a famous scientist and ideologist in our country,His thought is exceptionally lush and profound, including scientific, political, economical, social, cultural, etc. ─── 钱学森是我国著名科学家与思想家,他的思想理论,包括科学、政治、经济、社会、文化等许多内容,是非常丰富而深刻的。

2、Marx call him " thought giant " and " the ideologist with the greatest ancient time " , engels call him Gu Xila in philosopher " most pundit content " . ─── 马克思称他为“思想巨人”和“古代最伟大的思想家”,恩格斯则称他为古希腊哲学家中“最博学的人物”。

3、Of cause, we have many poor people and some ideologist who are not satisfied with the government just as your country just as in your countries. ─── 当然,我们还有很多贫困人口,还有一些空想家对我们的政府不满意。这些情况在你们的国家也一样存在。

4、In fact, some typical ideologist of that time held the same view. ─── 其实,当时的一些有代表性的思想家也有着同样的论述。

5、Paine was an outstanding ideologist extreme bourgeois democratic revolutionarist and theorist of the 18th century. ─── 潘恩是18世纪杰出的政治思想家、激进的资产阶级民主主义革命家和理论家。

6、Ashankhyge is a great Kazak philosopher, ideologist and famous Jeraw. ─── 阿山海戈是哈萨克族伟大的哲学家、思想家和著名的哲饶。

7、As a famous ideologist in late Qing dynasty, Guo Songtao's thought of economic modernization is closely connected with the developmental procedure of Chinese economic modernization. ─── 作为中国晚清时期著名的思想家,郭嵩焘的经济思想与中国经济近代化发展历程是紧密相联。

8、A great ideologist in ancient China ─── 古代中国伟大的思想家

9、On Lead arts of Ideologist and Political Work ─── 论思想工作蕴含的领导艺术

10、He is different to others classical natural law ideologist, and he pays attention to the research of obligation. ─── 与其他古典自然法思想家不同,他特别重视对义务的研究。

11、In the late Renaissance of the 16th century, the emerge of the French ideologist, Montaigne, marked an important turning point in the development of essays of the West. ─── 16世纪文艺复兴晚期,法国思想家蒙田的出现,标志着西方随笔发展史上的重要转捩点。

12、Ideologist of Chinese ancient time regards the first pace of cultivate one's morality as aspire, the person that thinks to do not have ambition is cannot somewhat factitive. ─── 中国古代思想家把立志作为修身的第一步,认为没有志向的人是不能有所作为的。

13、Being the most eminent Greek politician and ideologist,Aristotle's political id ea and theory covered a wide range and exerted a far-reaching influence on later generations. ─── 亚里士多德是古希腊伟大的政治家、思想家。 他所阐发的政治思想、理论对后世产生了很大的影响。

14、Qu Yuan was the earliest great patriotic poet as well as a great statesman, ideologist, diplomat and reformer in ancient China. ─── 屈原是中国古代最早的爱国主义诗人和最伟大的爱国者,思想家,外交家和改革家。

15、Every kind of Utopian conception is the responses of ideologist to the political reality. ─── 每一种乌托邦观念都是思想家对当时政治现实的回应。

16、Accordingly, tang Dynasty ideologist concerns protection and development.. ─── 因此,唐代思想家有关保护和发展...

17、Thomas Hobbes was not a bourgeois ideologist ─── 论霍布斯并非资产阶级思想家

18、18. Archaic ideologist Confucius, Mencius is right geomantic the theory that has a maturity. ─── 古代思想家孔子、孟子对风水都有一套成熟的学说。

19、Guo Song-tao was a famous ideologist, diplomatist and verse expert in the Chinese modern times, whose poetics was deeply influenced by the Confucianism and Practical Philosophy of Huxiang Culture. ─── 郭嵩焘是中国近代著名的思想家、外交家及诗歌能手,其诗学主张深受湖湘文化理学实学思想的影响。

20、Paine was an outstanding ideologist extreme bourgeois democratic revolutionaries and theorist of the 18th century. ─── 潘恩是18世纪杰出的政治思想家、激进的资产阶级民主主义革命家和理论家。

21、It is a home of famous ideologist, politics, educationist. ─── 东周邹国人。是一位著名的思想家、政治活动家、教育家。

22、In May, 1912, after the Revolution of 1911, the "Metropolitan University" was renamed "Peking University". Yan Fu, a celebrated educationist and ideologist, became the first president of the university. ─── 1911年辛亥革命后,京师大学堂于1912年5月改名为北京大学,第一任校长是著名的教育家、思想家严复。

23、Geomantic art comes out, with respect to the criticism that cheeks at that time by ideologist Zhang Zai, Cheng, think this is planted view " devoid argumentation of a speech or essay " . ─── 风水术一问世,就遭到当时思想家张载、程颐的批评,认为这种说法“全无义理”。

24、he is an ideologist, a declaimer, and a revolutionist, ─── 他是个空想家,大言不惭,还搞革命,

25、the thought wealth of Europe enlighten ideologist is important idea basement on the discussion about capital penalty exist or deposition in china learning circles. ─── 欧洲启蒙思想家的思想资源是我国学界目前讨论死刑存废的主要知识依据。

26、On the Contribution of Kazak Ideologist Buhumu and Son to the Confucianism ─── 论哈萨克族思想家不忽木父子对儒学的贡献

27、Latter-day and famous ideologist, politician, bourgeois is illuminative propagandist home, the delegate character that reform moves. ─── 近代著名思想家、政治家,资产阶级启蒙宣传家,维新运动的代表人物。

28、Su Shu Fan Shen Lu is one of the illustration works of LI Er-qu, a famous ideologist , in his late years. ─── 《四书反身录》为清初著名思想家李颙(二曲)晚年“心解”著作。

29、A great ideologist and educationist in ancient China ─── 古代中国伟大的思想家,教育家

30、Because, his since opens source egghead, ideologist, also be a doer opening a source (and outstanding achievement is outstanding) . ─── 因为,他既是一位开源理论家、思想家,也是一位开源实干家(而且业绩非凡)。

31、Chu Hsi is a greatest ideologist after Confucius in Chinese traditional ideology history . ─── 在中国传统思想史上,朱子是继孔子之后最伟大的思想家之一。

32、Confucius was a great ideologist and educator in ancient China. ─── 孔子是我国古代伟大的思想家和教育家。

33、Their alleged chief ideologist was found living in a mountain village, in an apartment without any heating. ─── 该组织所谓的意识形态领袖藏匿于一栋缺乏取暖设备的山村寓所中。

34、"I hate Diderot,he is an ideologist, a declaimer, and a revolutionist, a believer in God at bottom, and more bigoted than Voltaire ─── “我恨狄德罗,他是个空想家,大言不惭,还搞革命,实际上却信仰上帝,比伏尔泰更着迷。

35、Liao Yan was a very special ideologist and litterateur at the beginning of Qingdynasty. ─── 廖燕是清初一位非常特殊的思想家和文学家。

36、Huang Zun Xian, who lived in the evenitn of Qing dynasty, is a famous poet, diplomat, reformation ideologist. ─── 黄遵宪是近代知名的诗人、外交家、改良思想家。

37、RUAN JI is a prominent ideologist and poet in the Six Dynasties. ─── 摘要阮籍是魏晋南北朝时期极富特色的思想家、文学家之一。

38、A Discussion on Emotionality of Chinese Archaic Ideologist ─── 中国古代思想家对情绪性的论述

39、Strictly speaking, none of them are pure ideologists and take seriously of being a scholar or an ideologist. ─── 严格来说,他们之中并没有纯粹的思想家,也没有把做学者、做思想家当作一回事。

40、It was conducted by his harridan wife Jiang Qing and plotted by his favorite ideologist, security specialist and pimp, Kang Sheng. ─── 它是由他的妻子江青和harridan了他最喜欢的思想家,安全专家和皮条客,康生策划。

41、This article introduces the influence of Sufism to the Persian literary, the life stories of Moulavi who is greatest Persian Sufism ideologist and poet, the thought contents of "Mathnavi" that is the magnum opus of Moulavi. ─── 本文介绍了苏非神秘主义对波斯文学的影响,介绍了波斯最伟大的苏非神秘主义思想家和诗人穆拉维(西方称为“鲁米”)的生平事迹,介绍了穆拉维的代表作《玛斯纳维》的思想内容。

42、The reformer and ideologist Zheng Guanying was the exponential. ─── 郑观应是这一思想的积极倡导者。

43、As a politician, ideologist, scholar, and protagonist, he has made great influence in Chinese history.Chinese calligraphy is his hobby, and he also made great dedication to calligraphy.Mr. ─── 作为政治家、思想家、学者和宣传家,他的多方面的活动都在历史进程中留下了深远的影响,书法是他倾注了不少精力的爱好。

44、It was from modern era that Zhang Xue-Cheng came to be regarded as the most important ideologist and historical theorist. ─── 摘要章学诚被认为是中国最重要的思想家、史学理论家之一,仅仅是近代以来形成的观点。

45、Wang Yangming was a mature statesman in the mind-philosophy thoughts trend of Song Ming neo-Confucianism, one of the greatest influential ideologist in Chinese traditional ideology history too. ─── 王阳明是宋明新儒学心学思潮的集大成者,也是中国传统思想史上最富影响力的思想家之一。

46、This is the ascensive ideologist later people provided rich thought nourishment. ─── 这为后来的进步思想家们提供了丰富的思想养料。

47、Zhuge Liang is an outstanding politician,ideologist and strategist of Shu in the period of the Three Kingdoms. ─── 诸葛亮是三国时期蜀国杰出的政治家、思想家、军事家。

48、The fundament implic of thi exampl is that the need and desir to commun across differ in cultur and ideolog is not onli felt by the two countri but by mani other nation as well. ─── 这一事件充分标明:不同文化、不同意识形态之间的交流不只仅是两个国家的需要和愿望,也是更多其它国家的心声。

49、Not all of these conclusions are absolute authority knowledge, part of scholars has some mistaken comprehension on those views of enlighten ideologist. ─── 这些结论并非都是绝对的知识权威,我国部分学者对启蒙思想家的观点也存在某种误读。

50、Anze,located in east to Linfen city Shanxi,covering 1967 km2,is the center of old Ji county and hometown of Xunzi,who was a great ideologist in time of pre-Qin dynasty. ─── 安泽,位于山西省临汾市东部,总面积1967平方公里,是古冀州之治所、中国先秦时期大思想家荀子的故里。

51、educational ideologist ─── 教育思想

52、Chen liang is a famous ideologist and litterateur in south song dynasty. ─── 陈亮是南宋时期著名的思想家、文学家。

53、Liang Qichao, a famous ideologist, sociologist and historian in neoteric China, focused on historiography, literature, politics, economy and Buddhism in his life. ─── 梁启超,中国近代杰出的资产阶级思想家、社会政治活动家、著名的历史学家。

54、Mencius and Plato are coetaneous ideologist, had produced tremendous effect to society of Chinese and Western, their thought has a lot of place that be interlinked. ─── 孟子与柏拉图是同时代思想家,都对中西社会产生过巨大影响,他们的思想有许多相通之处。

55、an ideologist may pass away,but his thought will never fade away.people cant live forever,but one's thought can. ─── 2思想家会离开人世,但它的思想将永不消亡,人不能永生,思想却可以永存。

56、Mencius and Plato are coetaneous ideologist, idea of their division of labor is very similar, both emphasized the necessity of division of labor, the benefit; ─── 孟子与柏拉图是同时代思想家,他们的分工思想极为相似,二者都强调了分工的必要性,论述了分工的效益;

57、French ideologist and peaceful of Er of philosopher bend over have a famous remark: "Life depends on motion. ─── 法国思想家与哲学家伏尔泰有句名言:“生命在于运动。”

58、Enlightenment ideologist ─── 启蒙思想家

59、Xie Kuo is the utilitarian ideologist with famous period of the Southern Song Dynasty, to be being weighed lineally feudality the principle did this curb end the first to deny directly. ─── 叶适是南宋时期著名的功利主义思想家,第一个对封建正统的重本抑末原则做了直接否定。

60、”Tang Xianzu was a poet first of all, and then an ideologist and dramatist. ─── 汤显祖首先是一个诗人,然后才是一个思想家、戏剧家。

61、He is also an ideologist who relatively early use Marxism materialistic interpretation of history to analyze and study Chinese ethic moral, being practical and realistic, abounding with innovation. ─── 目前,学术界对张岱年的思想体系已经展开了多方位、深层次的研究。

62、Mr. Xizhai is a great ideologist and educationalist in the early Qing Dynasty, well known for his assumptions of physical education. ─── 习斋先生是清朝初年名的思想家、教育家,在中国古代体育史上尤其具有独到的建树。

63、The influences of Lunacharski were powerful and complex since he was an authority on aesthetics and chief party ideologist in the former Soviet Union. ─── 摘要作为苏共中央在美学方面当之无愧的理论权威和意识形态领域的掌控人,卢那察尔斯基的影响是重大和多方面的。

64、Liao Zhongkai was a famous Kuomintang leftist in the modern history,a revolutionist of little bourgeois,and an ideologist. ─── 廖仲恺是近代历史上著名的国民党左派、小资产阶级革命家、思想家。

65、Zhang Dai was a literature, historian and ideologist in turn from Ming to Qing Dynasty. ─── 张岱是明清之际的一位文学家、史学家、思想家。

66、Abstract: Ruan Ji, the famous litterateur, ideologist, in the same position to Ji Kang in the history of Wei and Jin Dynasties, is one of “Seven Hermits in the Bamboo Grove”. ─── 摘要:阮籍是魏晋之际著名的文学家、思想家,与嵇康齐名,为“竹林七贤”之一。

67、As a notable ideologist in the modern history of China, Liang Shu-ming established his status just in the interaction of the three trends. ─── 作为中国近现代史上著名的思想家,梁漱溟是在与这三大思潮的互动中确立自己之思想地位的。

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