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09-04 投稿


periosteum 发音

英:[,per?'?st??m]  美:[,p?r?'ɑst??m]

英:  美:

periosteum 中文意思翻译



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n. [解剖] 骨膜;管膜

periosteum 词性/词形变化,periosteum变形

形容词: periosteal |名词复数: periostea |

periosteum 短语词组

1、periosteum alveolare ─── [医] 牙槽骨膜, 牙周膜

2、periosteum define ─── 骨膜界定

3、periosteum cell ─── 骨膜细胞

4、periosteum and deep fascia ─── 骨膜和深筋膜

5、periosteum elevator ─── [医] 骨膜起子, 骨膜撬

6、periosteum detacher ─── [医] 骨膜剥离器

7、periosteum bone healing ─── 骨膜 ─── 骨愈合

8、periosteum cranii ─── [医] 颅骨膜

9、periosteum pronounce ─── 骨膜音

10、periosteum and endosteum ─── 骨膜和内膜

11、periosteum definition anatomy ─── 骨膜解剖

12、periosteum bone ─── 骨膜 ─── 骨

13、periosteum labeled ─── 骨膜标记

14、periosteum zebrafish ─── 斑马鱼骨膜

periosteum 相似词语短语

1、perineum ─── n.[解剖]会阴

2、periosts ─── 骨膜

3、periostea ─── 骨膜(periosteum的名词复数)

4、perisperm ─── 外胚乳

5、periostracum ─── n.角质层

6、periost ─── 骨膜

7、endosteum ─── n.[解剖]骨内膜

8、periosteal ─── adj.骨膜的

9、peritonaeum ─── n.腹膜

periosteum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Repairing the bone nonunion and bone defect with bridge mode transfer of natural periosteum flap ─── 健侧骨膜皮瓣桥式转移修复患侧胫骨骨不连及软组织缺损

2、The periosteum,dura,cavernous sinus,carotid artery,ocular nerve,trochlea nerve and abduce nerve crossing cavernous sinus could be visualized. ─── 扩大经蝶手术入路可清晰显示鞍底骨膜、硬脑膜外层、海绵窦内侧壁、海绵窦内颈内动脉及其分支血管、动眼神经、滑车神经、外展神经及眼神经等结构;

3、dental periosteum ─── 牙骨膜

4、the external periosteum that covers the outer surface of the skull ─── 在颅骨外侧的骨膜

5、Tietze's syndrome treated by costochondral periosteum via small incision ─── 小切口肋骨膜切开术治疗非特异性肋软骨炎

6、Methods The operation is to separate subcutaneous tissue of the mid-face and zygomatic ligments, fixing and relocating the zygomaticofacial soft tissue to periosteum of mala. ─── 方法通过分离面中部皮下组织和颧弓韧带组织,将颧部软组织向外上方复位并固定于颧骨骨膜上。

7、An Experimental Research on Bone Defect Repaire with Bone Allograft Packed by Vascularized Periosteum Flap ─── 带血供骨膜瓣包裹同种异体骨修复骨缺损的实验研究

8、Keywords Lunate bone;Bone necrosis;Old dislocations;Periosteum;Bone flap; ─── 月骨;骨坏死;陈旧性脱位;骨膜;骨瓣;

9、Expose the medial malleolus by reflecting the periosteum but preserve the deltoid ligament. ─── 剥离、牵开骨膜,显露内踝,但保留三角韧带。

10、Keywords pseudarthrosis;tibia;periosteum;collagen;sirius red; ─── 关键词假关节;胫骨;骨膜;胶原;天狼猩红;


12、If the injury is not cured in time or is cured unsuitably, it will lead to periosteum hyperplasia or incurable fatigue fracture. ─── 如果不及时治疗或治疗不当,会引起骨膜增生,甚至会引起疲劳性应力性骨折。

13、To establish a mechanical model of long bone diaphysis based on its physiological properties,in which the ef-fects of periosteum and the marrow on the diaphysis were included. ─── 基于长骨骨干的生理学特性,建立了长骨骨干的力学模型,其中包括骨膜和骨髓对骨干承载的影响,得到了轴向外载荷作用下的本构形式。

14、Keywords Osteosarcoma;Periosteum;Surgical procedures;operative;Chemotherapy;adjuvant;Prognoses; ─── 关键词骨肉瘤;骨膜;外科手术;化学疗法;辅助;预后;

15、Arteries supplying periosteum of maxilla formed a abundant vascular net with the internal and external arteries of maxilla. ─── 上颌骨内供血动脉与上颌骨粘骨膜存在广泛交通支,使上颌骨形成内外供血动脉相交通的立体血管网。

16、After remoal of the grafts, accurately appose and suture the periosteum and muscular origins with strong interrupted sutures. ─── 取骨后,将骨膜和肌肉起点确切对合,行牢固的间断缝合。

17、Ultrastructural Organization Observation of Free Necrotic Muscle Inducing Hyperplasia and Hypertrophy of Tibia Periosteum ─── 游离坏死肌肉组织块诱导胫骨骨膜增生的超微结构观察

18、Superior buccal gingival sulcus incision dissection was made inferior to zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch periosteum. ─── 口腔内上颊龈沟入路在颧骨及颧弓骨膜下剥离。

19、Using Dosal Flap of Index Finger with Metacarpal Periosteum Artery and Nerves to Repair the Contracture of Hukou ─── 带第二掌背动脉及神经的食指背侧皮瓣修复虎口挛缩

20、When the crest of the ilium is not required as part of the graft, split off the lateral side or both sides of the crest in continuity with the periosteum and the attached muscles. ─── 如果不需要髂嵴作为植骨块的一部分,则可将髂嵴的外侧或双侧劈下,使之与骨膜及附着的肌肉相连。

21、Methods From Jan.1997 to Jan,2005,collected 20 cases of desmoplastic fibroma of periosteum, analysed and summarized their characteristic radiological signs. ─── 方法自1997年1月-2005年1月以来,收集骨膜硬性纤维瘤患者20例,分析总结其表现特征。

22、Comparative study between a new artificial dura mater and autogenous periosteum in replacing orthotopic dura mater ─── 新型人工硬脑膜和自体膜的对比实验研究

23、Methods:The bone intercalary defect animal models were made on New Zealand white rabbits at the middle shaft of the femur in which 1.5cm of diaphysis and periosteum were removed. ─── 方法 :采用新西兰大白兔股骨中段切除1.5cm骨干和骨膜实验动物模型。

24、Methods During the operation, the cranial flap was floated on the bone window between the pachymeninx and periosteum with bone tip unfixed. ─── 方法术中让颅骨瓣浮于骨窗上硬脑膜与骨膜之间,骨瓣不做固定。

25、In adults, however, it is often thin, and closure may be unsatisfactory;suturing the periosteum and the deep portion of the subcutaneous tissues as a single layer is usually wise. ─── 成人胫骨骨膜较薄,可能无法满意地单独修复,将骨膜和深层皮下组织一起缝合是明智的。

26、Keywords transversal branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery;gluteal muscle branch;greater trochanter;bone flap;periosteum flap; ─── 关键词旋股外侧动脉横支;臀中肌支;大转子;骨瓣;骨膜瓣;

27、Conclusion: Treatment of adolescent hip ankylosis by free periosteum transplantation is effective. ─── 结论:骨膜移植治疗青少年髋关节强直是一种可供选择的方法。

28、Keywords ilium femur head joint diseases periosteum; ─── 关键词髂骨;股骨头;关节疾病;骨膜;

29、Periosteal suture of ulna; Suture of periosteum of ulna ─── 尺骨骨膜缝术

30、For better exposure at each end of the longitudinal incision, incise the periosteum transersely;thus the incision through the periosteum is shaped like an I. ─── 为了在纵切口的两端更好地显露,可加切横切口,使骨膜切口呈“I”形。

31、W-shaped suture suspension was made from the tarsal to the periosteum of the superior orbital edge through the tunnel just beneath the orbicularis oculi. ─── 方法:在眼睑及眉弓处分别行切口至其下方的眶骨膜处,在眼轮匝肌下作隧道,形成“W”形,通过调节缝线的松紧度,治疗上睑凹陷。

32、Methods: Analyze and summarize thirteen cases about the autologous bone with periosteum and vein accelerate the homologous bone fixation retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析总结了13例骨膜带血管自体骨促进异体骨固定的临床资料。

33、Type II muscles (22%) are visible and identifiable but, unlike the first group, insert into the periosteum and demonstrate little or no interdigitation with the orbicularis oris. ─── 型(62%),解剖中可见,并可被区分,并发现在其起始部位内侧脚踏板处和同起于此的口轮匝肌完全交错。

34、Clinical studies on reversed transposition of compound flap with medial half of the soleus and tibia periosteum ─── 比目鱼肌内侧半肌、胫骨骨膜复合瓣逆行移位的临床研究

35、Lateral malleolus periosteum bone flap pedicled with fascia and lateral malleolus anterior artery for talus injury ─── 带筋膜外踝前动脉蒂外踝骨膜骨瓣治疗距骨病损

36、Finally, the sternocleidomastoid muscle pulled upward on the medial part of the fractured clavicle, leading to the rupture of the periosteum. ─── 最后,胸锁乳突肌向上牵拉锁骨内侧部的骨折部分,导致骨膜破裂。

37、Methods We improved conventional design of the double-ring incision and fixed the mammary gland organization on the rib periosteum firmly after breast reshaping. ─── 方法:在保留双环切口的基础上加以改良,尤其是塑形后乳腺组织和肋骨骨膜的牢靠固定。

38、Methods In 20 fresh cadavers the tensile strength, stress-strain, and stress-relaxation curves of the nasal bone periosteum and nasal dorsum deep fascia were recorded automatically by computer. ─── 方法将20例新鲜成人尸体随机分成2组,分别测定鼻骨骨膜与鼻背深筋膜的断裂强度、应力-应变、应力松弛等生物力学指标,计算机自动描记应力-应变曲线及应力松弛曲线。

39、Keywords long bone;diaphysis;mechanical model;periosteum;marrow; ─── 关键词长骨骨干;力学模型;骨膜;骨髓;

40、Frozen heterogeneous periosteum can guide bone tissue regeneration ─── 冷冻异种骨膜引导骨组织的再生

41、After to resect the tubercular focus entirely, the periosteum of sick vertebra is resumed its function and a very good blood circulation is restored again in the location of TTLV. ─── 在彻底切除病灶,恢复病椎骨膜功能,营造病椎局部良好血运环境的基础上,撑开椎体、纠正脊柱后凸畸形、固定并维持脊柱稳定性、植骨重建骨性结构。

42、Keywords muscle;necrosis;periosteum;hyperplasia;ultrastruc tural organization; ─── 关键词肌肉;坏死;骨膜;增生;超微结构;

43、The living periosteum of a graft contains progenitor cells that have an important role in graft healing. ─── 移植物上的活骨膜包含了在愈合中扮演重要角色的祖细胞。

44、Imaging diagnosis of subperiosteal hematoma ossification of skull periosteum ─── 头颅骨膜下血肿骨化的影像学诊断

45、We successfully used autogenous periosteum to reinforce scleral defects in 3 patients after a pterygium excision. ─── 摘要我们成功的应用自体骨膜移值于三个因翼状赘片切除手术后所引起的巩膜缺损的病例。

46、Methods To resect flabby eyelid andsurplus eyebrow,overhang the canthus muscle to the frontal bone periosteum meanwhile sever corrugator and procerus. ─── 方法:保留适当宽度的自然眉,切除松弛的上睑及多余的眉,悬吊眉峰及外眦角处的眼轮匝肌于骨膜上,同时切断皱眉肌及降眉肌。

47、The external surface and periosteum of mandible was supplied by the periosteal arteries and the bony perforator of muscular artery, respectively. ─── 下颌骨表面及骨膜则由下颌骨骨膜动脉和肌动脉骨穿支营养;

48、OBJECTIVE: To investigate the in vivo possibility of osteogenesis and angiogenesis of tissue-engineered periosteum in rabbits. ─── 目的:探讨组织工程仿生骨膜同种异体内成骨修复骨缺损及其血管化的可能性。

49、Keywords external malleolus anterior artery;periosteum bone flap;transposition;talus fracture; ─── 外踝前血管;外踝骨膜骨瓣;移位术;距骨骨折;

50、Suture of periosteum of phalanges of hand ─── 手指骨骨膜缝术

51、The belt periosteum puts from the body skull bone petal to the abdomen hypodermic embedding preservation clinical research ─── 带骨膜的自体颅骨骨瓣放于腹部皮下包埋保存的临床研究

52、After removal of the grafts, accurately appose and suture the periosteum and muscular origins with strong interrupted sutures. ─── 取骨后,将骨膜和肌肉起点确切对合,行牢固的间断缝合。

53、maxillary sinus periosteum elevator ─── 上颌窦骨膜分离器

54、Conclusion Stripping periosteum has no influence on bone formation in guided tissue regeneration. ─── 结论去除外骨膜对引导性骨再生模型的成骨过程无影响。

55、A clinical observation of external canthns ligament and periosteum for repairing of palpebral defect ─── 外眦韧带及骨膜修复眼睑缺损的临床观察

56、At the left the periosteum is being lifted off. ─── 左侧可见骨膜被掀起。

57、Keywords homologous deep fascia;freeze-dried allogenetic periosteum;bone defect repair;Calciun Phosphate Cement;membrane guided bone regeneration; ─── 冻干同种异体骨膜;自体深筋膜;自固化磷酸钙;骨缺损修复;膜引导性骨再生;

58、Microscopically, the lesion is covered by periosteum, beneath which there is cartilage and bone. ─── 显微镜下观,病变处表面有骨膜,骨膜下有软骨和骨。

59、Methods:In three patients with third nerve palsy,we fixated the golbe with part of medial rectus muscle onto nasal bone periosteum to make the primary position basic orthophoria. ─── 方法:对三例动眼神经完全麻痹患者,利用部分内直肌作为眼球牵引物,固定于鼻侧眶缘,使第一眼位基本正位。

60、Clinical study of guided bone tissue regeneration by frozen homologous periosteum in instant implant ─── 冷冻异体骨膜引导即刻种植体周围骨缺损修复的临床研究

61、Morphometrical study of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells of periosteum germinal layer from different parts of the body and its clinical significance ─── 人体不同骨骼骨膜生发层间充质细胞的计量研究及其临床意义

62、A 1-in (2.5-cm) osteotome is used to raise the periosteum and the thin slice of cortical bone. ─── 在远端胫骨截断水平应该移除1cm腓骨从而使得血管化的骨头能够旋转。

63、New periosteum extrameridian point therapy ─── 新骨膜奇穴疗法

64、Other types of tissue found in bones include marrow, endosteum and periosteum, nerves, blood vessels and cartilage. ─── 另外,骨中还有骨髓、骨内膜和骨外膜、神经、血管和软骨等。

65、The firm fixation with free periosteum of the graft provides good osteogenic activity. ─── 游离的骨膜有较强的成骨活性;

66、Keywords Semilunar bone necrosis Periosteum Spongiosa homogenate Repair and reconstruction; ─── 关键词月骨缺血坏死;骨膜;松质骨匀浆;修复重建;

67、Experiment study of guiding bone tissue regeneration by frozen homologous periosteum ─── 冷冻异体骨膜引导骨组织再生的实验研究

68、Suture of periosteum of radius ─── 桡骨骨膜缝术

69、As curing,the focus must be excised absolutely,especially when the pedicel of the focus locate near to the bone,the nearby periosteum must be scraped,so as to avoid remnant and recuring. ─── 治疗应手术彻底切除,特别是如肿块囊壁蒂部接近于肌腱骨止点处,临近肌腱组织松脆,须对临近骨膜及表层骨质用刮匙探刮,以防病灶残留复发。

70、Other the hemal Kong Jin that comes from periosteum enters cartilage, but do not enter centrum ossification central belt. ─── 其他来自骨膜的血管孔进入软骨,但不进入椎体骨化中央带。

71、Methods A horizontal incision is made intraorally.The periosteum is elevated from the lateral and medial aspect of the ramus and continued to the mandibular angle. ─── 方法在下颌升支前外侧,沿升支外斜线作切口,于骨膜下分离,暴露术区后,依术前设计用磨削锉将下颌角肥大畸形的骨性部分除去,并将其修磨成近似正常的下颌角。

72、Other the hemal Kong Jin that comes from periosteum enters cartilage, but do not enter centrum ossification central belt. ─── 其他来自骨膜的血管孔进入软骨,但不进入椎体骨化中央带。

73、Vascularized periosteum flap ─── 带血管蒂骨膜瓣

74、Methods:Based on successful laboratory research,we treated the patients with bone loss around instant implants by using frozen homologous periosteum as Guided Tissue Regeneration membrane. ─── 方法:在实验研究成功的基础上,将冷冻异体骨膜作为引导组织再生膜性材料应用于引导即刻种植义齿植体周围骨缺损的修复。

75、Methods For 17 patients with nasopharyngeal angiofibroma,with nasal sinuses power instrument were excised the fibroangioma tissue gradually and wene removed the root periosteum by endoscopic with. ─── 方法对17例鼻咽血管纤维瘤患者采用切割吸引器逐渐切除肿瘤,并将其根部骨膜去除。

76、Make an incision along the subcutaneous border of the iliac crest at the point of contact of the periosteum with the origins of the gluteal and trunk muscles; ─── 在臀肌和躯干肌起点与骨膜相连处,沿髂嵴在皮下的边缘做切口,直接切至髂骨。

77、left, the periosteum is being lifted off. ─── 骨膜,显露内踝,但保留三角韧带。

78、Applied Anatomy of Periosteum Flap of Occipital Bone Pedicled With the Blood Vessel for Occipito-Cervical Fusion ─── 带血管蒂枕骨骨膜瓣行枕颈融合的应用解剖

79、At the left, the periosteum is being lifted off. ─── 左侧可见骨膜被掀起。

80、The periosteum of the clavicle was ruptured, so the injury could not be classified as either type I or II. ─── 因为锁骨骨膜是破裂的,所以损伤不能被分类到I或II型。

81、Methods : To the normal volume descensus breast, select crescent-shaped or two annular incisions , and the breast superior border is fixed on the rib periosteum . ─── 方法:对正常体积的乳房松垂,选择新月形或双环形切口, 将乳腺上缘固定于肋骨骨膜上。

82、periosteum flap of occipital bone ─── 枕骨骨膜瓣

83、Ao YF,Qu MY,Tian DX,et al.Reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament using bone-paterllar tendon-prepatellar periosteum free graft with impacting bone technique.Chin J Surg,1997,35:725-727. ─── [5]敖英芳,曲锦域,田得祥,等.骨-髌腱-髌前骨膜-股四头肌腱条骨块嵌入法重建交叉韧带.中华外科杂志,1997,35:725-727.

84、Divide the vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius muscles in the direction of their fibers and open and reflect the periosteum for the proper distance. ─── 按纤维方向劈开股外侧肌和股中间肌;切开适当长度的骨膜并向两侧牵开。

85、The volume of the bone grafted and the extent of the periosteum being stripped seemed to be important whether xenogenic bone graft would be successful or. ─── 异种骨植骨是否成功与植骨的量和骨膜剥离的范围及方法有关。

86、The hemal and penetrable cartilage inside centrum dish hind form be identical bend with the blood-vessel that comes from periosteum. ─── 椎体内的血管穿透软骨盘后与来自骨膜的血管形成吻合弓。

87、curved nasal periosteum elevator ─── 弯鼻骨膜分离器

88、Autogenous periosteum offers advantages over other tissues as graft material, since, it is easy to handle, strong and vascular, and produces no immune reaction. ─── 以自体骨膜做移值片有以下的优点;即它是柔软的、容易操纵及处理、强?且含有血管,以及不产生任何免疫反应。

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