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09-04 投稿


eliminative 发音

英:[??l?m?ne?t?v]  美:[??l?m??ne?t?v]

英:  美:

eliminative 中文意思翻译




eliminative 短语词组

1、eliminative def ─── 清除性def

2、eliminative induction ─── [辨证法]消去归纳法

3、eliminative materialist ─── 排除唯物主义者

4、eliminative materialism ─── [辨证法]排除型唯物论取消式唯物主义

5、eliminative materialists ─── 消灭唯物主义者

6、eliminative behavior ─── 排泄行为

7、eliminative behaviorism ─── 消除行为主义

eliminative 相似词语短语

1、eliminate ─── vt.消除;排除

2、alimentative ─── adj.富于营养的;补给的

3、delimitative ─── 定界的

4、criminative ─── adj.控告的;使负罪的;责难的

5、limitative ─── adj.限制的

6、elimination ─── n.消除;淘汰;除去

7、eliminativism ─── 取消主义

8、eliminating ─── adj.排除的;v.消除(eliminate的ing形式)

9、recriminative ─── adj.反控诉的;互相责备的

eliminative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、VP ellipsis constructions in English exhibit three typical properties, which are strict and sloppy interpretation ambiguity, locality effect and the eliminative effect. ─── 英语VP省略结构具有三个典型特征:严格与松散释义歧义、局部性效应、淘汰效应。

2、The generality is significant and it can be found primarily in the following aspects: strict and sloppy interpretation ambiguity, locality effect and the eliminative effect. ─── 其共性突出表现在严格与松散释义歧义、局部性效应、淘汰效应等方面。

3、The text introduces constant faults along with case study and relevant eliminative methods about auto reinforcement drum-type halt vehicle brake system of light car. ─── 介绍了轻型汽车自动增力鼓式驻车制动系统常见故障现象,原因分析及相应的排除方法。

4、Analyzing the Appraisal and Eliminative Work in City and County Archives ─── 析市县馆档案鉴定销毁工作

5、eliminative mechanism ─── 淘汰机制

6、The generality is significant and it can be found primarily in the following aspects:strict and sloppy interpretation ambiguity,locality effect and the eliminative effect. ─── 其共性突出表现在严格与松散释义歧义、局部性效应、淘汰效应等方面。

7、Dr. Nicole Bandes says: “... Periodic cleansing and detoxifying helps to open up the eliminative channels to keep the body systems running clean, uninhibited by toxin and waste buildup.....” ─── 定期洁肠和排毒可以帮助打开清除的渠道来排除增加的毒素和废物,保持身体系统运行更干净,更无拘无束......”

8、According to working experience, the authors discuss the anti-interference issues in the application of microcontrollers in embedded systems and provide some measures for the design of admissible error and eliminative error. ─── 本文根据笔者在实际工作中的体会 ,就单片机在嵌入式系统应用中的抗干扰问题进行探讨 ,并给出了排错设计、容错设计的一些方法和措施。

9、The research status of chlorine dioxide as disinfector and the eliminative method of the by-products of disinfectors are also mentioned. ─── 并介绍了二氧化氯作为消毒剂的研究现状及其消毒副产物的去除。

10、T1/2: 6.76 h, 6.46 h, and the eliminative rate was: 87%, 84%. ─── 结论:氧氟沙星与胃舒平联用后吸收明显减少,应避免联用。

11、VP ellipsis constructions in English exhibit three typical properties, which are strict and sloppy interpretation ambiguity, locality effect and the eliminative effect. ─── 英语VP省略结构具有三个典型特征:严格与松散释义歧义、局部性效应、淘汰效应。

12、eliminative method of induction ─── 归纳排除法

13、It will also adopt a punitive water price on high-water-consuming industries outlined in the restrictive and eliminative categories under the national industry policies. ─── 并对国家产业政策中限制类、淘汰类的高耗水行业实行惩罚性水价。

14、Another good property that Capsicum possesses is it acts as an internal disinfectant it can detoxify the colon and help with eliminative functions. ─── 辣椒的另一优良性质是它相当于体内的消毒剂,可以为结肠解毒和帮助减轻功能。

15、eliminative reasoning ─── 消除推理

16、On Catalyzing Alcohol Eliminative Reation Using Sulfate Instead of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid ─── 硫酸盐代替浓硫酸催化醇消除反应研究

17、, &Chater, N. (1994).Another look at eliminative and enumerative behavior in a conceptual task. ─── 在数位与非数位学习环境中学童归纳推理能力的探讨。

18、On air accumulation in heating system and its eliminative measures ─── 浅析供暖系统中的积气现象及排除方法

19、On air accumulation in heating system and its eliminative measures ─── 浅析供暖系统中的积气现象及排除方法

20、Analyzing the Appraisal and Eliminative Work in City and County Archives ─── 析市县馆档案鉴定销毁工作

21、In fact, VP ellipsis constructions in Chinese language illustrate the eliminative effect, too. ─── 其实汉语VP结构也显示了淘汰效应。

22、Keywords eliminative reaction;clean production;zirconium sulfate;potassium hydrogen sulfate;cyclohexanol;cyclohexene; ─── 消除反应;清洁生产;硫酸锆;硫酸氢钾;环己醇;环己烯;

23、Some consider it indispensible to understanding human conduct.Others ("eliminative materialists") think that it can and perhaps will be replaced by scientific psychology. ─── 有些哲学家认为这是了解人类行为所不可或缺的方式,其他的(排除式唯物论者)则认为,大众心理学可以、未来也或许会被科学心理学取代。

24、In fact, VP ellipsis constructions in Chinese language illustrate the eliminative effect, too. ─── 其实汉语VP结构也显示了淘汰效应。

25、A balancing of the glands of the emunctory system - the eliminative organs - could be brought about after the original therapy with the salts has ended. ─── 排泄系统(排泄器官)的腺的平衡可能在原始的运用盐治疗法结束以后发生。

26、The Detecting Error of Instaneous Harmonic Current Based on p-q Theory and Its Eliminative Countermeasures ─── 基于瞬时无功理论的瞬时谐波电流检测误差与消除对策

27、eliminative reaction ─── 消除反应

28、eliminative site election ─── 排泄区地点

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