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adhesiveness 发音

英:[[?d'hi:s?vn?s']]  美:[[?d'hi:s?vn?s']]

英:  美:

adhesiveness 中文意思翻译



adhesiveness 短语词组

1、adhesiveness define ─── 粘性定义

2、adhesiveness test ─── 粘附性试验

3、adhesiveness def ─── 粘附性定义

4、adhesiveness synonym ─── 粘着同义词

5、adhesiveness of glue ─── 胶的粘附性

6、adhesiveness defined ─── 粘性定义

7、adhesiveness means ─── 粘着性是指

8、adhesiveness of oils ─── [机] 油类的胶粘性

9、adhesiveness definition ─── 粘附性定义

adhesiveness 相似词语短语

1、cohesiveness ─── n.凝聚力;粘结性;内聚力

2、aggressiveness ─── n.攻击性;进取精神;霸气

3、amusiveness ─── 娱乐

4、allusiveness ─── n.引喻

5、aversiveness ─── 厌恶

6、adaptiveness ─── n.适应性,适应能力(adaptive名词形式)

7、abrasiveness ─── n.研磨;磨蚀;[机]磨损性

8、abusiveness ─── n.滥用;咒骂

9、adhesives ─── n.[胶粘]粘合剂(adhesive的复数)

adhesiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The diagnosis of SIADH depends on hyponatremia,urine osmotic pressure is higher than blood osmetic pressure,and antidiuretic hormone(ADH) secretion and blood volume increase. ─── SIADH的诊断依赖于低钠血症、尿渗透压高于血渗透压、抗利尿激素(ADH)分泌增多、血容量增加。

2、Adaptive protein evolution at the Adh locus in Drosophila ─── 中首次运用了

3、Nan Ya Wrap is suitable for both hand and mechanic wrappings due to its adequate adhesiveness and elongation. ─── 南亚保鲜膜因粘着性及伸长率均良,以手包装或机器包装均适宜!

4、The BCA method and in vitro adhesive analogue were adopted to determine release behavior of the adhesive pellets and their adhesiveness. ─── 采用离体黏附模型及二喹啉甲酸(BCA)法测定黏附微丸的黏附性及溶出度。

5、Methods Serum sodium,plasma osmolarity,urinary sodium and osmolarity,ADH and the cardiac function were dectected in 48 children with severe pneumonia. ─── 方法 对48 例重型肺炎小儿血、尿电解质、渗透压、抗利尿激素(ADH) 及心功能进行了对比研究。

6、The plasma ADH levels were measured by RJA under the same water intakes at 1:00 am and 3:00 pm (ADHland A1-1D3 stand for them respectively) . ─── 午3点和凌晨1点钟的血浆ADH水平,并测定同时点的血和

7、The applicationg and development of PVP in the field of medicine and pharmaceutics at home and abroad [J].Chem Adhes,1998,1:49-52. ─── PVP在生物医学领域的应用--国内外研究概况[J].化学与粘合,1998,1:49-52.

8、In the muscle,ADH had medium enzyme activity which was about 51-55% of that in the liver. ─── 另外,在肌肉也具有相当高的乙醇去氢酵素活性,其约为肝中酵素活性之51-55%。

9、Keywords MCP;preparation;VMCPP;adhesiveness;Al layer; ─── MCP薄膜;生产工艺;VMCPP薄膜;铝层附着牢度;

10、The enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism include mainly alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH), aldehyde dehydrogenase(ALDH) and cytochrome P450 2E1(CYP2E1), which all appear to be polymorphic. ─── 体内参与乙醇代谢的酶主要有乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)、乙醛脱氢酶(ALDH)和细胞色素P450-2E1(CYP2E1),它们均存在基因多态现象。

11、PCSK9 has many sequence variations. Several missense mutations(e.g.S127R and F216L)in PCSK9 are associated with an autosomal dominant form of hypercholesterolemia(ADH). ─── PCSK9基因有多种序列变异,如错义突变S127R和F216L可引起常染色体显性高胆固醇血症;

12、The action of ADH was similar to that of oxytocin but took its effect later. ─── 后叶素作用出现虽早,但作用弱,持续时间也短。

13、Sand-removing and rust-cleaning of alloy castings, thin plates, strip steel, and small-sized stainless steel castings, intensificatin of springs, surface treatment before plating, improving roughness, enhancing adhesiveness. ─── 合金铸件、薄板。带钢、小型不锈钢铸件的清砂除锈、弹簧强化,喷涂前的表面处理,提高粗糙度增强附着力。

14、After correlation analysis, the cytotoxicity showed a close correlation with the adhesiveness, phagocytic index and the activity of lysosomes, and the correlation coefficients were 0.54, 0.80, 0.67 respectively(P

15、A new type two-component nonpoisonous solvent-free polyurethane adhes ive was introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍一种新的无毒无溶剂型双组分鞋用聚氨酯胶粘剂。

16、The results of human amniotic basement membrane (HABM) modei analysis showed that the invasiveness and adhesiveness to the basement membrane of CCL 229 cells were mar-kedly higher than those of CX-1 cells. ─── 利用人羊膜基底膜模型分析结果显示:CCL229细胞对人羊膜基膜的侵袭力及粘附能力均明显高于CX-1细胞。

17、4) Research on parts of ADH properties. ─── 4)ADH的部分酶学性质研究。

18、The study of plasma ADH levels in primary nocturnal enuresis ─── 原发性遗尿症与血浆ADH的相关性研究

19、The three pathways of urine formation; Glomerular filtration and The influencing factors of glomerular filtration; Osmotic diuresis and glomerulotubular balance; Function and regulation of ADH. ─── 尿生成的三个环节;肾小球滤过机制、影响肾小球滤过的因素;渗透性利尿和球管平衡;抗利尿激素的作用和调节。

20、paints . thick coatings . resistance of adhesiveness to artificial weathering. ─── 涂料。厚塑料涂层。粘合剂耐人工老化的测定。

21、inappropriate ADH secretion syndrome ─── ADH不适当分泌综合征

22、Methods: The adhesiveness of platelet was determined by salzman,and the activityt-PA and PAI were determined by chromogenic substrate. ─── 方法 :用玻珠柱法测定血小板的粘附性 ,用发色底物显示法测定t-PA、PAI活性。

23、The hormones vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, or ADH) and oxytocin made in the hypothalamus (supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei) are transported into the intra-axonal neurosecretory granules where they are released. ─── 下丘脑(视上核和室旁核)形成的血管加压素(抗利尿激素,ADH)和催产素以神经内分泌颗粒的形式经轴突运送至神经垂体得以释放。

24、The POD, MDH,EST and ADH isoenzyme spectrum type of different type Q, variabilis have a large difference. ─── 不同类型栓皮栎的POD、MDH、EST、ADH同工酶谱型差异较大。

25、The first conductive layer is formed prior to forming the second conductive layer by droplet discharging, and hence, adhesiveness and peel resistance of the second conductive layer are improved. ─── 在通过液滴流注形成第二导电层之前,形成所述第一导电层,并因此,提高了第二导电层的粘合性和抗剥离性。

26、Syndrome of inappropriate ADH production ─── ADH产生不当综合征

27、Function and regulation of ADH. ─── 抗利尿激素的作用和调节。

28、nonosmotic regulation of ADH release ─── ADH释放的非渗透压调节

29、Compared with model group,the alcohol density in serum of each group were decreased(P

30、ADH was denatured terribly in Fe3+ solution. ─── ADH在Fe3+溶液中极不稳定,产生沉淀。

31、A new ethanol capillary biosensor(ECB) for the determination of ethanol in tequila has been proposed based on ADH and NADH oxidation-reduction system. ─── 基于ADH和烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH)氧化还原体系,开发了一种乙醇毛细生物传感器(ECB)。

32、Calcium dolesilate has been shown to significantly reduce platelet adhesiveness, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce plasma and serum viscosity in rabbits. ─── 实验证实羟苯磺酸钙能显著性降低兔血小板聚集比率、血小板粘附性、血浆与血清粘度。

33、Furthermore, the resin content shall not be less than 35 % by volume, and there shall be adequate adhesiveness at working temperature. ─── 此外,树脂含量体积分数应不少于35%,而且在工作温度要有足够的粘合性。

34、I announce adhesiveness, I say it shall be limitless, unloosen'd. ─── 我宣告人的粘着性,我说它将是无限的,永不松扣。

35、It has been confirmed that the integrins play an important roles in cell-adhesiveness, the fertilization, and the nidation. ─── 整合素在细胞粘附、受精、着床等生殖过程中的重要作用近年来已逐步得到人们的肯定。

36、ADH increases the urea permeability of collecting tubule in inner zone and decreases the blood flow in medulla. ─── 增加内髓部集合管对尿素的通透性并减少肾髓质的血流量。

37、PTEN brings into its lipid and protein phosphatase activity through PIP_3,FAK,MAPK pathway. PTEN also induces apoptosis,inhibites cell growth,regulates cell migration and adhesiveness. ─── PTEN通过PIP3途径、FAK途径、MAPK途径等发挥其脂质磷酸酶和蛋白磷酸酶活性,诱导细胞凋亡、抑制细胞生长、调节细胞迁移与黏附;

38、Many East Asians can't metabolize alcohol because they carry a mutation that prevents them from making ADH. ─── 很多中东人都有基因突变现象,导致不能产生乙醇脱氢酶。

39、In the general literature, the relationship between picking speed of paper and viscosity and adhesiveness of ink is considered as linear. ─── 文献中一般认为,纸张拉毛速度和油墨的粘度、粘着度呈线性关系。

40、We further pursued characterization of these products by examining additional functional properties (e. g., foamability and adhesiveness) as well as molecular weight distribution. ─── 在测定了该产物的其它特性(如发泡性和胶粘性)和分子量分布可以进一步确定它的物性。

41、industrial transfer adhesiveness ─── 产业转移粘性

42、The p 16.87 that is the characteristic band in stomach ADH of C57BL/6N corresponds to the y2 band of human ADH. ─── C57BL/6N的胃ADH同工酶谱与众不同,特征酶带p16.87为r2型,属酒精高嗜性品系;

43、3) The extraction and purification of Acetobacter Z127 ADH. ─── 3)Acetobacter Z127中ADH的提取纯化。

44、Keywords Endoscope;Intrauterine adhesions;Resection of adh esions;Nursing care; ─── 关键词内镜;宫腔粘连;粘连分离术;护理;

45、Reproducibility of ADH Content and CNBr Residue Determination ─── 已二酰肼及溴化氰检测方法重复性研究

46、All uses such as plasticizer, ink, paints and adhes ives. ─── 各式用途;如::可塑劑、染料、顏料、塗料、墨水、粘接劑。

47、The experiment showed that,Xianggu mushroom,Auricularia auricula-judae andtremella had obviously suppressing effect to agglutination and adhesiveness of platelet. ─── 实验表明香菇、木耳、银耳具有显著的抑制血小板聚集和粘附性的作用;

48、I agree with many people also that there are component of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) involving almost the entire lesion (1 cm). ─── 我同意多数人的意见即有不典型导管增生累及几乎整个病变。

49、Previous core bx was reported as focal ADH. ─── 以前粗针活检报告为局灶性ADH。

50、The product has good adhesiveness. It is widely used for the winding of electric motors. Electrical equipment instrument and others. ─── 该产品漆膜具有较好的附着性能,广泛用电机、电器和仪表等设备的绕组。

51、Syndrome of inappropriate ADH production ADH ─── 产生不当综合征

52、The adhesiveness is an important factor which affects fluid movement. ─── 粘滞性是影响流体运动的一个重要因素。

53、The Properties of New Associating Po1ymers ADH Solution ─── 新型缔合聚合物ADH溶液性能研究

54、Granite is a kind of resourceful stone with high wearability and has poor adhesiveness. ─── 摘要花岗岩是酸性石料,与沥青的粘附性差,因而很少应用在沥青路面建设中。

55、osmotic regulation of ADH release ─── ADH释放的渗透压调节

56、Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) play an important role in the in vivo alcohol metabolism together. ─── 人体中的乙醇脱氢酶(alcohol dehydrogenase,ADH)及乙醛脱氢酶(aldehyde dehydrogenase,ALDH)在乙醇代谢过程中发挥着重要的作用。

57、syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion ─── 抗利尿激素分泌不当综合征

58、syndrome of inapropriate ADH ─── 抗利尿激素分泌异常综合征

59、ADH increases the reabsorption of NaCl in thick segment of ascending limb and so leads to constriction of vasa recta. ─── 促进髓绊升支粗段对NaCl的重吸收,使直小血管收缩。

60、MoAb to CD11b and ICAM-1 significantly inhibited this adhesiveness (P

61、In general, there was not tonic inhibitory effect on the release of ADH. ─── 平时缺乏对抗利尿激素释放的紧张性抑制作用;

62、Using self-prepared sodium naphthaline solution, PTFE micropore membrane was modified to improve its wetness and adhesiveness. ─── 用自制的钠—萘处理液,改性聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)微孔膜,改善薄膜表面的润湿性和粘合性。

63、A hybridoma secreting monoclonal antibody (McAb) against human antidiu-retic hormone (ADH) was obtained by fusion of Sp2/0 myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with ADH. ─── 应用B淋巴细胞杂交瘤技术,成功地建立了分泌抗抗利尿激素(ADH)的单克隆抗体细胞株。

64、The correlation coefficient between plama ADH and urine-palsma osmotic pressure ratio was 0.86(P

65、The formed film electrode is of uniformity and hasgood adhesiveness with Ti substrate. ─── 冷却方式为在氨气保护下随炉降温;

66、Diabetes Insipidus is much less common than Diabetes Mellitus.In many cases there is no obvious cause for the inability of the pituitary gland to make ADH. ─── 患者在禁止饮用任何饮料数小时后,医生会检测其血液和尿液样本来诊断其是否患有尿崩症。

67、Initial results have shown that in adolescents, the ADH gene risk variants are indeed associated with early drinking and subsequent development of alcohol problems. ─── 初步结果显示,在青春期阶段,ADH风险基因的变异,确实与提早开始喝酒及后来对酒精上瘾有关。

68、The recovery of these purified CPS were 0.021g/L and 0.042g/L, the Kav were 0.52, 0.68.The purified type IIICPS was conjugated to tetanus toxoid(TT) with EDAC, using ADH as a spacer. ─── 其得率为0.021g/L,0.042g/L; 分配系数为0.52,0.68;

69、Relocation of Co-rich Adh Company Limited Manufacturing plant and Sales department. ─── 年搬迁新建厂房及营业部。

70、Syndrome of inappopriate ADH secretion ─── 抗利尿激素异常分泌综合征

71、adhesiveness on fiat copper surface ─── 平滑铜表面上的粘结

72、Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. ─── 抗利尿激素(抗利尿激素分泌)是由脑下垂体在大脑中产生的。

73、On the other hand,the TAS-Pt ahd MDAS-Pt curing systems shows excellent adhesive property to many kinds of materials especially metals and still retain their adhesiveness after immersion of the samples into water for 15 days. ─── 另一方面,TAS-pt和MDAS-pt固化体系对许多材料(尤其对金属)呈现良好的粘接性能,且当样品浸于水中15天后,仍保持其粘性。

74、Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain.It is involved in controlling the natural balance of water levels in the body. ─── 抗利尿激素是由脑垂体产生的,它的作用是控制体内水分的自然平衡。

75、To inhibit the secretion of ADH . ─── 抑制血管升压素的释放。

76、And esterase(CE)and alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH) activities that thought to be important in the metabolism of EEA and EE werealso determined. ─── 为探讨引起差异的可能原因,测定了参与这组化合物代谢的酯酶(CE)和醇脱氢酶(ADH)活性,以综合分析试验结果。

77、Methods: cloning experiment,adhensiveness experiment and invasiveness experiment were used to investigate the effect of extract on the proliferation,adhesiveness and invasiveness. ─── 方法:采用克隆形成实验、细胞黏附分析实验和细胞侵袭分析实验研究白术提取物对细胞增殖、黏附及侵袭能力的影响。

78、The genetic polymorphism of ADH was composed of ADH1,ADH2(1),ADH2(2)? ADH2(3),ADH3(1)and ADH3(2). ─── ADH基因多态性由ADH1,ADH2(1),ADH2(2),ADH2(3),ADH3(1)和ADH3(2)组成;

79、Analysis of related parameters shows that the important causes leading to slagging in CFB boilers are badly fluidized bed material and variation of particles' adhesiveness under high temperature. ─── 对相关参数的分析表明,床料流化不良和高温下颗粒的粘性变化是导致结焦的重要原因。

80、Using butyl rubber as the base material,tackifier and some auxiliary additives,the butyl rubber based hot-melt adhesive was prepared for favorable adhesiveness with PP,PC and metals. ─── 以丁基橡胶为主体材料,加入增粘剂及其它助剂,研制了一种对PP、PC等非金属材料及金属材料皆有很好粘接性能的热熔胶。

81、With this re-branding ADH Publishing hope that the new look cover will appeal to many more readers who perhaps had previously thought that Racer was just about racing. ─── 充满或许新的神色盖子将喜欢许多读者早先认为的这再烙记的ADH出版的希望竟赛者是正义的关于赛跑。

82、The adhesiveness of PLGA was better than that of PDLLA. ─── PLGA的细胞粘附性要优于PDLLA的粘附性

83、ADH deficient diabetes insipidus ─── 抗利尿激素缺乏性尿崩症

84、But when the aortic nerve was strongly stimulated, the reactions of the decrease in urine volume or the release of ADH produced by carotid occlusion were inhibited. ─── 受到较强刺激时,能抑制夹闭颈总动脉引起的尿量减少或抗利尿激素释放的反应。

85、Inhibit cell migration, spread out and adhesiveness. ─── 抑制细胞迁移、铺展和局部粘附。

86、i. e. antibody to ADH and antibody to GDH. ─── 一为抗ADH抗体,另一为抗GDH抗体。

87、ADH activity was reduced by 83.1% when concentration of cimetidine was 20 mmol/L. ─── 当西米替丁浓度达20mmol/L时,酶活性下降83.1%.

88、Inappropriate ADH Syndrome/pathology/therapy ─── ADH分泌不当综合征/病理学/治疗

89、SIADH (Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH) ─── 抗利尿激分泌不当(过高)症候群

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