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08-21 投稿


rowen 发音

英:[['ra??n]]  美:[['ra??n]]

英:  美:

rowen 中文意思翻译



rowen 短语词组

1、rowen elementary school ─── 罗文小学

2、rowen iron dining table ─── 罗纹铁饭桌

3、rowen symbaloo ─── 符号轮

4、rowen and martins laughin .com rowen ─── 和martins laughin.com

5、rowen kahn ─── 罗文卡恩

6、rowen iron ─── 棕铁

7、rowen clothing ─── 棕色衣服

rowen 相似词语短语

1、rower ─── n.桨手

2、rowens ─── n.留茬田;再生草;n.(Rowen)人名;(英)罗恩

3、rowans ─── n.花楸(一种山梨);n.(Rowan)人名;(英)罗恩

4、Bowen ─── n.博文(店名);鲍恩(昆士兰海边小镇)

5、rowels ─── n.(马刺上的)小齿轮;v.用小齿轮刺马;n.(Rowel)(美国、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯)罗韦尔(人名)

6、rowed ─── v.划船,划桨(row的过去式)

7、rowel ─── n.(马刺上的)小齿轮;v.用小齿轮刺马;n.(Rowel)(美国、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯)罗韦尔(人名)

8、roven ─── v.穿绳(reeve的过去分词)

9、rowan ─── n.花楸(一种山梨);n.(Rowan)人名;(英)罗恩

rowen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“we have a harmony happiness changing room,” the rocket vanguard said that “we will guide Rowen's fervor toward the correct direction. ─── “我们有一个其乐融融的更衣室,”火箭前锋说道,“我们会引导罗恩的激情朝着正确的方向。”

2、Before Cull (Landry) and Arab League prosperous (Brooks), Rowen (Ataisite) equally is the season, the match man of the hour. ─── 卡尔(兰德里)与阿隆(布鲁克斯)、罗恩(阿泰斯特)一样都是季前赛的风云人物。”

3、If the Rocket can fire off finally with theirs leader complete one year, they introduce vanguard Rowen - Ataisite will have ability to feed in them the finals. ─── 如果火箭队能最终和他们的领军人物打完完整的一年,他们引进的前锋罗恩-阿泰斯特将有能力将他们送进总决赛。

4、Rowen has been saying, if Steve can provide the help in here to be good. ─── 罗恩一直在说要是史蒂夫能在这里提供帮助多好。

5、“Rowen's performance is really unexpectedly. ─── “罗恩的表现真是出乎意料。”

6、“my feeling is, if Rowen (Ataisite) wants, Adelman favors as before in lets him hit the substitution and the sixth person. ─── “我的感觉是,如果罗恩(阿泰斯特)愿意的话,阿德尔曼依旧倾向于让他打替补和第六人。”

7、The Arab League prosperous - Brooks 23 points, Rowen - the Ataisite 13 points, every - tile Buddha still had is not vulgar displays, 14 points, Louise - Skora 9 point 10 backboard. ─── 阿隆-布鲁克斯得了23分,罗恩-阿泰斯特13分,凡-瓦佛尔仍有不俗表现,得了14分,路易斯-斯科拉9分10个篮板。

8、In the black magic school, Harley, Rowen and the hertz are continuing threesome's study sensitively; ─── 在魔法学校,哈利、罗恩和赫敏继续着三人小组的学习;

9、In this does, the Harry baud, Rowen and the Dutch America lotus three people all are the roles which may operate, their image all is acts according to in the movie version the new image design. ─── 在本作中,哈里波特、罗恩和荷美莲三人都是可以操作的角色,他们的形象都是根据电影版中的新形象设计的。

10、Rowen is a very good fellow, he cares about the family, cares about oneself child's growth, also cherishes the family each member. ─── 罗恩是个很好的家伙,他关心家庭,关心自己孩子的成长,也爱护家庭的每一名成员。”

11、the tom sports news Beijing standard time on October 18, "Official Website" the news, Shinn - Badier is the well-mannered gentleman, but Rowen - is the crude wild animal. ─── 短短几个月的时间,阿泰已经成为了巴蒂尔的好友,用火箭总经理达瑞尔-莫雷的话说,阿泰斯特现在甚至把巴蒂尔当作自己的学习榜样。

12、Leaps news sports news Rowen - Ataisite just allied when the rocket, many people thought that Badier will be pushed to the substitution mat on. ─── 腾讯体育讯罗恩-阿泰斯特刚刚加盟火箭之时,许多人都认为巴蒂尔将被挤到替补席上。

13、Councillor Paul Rowen, Councillor Jones’ party boss, said: "This is just a storm in a cauldron and has been blown out of proportion. ─── “我全力支持那些努力经营此类活动的人们,我们也已经收到五六封表支持态度的信了。”

14、“Rowen is an unusual emotionalism player, sometimes he on field invincible, but he actually somewhat is sometimes weak, he is swings under these two conditions. ─── “罗恩是一名非常情绪化的球员,有时候他在场上所向无敌,但有时候他却有些软弱,他就是在这两种状态下摇摆。”

15、“Rowen (Ataisite) is an astatic fellow. ─── “罗恩(阿泰斯特)是个不安定的家伙。”

16、Yes, Rowen is the strip dauntless man, I also. ─── 是的,罗恩是条硬汉,我也是啊。”

17、Badier recalls said that “I knew Rowen already had long period of time, I very respect him, he to me also am so. ─── 阿泰说道,“我有一天告诉希恩,我迫不及待希望你复出,那样我们俩就有可能同时出现在场上。

18、Although in already had defends in the skilled person shone - Badier situation, introduces Rowen - Ataisite appears again some reluctantly. ─── 虽然在已经有防守好手肖恩-巴蒂尔的情况下,再引进罗恩-阿泰斯特显得有些勉强。

19、“in one month (training battalion), we will do everything possible Rowen to fuse,” Adelman said that “we biggest challenge will be fuses Mai Di and Ataisite, will then let them adapt Yao Ming again. ─── “在都一个月(训练营),我们会想方设法将罗恩融合进来,”阿德尔曼说道,“我们最大的挑战就是融合麦蒂和阿泰斯特,然后再让他们适应姚明。

20、Rowen has taken the year best defensive player. ─── 罗恩更是拿过年度最佳防守队员。

21、Rowen - Ataisite has given the Rocket breakthrough playoff first run hope, his arrival lets the Rocket have a more sufficient firepower more importantly in the playoff. ─── 罗恩-阿泰斯特给了火箭队突破季后赛首轮的希望,更重要的是他的到来让火箭队在季后赛有更充足的火力。

22、The new season rocket's strength promotes largely, the Rowen - Ataisite alliance is a very obvious supplement, but Brunt - Bary can also enhance the lineup depth. ─── 新赛季火箭的实力大幅提升,罗恩-阿泰斯特的加盟就是一个很明显的补充,而布伦特-巴里也能提高阵容深度。

23、The Rowen - arrival for the rocket on a safe hitch, he has brought the fervor to the team. ─── 罗恩-的到来给火箭上了一个保险栓,他给球队带来了激情。

24、The new player needs to maintain consistent with our entire unit, Brunt - Bary had the experience, Rowen - Ataisite is before best defensive player, they defend the master. ─── 新的球员需要和我们全队保持一致,布伦特-巴里有经验,罗恩-阿泰斯特是以前的最佳防守球员,他们都是防守高手。

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