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08-21 投稿


bushfighting 中文意思翻译



bushfighting 相似词语短语

1、-fighting ─── v.打架;打仗;指挥作战;争论;奋力灭火(fight的现在分词);adj.战斗的;好战的;适于格斗的;n.战斗

2、benighting ─── 使陷入黑暗;使愚昧无知;使视线模糊

3、bedighting ─── v.装饰;adj.经过装饰的

4、outfighting ─── n.(在拳击中)远战,远距离攻击;v.打败,战胜(outfight的现在分词)

5、beknighting ─── 夜间

6、bullfighting ─── n.斗牛

7、backlighting ─── n.逆光;v.从后面照射;由逆光照明(backlight的ing形式)

8、behighting ─── 观察

9、gunfighting ─── n.枪战(等于gunfight)

bushfighting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、 双语使用场景

2、Abstract: 24 days, venezuela president Chaweisi appeals soldiers had done the bushfighting that is aimed at the United States to intend the work. ─── 查韦斯称:"咱们务必照旧加强抗斗战事的本事,这是反帝军械。

4、Also the nature as a result of bushfighting, golden hill did not establish firm base area all the time. ─── 也正是由于游击战的本性,金山一直都没有建立起稳固的根据地。

5、of characteristic estate division developed to position battle from bushfighting large quantities of commodity are wholesale trade market; ─── 从游击战到阵地战发展了大批商品批发交易市场;

6、puts forward the earliest to begin rural bushfighting, establish revolutionary base area, execute arm the construction respect that the academic; ─── 最早提出开展农村游击战、建立革命根据地、实行武装割据的理论;

7、What couplet village can work is successful, for Ji Zhongping the great progress of former bushfighting created a condition. ─── 联庄会工作的成功,为冀中平原游击战的大发展创造了条件。

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