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quill 发音

英:[kw?l]  美:[kw?l]

英:  美:

quill 中文意思翻译





quill 网络释义

n. 大翎毛;羽茎;(豪猪、刺猬的)刚毛vt. 刺穿n. (Quill)人名;(英)奎尔

quill 词性/词形变化,quill变形


quill 短语词组

1、quill bearing ─── [机]滚针轴承

2、multiple quill ─── [医] 复卷片

3、quill shaft ─── [机]套筒轴;管形轴

4、double quill ─── [医] 双卷片

5、single quill ─── [医] 单卷片

6、quill grammar ─── 羽管语法

7、crow-quill pen ─── 乌鸦羽毛笔

8、quill-pen n. ─── 羽毛笔

9、quill-driver n. ─── 作家, 抄写员, 新闻记者

10、quill pen ─── 鹅毛笔

11、quill pulling machine ─── 羽毛拔除机

12、quill-coverts n. ─── [鸟] 绒羽,冉羽(羽根处的细毛)

13、quill pens and ink ─── 羽毛笔和墨水

14、drive the quill ─── 写字

15、primary quill ─── 初级飞羽

16、quill-like ─── [医]羽管状

17、goose quill ─── 鹅毛管, ─── 鹅毛笔

18、quill tsui kilo tsui ─── 公司

19、quill feather ─── [鸟类学]翮羽

quill 习惯用语

1、drive a quill [pen] ─── 挥笔, 写字

2、draw one's quill against sb. [sth.] ─── 写文章攻击某人[某事]

quill 特殊用法

1、tachometer-drive quill ─── 转速表空心传动轴

2、tailstock quill ─── 尾架顶尖套筒, 尾架顶心套筒

3、lubrication quill ─── 润滑滚针

4、spring-backed quill ─── 弹性套管

5、main spindlequill ─── 主轴套管

6、armaturequill ─── 电枢套管轴

quill 相似词语短语

1、quilt ─── n.被子;棉被;vt.东拼西凑地编;加软衬料后缝制;vi.缝被子

2、quillon ─── n.锷叉

3、quillai ─── 千克

4、quilled ─── v.给(织物)作褶皱;(用羽毛管等)刺穿;把(线)卷在线轴上(quill的过去式及过去分词)

5、quillet ─── n.遁辞;细微的区别

6、quell ─── vt.平息;镇压;减轻;消除;n.(Quell)人名;(捷)奎尔;(西)克利

7、quoll ─── n.澳大利亚的袋鼬属动物

8、squill ─── n.虾蛄;海葱;红海葱鳞茎

9、quills ─── n.鹅毛笔(戏剧名)

quill 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A quill pen on writing paper demands you to care and pay attention to grammar, tidiness, controlled thinking. ─── 用羽毛笔在写字纸上书写要求你注意语法、整洁、克制思考。

2、To wind(thread or yarn) onto a quill. ─── 将(线或纱)绕在纡管上

3、quill faceplate ─── 台式车床辅助轴的花盘

4、The quill can be locked at any point along its travel path by means of a clamping device. ─── 套筒轴通过定位装置能沿着它的移动路径被锁定在任何点。

5、Punches - Basic, combination angle head type and related quill bushings ─── 冲床。基部组合角头型和有关衬套

6、Quill fulfills his purpose and becomes partner to one man, but. ─── 小Q不久就被挑选成导盲犬,正式展开犬只训练中心的艰辛生活。

7、But as I have said, it seems to me that dragons are not really the pure quill of fantasy, when properly done. ─── 但就像前面提到的,我以为如处理得当,龙并非奇幻作品的要素。

8、Don't you think it looks like an antique quill pen? ─── 你看它的样子像不像一根鹅毛笔呢?

9、In quill winding, however, the traverse only covers part of the quill at a time. When one section is built up, the traverse indexes to the next section. ─── 但在卷纬过程中,在一段时间内,纱层只包覆纬管的一部分,一段管纱卷绕完成后,往复导纱运动进入到纬管的下一区段。

10、pinion quill shaft ─── 小齿轮套筒轴

11、Hedgehog starts pulling off his quills one by one enduring sharp pain. There is red liquid coming out with each quill pulled. ─── 刺猬忍着巨痛,开始一根一根的拔掉自己身上的刺。每拔掉一根,就会有红色的液体留出。

12、The hand writing was done with quill and ink onto materials like vellum or parchment. ─── 前发明的印刷厂大约500年前,这是书籍的方式发了言。

13、The duke wrote a letter with a quill pen. ─── 公爵用一根羽毛笔写信。

14、draw one's quill against someone ─── 动笔攻击

15、quill master ─── 套式校对规

16、If the yarn is to be used as filling in shuttle looms it must be repackaged on a quill. ─── 如果纱线用作有梭织机的纬纱,则必须重新卷绕在纬管上。

17、Keywords CBN quill Cup wheel Face grinding Self-dressing Grinding force; ─── CBN砂轮轴;杯形砂轮;端面磨削;自锐;磨削力;

18、If the yarn is to be used as filling in shuttle looms it must be repackaged on a quill.The quill is designed to rest within the shuttle. ─── 回想一下在络纱过程中,往复导纱机构引导纱线沿着卷装往复一次,完成一个完整的循环。

19、single quill ─── [医] 单卷片

20、At the base of the feather, the rachis expands to form the hollow tubular calamus, or quill, which inserts into a follicle in the skin. ─── 在羽毛的基部,羽轴延伸形成中空管状的翮,或叫羽根,插入皮肤里的毛囊。

21、He wrote with a quill. ─── 他用羽毛笔写字。

22、A small joint in the middle of a bird's wing, homologous with the thumb and bearing three or four quill - like feathers. ─── 小翼羽鸟翅中部的小骨节,与大拇指同源,上有三四片羽毛

23、It's as if my quill is broken. As if the organ of my imagination is dried up. As if the proud tower of my genius has collapsed. ─── 就好像鹅毛笔折断了,好像所有的想象力都干涸了,好像那令人骄傲的天分之塔倒塌了。

24、Quill - a Labrador Retriever - s life as a dog drastically changed when he was chosen and forced to leave his mother for a seeing-eye dog training center. ─── 小Q是一只拉布拉多犬,身上流着优秀的导盲犬血统。

25、Design of the Cutting - rolling Compound Die for the Quill ─── 套筒类零件落料翻边复合模具的设计

26、quill servo stroke ─── 主轴伺服行程

27、The existing shortcomings of the previous hot extrusion process of the boss quill were introduced and the prominent characteristics of the improved process were pointed out. ─── 介绍了轮毂轴管原热挤压工艺存在的缺点与不足,指出了改进工艺的突出特点。

28、Quill is distinguished from his brother and sisters with a bird-like birthmark on his body. ─── 导盲犬可鲁以纯真、善体人意的真诚,感动了几百万人的心。

29、quill drive ─── 套管传动空心轴传动空心轴弹性传动

30、Quill winder differs very little from a package winder, the differences being no need for clearing and a different traverse mechanism. ─── 卷纬机与络纱机稍有不同,差别主要是:在卷纬机上纱线不用清洁,使用的往复导纱机构也与络纱机不同。

31、Sprays enemy units with quills dealing damage in a 700 AoE. Deals 30 extra damage everytime a unit is struck by a quill in the last 10 seconds. Damage type is physical. ─── 对700范围之内的敌人射出刺针,造成伤害。外加30伤害给每个前十秒内中过此刺针的单位。此伤害属于物理伤害(非魔法)。

32、quill bit ─── 匀形钻

33、Quivering quill: Just before you sign on a deal, you can try negotiating one last item on your list. ─── 发抖的毛笔:当你在签署某合约之前,你可以试着就某条件做个最后交涉。

34、Written information was no longer the domain of monks with quill pens and hand-written books, and it was no longer confined to zealots in churches. ─── 书面信息不再是僧侣们使用鹅毛笔和手抄书的所能掌握的,也不再仅限于教会的狂热信徒。

35、Set of clear crystal inkwell with quill, book, diploma and graduation cap; rhodium-plated details. ─── 套清楚水晶墨水池与纤管,书,文凭和毕业盖帽;铑被镀的细节。

36、Keywords CBN quill Bond Face grinding Comer radius Grinding force; ─── CBN砂轮轴;结合剂;端面磨削;过渡圆弧半径;磨削力;

37、Quill's tale of laughter and tears begins when, as a cute puppy, he becomes the first friend of a little girl. ─── 一年后,渡边先生的病情变本加厉,但渡边太太始终没有向丈夫透露半句,只有默默的暗中支持。

38、driven the quill ─── v. 挥笔(写字)

39、2, T, Put a blood counter on Bloodletter Quill: Drawa card, then lose 1 life for each blood counter onBloodletter Quill.UB: Remove a blood counter from Bloodletter Quill. ─── {二},{横置},在血文鹅毛笔上放置一个鲜血指示物:抽一张牌,然后血文鹅毛笔上每有一个鲜血指示物,你就失去1点生命。

40、A goose quill was inserted in Sun's urethra to prevent it getting blocked as the wound healed. ─── 一支鹅毛管被插进了孙的尿道以防在伤口愈合过程中而堵塞。

41、Punches - Variable, angle head type and related quill bushings ─── 冲床。可变角头型和有关衬套

42、draw the quill against ─── 写文章攻击

43、Former US presidential candidate Al Gore wins a Quill award for his book An Inconvenient Truth. ─── 前美国总统候选人戈尔一书中翮奖不便的真理。

44、This method of quill winding is used for the following reasons ─── 卷纬的目的如下。

45、Quill exposes readers to an internally consistent and practical way of thinking by simultaneously embracing the potential of palliative care, and also acknowledging that it has limitations. ─── 博士主轴透过同时包括姑息治疗的潜能把读者暴露在一种内部一贯和实际的思惟模式中, 以及承认它有限制。

46、"The war is over," she thought and suddenly she dropped the quill as a wild happiness flooded her. ─── "战争结束了,"她一想起就立即感到满怀兴奋,把手中的笔也放下了。

47、Hedgehog stumbles to Rose after pulling out the last quill, leaving blood and wounds all over himself. ─── 刺猬拔掉了最后一根刺,千疮百孔,摇摇晃晃的走到玫瑰面前。

48、transmission quill shaft ─── 传动空心轴

49、A magical quill detects the birth of every magical child, and records it in a book; Professor McGonagall sends an owl to each child when he or she turns 11. ─── 一种魔法羽毛笔可以探测每个有魔力的孩子的生日,并记录在一本书里。当他/她11岁时,麦格教授就给每个孩子寄一封猫头鹰邮件。

50、The third part, the quill, is a hardened steel tube, which can be moved longitudinally in and out of the intermediate part as required. ─── 第三部分,套筒轴是一淬硬钢管,它能根据需要在尾架体中纵向进出移动。

51、Quill discusses the tragic death of his brother which occurred as this book was being completed, and how his family made the most emotionally challenging decisions of their lives.Dr. ─── 在一最后的章里, 当这本书正被完成时,医生主轴讨论存在的他的兄弟的悲剧的死, 并且他的家庭怎样做最在感情上挑战的他们的生活的决定。

52、It did not take long for Quill to be selected for training as a guide dog, and the first "master" Quill is sent to is Mr. ─── 同名传记小说里平实而动人的文字与几十幅生动的摄影作品,曾憾动了亿万的亚洲读者。

53、He wears his officer's cap at an angle, jaunty, and picks his teeth with a sharpened goose quill ─── 他潇洒地微微歪戴着他那顶军帽子,用一支削尖了的鹅毛管剔着牙齿。

54、Digitization and various forms of electronic media, some critics say, are rendering the printed text as obsolete as the writing quill. ─── 一些评论家认为,数位化与各式电子媒介,使得印刷文本像用鹅毛笔书写一样过时。

55、Every stroke of the quill leaves me a little poorer . . . or would, if I were not a beggar to begin with. ─── 每用羽毛笔写下一次,我就变的越来越穷……或者将会,若我不在一开始就是个穷光蛋的话。

56、The spindle can be fed up and down with a quill feed lever on the head. ─── 主轴可受够了上下同在头上羽毛饲料杠杆。

57、It could be that writing about magic requires an enchanted writing implement, and no one has come up with a spell to enchant anything other than a quill. ─── 也可能在书写有关魔法的内容时需要一种书法的魔力,而没有人想得出比羽毛笔更具魔力的咒语了。

58、Quill Winding ─── 卷纬

59、One question that is asked repeatedly is why Harry has to use a quill pen? ─── 一个多次被问及的问题是:哈利为什么要用羽毛笔?

60、drive a quill ─── 写字,挥笔

61、crow quill pen ─── 乌鸦羽毛笔

62、A quilbeast starts combat by launching a sharp quill at its enemies before charging recklessly into melee. ─── 一只豪猪在它的敌人之前通过发射锋利的刚刺开始战斗,然后肆无忌惮地进入近战.

63、a small pocketknife; originally used to cut quill pens. ─── 一种小的随身小折刀;最初用来削羽毛笔。

64、The quill paused at the top of a likely-looking paragraph. ─── 就在看似一个段落的顶部暂停了没有继续往下写。

65、Punches - Basic, angle head type and related quill bushings ─── 冲床。基部角头型和有关衬套

66、a sharp rigid animal process or appendage; as a porcupine quill or a ridge on a bone or a ray of a fish fin. ─── 动物身体硬而尖锐的部分或附属肢体;如豪猪的刚毛或鱼鳍的骨脉。

67、Set of clear crystal inkwell with quill, book, diploma and graduation cap; ─── 套清楚水晶墨水池与纤管,书,文凭和毕业盖帽;

68、Written information was no longer the domain of monks with quill pens and hand-written books were no longer confined to zealots in churches. ─── 书面信息不再是使用鹅毛笔和手抄书的僧侣们的统治领地,也不再仅限于教会的狂热信徒。

69、quill (shaft) ─── 套筒轴

70、Theoretical analysis and calculations are done to the axle weight transfer of C0-C0 locomotive with bogie-mounted and quill drived motor. ─── 对电机采用轮对空心轴转向架悬挂的C0-C0轴式机车的轴重转移进行了理论分析及计算。

71、a small pocketknife; originally used to cut quill pens ─── 一种小的随身小折刀;最初用来削羽毛笔

72、The third major component of the assembly is the tailstock quill. ─── 同样地,在操作中应该小心,以避免损伤导轨。

73、Suddenly she dropped the quill as a wild happiness flooded her. ─── 她突然感到一阵无限的快乐,当即丢开了手里的鹅毛笔。

74、Rigwal covers his back in spines, causing him to take reduced damage. Automatically releases a quill spray whenever his rear receives 300 damage on his back. ─── 刚背兽的后背有刚毛覆盖,减少他所受到的伤害。刚毛后背每吸收300点伤害会自动释放一次刺针扫射。不能减少来自建筑的伤害。

75、quill shaft ─── 中空轴, 套筒轴(船用减速齿轮箱上用)挠性短轴

76、multiple quill ─── [医] 复卷片

77、double quill ─── [医] 双卷片

78、On June 27,1996, Andrew James Quill was born. ─── 1996年6月27日,安德鲁·詹姆斯·奎尔出生了。

79、main spindle quill ─── 主轴套管

80、quill spindle ─── 套筒主轴

81、She went into the little office and, disregarding the weeping girls on the sofa, seated herself at the secretary and picked up a quill to balance the cost of more cotton seed against her remaining cash. ─── 她走进那间小小的办事房,不理会坐在沙发上哭泣的几位姑娘,自己坐到写字台前,拿起笔来计算手头的余钱还能买多少棉籽。

82、cutting quill pen ─── n. 削尖的羽毛笔

83、drive the quill ─── vi. 挥笔(写字)

84、The main components of a spider cardan joint include the spider, yokes and quill bearings, etc. ─── 其主要部件包括十字轴、万向节叉以及滚针轴承等。

85、Punches - Basic, cylindrical head type and related quill bushings ─── 冲床。圆柱头型和相关衬套

86、quill type milling head ─── 套管轴式铣头

87、goose quill ─── n. 鹅毛笔

88、She dipped a quill in ink, then began to write. ─── 她把羽毛笔蘸进墨水中,然后开始写字。

89、quill housing ─── 套筒主轴轴承座



这位就是灭霸。漫威影业花费了十年时间广挖“坑”深积“粉”,凭借这部号称复联3的《灭霸传》即将实现全球20亿美元票房的业绩。不过讲真,灭霸还真有点像《海绵宝宝》里的派大星: 然而,虽然灭霸广受“好评”,但是他的“肤色”却引来了广大网友的吐槽: 复仇者无限战争:紫色灭霸变粉色究竟为哪般? 更有人笑谈灭霸的造型设计灵感是这么来的: 细心的网友总结了从2012年到2018年,灭霸出现过的**场景中,他的肤色并不统一: 2012年的《复联1》,也就是灭霸最早露面的**,那时候他是深紫色的,而且俩眼珠子是会发光的;2014年的《银河护卫队1》与2015年的《复联2》中,不知不觉变成了蓝色;到现如今的《复联3》中,最”新款“灭霸颜色竟然有点“嫩粉红”的意思。灭霸紫薯精是什么梗? “不理智”的网友打趣说:紫色是冬天冻的,粉色是夏天热的。“理智的”网友的答案也是有理有据: 是光的原因:太空里的光跟地球上的照度不一样。有说是灭霸的皮被太阳晒掉sai了。还有的分析出两点:1是灭霸遇地球大气即变粉(尼玛当灭霸是石蕊试剂吗?遇PM2.5变红?)2是大气让光散射导致他变红了 还有的直接下定论:很简单,其他地方没有光,这哥们来地球,见到阳光就灿烂(变红)了。(这位外国友人八成看过姜文导演的《阳光灿烂的日子》) 甚至有人狠话不多的“社会粉”,直接上去就PS了一个紫灭霸: 右侧复原后的紫色灭霸,明显比左侧复联3中的灭霸看起来凶悍很多。不过,我更喜欢稍微被“粉”的版本,因为他透出了一种像新生婴儿皮肤般的嫩粉颜色,为这位看似不食人间烟火的反派Boss增添了几分“人的特性”。更是有人把灭霸到底是紫的还是粉的,上升到当年的白金与蓝黑撕逼大战的高度: 但是不光网友,**中就有位“背锅侠”(银河护卫队的星爵Peter Quill),调侃灭霸老爷是个“紫薯精”。虽然这句调侃的“紫薯精”是字幕组硬翻译出来的,但我事后找出了紫薯与红薯的照片,两相对比一下给大家看,哪一个更像灭霸: 我个人觉得灭霸更像是一种介于“红薯”与“紫薯”之间的一种“肤色”,这种色也正是当下最最最流行的色sai。

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