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08-21 投稿


unsatisfactory 发音

英:[??n?s?t?s?f?kt?ri]  美:[??n?s?t?s?f?kt?ri]

英:  美:

unsatisfactory 中文意思翻译



unsatisfactory 网络释义

adj. 不令人满意的;不满足的;不符合要求的

unsatisfactory 短语词组

1、Unsatisfactory Service Report ─── 不满意的服务报告

2、unsatisfactory def def ─── 不合格

3、Unsatisfactory Equipment Beyond Repair ─── 不满意的设备超过修理

4、Unsatisfactory Feature Report ─── 不满意的特征报告

5、unsatisfactory pap ─── 不满意的pap

6、unsatisfactory credit history ─── 不满意的信用记录

7、Unsatisfactory Condition Report ─── 不满意的状况报告

8、Unsatisfactory Equipment Report ─── 不满意的设备报告

9、dissatisfactory or unsatisfactory ─── 不满意的或 ─── 不满意的

10、unsatisfactory nst nst ─── 不满意

11、unsatisfactory to ─── 不满意

12、Unsatisfactory Material Reporting ─── 不满意的材料报告

13、unsatisfactory quality ─── 质量不理想

14、unsatisfactory report ( ─── 对商品、器材、机器等)损失赔偿要求报告

15、unsatisfactory product ─── 不合格产品

16、Unsatisfactory Equipment Beyond Rep ─── 不满意的设备超过Rep

unsatisfactory 反义词


unsatisfactory 词性/词形变化,unsatisfactory变形

副词: unsatisfactorily |名词: unsatisfactoriness |

unsatisfactory 同义词

inadequate | unacceptable | disappointing | undesirable | low-grade | second-rate |insufficient | satisfactory | inferior | unsuitable | unfavorable | poor | substandard | ungratified

unsatisfactory 相似词语短语

1、unsatisfactoriness ─── 不满意

2、munitions factory ─── 兵工厂

3、satisfactorily ─── adv.令人满意地

4、satisfactory ─── adj.满意的;符合要求的;赎罪的

5、unsatisfactorily ─── adv.不能令人满意地

6、dissatisfactory ─── adj.不够理想的

7、satisfaction ─── n.满意,满足;赔偿;乐事;赎罪

8、satisfactions ─── n.满意,满足;赔偿;乐事;赎罪

9、unsatisfaction ─── 不满意

unsatisfactory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shops are often reluctant to take back unsatisfactory goods. ─── 商店一般都不愿收回顾客不称心的货物。

2、Those who evade reality, their future will be even more unsatisfactory. ─── 回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。

3、If you find the quality of our products unsatisfactory, we're prepared to accept the return of the rejected material within a week. ─── 如果贵方对产品质量不满意,我们接受在一星期内退货。

4、The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory. ─── 目前高等教育的经费体制并不令人满意。

5、If the car proves unsatisfactory in any way, you can take it back. ─── 如果对这辆车有任何不满意的地方,你可以去退掉。

6、When notifying unsatisfactory works or other requests, is it possible to write more detailed information. ─── 下次通报不良内容或其他要求时,能否把内容写的详细一点.

7、Attempting to braze a contaminated or improperly cleaned surface will result in an unsatisfactory joint. ─── 在被污染或未经正确清理的表面进行铜焊,其焊接效果将不会令人满意。

8、FOR those fond of gloating, the story of Noah's ark is an unsatisfactory read. ─── 对于那些喜欢幸灾乐祸的人,诺亚方舟的故事对他们绝对不是什麽好故事。

9、His intention was good, but his execution of the plan was unsatisfactory. ─── 他的用意很好,但他做起来却不令人满意。

10、Recovery of central vision is unsatisfactory due to macular degeneration and cicatrization. ─── 从视网膜下出血演变到玻璃体出血的时间不等,约一至三个星期。

11、Quality Guarantee. Exchange the unsatisfactory or unsuitable carpets within one week after the date of purchase. ─── 如有质量问题或规格不适,自购买之日起一周内,予以调换。

12、Perhaps I am too used to the quicker pace with my previous employer and found my present situation unsatisfactory. ─── 可能以为我在以前的公司时间长了,节奏比较快,所以也有点不适应。

13、It is strange that the result of the experiment should be unsatisfactory. ─── 奇怪的是实验结果竟然如此不能令人不满意。

14、The two sisters, Fu-fang and Huei-fang, had rejected the first coffin delivered as unsatisfactory and ordered another, so the shrouding ceremony had to be put back one hour. ─── 先前送来的那口棺材,到底被二小姐和四小姐的联合势力反对掉了。入殓的时间不得不改迟一个小时。

15、However, the introduction of several works in the end, always with the idea that the results of unsatisfactory results. ─── 但是在几次引进工程结束后,总是发觉结果与设想的效果差强人意。

16、The domestic Stock market displays adds on expected income decelerated growth unsatisfactory, the personal expense also possibly receives implicates. ─── 国内股票市场表现欠佳加上预期收入增长放缓,私人消费也可能受到拖累。

17、However, in the campuses of our civilization, there may be some discordant notes, occasionally there are some unsatisfactory phenomenon. ─── 但是,在我们文明的校园中,也会出现一些不和谐的音符,偶尔也有一些令人不满意的现象出现。

18、She hoped that the top road curve and staircases, the fishpond arc echoed design many times, but overall unsatisfactory : it should not, nor did OK. ─── 她希望顶端那条弧线和楼梯、鱼池的弧形相呼应,设计了许多次,却总不满意:这样也不要,那样也不行。

19、For these services, what defines the difference between satisfactory and unsatisfactory results for your organization? ─── 对于这些服务,用什么来定义您组织的满意和不满意结果的区别?

20、But nhis strikes us as unsatisfactory, not the least because of the very high degree of artistic ability exhibited in the sculpting of her forms. ─── 她的身分与存在目的究竟是什麽,为何要被雕刻,成为一个更迫切的问题。

21、When unpacking the case we found the colour unsatisfactory. ─── 启箱后,圆觉察颜色没令满意。

22、Yoon, Why can't CNN operate the way we demand? And will you stop that unsatisfactory tone and unreconstructed report of yours? ─── 为什么CNN不能按照我们要求的那样运作?还有你能不能停止你那种让人不满的口气和顽固死脑筋的报导(方式)?

23、Her performance proved to be unsatisfactory. ─── 她的表现并不令人满意。

24、Shops should take back unsatisfactory goods. ─── 商店应当召回令客户不满意的商品。

25、He found his job disappointing / unsatisfactory. ─── 他觉得他的工作令人失望/对他的工作不满意。

26、He found his pay unsatisfactory. ─── 他对自己的报酬不满意。

27、What is just to abreact the best means of inner unsatisfactory? ─── 什么才是发泄内心不满情绪的最好方式?

28、If you think life to be less than satisfactory, all come at you unsatisfactory thing can appear as the evil spirits so always. ─── 如果你老是想着生活不写意,那么不顺眼的事就会像魔鬼出洞一样全向你袭来。

29、Parents have often become the scapegoats for unsatisfactory school performance. ─── 對於不滿意學校表現,父母時常成為替罪者。

30、There were one or two unsatisfactory moments, but on the whole our holiday was very enjoyable. ─── 只是偶尔有时候感到不满意,不过总的看来,我们的假期是很快乐的。

31、Once a little unsatisfactory, preferring to look back, I will ignore everything he gets her hands became her life's Harbor! ─── 一旦稍不如意,情愿回头,我会不顾一切牵起她的手,成为她今生的港湾!

32、This situation is profoundly unsatisfactory, but neither Bacon nor any of his successors have found a way out of it. ─── 这种事态真不如意到极点,但是无论培根或他的任何后继者,都没从这局面中找到一条出路。

33、Again receiving an unsatisfactory answer the determined buyer consults the manager and finally he finds where the article can be bought. ─── 但店员的回答再次让这位固执的顾客失望,于是他向经理请教,最后终于得知到哪里买这件物品。

34、If someone has a constant rotation of brief, unsatisfactory relationships, they might unknowingly be the problem. ─── 如果常常处在短暂且不满意的恋情里,那么久而久之就会成为一个问题。

35、His answer is unsatisfactory. ─── 他的答案不能令人满意。

36、Guarantee change of article or refund if unsatisfactory. ─── 包退包换。

37、But if there is much noise, the result of classical edge operator is unsatisfactory. ─── 但是在处理噪音较大的图像时,经典算子就难以满足要求了。

38、Report to your supervisor any cylinders which you consider to be unsatisfactory. ─── 发现不满意气瓶报告主管;

39、If you find the quality of our products unsatisfactory, we're prepared to accept the return of the rejected material within a week. ─── 如果贵方对产品质量不满意,我们接受在一星期内退货。

40、The preservative capacity of CPD AI medium was perfect for preservation of ATP,while that of ACD and CPD were unsatisfactory. ─── CPD AI类保存血对ATP的保存效果较好 ,ACD与CPD保养液对ATP保存效果较差。

41、"After all," added Miss Ley,"nine marriages out of ten are more or less unsatisfactory". ─── “毕竟说来”,莱伊小姐加上一句,“十有八九的婚姻是多少有些不能令人满意的。”

42、Practically all other insulating materials have unacceptably low volume resistivity or unsatisfactory surface characteristics for electrometer use. ─── 实际上所有其它的绝缘材料都具有比较低的体电阻率和表面电阻率,因此对于静电计的应用是不可接受和不满意的。

43、The identification result of the gyro misalignment angle in inertial platform is unsatisfactory for the static multiposition test scheme. ─── 在惯导平台多位置静态测漂方案下,对陀螺安装误差角的辨识结果往往很不理想。

44、The film's ending is an unsatisfactory cop-out. ─── 那部电影的结尾是个不令人满意的回避。

45、The traditional methods for hydraulic computations of parallel connection pipes have either unsatisfactory precision or too many restrictions. ─── 传统求解并联管路的水力计算的方法不是精度低就是限制条件多。

46、"After all," added Miss Ley, "nine marriages out of ten are more or less unsatisfactory". ─── “毕竟说来”,莱伊小姐加上一句,“十有八九的婚姻是多少有些不能令人满意的。”

47、Whether or not vegetarianism should be advocated for adults, it is definitely unsatisfactory for growing children, who need more protein than they can get from vegetable sources. ─── 且不说素食主义对成年人合适与否,它对正在成长发育的孩子是绝对不足取的,素食根本不能满足孩子对蛋白质的需求。

48、The explanation that he couldn't see the car is unsatisfactory. ─── 他说没看见小车的解释难以令人满意。

49、If you find the quality of our products unsatisfactory,we're prepared to accept return of the rejected material within a week. ─── 如果贵方对产品质量不满意,我们将在一星期内接受退货。

50、Often "do not always satisfactory, unsatisfactory things up to 89. " ─── 常常是“如意之事不常有,不如意之事达八九”。

51、If you find anything unsatisfactory,bring it back and we will exchange it. ─── 如果您发现任何不满意的地方,拿回来,我们会退换。

52、There are also, of course, people who interview extremely well, but are later found to be very unsatisfactory employees. ─── 当然,也有面试表现非常好的人,但后来发现是非常不令人满意的员工。

53、The native industries which were carried on Formosa when the Japanese arrived were pursued in a very unsatisfactory fashion. ─── 在日本到达时,福尔摩沙本地原有的产业是以不合时宜的方式在运作。

54、Yet many people still believe untidy desks belong to slobs, whose disorganisation will make them unsatisfactory as colleagues and employees. ─── 亚伯拉罕森表示,凌乱的桌子也可以不错:“适度凌乱的人通常把所有东西都放在手边。”

55、The results are often unsatisfactory because of the paucity of cells. ─── 因细胞稀少,结果常令人不满意。

56、Not acceptable; unsatisfactory. ─── 不能接受的;不能令人满意的

57、The situation in certain areas is still unsatisfactory and innumerable challengers remain. ─── “在一些地区形势不容乐观,还有数不清的挑战。

58、Well, this is most unsatisfactory. ─── 嗯,这很不令人满意。

59、This factory had to cut back the production because of their unsatisfactory sales. ─── 因为销售前景不令人满意,这个工厂不得不削减产量。

60、The circles of confusion of points within this range are not so large that the image is unsatisfactory. ─── 在这个范围内各点的模糊圈不会大到使象不清晰的程度。

61、In more chronic cases, treatment and recovery are often unsatisfactory - the result could be permanent disability and loss of employment . ─── 在多数慢性病个案中,治疗和复建经常是令人不满意的-结果就是职业性永久伤残和损失。

62、But with the computer simulation experiment teaching universal, but also exposed many unsatisfactory. ─── 但同时计算机模拟实验教学应用的许多问题也逐渐暴露出来。

63、However, nowadays exporting tools are unsatisfactory in web reporting due to their private report for mate and unproper supporting architecture. ─── 同时,它针对中文报表的特点进行设计 ,与国外同类产品相比更适合中国国情。

64、If you find the quality of our products unsatisfactory, we're prepared to accept return of the rejected material within a week. ─── 如果贵方对產品质量不满意,我们将在一星期内接受退货。

65、He is an unsatisfactory employee. ─── 他是个不能令人满意的雇员。

66、NTM pulmonary disease is characterized by long course of disease, nonspecific symptoms, high resistance rate and unsatisfactory therapeutic efficacy. ─── NTM肺病患者病程长,症状不特异,耐药率高,抗结核治疗疗效差。

67、Suppose that you were a director, how would you handle that if the work performance of your subordinates was unsatisfactory? ─── 假设你是一位主管,对于下属工作表现不理想,你通常如何处理?

68、Your essay is admirable in respect of style but unsatisfactory in other respects. ─── 你的文章在文体方面非常好,但在其他方面不够好。

69、Gearing is too often neglected when valve operation is considered, resulting in unsatisfactory operation requiring expensive changes. ─── 在考虑阀门的运作时,齿轮执行机构通常被忽视,导致运作无法令人满意,并不得不作成本高昂的改进。

70、He had put up such a long, unsatisfactory fight. ─── 他曾经进行了这么一次长期的、不如意的斗争。

71、But a splintered electorate may still force her into a second unsatisfactory grand coalition. ─── 但分裂的选民可能会迫使她再次进入一个不令人满意的大联盟。

72、It's very difficult to rationalize away any unsatisfactory results. ─── 对于不满意的结果,为其辩护是困难的。

73、Do the contract terms provide for deductions and withholding of payment for unsatisfactory service? ─── 合约有否列明就欠佳服务扣减及暂缓支付款项的细则?

74、They demand a refund on unsatisfactory goods. ─── 他们对不满意的货品要求退款。

75、They told me that if the bicycle proved unsatisfactory in any way I could take it back. ─── 他们告诉我,如果对自行车有什么不满意,我可以拿回去退掉。

76、Shops should take back unsatisfactory goods; her performance proved to be unsatisfactory. ─── 商店应该收回顾客不满意的商品;她的表现被证实是不让人满意的。

77、If not, the tendency is waste time or to create a mediocre or unsatisfactory design to the detriment of the sites. ─── 如果不是这样的话,那么网站设计的趋势便是创建了普普通通的网站或者是做了有损网站的设计。

78、This brings us to the startling conclusion that out of every hundred marriages in this country, perhaps ninety are unsatisfactory. ─── 这也就回到了我们开篇的结论:也许这个国家的每100对夫妻之中,有90对自觉不满的婚姻生活。

79、Your conduct leaves a lot to be desired, ie is extremely unsatisfactory. ─── 你的品行极须改进.

80、Merchandise will be exchanged if found unsatisfactory. ─── 包管退换。

81、In this situation, the CMRR (common-mode rejection ratio) of the input differential amplifier was unsatisfactory. ─── 在这种情况下,输入差分放大器的CMRR(共模抑制比)不令人满意。

82、"In fact, some factors are unsatisfactory to the factory, " the dissatisfied manager said. ─── “事实上有些因素对工厂来说不是满意的。”不满的经理说。

83、Condition on arrival unsatisfactory inspect damage further but buyer claim inevitable. ─── 到货情况不能令人满意,正在进一步检查受损情况,恐买方索赔不可避免。

84、"Attempting to braze a contaminated or improperly cleaned surface will result in an unsatisfactory joint. ─── 在已经弄脏或不正确清洗的表面上进行钎焊,焊接效果就很难令人满意

85、We are compelled to express our surprise and disappointment at finding the goods of your last shipment so unsatisfactory. ─── 你方最近装运的货物如此糟糕,我们不能不感到十分惊奇和失望。

86、An offer made in return by one who rejects an unsatisfactory offer. ─── 反出价由反对某一不太满意的出价人提出的报复性出价

87、The external environment for the employment of College Students is unsatisfactory, which exacerbates the pressure and the difficulty. ─── 大学生就业的外部环境并不是很理想,这就进一步加剧了大学生就业的压力和难度。

88、In this sense, my credentials are unsatisfactory. ─── 在这个意义上说,我的资格不能令人满意。

89、Unsatisfactory cookies are cookies that might allow access to personally identifiable information that could be used for a secondary purpose without your consent. ─── 不满意的 cookie 是未经同意就允许访问个人可识别信息(用于次要目的)的 cookie。


那就是在这个两个月在除了吃喝就是学英语,背单词,练听力,刷题。我只说吃喝,没说睡觉,还看你每天的有效学习时间。Good Luck!


两个月时间还是很充足的,我当时是大二第一学期考的,当时课程特别多,几乎天天满课,都没有多少时间做题,但是最后还是以不错的成绩过了。我觉得首先就是刷题,在对题目完全不熟悉的情况下,就是刷一遍,不管多少分(毕竟说第一遍),对自己有个底,看看自己到底哪里不足,哪些题需要注意,在后续的刷题中就要注意。我是第一遍刷题,然后把这份卷子给吃透,每一个都不放过,听力部分就是每一句话都要听清楚,听久了就自然而然就听力也就上去了,当时还下载了轻听英语APP,听里面Allen show的访谈,每一句都反复听,直到清楚为止,结果后来上课老师叫自我介绍的时候,老师就说我有美式口音

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