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08-21 投稿


myopia 发音

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myopia 中文意思翻译



myopia 网络释义

n. [眼科] 近视;目光短浅,缺乏远见

myopia 同义词

intolerance | shortsightedness | prejudice | bias | short-sightedness | narrow-mindedness |nearsightedness | bigotry

myopia 词性/词形变化,myopia变形

副词: myopically |形容词: myopic |

myopia 常用词组

marketing myopia ─── 营销近视,经营短视症;行销短视(症)

myopia 短语词组

1、empty field myopia ─── [医] 空虚视野近视

2、high myopia ─── [医] 高度近视

3、progressive myopia of children ─── [医] 儿童进行性近视

4、progressive myopia ─── [医] 进行性近视

5、myopia rate ─── 近视率

6、axial myopia ─── [医] 轴性近视

7、chromic myopia ─── [医] 远距色盲

8、malignant myopia ─── [医] 恶性近视

9、curvature myopia ─── [医] 曲度性近视

10、pseudo-myopia n. ─── 假性近视

11、myopia glasses ─── 近视眼镜

12、school myopia ─── [医] 学校近视(学龄儿童近视)

13、index myopia ─── [医] 媒质性近视(屈光性近视)

14、space myopia ─── [医] 宇宙近视

15、low myopia ─── [医] 低度近视

16、myopia control st kilda road ─── 近视控制st kilda路

17、myopia control lenses ─── 近视控制镜片

18、myopia control ortho ─── 近视矫正器

19、prodromal myopia ─── [医] 前驱期近视

myopia 反义词


myopia 相似词语短语

1、meropia ─── n.部分盲

2、myope ─── n.近视的人

3、myoid ─── adj.肌肉的;[解剖]肌样的

4、Utopia ─── n.乌托邦(理想中最美好的社会);理想国

5、myopic ─── adj.近视的;目光短浅的

6、amblyopia ─── n.[眼科]弱视

7、anopia ─── n.上斜眼;[眼科]色盲

8、-opia ─── 奥皮亚

9、myoma ─── n.[肿瘤]肌瘤

myopia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、PURPOSE:To examine the role of apoptosis in photoreceptor cells degeneration process in Pathologic myopia. ─── 摘要目的:了解凋亡在病理性近视视网膜感光细胞变性中所起的作用。

2、Most people, particularly in patients with myopia, eye doctor once a year to see and do fundus examination is necessary. ─── 一般人,特别是近视眼的患者,每年看一次眼科医师并做眼底检查也是必要的。

3、For a high degree of myopia, short-sighted to wear goggles all the more necessary. ─── 对于中高度近视的来说,佩戴近视泳镜更为必要。

4、Nowadays LASIK becomes the favorite choice to cure myopia. ─── 当今眼科LASIK手术成为近视眼患者摘除眼镜的最佳选择。

5、Eye exercises are useful for some problems, but they do not seem to relieve myopia or dyslexia. ─── 眼球运动对一些问题是有用的,但是好象并不能缓解近视和诵读困难。

6、Become myopia laser operation after all good? ─── 做近视眼激光手术到底好不好?

7、Methods:To review retrospectively the visual acuity, visual field and fundus of 18 cases of sellar tumor with myopia. ─── 方法:回顾分析了18例伴近视的鞍区肿瘤的视力、视野及眼底等情况。

8、Doesn't pupil eye myopia have method to cure? ─── 小学生眼睛近视没办法治好吗?

9、Had done the myopia of surgery of accurate element laser, the eye is acerb, dot what eyedrop is better? ─── 做过准分子激光手术的近视眼,眼睛酸涩,点什么眼药水好些呢?

10、My mother because of the lack of understanding, not that of myopia before the age of six, children allow me to be a television. ─── 我妈妈因为不了解,以为六岁之前不会近视,就任由我做个电视儿童。结果啊!

11、High myopia is an ocular disease characterized by abnormal visual functions, caused by excessive axial elongation. ─── 摘要高度近视是由于过度眼轴增长而造成不正常视觉机能的眼疾。

12、Does my glasses has astigmatism and companion have myopia to you can do an operation to cure? ─── 我眼镜有散光并伴有近视能做手术治好吗?

13、Myopia can be cured with the medical technology at present. ─── 目前,近视是可以用医学技术治愈的。

14、Namely parental both sides all is high myopia (attention: What point to here is high myopia! ─── 即父母双方均为高度近视(注重:这里指的是高度近视!

15、In the cities, the rate of myopia remains high and growing, although in the countryside, it has increased dramatically. ─── 在城市中,近视率居高不下,还在继续增长,农村则明显上升。

16、Offer adjutant therapy to accommodative myopia, insomnia, and dark eye sockets and help eliminate fatigue. ─── 对调节性近视、消除疲劳、失眠、黑眼圈等有辅助治疗作用。

17、Should correctional glasses compare amblyopia general myopia (far-sighted) does degree want low? ─── 弱视矫正眼镜是不是要比一般近视(远视)度数要低?

18、How can ability prevent myopia? ─── 怎么样才能预防近视?

19、Whether to reduce radiation to you can reduce myopia? How can that reduce radiation? ─── 减少辐射是否可以减少近视呢?那怎样可以减少辐射呢?

20、Six cases of esotropic fixus combined congenital high myopia underwent the surgical treatment. ─── 报道了手术治疗6例先天性高度近视合并固定性内斜视患者,其病因目前尚不清楚。

21、A study of relationship between form deprivation and axial myopia. ─── 形觉剥夺性眼病与轴性近视关系的探讨。

22、Is there what can the thing make myopia restores vision on the world? ─── 世界上有东西能够使近视眼恢复视力的吗?

23、The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia, hyperopia astigmatism diopter. ─── 摘要准分子激光眼科治疗机可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术。

24、How to let myopia eyeball restore vision? ─── 如何让近视眼睛恢复视力?

25、How has protection been the eye of myopia? ─── 怎么保护已经是近视眼的眼睛?

26、The marketing myopia is caused by product concepts. ─── 摘要营销近视症是产品观念所导致的。

27、Methods We reviewed 104 cases of aniso hypermetropia and 13 cases of aniso myopia and analysed their correlations. ─── 方法对104例远视性屈光参差与13例近视性屈光参差性弱视作屈光参差及双眼视力差的统计学分析。

28、How can you distinguish pseudomyopia and true sex myopia? ─── 怎样能分清假性近视和真性近视?

29、The operation treats myopia to have what requirement, note some of what problem, what may have undesirable consequence? ─── 手术治疗近视有什么条件,注意些什么问题,可能会有什么不良后果?

30、Consider as what recessive heredity causes euchromosome to high myopia. ─── 对于高度近视则认为是常染色体隐性遗传引起的。

31、High school student everyday can Morpheus inadequacy bring about eye myopia? ─── 中学生每天都睡眠不足会导致眼睛近视吗?

32、Do not rely on medicaments what to method treats good myopia excuse me? ─── 不靠药物请问有什么办法治好近视?

33、Do laser surgery to you can treat myopia really? ─── 做激光手术真的能治疗近视眼吗?

34、This article tends to review the mechanism of experimental myopia prevention, the dose of pirenzepine and its administration. ─── 本文就哌仑西平对抑制实验性近视眼的作用机制、作用剂量以及给药途径进行综述。

35、The eye that how lets myopia restores vision? ─── 如何让近视的眼睛恢复视力?

36、Has been trying to say is: Superman is not masked, but his girlfriend would Leng Shimei to recognize him, myopia, or foolish do it? ─── 一直想说的是:超人是不蒙面的,可他女朋友就愣是没把他认出来,近视呢还是傻冒呢?

37、The results suggested that the IOP in myopia is positively related to CCT and LOA,but negatively related to diopter. ─── 影响近视眼眼压的主要因素是屈光度、眼轴长度、角膜中央厚度 ,对有近视眼的原发性开角型青光眼的诊断时应特别注意这些因素对眼压值的影响

38、Conclusion The posterior scleral reinforcement surgery is an effective method for high myopia. ─── 是目前阻止高度近视发展唯一有效方法。

39、After doing laser to treat myopia, how to protect vision? ─── 做过激光治疗近视以后,怎样保护视力?

40、Whether to reduce radiation to you can reduce myopia? ─── 减少辐射是否可以减少近视呢?

41、How to treat myopia, nod conduit of eye ointment or eyedrops to use? ─── 怎样治疗近视,点眼药水管用吗?

42、The results also showed that the size of pupil and myopia have some influence on Arden ratio. ─── 同时发现散瞳及屈光不正对EOG检测结果有一定影响。

43、How will treat high myopia, still contain 100 degrees astigmatism? ? ─── 怎么来治疗高度近视,还带有100度的散光??

44、Fechner P U,Haigis W,Wichmann W.Posterior Chamber myopia lenses in phakic eyes.J cataract Refract Surg,1996,22(2):178. ─── 中华护理杂志2000年第11期第35卷专科护理作者:陈晓君单位:浙江大学医学院附属第一医院浙益眼科中心310003关键词:近视;人工晶体;有晶体眼...

45、How can you prevent myopia on computer edge every day? ─── 天天在电脑边上怎么能预防近视啊?

46、Often face computer, the eye begins myopia now, how to do? ─── 常面对电脑,现在眼睛开始近视了,怎么办?

47、"Obese schoolchildren are increasing in numbers swiftly, and the percentage of myopia remains high," he said. ─── 他说:“肥胖学童的数量在快速增加,近视的百分比很高。”

48、How to treat myopia quickly? ? ─── 怎样快速治疗近视眼??

49、How can ability prevent myopia effectively? ─── 怎样才能有效预防近视?

50、Does false myopia wear presbyopic glasses to restore to get vision not? ─── 假近视戴老花镜恢复得视力不?

51、The greater their value, the g reater the myopia in diopters. ─── 两组比较角膜屈光度差异无显著性意义;

52、How the remedial myopia with effective ability? ─── 如何才能有效的治疗近视眼?

53、Cannot, have what myopia does not have astigmatism only! ─── 患有散光的近视患者,能佩戴隐形眼镜吗?

54、How need not let myopia deepen? ? ? ─── 怎样可以不让近视加深???

55、How is resolution true myopia or false myopia? ─── 怎样分辨是真近视还是假近视?

56、EP notesL reminds:myopia,bring on blind! ─── 护眼专家 提醒您:近视,导致暴盲!

57、Other uses apply for myopia, pseudoexfoliation, eyes undergoing vitrectomy and trauma. ─── 同时也可以用于近视,假表皮脱落,玻璃体切除术及眼外伤。

58、Clinical analysis of Excimer Laser Photorefractive Keratectomy for myopia. ─── 准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术治疗近视的临床分析。

59、How can you treat astigmatism myopia? ─── 怎样可以治疗散光近视?

60、It is goggle and OK to swim in the sea treat myopia? ─── 在海里游泳睁眼可以治近视吗?

61、Become myopia eyeball operation, is there risk? ─── 做近视眼睛手术,有危险吗?

62、How to solve myopia? Beyond the glasses that divide generation! ─── 怎样解决近视眼?除代眼镜以外!

63、Which have remedial myopia? Help me glasses pick off! ─── 哪有治疗近视眼?帮我把眼镜摘掉!

64、To high myopia patients,the poet surgical hyperopia regressed more slowly with age. ─── :对于高度近视患者 ,随着年龄的增加 ,术后早期远视的回退明显减弱 ,致使最终屈光度向远视漂移 ,而术前屈光度对其影响愈来愈小。

65、Can a laser operation that myopia becomes myopia affect my long sight presbyopic? ─── 我一个远视一个近视做近视的激光手术会影响远视眼吗?

66、But the excessive axial length of pathologic myopia makes peripheral fundal changes more apparent. ─── 但是病理性近视眼过长的眼轴会使周边变性程度更为严重。

67、Laser in situ Keratomileusis Retreatment for Residual Myopia[J]. ─── 引用该论文 沈政伟,尹禾,梅军,吴金桃,李丽,黄震晞.

68、Which hospital does Hefei have to you can treat myopia thoroughly? ─── 合肥有哪家医院可以彻底治疗近视?

69、To reduce myopia among young people, the government made a new plan last August. ─── 为了降低年轻人的近视率,去年8月,政府制定了一项新计划。

70、Methods 100 cases (195 eyes) of pathologic myopia were examined with OCT. ─── 方法 对 10 0例 (195只眼 )高度近视患者行OCT检查。

71、How to let myopia restore vision? ? ? ─── 如何让近视眼恢复视力???

72、How can ability treat myopia? ─── 怎么样才能治疗近视?

73、Visible, myopia is heredity and environment the result of joint action. ─── 可见,近视是遗传和环境共同作用的结果。

74、Objective: To evaluate the effect of customized ablation for myopia which can not reach normal by corrrective therapy. ─── 摘要目的:探讨个体化切削对矫正视力达不到正常近视眼者的治疗方法。

75、She has a hobit of narrow her eyes beacause of a little myopia. ─── 因为有点近视,她有眯着眼睛看人的习惯。

76、Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia. ─── 眼科医生现在采用激光手术来矫正近视。

77、In daily life how do oneself treat myopia? Or eye problem? ─── 日常生活中如何自己治疗近视?或者是眼睛问题?

78、Objective To study factors of myopia after ocular contusion. ─── 摘要目的分析眼球挫伤致近视的因素。

79、At present, form deprivation myopia (FDM) has been hotspots on mechanisms of myopia. ─── 人们曾提出多种假说,其中形觉剥夺学说是研究热点。

80、Watching TV is bad for the eyes and easy to suffer from myopia. ─── 看电视对眼睛不好容易患近视

81、At six month, the curative effect of TTT to CNV of AMD is better than to CNV of high myopia. ─── 6m时疗效AMD组好于高度近视组。

82、Do myopia operation what to requirement need? ─── 做近视眼手术需要什么条件?

83、Methods Hypermetropia and myopia were induced by playing concave and convex lens in front of eyes of 32 subjects. ─── 方法 在正常眼前放置正、负球镜,人工诱导单纯性远视、近视性屈光参差。

84、I also am high myopia, have experience greatly. ─── 我也是高度近视,深有体会。

85、Where to do laser myopia best? ? ? ? ─── 哪里做激光近视最好????

86、What does pseudomyopia have to differ with myopia? ─── 假性近视跟近视有什么不同?

87、The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia,hyperopia,astigmatism diopter. ─── 准分子激光眼科治疗机可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术。

88、Does the operation treat myopia? The operation treats good friend? ─── 手术治疗近视好吗?有手术治疗好的朋友吗?

89、How to let myopia restore vision? ─── 如何让近视眼恢复视力?

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