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08-21 投稿


applications 发音

英:[?pl?'ke???ns]  美:[?pl?'ke???ns]

英:  美:

applications 中文意思翻译



applications 短语词组

1、Telephony Applications Programming ─── 电话应用程序编程

2、applications found on hard disk ─── 硬盘上找得到的应用程序 [计] ─── 硬盘上找到的应用程序

3、accounting applications ─── [经] 在会计上的应用

4、applications mix ─── 应用程序混合

5、set up applications ─── 安装应用程序 [计] ─── 安装应用程序

6、Applications Explorer Mission ─── 应用程序探索者使命

7、re-applications (re-application ─── 的复数) n. 再申请;再运用

8、Air Land Forces Applications Agency ─── 空军应用局

9、Applications Vertical Test ─── 应用垂直测试

10、Advisory Committee on Applications of Science and Technology ─── 科学和技术应用咨询委员会

11、ignore other applications ─── 忽略其他应用程序 [计] ─── 忽略其他应用程序

12、screen vise applications ─── [法] 审查护照签证申请书

13、Set Applications ─── 安装应用程序

14、Air Land Forces Applications ─── 空军应用

15、applications programme ─── [网络] 应用程序

16、features and applications ─── [化] 特点和用途

17、applications programmer ─── 应用程序程序员

18、HELPER APPLICATIONS ─── 辅助应用程序,(与NETSCAPE或其他WEB浏览器配合共用的 ─── 辅助应用程序,可提供NETSCAPE本身所没有的功能)

19、NMCS Applications Software Description NMCS ─── 应用软件描述

applications 词性/词形变化,applications变形


applications 常用词组

scientific applications ─── 科学应用

submit applications ─── 提交申请

applications 相似词语短语

1、aprications ─── 日光浴

2、duplications ─── n.复制;副本;成倍

3、explications ─── n.说明;阐明;展开(花瓣、叶子等的)

4、implications ─── n.蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意;卷入(implication的复数)

5、supplications ─── n.恳求;祈祷

6、applicators ─── n.[涂料]涂抹器;敷料工(applicator的复数)

7、reapplications ─── n.再申请;再运用

8、plications ─── n.褶皱,皱纹

9、application ─── n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;(对事物、学习等)投入

applications 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Memory error. Close some applications and retry. ─── "内存错误。关闭一些应用程序,再试一次。

2、Journal of Inequalities and Applications. ─── 不等式及其应用杂志。

3、NGIO will benefit several key applications. ─── NGIO将有益于几个关键的应用。

4、He said the applications would be for "very large general merchandise retailers, and very large electronics retailers" . ─── 他表示,这些应用软件适合于“超大型日用商品零售商和超大型电子产品零售商”。

5、deadline for applications is 30 April. ─── 申请书的截止日期是4月30日。

6、December 31 is the deadline for applications. ─── 12月31日是申请的截止期限。


8、Install the hypervisor and applications. ─── 安装管理程序和应用程序。

9、Optimize sovereign applications for full-screen use. ─── 全屏幕使用独占应用,让它发挥最优效果。

10、Main Applications: For removal of mercury etc. ─── 主用于脱除汞等

11、All applications will be acknowledged. ─── 所有的申请都将得到复函告知收悉。

12、MX family of multimedia applications processors. ─── MX 系列多媒体应用处理器。

13、A traditional kernel provides all the functions for applications. ─── 传统内核提供应用程序所需的所有功能。

14、AAE is one of the applications on JVDSCL. ─── AAE是JVDSCL的其中一个应用实例。

15、How to write the PID applications? ─── 如何写PID的应用?

16、How do I route applications to go through the FDDI? ─── 如何确定应用程序通过FDDI的路由?

17、Just applications on the Internet,including the written test. ─── 在网上申请,包括笔试。

18、In some applications, it also links the objects logically. ─── 在某些应用程序中,它也在逻辑上把两个对象连接在一起。

19、Fractal Theory and its Applications ? ─── 分形理论及其应用

20、The architecture of applications, including dynamic Web applications, is often described in terms of tiers. ─── 应用程序(包括Web应用程序)的体系结构常常按照层来描述。

21、Here are some applications of Taylor's formula. ─── 下面举例说明泰乐定理的应用。

22、Given the growing popularity of cloud computing, libvirt will no doubt grow along with it, finding new applications and users. ─── 鉴于云计算的日渐流行,libvirt无疑也会随之发展,不断获得新的应用程序和用户。

23、He has written (out) 50 job applications. ─── 他已经写了50份求职申请书了。

24、Studies have been made of reactor powered railway engines and hovercrafts, but these applications are generally regarded as marginal at best. ─── 对核动力铁道机车和汽垫船已做了研究,但这些应用一般被认为,往好里说也是徒劳。

25、Why should we model Portal Applications? ─── 为什么要为门户应用程序建模?

26、The office was flooded with applications for the job. ─── 办公室堆满了应征该职的求职信。

27、They are great for business applications. ─── 它们在商业用途上,十分好用。

28、Applications received after 1 July will not be counted. ─── 7 月1日以后收到的申请书将不予受理。

29、On shipboard applications, where V is low, the error is small. ─── 在船舶上应用时,其V(速度)比较低,误差也比较

30、The extent to which a program can be used for similar but not identical applications, perhaps with slight modifications. ─── 一个程序可能经过稍许修改就能用于各种类似但不完全相同的应用方面的程度。

31、NET applications /Lonnie Wall, Andrew Lader. ─── 书名/作者 Bulding Web services and .

32、Applications: High-speed Switching Applications. ─── 主要用途:高速开关应用。

33、A data form for Web applications. ─── Web应用程序的数据窗体。

34、What are the results of your other applications? ─── 你申请的结果如何?

35、TCP is for communication between applications. ─── TCP是用于应用程序间的通讯。

36、The unemployed engineer wrote a dozen applications for jobs but got nothing. ─── 失业的工程师一连写了十几份求职信,但一无所获。

37、Illustrative applications are described throughout. ─── 书内自始至终列举应用例题。

38、Applications must be in by April 30. ─── 申请务必于四月三十日之前寄到。

39、We're always at the front lines, ready to greet users and offer the best first impression to the applications we build for them. ─── 我们始终站在第一线,准备迎合用户并让他们对我们构建的应用程序留下最佳的第一印象。

40、How do you fill out visa applications accurately? ─── 如何准确地填写签证申请表?

41、Plastics have found wide applications in many ways: dishes for one, machine parts for another. ─── 塑料在许多方面得到了应用:餐具是其中一例,机器部件是另一例。

42、Customer must inform Velan of such applications. ─── 在这种情况下,用户最好告诉我们。

43、The deadline for applications is 30 April. ─── 交申请书的截止日期是4月30日。

44、Its applications are too varied to enumerate. ─── 它的用途不胜枚举。

45、It requires buffering for most applications. ─── 在大多数使用场合,它都需要缓冲。

46、Read the applications carefully beforehand. ─── 事先认真阅读候选人的申请。

47、Applications are pouring in from all quarters for entry visas. ─── 各方面提出大批人境签证申请书。

48、SPX is used primarily by client/server applications. ─── SPX主要应用于客户机/服务器。

49、Comparison and Applications of Compound Sentences. ─── 复句对比与应用。

50、"E" glass was originally developed for electrical applications. ─── “E”玻璃原先是为电气应用研究出来的。

51、Thus,their present role is restricted to short term applications. ─── 因此,目前它们只限于短期应用。

52、Group applications are welcomed all the year round. ─── 全年接受团体报名。

53、Applications for unemployment benefits dropped last month. ─── 上个月申请失业津贴的人数下降了。

54、The standard of this year's applications is very low. ─── 今年的申请标准很低。

55、Other applications may perform in the same manner. ─── 其他应用程序可能以同样的方式执行。

56、What applications are best suited to fieldbus? ─── 哪些应用需要现场总线?

57、Induct and train users on system applications. ─── 为新用户进行培训。

58、"Too many open files. Close other applications and retry. ─── "打开的文件太多。请关闭其它文件并重试

59、Applications of health care reached 4. 2 times. ─── 卫生服务利用达4.2倍。

60、Touch sensitive toolbar for launching applications. ─── 任务栏:点击式启动应用程序的工具栏。

61、It took three applications of paint to cover the graffiti. ─── 刷了三道油漆才盖住了乱涂乱写的东西。

62、Use in cold water/fluid applications only. ─── 只能应用于冷水或冷流体。

63、Can you tell me something about user applications? ─── 你能告诉我一些关于注册用户的知识吗?

64、But what if the IOC rejects our applications? ─── 不过万一国际奥委会不考虑我们的申请怎么办?

65、To date we have received more than five hundred applications. ─── 到此时为止,我们已经收到了五百多份申请书。

66、Mesoporous molecular sieves and its applications. ─── 中孔径分子筛及应用。

67、Ionic liquid based technologies and applications. ─── 基于离子液体相关技术与应用。

68、Most applications set this value to 1.0. ─── 大多数应用程序将此值设为1.0。

69、At the heart of your HVAC applications! ─── 如同心脏般重要地应用在您的HVAC中!

70、Maximize document views within sovereign applications. ─── 在独占应用中让文档视图最大化。

71、Starting applications from Program Manager is easy. ─── 在程序管理器下运行应用程序很容易。

72、In fact, most Americans receive at least two or three credit card applications in the mail every month. ─── 实际上,大多数美国人每个月都会收到至少两三份寄给他们填写的信用卡申请表格。

73、It has no practical applications. ─── 元素用途

74、He has written 50 job applications. ─── 他已经写了50封求职申请书了。

75、Many applications are filled with data and settings. ─── 多数程序都充满了数据和设置。

76、How do I write partial trust applications? ─── 如何编写部分信任的程序?

77、Click here for tournament applications. ─── 为比赛应用点按这里。

78、Instead, applications should provide more flexibility. ─── 实际上,应用程序应该可以灵活一些。

79、DEN for QoS may still apply for WAN applications,Edholm says. ─── Edholm说:实现QoS的DEN还可以应用于广域网上的应用程序。

80、Each remote database, together with its applications, is referred to as a MobiLink client. ─── 每个远程数据库连同其应用程序一起被称为一个MobiLink客户端。

81、Used in artificial intelligence applications. ─── 为人工智能技术用语。

82、Some MS-DOS applications cannot run in a window. ─── 一些 MS-DOS 应用程序不能够在窗口中运行。

83、WCAs are also called query applications. ─── WCA 有时也叫查询应用程序。

84、Everyone's talking about patent applications. ─── 大家都在谈申请专利,

85、In most instances, sovereign applications run maximized. ─── 多数情况下,独占应用以最大化方式运行。

86、Will their applications be accepted? ─── 他们会被接受吗?

87、DDE technology is used to control applications. ─── DDE技术是用来控制应用。

88、ERP systems are the meat and potatoes of IS applications. ─── ERP系统是实实在在的信息系统应用程序。

89、CLX applications also cache the resources. ─── CLX应用程序也为资源分配缓存。

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