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08-21 投稿


absquatulate 发音

英:[?b?skwɑ?t??le?t]  美:[?b?skw?tj??le?t]

英:  美:

absquatulate 中文意思翻译



absquatulate 词性/词形变化,absquatulate变形


absquatulate 相似词语短语

1、absquatulater ─── 脱落计

2、absquatulating ─── vi.潜逃;拐逃;溜之大吉;开小差

3、absquatulation ─── 逃逸

4、spatulate ─── adj.竹片状的;[医]药刀状的;vt.用刮刀(或药刀)涂敷(或调拌)

5、accumulate ─── vi.累积;积聚;vt.积攒

6、absquatulates ─── vi.潜逃;拐逃;溜之大吉;开小差

7、avunculate ─── n.舅权,舅父权

8、to absquatulate ─── 离开

9、absquatulated ─── vi.潜逃;拐逃;溜之大吉;开小差

absquatulate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He prepared to absquatulate and head for the wilderness. ─── 他准备逃往荒野去。

2、9 see joke: Wave attend class absquatulate was giving a name on the class. ─── 9看笑话: 波得上课开小差在班上是出了名的。

3、so, that student is called Zhang Gong, a moment ago absquatulate, hear a teacher to say " Zhang Gong " , think to quiz to him! ─── 原来,那学生名叫张弓,刚才正开小差,听到老师说“张弓”,便以为向他提问呢!

4、Book century writing is swung everywhere, study by oneself in scheduled time in the evening absquatulate. ─── 书本世纪笔墨到处甩, 晚上自习开小差。

5、The elder sister-in-law heard noise to make track for to come out, we hurriedly"oh"1, absquatulate. ─── 大姑闻声追了出来,我们赶紧“哎呀”一声,溜之大吉。

6、But the womans can't excessively use, because of facing chemisette tears, the man is always in fear uneasy, frighten into inaction, the Yao stop one's ears and the Yao absquatulate. ─── 但女人们不能过多地使用,因为面对女人的泪水,男人总是惶恐不安,不知所措,要么就不闻不问,要么就溜之大吉。

7、Book century writing is swung everywhere, study by oneself in scheduled time in the evening absquatulate. ─── 书本世纪笔墨到处甩,晚上自习开小差。

8、" so, that student is called Zhang Gong, a moment ago absquatulate, hear a teacher to say " Zhang Gong " , think to quiz to him! ─── 原来,那学生名叫张弓,刚才正开小差,听到老师说“张弓”,便以为向他提问呢!

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