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08-21 投稿


finning 发音

英:[?f?n??]  美:[?f?n??]

英:  美:

finning 中文意思翻译





finning 常用词组

dorsal fin ─── n. 背鳍

shark fin ─── 鱼翅,鲨鱼鳍

fin tube ─── [机]翅片管

finning 短语词组

1、finning inc ─── 芬兰公司

2、finning bc ─── 不列颠哥伦比亚省

3、finning canada ─── 芬宁加拿大

4、finning sea ─── 鳍海

5、finning ceo ─── 芬宁首席执行官

6、finning fsj ─── 翅片fsj

7、back finning machine ─── 切背鳍机

8、finning cat ─── 翅片猫

finning 词性/词形变化,finning变形


finning 相似词语短语

1、fanning ─── n.(Fanning)(美)范宁(人名);v.吹,扇(风);煽起,激起;扩散,辐射;使呈扇形展开;击球不中(fan的现在分词)

2、finding ─── n.发现;裁决;发现物;v.找到;感到(find的ing形式);遇到

3、funning ─── 风趣

4、fining ─── n.(尤指啤酒、葡萄酒的)澄清,澄清剂;排除玻璃液气泡;v.处……以罚金;提炼;变精美;使变纯;变得晴朗(fine的现在分词)

5、finking ─── n.卑鄙小人;破坏及反罢工的人;告发人,密告人;织布鸟;v.告发;食言;停止运转;向警方告密,做工贼;n.(Fink)(美、德、波、英、捷、丹)芬克(人名)

6、ginning ─── n.轧花;轧棉

7、dinning ─── v.絮聒不休地说,反复叮嘱;发出喧闹声(din的现在分词);n.(Dinning)(美、英、加)丁宁(人名)

8、binning ─── v.把……扔进垃圾箱;拒绝;(非正式)终止与……的关系;把……放进搁架;把……归入统计堆(bin的现在分词);n.(Binning)(英、加、美)比宁(人名)

9、fonning ─── fonning公司

finning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide. ─── 它的脊鳍朝下耷拉着,巨大的胸鳍大张着。

2、In the black volcanic sand was left the trails of their tiny fin prints. ─── 它们在黑色的火山沙上只留下了小小的鳍状印迹。

3、Two rats called Tofu and Fin hit the waves twice a week with their 14-year-old owner Boomer Hodel at a Hawaii beach. ─── 两只名叫"图夫"和"芬"的老鼠,每周和14岁的主人布莫在夏威夷海滩冲浪两次。

4、The effect of different fin geometric parameters on the antiwear property heat exchanger was analysed. ─── 分析了翅片几何参数选取的不同对抗磨性能与换热的影响;

5、An automatic radiusing machine was developed to eliminate the burr or edge fin of bar end. ─── 为了清除棒材在生产过程中产生的端部毛刺、飞边等缺陷,研制开发了棒材自动倒角机。

6、Meanwhile, the swing model of fish tail fin is established and simplified. ─── 对鱼的尾鳍摆动进行了力学建模,并加以简化。

7、John Hannon explores the history and politics of shark finning, as part of his report on the practice and its future in California. ─── 作为约翰?汉侬对加州鱼翅消费现状及发展趋势报道的一部分,这部视频中探讨了这个话题的历史和政治背景。

8、Diphycercal tail, i.e. vertebral colum runs straight to the tip, dividing the caudal fin symmetrically. ─── 对称的尾部, 也就是脊柱笔直延伸到尖端,对称地分开尾鳍。

9、Fin stabilizer is a kind of active stabilizer,which is designed on the principle of torque counteraction. ─── 减摇鳍是一种主动式减摇装置,它采用力矩对抗原理设计。

10、En fin, tienen uan vida social muy intensa.Felipe los ve muy poco. ─── 总之,他们的社会活动(社交活动)很多。

11、Title: Fin Analyst, Country Controllership Group Location: Beijing Accountable to: Country Controller Skill Track: ... ─── 埃森哲(中国)有限公司北京分公司-工作地点:北京

12、The male is characterized by the presence of a long and sword-shaped protrusion at its lower caudal fin. ─── 牠头部尖小,身体幼长,雄鱼的特徵是尾鳍下方长有又尖又长的突条。

13、The lower lobe of the deeply forked caudal fin is longer than the upper lobe. ─── 尾鳍深叉型,下叶比上叶长。

14、De-scale yellow fin fish, remove and and bones keeping only the fish fillet. ─── 将小黄鱼去鳞、除骨、仅保留鱼肉片的部分。

15、Last month Tendler finally plucked up the courage to ask the dolphin's trainer for the mammal's fin in marriage. ─── 上个月,坦德勒终于鼓起勇气,透过海豚的训练师向这只哺乳动物求婚。

16、The ancients cloud: you have fin. ─── 古人云:鱼翅熊掌不可得兼。

17、The deluxe private rooms on the seventh and sixth floor mainly serve the dishes of Abalone and shark's Fin. ─── 六、七楼的豪华包厢以鲍翅类菜肴为主,尽显其豪华气派。

18、To satisfy the growing market, some fishermen have taken to finning sharks. ─── 为了满足不断增长的市场需求,一些渔民已采取只割鲨鱼鳍的做法。

19、The deluxe private rooms on the seventh floor mainly serve the dishes of abblone and Shark's Fin. ─── 六、楼的豪华包厢以鲍翅类菜肴为主,尽显豪华气派。

20、Dealing in Dried Prickly sea cucumbers, dried Fish Maws, Dried Shark's Skin, Dried Shark's Fin etc. ─── 供应干"刺海参",干鲨鱼皮,干鱼膘,鱼翅等等.徵求中国买家长期合作。

21、Nine more species of shark are to be added to the endangered list as scientists warn that oceans are being emptied of the fish by overfishing and finning. ─── 又有九种鲨鱼将列入到濒危物种名单里。科学家警告说,由于过度捕捞和割取鲨鱼鳍的行为,海洋中的这些鱼类正濒临灭绝。

22、He is the first to spy the triangle fin of a shark came towards us. ─── 他第一个发现一条鲨鱼的三角形鳍向我们游来。

23、This year they are aiming for 150 million fin. ─── 今年他们的目标是1.5 亿斤。

24、As starters veggie salad and shark fin soup are served. ─── 前菜包括健康的生菜沙拉和养生的鱼翅汤。

25、And so, you know, illegal fisher, locking for sharks for their shark fin, are a becoming increasingly boardbold. ─── 于是,正如你所知道的,那些为了鱼翅而到处捕捉鲨鱼的非法渔民变得越来越胆大妄为。

26、That's why there's so much finning and killing of sharks going on without the general public taking notice. ─── 这就是为什么如此之多的鱼翅做法与鲨鱼被捕杀始终在持续,但公众却没有给予关注的原因。

27、JOB DESCRIPTION Title: Fin Analyst, Country Controllership Group Location: Beijing Accountable to: C... ─── 埃森哲(中国)有限公司-工作地点:北京

28、Meanwhile, the fin model is simplified, and a robotic fish fin driven by shape memory alloy (SMA) is de;eloped. ─── 基于绸带状鱼鳍的这种简化模型设计了形状记忆合金驱动的仿生鱼鳍。

29、A primitive, bony freshwater fish(Amia calva) of central and eastern North America, with a long, spineless dorsal fin. ─── 弓鳍鱼北美洲中部和东部的一种原始、多骨的淡水鱼(弓鳍鱼弓鳍鱼属),具有长的无脊的背鳍

30、However, although the biscuits have enough to eat, a bowl of shark fin can come to a better course. ─── 不过,虽然烧饼已经足以果腹,能来碗鱼翅当然更好。

31、She says the Government must follow other jurisdictions and stop shark finning altogether. ─── 她说政府必须制定另外的法律同时要阻止鲨鱼被捕事件。

32、I think you are talking with blue goby (with a very long caudal fin).Very shiny one! ─── 9米深的水底,见到好多白色的鱼,鱼身是长长的,约3-4吋.

33、Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. ─── 每年,由于鱼翅买卖,数千万条鲨鱼在海底静静地等待死亡。

34、If you put one fin on that boat. ─── 停下!你再敢往前游一下。

35、It was on shark finning, and I felt really strongly about this issue. ─── 这是关于鱼翅的,我感受很强烈对于这个问题。

36、This restaurant offers original Cantonese food such as dim sum, casseroles, shark's fin, and quality seafood. ─── 這家餐館經營正宗粵菜,如精巧點心、煲仔小菜、魚翅、精選海鮮等。

37、Certainly. Beijing Roast Duck or Shark's fin? ─── 可以的,要北京烤鸭还是鱼翅?

38、Due to the increased surface area that the fin design provides, shorter implants can be used routinely. ─── 因为具翼环的设计而增加了表面积,经常可以使用比较短的植体。

39、With many fin folds of the different instants, he makes the river-like smooth time-space as an image of impossible. ─── 他经由差异时刻的微小皱摺,让河流般的平滑时空成为不可能的影像。

40、The other two pieces are in better time,rare fin with horse tooth. ─── 另外两把的年份更好,是罕见的鱼翅加马齿,早玩的就是不一样啊!

41、It has been proved that high Cr cast iron rolls are fit for fin ishing mill of 1549 hot strip mill of Tisco. ─── 介绍了高铬轧辊化学成分和生产工艺,实际使用证明高铬轧辊适合太钢1549热连轧精轧机组。

42、However, Uppsala University, among others, studies have shown that the fin fish PAN has appeared in the original toe. ─── 不过,乌普萨拉大学等机构的研究显示,潘氏鱼的鱼鳍里已经出现了原始脚趾。

43、She's a very fin tragic actress. ─── 她是一位非常好的悲剧演员。

44、Likewise, the animal's tail fin and flipperlike hind limbs suggest an aquatic lifestyle. ─── 牠的尾鳍与鳍状的后肢也同样显示了水中的生活方式。

45、Fortune Chinese Restaurant invited Top Chef from Food Lam Moon Restaurant, offers abalone, shark's fin bird's nest. ─── 品尝美食极品,体味成功喜悦。由香港富临门酒家名厨主理的富金轩鲍翅王餐厅专营精品燕窝、翅、鱼等高档粤菜。

46、Thousands of sharks are hunted in Asia for special foods, such as shark fin soup. ─── 在亚洲,成千上万的鲨鱼被捕杀,做成了鱼翅汤之类的特色菜肴。

47、A primitive,bony freshwater fish(Amia calva)of central and eastern North America,with a long,spineless dorsal fin. ─── 弓鳍鱼北美洲中部和东部的一种原始、多骨的淡水鱼(弓鳍鱼弓鳍鱼属),具有长的无脊的背鳍

48、Fin goods delivery to the customer. ─── 成品的运输及出货。

49、Then, the mechanical structure and corresponding control circuit of this biomimetic robot fin are introduced. ─── 介绍了鱼鳍的机械结构和相应的控制电路。

50、Fishing for sharks in international waters is unrestricted, but Baum supports a recent UN resolution calling for immediate limits on catching sharks and a ban on shark finning. ─── 在国际水域捕捞鲨鱼是没有限制的,不过包姆支持最近联合国的一项声明。声明呼吁立即限制捕捞鲨鱼,禁止割取鲨鱼鳍。

51、Old World freshwater catfishes having naked skin and a long anal fin more or less merged with the eellike caudal fin. ─── 东半球的淡水鲇鱼,体表无鳞,有类似鳗鱼尾鳍的很长的臀鳍。

52、Shark Fin Experts at the T'ang Garden Restaurant! ─── 唐苑酒家,鱼翅专家!

53、A stingray leaps out of the water as it is hunted by a killer whale, whose fin can be seen below the ray, just off St. ─── 六月廿四日周三于纽西兰的奥克兰,就在圣赫利尔海滩的海面上,一只被虎鲸猎捕的魟鱼从水里跃出,可见到鳍刺下的鱼鳍。

54、I asked Jim what he thought about the Congressional move and he pointed out that the Act allows for finning of smooth dogfish shark. ─── 我询问了Jim对于这次国会决定的看法,他指出这一法案将允许捕获大星鲨的鱼翅。

55、A featherlike or plumelike organ or part, such as a small fin, or one of the appendages of a crinoid. ─── 小鳍,小鳍状物一种象羽状或羽毛状的器官,如小鳍或海百合类的附属肢体之一

56、This problem occurs because the Web server sends a TCP FIN request during a delay between Web services calls. ─── 因为Web服务器发送TCP FIN请求期间Web服务调用之间延迟发生此问题。

57、As fin intransigent non-objective painter, he is antipathetic to figuration, especially Expressionist and decorative. ─── 作为一个不妥协的非客观画家,他憎恶具体的形象,特别是表现主义和装饰风格。

58、The outside fin formation consists of bulging, cutting andextruding. ─── 外翅片的形成包括挤起、切开及成翅三个阶段。

59、AUC (FIN) therapy were significantly higher(P>0.05). ─── AUC(FIN)治疗前后差异无显著性,(P>0.05)。

60、When you have poured off the fat left in the meat fin, add a little flour to thicken the meat juices. ─── 当你将肉罐中剩下的油倒掉之后,加一点面粉将肉汤弄稠。

61、It will do this by sending a TCP packet with the FIN flag set to the server. ─── 它将通过向服务器发送设置了FIN标志的TCP包来完成该操作。

62、We can e.g send the FIN immediately together with the data. ─── 例如,我们可以在发送完数据以后立即发送FIN(申请断开连接的请求信号)。

63、A meeting in Brussels on Thursday drew up an action plan on "finning", which results in the deaths of the sharks. ─── 周四在布鲁塞尔召开的一个会议对于“取鳍”制定了一项行动计划,“取鳍”会导致鲨鱼的死亡。

64、Now, finning is the act of taking a shark, cutting the valuable fins off and throwing the live animal back in the water. ─── 现在,取鱼鳍是种行为,拿一只鲨鱼,把值钱的鱼鳍割下来然后把活着的动物扔回水里。

65、Fin can be represented as the number five. ─── Fin可以被表达为数字“五”。

66、Environmental groups claim shark finning in Northern Territory waters is being carried out by boats operating out of Darwin Harbour. ─── 环境组称北方水域被大肆捕猎的鲨鱼正从达尔文港由无数小船载出。

67、To satisfy the growing market, some fishermen have taken to finning sharks. ─── 为了满足不断增长的市场需求,一些渔民已采取只割鲨鱼鳍的做法。

68、Nautical A device, such as a gyroscopically controlled fin, that prevents excessive rolling of a ship in heavy seas. ─── 减摇装置:控制鳍板的一种装置,如回转仪,用于防止轮船在深海中过于摇晃

69、Chamberlain is the only NBA player who averaged over 50 points per game for fin entire season. ─── 张伯伦是整个赛季中平均每场得分超过50分的惟一一个NBA球员。

70、Virginia y yo hemos bajado del coche. Me coge de la mano. Me siento vivir, al fin. ─── 弗吉尼亚和我在车里面。她握着我的手,我感到她很激动。

71、Fried String Beans, Sharks Fin Soup and Mushroom Soup. ─── 和干煸四季豆,汤有鱼翅汤和蘑菇汤。

72、The flagellum begins at the central space of the sleeve.Far away from the nucleus, it has lateral fin. ─── 尾部细长,自头部后端的正中部向后伸出,近核端部分很短,核心结构是轴丝,鞭毛起始于袖套腔,远核端有侧鳍;

73、In order to research lift stabilizer fin well, We must set up experiment installation of lift stabilizer fin. ─── 尽管升力鳍有很多好处,目前国内外对升力鳍研究还处于实验室阶段,而研制升力鳍最好的工具就是在实验室建立升力鳍实验装置。

74、A fish that swims in the ground. Only the fin can be seen. One theory says. ─── 在地面下也能游动的鱼。只有鳍会显露在地面外。有推测说,它可能会是一条鲨鱼。

75、A shark was finning around the surface of the ocean. ─── 一条鲨鱼把鳍露出海面游动。

76、It direct-import shark fin, bird's nest and fish maw from all over the world. ─── 建昌隆亦从世界各地直接入口鱼翅,燕窝及花胶。

77、Come, old fellow, tip us your fin. ─── 得了,老朋友,跟我们握握手吧。

78、A surfboard fin sliced the crest of a wave. ─── 冲浪板尾部划破浪尖。

79、And it is this high price that has led to the spread of shark finning. ─── 正是这种高价导致了猎取鱼翅的行为激增。

80、Another new detail is on the turning vanes, which now feature a triangular, vertical fin (2). ─── 另一项新细节在导流翼上,现在这片小翼变成一个三角形且垂直的鳍(2)。

81、He`s orange and has got a gimpy fin on one side. ─── 他是橙色的,身体的一边有一只鳍有些残缺.

82、He did not see the fin of the other. ─── 他没有看见另外一条的鳍。

83、What's wrong with his fin? -He looks funny. ─── 他的鳍怎么了?-他样子怪怪的。

84、The Synergy N9 features a3 mm thick vertical3 D fin. ─── 协同N9号水仙花公厘厚的垂直立体翅.

85、This year, they also plan to kill 50 threatened humpback whales and 50 endangered fin whales. ─── 一定要保护?诘匮?我想我个仔大个都仲可以有鲸鱼睇呀!!!

86、It can move forward, backward or brake depending on the undulatory motion of the flexible fin. ─── 它依靠柔性长鳍的波动运动来实现载体的前进、后退、制动等各种机动动作。

87、A high bony fin was cutting through the water toward him. ─── 一个高高的骨状鱼鳍正划破水面,向他追来。

88、The tail fin is significant because it is a major structural component, whose failure has contributed to past crashes. ─── 尾翼意义重大的原因在于它是一个主要的结构部件,过去许多坠机事件都与尾翼失灵有关。

89、Pietra Rivoli, a professor of business, wanted to fin the answer. ─── 彼得拉里奥利教授业务,希望鱼翅答案。

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