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08-21 投稿


fribble 发音

英:[['fr?bl]]  美:[['fr?b?l]]

英:  美:

fribble 中文意思翻译





fribble 词性/词形变化,fribble变形

动词过去分词: fribbled |动词第三人称单数: fribbles |名词: fribbler |动词现在分词: fribbling |动词过去式: fribbled |

fribble 相似词语短语

1、cribble ─── n.粗筛;粗粉

2、cribbled ─── 垛

3、fribbled ─── n.无聊的人;浪费时间的人;无聊行为;vi.浪费时间;做无聊事;adj.无聊的;不重要的;vt.浪费

4、dribble ─── v.流(口水),垂(涎);滴下,细流;运球;n.点滴,细流;口水;运球;蠢话,馊主意

5、fribbles ─── n.无聊的人;浪费时间的人;无聊行为;vi.浪费时间;做无聊事;adj.无聊的;不重要的;vt.浪费

6、fribbler ─── n.无聊的人;浪费时间的人;无聊行为(fribble的变形)

7、tribble ─── n.晾纸机架;n.(Tribble)人名;(英)特里布尔

8、friable ─── adj.易碎的;脆弱的

9、gribble ─── n.吃木虫;蛀木水虱;n.(Gribble)人名;(英、法)格里布尔

fribble 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nevertheless, face the market with intense competition, although rise in price sound rises gradually, but who also not dare " fribble " . ─── 不过,面对竞争激烈的市场,尽管涨价之声渐起,但谁也不敢“轻举妄动”。

2、Besides, eyelash is the protective screen of the eye, have protective eye to avoid the function that gets the stimulation such as sunshine, sand and dust, fribble of avoid by all means. ─── 再说,睫毛是眼睛的屏障,具有保护眼睛免受阳光、沙尘等刺激的功能,切忌轻举妄动。

3、Chinese thing often is such, before making political affirmation, the person of most local great majority won't fribble, it is suspicion, wait-and-see only, even fleer. ─── 中国的事情往往就是这样,在没有作出政治上的肯定之前,大多数的地方大多数的人都不会轻举妄动,只是怀疑、观望,甚至冷嘲热讽。

4、fribble one's time away ─── 虚度光阴

5、fribble away ─── vt. 浪费(轻易丢弃)

6、Not, this is not brains gives out heat absolutely, fribble. ─── 不,这绝不是头脑发热,轻举妄动。

7、If economic capacity of the man fails to deal with whole wedding, they are won't of fribble. ─── 若男人的经济能力未能应付整个婚礼,他们是不会轻举妄动的。

8、Nevertheless, face the market with intense competition, although rise in price sound rises gradually, but who also not dare " fribble " . ─── 不过,面对竞争激烈的市场,尽管涨价之声渐起,但谁也不敢“轻举妄动”。

9、to fribble away the day ─── 虚度时日

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