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08-18 投稿


manorial 发音


英:  美:

manorial 中文意思翻译



manorial 网络释义

adj. 庄园的;采邑的

manorial 词性/词形变化,manorial变形

形容词: manorial |

manorial 短语词组

1、manorial system vs feudalism ─── 庄园制度与封建主义

2、manorial day ─── 庄园日

3、manorial court meaning ─── 庄园法庭的含义

4、manorial system ─── 庄园制;采邑制度 ─── 庄园制度

5、manorial courts ─── 庄园法院

6、manorial estate ─── 庄园

7、manorial court ─── 领地法庭

8、manorial meaning ─── 庄园意义

9、manorial title ─── 庄园所有权

10、manorial synonym ─── 庄园同义词

11、manorial system world history definition ─── 世界庄园制度的定义

12、manorial economy ─── 采地[庄园]经济

13、manorial house ─── 庄园

manorial 相似词语短语

1、manubrial ─── 柄的

2、cantorial ─── adj.唱诗班席位北侧的;合唱指挥家的

3、material ─── n.材料;用具;(有指明特征的)人才;素材;曲目;布料;adj.物质的;身体需要的;和推理内容有关的;重要的;(证据或事实)决定性的;客观存在的;物欲的;n.(Material)(意、美)妈特力娅丽(人名)

4、amatorial ─── adj.恋爱的;好色的

5、motorial ─── adj.运动的;运动神经的;引起运动的

6、memorial ─── n.纪念碑,纪念馆;纪念仪式;纪念物;adj.记忆的;纪念的,追悼的

7、mentorial ─── adj.良师益友的;指导的

8、manurial ─── adj.肥料的

9、malarial ─── adj.患疟疾的;毒气的

manorial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Company established in 2005, Main Gift Liquor - Wuxing You fescue, human wine; Wine - Wellington Scotch whiskey; wine - dry red beautiful manor series. ─── 公司2005年成立,主营礼品白酒-五星贵茅、人间美酒;洋酒-威灵顿苏格兰威士忌;葡萄酒-美丽庄园系列干红。

2、As he owns no land, he has no choice but to work as a labourer for the owner of the manor. ─── 他自己没有田地只能为庄园主当庄员。

3、Malfoy Manor is located in Wiltshire. ─── Malfoy Manor就在威尔特郡。

4、He wants to buy himself a manor when he becomes rich. ─── 他想有了钱之后买一座属于自己的农庄。

5、Shortly thereafter, Pip is invited up to Miss Havisham's manor house to play with her beautiful ward Estella. ─── 哈维香小姐被恋人抛弃后,精神处于半疯狂状态。

6、They had no land or personal freedom, and the survival of each of them depended on an estate-holder's manor. ─── 他们不占有土地,没有人身自由,都依附在某一领主的庄园中为生。

7、In time the manorial court was regarded as having two natures. ─── 当时,采邑法庭被认为具有两种类型。

8、The builder of the manor house is a direct ancestor of the present owner. ─── 建造这幢庄园的人就是它现在主人的一个直系祖先。

9、Just had received the manor small second grade, discovered suddenly oneself also needs an egg to promote the manor space. ─── 刚刚领取了自己庄园的小乙,忽然发现自己还需要一个鸡蛋来提升庄园空间。

10、Investigation and Thought on Manorial Forestry ─── 庄园林业的调查与思考

11、How does the government conduct manorial economy development. ─── 政府如何引导庄园经济发展。

12、In game, julia confuses unreal in like manorial inside seek clue, reveal truth. ─── 游戏中,朱莉娅在一个迷幻般的庄园内寻找线索,揭开谜底。

13、Very fast, he made the move that makes each person surprised: The farm oneself turns rattlesnake of a " into manorial " , open to the tourist. ─── 很快,他做出了让每一个人感到吃惊的举动:把自己的农场办成一个"响尾蛇庄园",向游客开放。

14、Compurgation was used frequently in manorial courts. ─── 宣誓断案通常用于采邑法庭。

15、The period setting that expands manorial economy is the period setting that innovates open Vietnam to expand manorial economy it is an innovation open. ─── 发展庄园经济的时代背景是革新开放越南发展庄园经济的时代背景是革新开放。

16、Local governments had law courts and prisons, as had large monasteries. Estate-holders could build private prisons on their own manor ground. ─── 地方政府有法庭、监狱,大寺庙也设法庭、监狱,领主还可在自己的庄园私设监狱。

17、All the time, automobile logistics industry international generally acknowledged most complicated , most professional manor, counterpart of logistics,. ─── 一直以来,汽车物流业都是被国际物流同行所公认的最复杂、最专业的领地。

18、Western European serfdom is one kind of economic forms in Western European feudal society, and it was suitable for the self-sufficient manorial economy. ─── 中世纪西欧农奴制是西欧封建社会的一种经济形态,与自给自足的庄园经济相适应。

19、But perhaps his newly formed talents will serve him well when he arrives here at the manor. ─── 当他庄园,到达这里或许,但是他新形成的天分很好为他服务。

20、Legend of the manor who had taken part in the construction of nearly 300 artisans During the three-year-old方才success. ─── 传说当年参加修筑庄园的近300名工匠历时3年之久方才大功告成。

21、Somerton manor guesthouse is styled in traditional cape-dutch elegance. ─── Strand 酒店:A rare find, a true work of art.

22、So you sneak into her manor,subdue her guards,and take her most valuable possession knowing that soon her cruel rule would come to an end. ─── 你偷偷潜入她的庄园,制服守卫,拿走她最值钱的财产,很快她那残酷的法规就要到头了。

23、There's that new apartment building on Bedford Street.Bedford Manor. ─── 在贝德街有幢新公寓楼,贝德福德庄园。

24、Traditional manorial organization provided scant encouragement for economic growth. ─── 传统的庄园组织没有为经济发展提供足够的激励。

25、At a party Rochester gives in Thornfield Manor, the aristocratic Blanche and her friends treat Jane with haughty condescension. ─── 在罗切斯特于桑菲尔德庄园举行的一个晚会上,贵族味十足的布兰奇及其朋友以傲慢不逊的态度对待简。

26、The owner of the manor lives in a villa built at the cost of the laborers' blood and sweat. ─── 庄园主住的别墅都是劳工的血汗筑成的啊。

27、The action revolves around Paul (Gregori Baquet), who, in one of many parallels to Maurice, is not quite to the manor born. ─── 保罗虽然有个好性女友,偏偏发现自己迷恋同房的校草兼水球队队长,每天就看著他换衫练水泡妞消遣,怎样是好?

28、The main settlement projects include: HUAFA Metro 3 and 4, and a Century City HUAFA 2, Zhongshan Manor ecological one and two, as well as HUAFA Kyushu. ─── 主要结算项目包括:华发新城三期和四期、华发世纪城一期和二期、中山生态庄园一期和二期以及华发九州。

29、It was originally established by the Dai manorial lord, Piaozhen in 1180, and was quite prosperous at one time. ─── “基区库”内生长着被称为“活化石”的种植物30余种,稀有种植物135种,当地特有种植物152种,经济植物565种。

30、Petersburg.Vova and Anna ,baron and duke, manor and master, love and conspire, royal court and so on. ─── 安娜和瓦洛佳,男爵和公爵,庄园和庄园主,爱情和阴谋,以及皇宫,等等。

31、Traditional manorial organization provided scant encouragement for economic growth. ─── 传统的庄园组织没有为经济发展提供足够的激励。

32、A singularly unpleasant, upper class family who fifty years ago lived in a large manor house on a hill, the Riddle House, overlooking a graveyard and a church. ─── 一个不常见的令人讨厌的上层社会家族,五十年前住在山坡上的一座大宅邸,理德尔之宅,俯视一片墓地和一个教堂。

33、One guide told me that lions hunt in a very unusual manor. ─── 导游向我们简介狮子的特性,我说

34、Manorial economy is a kind of when appear in agricultural development domain in recent years new economy pattern. ─── 庄园经济是近年在农业开发领域出现的一种新的经济模式。

35、In my life the way I met the second flowers, and is a warm manor. ─── 在我人生的路上,我遇见的第二朵花,是在一片温馨庄园中。

36、How do they call you in the manor? ─── 在庄园别人怎么称呼你?

37、Manor is the collection of jades. Emerald comes from earth material, just as magnificence is from homeliness. ─── 山,土石之聚也,玉翠出于土石。妍琦源自朴实。

38、In the light of functions, the Tibetan architecture includes palace, temple, castle, manor, civil house and landscape architecture. ─── 从功能上藏式建筑分为宫殿建筑、寺庙建筑、城堡建筑、庄园建筑和民居建筑以及园林建筑等种类;

39、He inherited the manor and all its appurtenances. ─── 他继承了那片庄园及其一切特权。

40、In the early middle ages, it was the autarky that dominated the manor economy in western Europe. ─── 中世纪早期的西欧庄园经济基本上是自给自足的自然经济。

41、Another discarded document rescued by the Malfoy Manor house elves and placed in a drawer in the parlour escritoire. ─── 另一张被Malfoy庄园的家养小精灵挽救的羊皮纸,被放置在会客室写字台的抽屉里。

42、Chinese agriculture should participate in international competition, must develop manorial agriculture energetically, form " manorial right manorial " competitive pattern. ─── 中国农业要参与国际竞争,必须大力发展庄园农业,形成“庄园对庄园”的竞争格局。

43、Can you reveal the secrets of the manor's inhabitants and discover the Morion legacy? ─── 在游戏中,你会感受到现代技术与古代魔法紧紧交织在一起。

44、Manor Avenue in the main entrance door, but also the construction of a two-story hexagonal guardhouse. ─── 在艾文庄园的主大门入口处,还建造了一个两层楼高的六角形警卫室。

45、In Kesong Manor, Nedong County in Shannan Prefecture, 443 peasants were given 1,696 ke of land. ─── 山南乃东县凯松溪卡的443位农民分得了1696克土地。

46、It brings the tranquil, leisurely and healthy manor feelings for primitive nature. ─── 将恬静、悠闲、健康的庄园情怀融入最原始的自然。

47、"I do not see how you can stop these things," says bioethicist Daniel Callahan of the Hastings Center in Briarciif Manor, New York. ─── 位于纽约布里阿克利夫大厦海斯汀斯中。动的生物论理学家丹尼尔·卡拉翰说:“我不知道你如何能制止这些事。

48、He was not expecting a happy future for us and said that such a marriage, in such difficult times, would face manor serious tests. ─── 他不期望我们会有幸福的未来,并且说,在这种艰难时世这样一个婚姻将会面临许多严峻考验。

49、Mentioned as a royal manor in the Domesday Book, it was long a market center for silk and woolen textiles.Population, '7,300. ─── 在英格兰土地勘查记录书中把它作为皇家庄园,长期以来,它成为丝绸和羊毛织品的交易中心。

50、While the western countries, with the development of manorial economy, pastoral economy as well as its expansion improved greatly. ─── 而西方各国,随着庄园经济的发展,游牧经济得到了飞速的发展,游牧经济的扩张性也越来越突显出来。

51、Mole, the manor gives Mimi a card , essential quickness comes to make things difficult for sb.! ! ! ─── 您的位置:我的知道>生活>礼节礼仪>摩尔庄园送米米卡喽,要的快来拿呀!!!

52、Ao Bi Island and mole of manor peace and friendship! Can not call names! ─── 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>网游>奥比岛和摩尔庄园和平友好!不能骂!

53、Chang manor home for the castle-like building, the original eight Baomen. ─── 常家庄园为城堡式建筑,原有八道堡门。

54、Economy of Chinese feudal city is the fill-in of feudal smallholder economy, western Europe is feudal the disintegrate that urban economy is feudal and manorial economy person. ─── 中国封建城市经济是封建小农经济的补充物,西欧封建城市经济则是封建庄园经济的瓦解者。

55、The serfs cowered before the lord of the manor. ─── 佃农在地主前战战兢兢的。

56、In gratitude, he was granted a royal manor, where Blenheim Palace was built. ─── 作为对他的感谢,他被封为皇室领主,并在领地上修建了布伦海姆宫。

57、She is engaged by the kindly, capable Mrs. Fairfax, chief housekeeper and relative of the lord of the manor. ─── 她是由善良能干的菲尔费克斯太太聘请来的。 菲尔费克斯太太是这座庄园的管家,而且是庄园主的亲戚。

58、The corvee assigned by Gaxag and manorial lords accounted for over 50 percent of the labor of serf households, and could go as high as 70-80 percent. ─── 农奴为噶厦和庄园主支的差,占农奴户劳动量的50%以上,高者可达70%至80%。

59、Any unsaved progress will be lost! Really leave Croft Manor? ─── 任何未记录的情节都会丢失!确定要离开克劳馥庄园?

60、Until 1959, when the Dalai Lama last presided over Tibet, most of the arable land was still organized into manorial estates worked by serfs. ─── 在1959年以前达赖喇嘛统治西藏时期,大部分的可耕地仍旧归各庄园所有,由农奴进行耕作。

61、They live in Malfoy Manor, a large house which has been in the family for generations. ─── 他们住在马尔福庄园里,那是他们家族世代相传的一个大宅院。

62、In what the manor world most is fastidious is the life simulation. ─── 庄园世界中最讲究的是生活的模拟。

63、How did a mole of manor on July 17 renew captures the duty rare book to be possible to find? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>网游>摩尔庄园>摩尔庄园7月17日更新攻略任务秘籍在哪可以找到?

64、He was hired to survey a manor for its extent, ownership and liabilities. ─── 他被雇去调查一个庄园的范围、所有权和债务情况。

65、They are seigneur namely manorial economy and fane economy. ─── 它们即是封建领主庄园经济与寺院经济。

66、In time the manorial court was regarded as having two natures. ─── 当时,采邑法庭被认为具有两种类型。

67、of the thesis discusses the manorial history and literary tradition. ─── 本文的第一部分论述庄园的历史与文学传统。

68、Mole of manor renews a mission on 26th accomplishing the day afer tomorrow , super Ulrich Rame advances for black forest of turn into? ─── 您的位置:网站采集-网页采集技术>游戏>网游>摩尔庄园>摩尔庄园26日更新任务完成后,超级拉姆提前进入黑森林?

69、The bounds of the manor are minutely set out in the survey. ─── 庄园的边界在本次勘测中被详细地确定下来。

70、Not only had the tenant to bring 50 per cent of his crops to the manor, but also his personal and family problems. ─── 佃户不但要把收成的百分之五十向地主交租,而且自己的个人问题和家庭问题也要由地主决定。

71、Entire county ' ' 4 hill 2 water 2 minutes of cropland, 2 lane road and manorial " , element says " an abundant place " . ─── 全县‘’四山二水二分田,二分道路和庄园”,素称“鱼米之乡”。

72、"I gather the Ministry wants to smother the Manor in extra security." The tone of his voice left no doubt as to his distaste for the idea. ─── “我体会到了魔法部希望利用额外的安全措施来压制庄园的心愿。“他声音的语调毫无疑问的表达了他对这主意的厌恶。

73、Although manorial economy improves the produative efficiency of agriculture,a manor's advantage sometimes is contrary to the whole advantage of manor agriculture. ─── 庄园经济这种经营模式极大地提高了农业的生产效率 ,但是从利润最大化出发的单个庄园的经营行为与庄园农业整体的经济利益之间有时出现矛盾。

74、Is that the stick attacks mole of manor magic leaving out net location a number? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>网游>摩尔庄园魔法棒攻略网址是多少?

75、In Henry II's reign a common law was gradually established in place of the customs of the manor. ─── 亨利二世统治时期逐步建立起来了一部普通法,代替了原来庄园的一些惯例。

76、They Apparated at the Manor gates, and Harry quickly evaluated the situation. One guard at the gate - where was the second guard? ─── 他们出现在庄园门前,Harry很快审视了一下周围的情况。门口有一个保镖-另外一个呢?

77、Tatun Chieftain Manor in Bijie City, Guizhou Province 100 km of the Dongbei Yu Tunxiang. ─── 大屯土司庄园位于贵州省毕节市东北隅100公里的大屯乡。

78、The manor was entailed on Lucy, the only heiress alive. ─── 庄园由唯一在世的女继承人露西继承。

79、Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord. ─── 宅邸为封建地主私人使用的邸宅土地

80、The Luxe Manor also provides a business centre with full secretarial services, mini-gym and meeting and breakout rooms. ─── 帝乐文娜公馆亦提供完善的商务设备及服务如秘书服务、迷你健身室、会议室及工作间等。

81、In summer, there are many people who come from the different area in the world to visit Summering Manor. ─── 在夏天,有来自世界各地的旅行者参观避暑山庄。

82、The manor is a marble house surrounded by a beautiful garden. ─── 庄园主宅第是一栋环抱在美丽的花园中的大理石房子。

83、Klien added that the new teams for 2010 - Campos, Manor and USF1 - might also be among his options. ─── 克莱恩补充道2010年的新车队-坎波斯,马诺尔和美国F1-可能也成为他的一个选择。

84、But they are not lords of the manor there now. ─── 可他们现在并不是那块庄园的主人了。

85、The people in the manor were confused and frightened by his sudden appearance. ─── 城寨里的人们困惑且惊恐地看着他们的城主从天而降。

86、They were on the upper floor, and from our window we could command a view of the avenue gate, and of the inhabited wing of Stoke Moran Manor House. ─── 它们在上层,我们从窗口可以看到街道进出口和斯托克默林宅第有人住的那一侧。

87、Feudal and manorial economy is the product that feudal big land tenure develops. ─── 封建庄园经济是封建大土地所有制发展的产物。

88、She is engaged by the kindly,capable Mrs. Fairfax,chief housekeeper and relative of the lord of the manor. ─── 她是由善良能干的菲尔费克斯太太聘请来的。菲尔费克斯太太是这座庄园的管家,而且是庄园主的亲戚。

89、Make pig's feed carrot red in mole of manor from anywhere Nong De ? ─── 您的位置:我的知道>游戏>网游>摩尔庄园>摩尔庄园里红猪的饲料胡萝卜从哪儿弄得?

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