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08-18 投稿


recitation 发音

英:[,res?'te??(?)n]  美:[,r?s?'te??n]

英:  美:

recitation 中文意思翻译



recitation 词性/词形变化,recitation变形


recitation 短语词组

1、recitation class ─── 背诵课

2、what is recitation class ─── 什么是背诵课

3、recitation of the divine mercy ─── 背诵神恩

4、chinese classic recitation ─── 中国经典背诵

5、recitation of ─── 背诵

6、recitation discussion ─── 复习讨论

7、recitation antonym ─── 背诵反义词

8、english words recitation ─── 英语单词背诵

9、recitation club ─── 朗诵俱乐部

10、recitation contest ─── 背诵回复

11、recitation room ─── 教室课堂

12、english recitation ─── 英语背诵

13、recitation lab ─── 背诵实验室

14、recitation class meaning ─── 背诵课的意义

15、recitation 4 ─── 背诵4

16、recitation definition ─── 背诵定义

17、recitation rooms ─── 课堂教室

18、recitation 2 ─── 背诵2

recitation 相似词语短语

1、incitation ─── n.激励;刺激;煽动;诱因

2、excitation ─── n.激发,刺激;激励;激动

3、crepitation ─── n.爆裂声;捻发音;劈拍声

4、recantation ─── n.改变论调;取消前言

5、recitations ─── 背诵

6、evitation ─── 回避

7、hesitation ─── n.犹豫

8、citation ─── n.引用,引证;[法]传票;褒扬

9、reclination ─── 针拔术

recitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hopefully you will get to see one at least in recitation on Monday. ─── 希望你们能在助教课上至少见到一个。

2、Reminding Bharata that he had rested between two fruit trees,the two girls said they had heard his recitation of the fourth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita. ─── 两位女孩提醒巴茹阿特他曾在两棵树中间休息,而她们则听到了他朗诵博伽梵歌第四章。

3、Continuously Linked Recitation is Pure Mind. The mind has no congusion, no delusion; all thoughts are channeled adn original sublimities of the Westerm Land of Ultimate Bliss. ─── 功夫成片就是清净心,心里面已经没有夹杂,没有妄念,只专注在一句佛号上,专注在西方极乐世界的依正庄严上。

4、A total of eight works of music, each movement is the beginning of his musical recitation. ─── 作品共有八个乐章,每个乐章的开首均有配乐朗诵。

5、In Vajrayana meditation, visualization of religious images, sometimes together with the recitation of a mantra, plays an important role. ─── 在密教的禅修中,观想宗教性影像或有时候同时持咒则扮演著重要的角色。

6、If you don't make it to class, contact your TA, your recitation instructor, and you can take makeup within a week of the time of the original test. ─── 如果你不能来上课,联系你们的助教、背诵课的老师,你可以在测试后那个礼拜内找时间补回来。

7、She has a talent for drawing, recitation and singing. ─── 她在绘画、朗诵、唱歌方面都很有天赋。

8、Last week Michael Howard, the Conservative leader, gave a speech that began as a panegyric to Britain and ended as an orthodox recitation of Conservative plans. ─── 上周保守党领袖迈克尔?霍华德的演讲以赞颂英国开头,按惯例以背诵保守党的纲领结尾。

9、the recitation of a ballad, an ode, etc ─── 叙事歌谣、 颂诗等的背诵.

10、Constant practice has such as effect on memory as to lead to skillful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and understanding these words. ─── 不断的练习实践对记忆产生了影响,从而成就了钢琴上的熟练弹奏、背诵诗歌,甚至阅读和理解这些文字。

11、In September 2005, the Diamond Sutra Recitation Group began a project to promote awareness of Korean history and culture. ─── 2005年九月,韩国一个机构开始一个新项目,致力于促进全世界对韩国文化历史的了解。

12、I will let you work out examples, or book your recitation instructors so that they do one on Monday if you want to see that. ─── 会让你们算几个例子的,也许在周一助教课上做,前提是你们想做啦。

13、His recitation was cadenced and rich in feeling ─── 他的朗颂抑扬顿挫,富有感情。

14、The sentimental "poesy recitation" with background music touched everybody's soul, as a fresh spring washing away the dust. ─── 同学们饱含感情的配乐诗朗诵犹如一股清泉荡涤着每个人的心灵。

15、itual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect ─── 口头咒语或符咒的仪式性的吟诵以产生魔力的效果

16、The Koran is not only the most widely read book in the Islamic world but also the most widely recited ("Koran" means "recitation"). ─── 则不仅是伊斯兰世界最广泛阅读的典籍,也是最广为吟诵的作品(“古兰”的意思就是“诵读”)。

17、The recitation of a ballad,an ode,etc ─── 叙事歌谣、颂诗等的背诵.

18、The child's recitation of the text was letter-perfect. ─── 孩子背诵这篇课文一字不差。

19、Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor, somewhat nettled, said: "Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in this subject. ─── 兰登作了一次不成功的朗诵。老师有点不悦,对他说道:“兰登,你在这门课上好像进步不大,你好像缺乏志向。”

20、In London, there are some monologue clubs where people enjoy the elegant recitation of Shakespeare or Bernard Shaw with a cup of coffee. ─── 在伦敦还有很多独白俱乐部,人们在那里啜饮一杯咖啡,同时享受莎士比亚或萧伯纳等人传世名作用标准英语普通话的吟诵。

21、The main feature of Mandarin finger rhymes is that the verse recitation is accompanied by various finger movements, which are operated with rhythm. ─── 华语手指谣的特色是在诗谣朗诵中加入丰富的手部动作,然其动作收放间有一定的韵律条件。

22、I would have liked to hear what the review writers really think of the book's contents, rather than a dry recitation of facts and figures. ─── 我想看到是书评作家对这本书内容的真实看法,而不是照搬枯燥的事实和数据。

23、Did you like recitation? ─── 你喜欢朗读。

24、Recitation 1.Class discussion about "sustainability" and scoping techniques. ─── 复习/实习课程1. 课堂讨论关于“永续性”以及本领域知识之技巧。

25、A monotone recitation of names. ─── 名字的单调的朗诵

26、Aggrandizement of recitation ─── 强化吟诵

27、In recitation we will discuss the problems on the board and provide alternate solutions. ─── 在演习课中,我们将在黑板上讨论问题,并且提供另外的解决方法。

28、lamb that was carved tableside; a tableside recitation of the menu. ─── 在桌边切割的羊羔;在桌边背诵菜单

29、On Dec. 9th, a poem recitation in commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the December. 9th Movement was held in Peking University. The leaders concerned and more than 2200 teachers and students from the university attended. ─── 12月9日,《纪念一二·九运动65周年朗诵音乐会》在北京大学举行,有关领导以及北大2200多名师生参加了朗诵会。

30、Devotees strongly believe that proper recitation of the Maha Mrityunjaya rejuvenates, bestows health, wealth, long life, peace, prosperity and contentment. ─── 会恢复活力,给予健康,财富,长寿,和平,繁荣和满足。

31、The Recitation notes provide suggestions from the Professor to the Teaching Assistant. ─── 复习讲稿内有教授给助教的提点。

32、If there are extenuating circumstances, you should make prior arrangements with your recitation instructor. ─── 如果有能令人谅解的情况,你应该提前跟你的演习课讲师做出安排。

33、Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor, somewhat nettled, said:"Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in this subject. ─── 兰登作了一次不成功的朗诵。

34、A system of rhythmical body movements performed to a recitation of verse or prose. ─── 和谐的配合或动作有节奏地身体运动以配合诗或散文的叙说

35、His singing and recitation are good and clear; his performance is humorous and witty. ─── 唱 念 俱 佳,文 武 兼 备,表 演 诙 谐 风 趣,嬉 戏 怒 骂 皆 能 入 戏。

36、Now, venerable sirs, the Ninety-two Rules entailing Expiation come up for recitation. ─── 諸大德!現在到了誦出這九十二懺悔戒。

37、There will be four one-hour quizzes. They will each take place during a recitation section. ─── 将会有四次各一小时的随堂考,在复习课中举行。

38、She continued her recitation of the week's events. ─── 她接着逐一讲述这一周发生的事。

39、As he read, he felt the untutored verses of his poem rising in his breast, becoming perfect in recitation, like arrow after flaming arrow ragingly ablaze, shot fiercely toward the heart of the river of ice. ─── 他读着,觉得自己幼稚的诗句正在胸膛里升华,在朗诵中完美,像一支支烈焰熊熊的火箭镞,猛烈地朝着那冻河射去。

40、In Theravada Buddhist countries, it is traditional to begin each meditation session with the recitation of a certain set of formulas. ─── 在小乘佛教国家里,在每次禅定之前要进行一系列的仪式。

41、The Moslem worshiper who leads the recitation of prayer when two or more worshipers are present. ─── 伊玛目有两个或更多的礼拜者在场时带领背诵祈祷词的穆斯林礼拜者

42、We should reorient the recitation in English teaching and take it as one of the essential methods and connect it with the modern ones in practice. ─── 应该给背诵以重新定位,把背诵作为改革我国大学英语教学的一种基本方法,在实践中注意把传统的背诵方法与现代教学方法相结合。

43、They like to brag about how good their recitation is, and how good questions they're getting in the recitation section. ─── 他们喜欢吹嘘自己的朗诵水平如何,以及他们在朗诵部分获得的问题如何。

44、A complete set of recitation notes, along with exams and samples of the labs are shown for this subject. ─── 在这门课里包含一系列的复习课笔记、试、验课的例子。

45、A. recitation from the knowledge point B. do not learn the contents of the class, but can be found in everyday life related. ─── 复习课上的知识点B。不脱离课上学习的内容,但能在日常生活中找到相关性。

46、Please continue to prepare to discuss all review questions during the recitation sessions. ─── 在复习课期间请继续准备对所有复习题进行讨论。

47、Now, venerable sirs, the Two Indefinite Rules come up for recitation. ─── 諸大德!現在到了誦出這二不定戒。

48、Assignments will be issued in recitation and collected the following week. ─── 作业会在复习课中指派并于隔周收回。

49、A group of persons who speak or sing in unison a given part or composition in drama or poetry recitation. ─── 剧情解说员在戏剧或诗朗诵中齐声朗诵或演唱一个指定部分或作品的人们

50、a formula used in ritual recitation ─── 作法时用的套话

51、If we do not have an Enlightened Master, recitation is futile. ─── 如果我们没有明师,我们念也没有用。

52、On December 9th, a poem recitation in commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the December 9th Movement was held in Peking University. ─── 12月9日,《纪念一二·九运动65周年朗诵音乐会》在北京大学举行。

53、When he finished his recitation , there was a spatter of applause. ─── 他朗诵完了以后,有阵稀稀落落的掌声。

54、His recitation was cadenced and rich in feeling. ─── 他的朗颂抑扬顿挫, 富有感情。

55、Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect ─── 念咒口头咒语或符咒的仪式性的吟诵以产生魔力的效果

56、Last year's "61" Children's Day and the day-to-day holidays, the free market is the "joy pleasance activities" for children were shooting, play music, recitation, the Big Dipper gyro etc. ─── 去年的“六一”儿童节和日常的节假日,楼盘都免费开展“欢乐游园活动”,让小朋友们投篮、弹奏乐曲、朗诵、斗陀螺等等。

57、In special cases where section or recitation enrollments are extremely unbalanced, we reserve the right to reassign students. ─── 在特殊情况下,当小班教学或上课-复习的选课登记相当不平均时,我们保留重新分配学生的权利。

58、During the conference the Regiment members exhibited their spirit and the determination and confidence in devoting themselves to their motherland through poem recitation and other kinds of activities. ─── 大会进行期间,团员青年还通过诗歌朗诵等形式,展现了青年朝气蓬勃的风采和表达了青年献身祖国的决心和信心。

59、2.His recitation was almost expressionless. ─── 他的朗诵几乎毫无感情。

60、Teaching assistants provide drill problems on a weekly basis for review and discussion during the recitation sections. Drill problems are included courtesy of the teaching assistants listed below. ─── 助教每周布置的疑难问题将在复习讨论课上进行检查和讨论。疑难问题及提供的老师名列表如下。

61、Recitation in Chinese Teaching in the Light of Language Chain ─── 从言语连锁看语文教学中的背诵

62、"Every night, after the nightly prayers, the Islamic Center will hold a special session that consists of recitation of the holy Koran, the interpretation of the Koran, as well as some other lectures. ─── “每晚,在每夜宵礼以后,伊斯兰教的中心将举行一个特殊的会谈,其中包括诵读尊贵的古兰经,讲解古兰经和其他演讲”。

63、His singing and recitation are good and clear,his performance is humorous and witty. ─── 唱念俱佳,文武兼备,表演诙谐风趣,嬉戏怒骂皆能入戏。

64、In the last one year, I've put recitation as my style and character in class. ─── 一年来,我一直尝试把朗读教学作为自己上语文课的特色。

65、On the Wednesday before each recitation section, a topic for discussion will be posted on the web site. ─── 在每次复习课进行前的星期三,讨论的题目将会被公布在网站上。

66、Recitation of the mantra creates vibration that pulsates through every cell, every molecule of human body and tears away the veil of ignorance. ─── 唱诵产生的振动会透过人体内的每一个细胞和分子并揭开无知的面纱。

67、In structure and method of artistic presentation, xiaodiao used a variety of musical forms, blending the lyrical with the narrative, and recitation and singing. ─── 在结构体式和艺术手段方面,小调体裁多数采用多段体分节歌的陈述方式,并将抒情性与叙事性融为一体,

68、The Recitation and Singing of the Transformation Texts ─── 变文讲唱

69、There are more Recitation notes to be uploaded shortly. ─── 不久将会有更多复习讲稿上传。

70、The way of learning is not the recitation of knowledge and the rigid imitation of skills, but rather the cultivation of learning ability. ─── 学习方法不是对知识的死记硬背和对技能的机械模仿,而是注重学习能力的培养。

71、At the end of week 13, project reports begin in recitation section meeting. ─── 13由第十三周末起,于复习课报告专题。

72、Around the world, Tzu Chi volunteers in 13 countries including Taiwan and 62 locations are taking part in the Medicine Buddha Sutra recitation and praying via video conference meeting. ─── 在全球,共计有13个国家,包括台湾在内、62个点的慈济人,共同以视讯连线方式,参与静思精舍药师法会诵经祈福。

73、Regular attendance means no more than one unexcused absence from lecture or one unexcused absence from recitation section. ─── 定期参与的定义为演讲及实习课均不得有超过1节以上的无理由缺席。


75、Thus, the aptitude of recitation directly mirrors the ability of mastering Chinese. ─── 因此,学生朗读水平的高低直接反映学生的语文综合能力的高低。

76、Repetiton and recitation plays an important role in language learning. ─── 复诵在语言学习上扮演着重要角色。

77、The topics listed in the recitation schedule below focus on tools used in computer-aided design and fabrication. ─── 下表所列之提问课程表的各标题,其主要重点为解说计算机辅助设计与制作之工具。

78、Constant practice has such an effect on memory as to lead to skilful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and understanding these words. ─── 反复练习对记忆有很大影响,可以使人们熟练地演奏钢琴、背诵诗歌、乃至总结和理解这些词句。

79、Truthful speech which is inoffensive to others, pleasing and beneficial as well as regular recitation of the Vedic scriptures is declared austerity of speech. ─── 不冲撞冒犯他人,令人愉快,闻之受益的话语,以及经常诵读《呋陀》经典,所有这些被称作是言语(口)上的戒修。

80、Almost every religious family has a small sutra recitation hall or a niche for a Buddhist statue. ─── 信教者家中几乎都设有小经堂或佛龛。

81、If you believe that mere recitation of words will save you, then you only increase your own dependence on words and concepts. ─── 如果你认为重复某些语句就能拿帮助你,那么你只是增加了你对这些语句的依赖性。

82、Reading and recitation is the door to Stopping and Contemplation meditation.The Thus Come One or Tathagata said, “All my disciples shall cultivate Dhyana or chant. ─── 念诵乃是止观之门,如来曾言,“凡我弟子,非禅即诵。”

83、To perfect their financial accounting acumen, students complete homework problems, prepare exercises for class, and discuss examples in recitation. ─── 为使学生拥有对财务会计的敏感度,学生需完成作业,充分准备课堂活动,并参与课堂案例讨论。

84、a singsong recitation of the multiplication table ─── 声调平板的背诵九九乘法表

85、In our class, each student's recitation comes in its turn. ─── 在我们班上,每个学生轮着背书。

86、He often cut recitation during his college days. ─── 他上大学时经常无故旷课,逃避背诵练习。

87、The calendar below lists both the lecture (L#) and recitation (R#) sessions for this course. ─── 以下的教学时程列出了课程的(L#)讲座和(R#)复习讨论课的安排。

88、The transmission began with a recitation from the Koran. ─── 该播音以朗诵《可兰经》一个章节开始。

89、If you have not submitted to the web site before recitation, you will receive a zero for that week's grade. ─── 假如没有在复习课讨论进行前在网络论坛发表提议的话,该周课程的分数将会以零分登记。




美 /?n?t??rpr??te??n/

英 /?n?t??pr??te??n/



复数 interpretations


Her interpretation is full of holes and doesn't square with the facts.


His recitation is probably the perfect interpretation of the poem.





美 /?n?t??rpr??te??n/

英 /?n?t??pr??te??n/




Her interpretation is full of holes and doesn't square with the facts.


His recitation is probably the perfect interpretation of the poem.


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