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08-18 投稿


committeeman 发音

英:[[k?'m?t?m?n]]  美:[[k?'m?t?m?n]]

英:  美:

committeeman 中文意思翻译



committeeman 短语词组

1、committeeman duties ─── 委员职责

2、committeeman chicago ─── 芝加哥委员会委员

3、committeeman description ─── 委员说明

4、committeeman definition ─── 委员定义

5、committeeman means ─── 委员的意思是

6、committeeman bologna ─── 博洛尼亚委员

7、committeeman broward ─── 布劳沃德委员

committeeman 词性/词形变化,committeeman变形


committeeman 相似词语短语

1、committeewomen ─── n.女委员

2、committee stage ─── 英国上、下院委员会审查议案二读与三读之间的阶段

3、committed ─── adj.坚定的;效忠的;承担义务的;v.承诺;委托;干坏事;付诸(commit的过去分词)

4、committeeship ─── n.委员会(committee的变形)

5、committeemen ─── n.委员

6、committee ─── n.委员会

7、committal ─── n.收监,拘禁;下葬,火化

8、committeewoman ─── n.女委员

9、committees ─── n.委员会;街道办事处

committeeman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Committeeman of Industrial Design Committee of Association of Chinese Artist. ─── 张乃仁教授曾在日本大阪福田设计研究所研修,在日本东京千叶大学工业设计系担任访问学者。

2、Using VFP6.0database software,we establish a committeeman management system.We introduce construc-tion and application of the system. ─── 采用VFP6。0数据库软件,编制了一套医学会专科委员管理系统,介绍了系统的结构及应用体会。

3、Each student does his own part in the collective thorough cleaning and takes a rest after the labor committeeman 's examining. ─── 集体大扫除时每个人都必须做好自己份内之事;做好之后由劳动委员检查之后方可休息。

4、Committeeman of Industrial Design Committee of Ministry of Education; ─── 中国美术家协会工业设计艺术委员会委员。

5、SHEN Yi from Langjiu Liquor Group defeated other 100 nationwide players and won championship in `2006 National Liquor Tasting Committeeman Exams. ─── 在今年举办的国家级白酒评酒委员考试中,四川郎酒集团的沈毅战胜了来自全国的100名对手,一举夺得了冠军。

6、psychological committeeman system ─── 心理委员制度

7、she is consider to be the most influence one by most of committeeman among the committee. ─── 她被大多数人认为是委员会里最具影响力的成员。

8、He is now a full professor and academia committeeman of the Department of Computer Science and Technology in Nanjing University. ─── 江苏省微型电脑应用协会理事会副理事长兼多媒体及应用技术专委会主任;

9、Using VFP6. 0database software, we establish a committeeman management system. We introduce construction and application of the system. ─── 采用VFP6。0数据库软件,编制了一套医学会专科委员管理系统,介绍了系统的结构及应用体会。

10、Yuelin Wang The senior member of IEEE, the committeeman of the sensitive technology branch of Chinese Electronic Institute. ─── 张文栋: 中北大学校长,中国兵工学会副理事长,中国兵工学会测试技术专业委员会主任委员。

11、Comment on Selection Exam of 2005 National Liquor Judge Committeeman ─── 2005届国家级白酒评酒委员考试简评

12、The dean of the department professor Zhao also works as a normal committeeman in Heibei Acadamic Association and the center member of committee in Hebei Anaesthetizes Quality Management. ─── 系主任赵永泉教授、主任医师任河北省麻醉学会副主任委员、河北省麻醉质量管理中心委员。

13、Committeeman of Industrial Design Committee of Association of Chinese Artist; ─── 中国美术家协会工业设计艺术委员会委员;

14、liquor tasting committeeman ─── 白酒评委

15、Comment on Selection Exam of 2005 National Liquor Judge Committeeman ─── 2005届国家级白酒评酒委员考试简评

16、SHEN Yi from Langjiu Liquor Group defeated other 100 nationwide players and won championship in 2006 National Liquor Tasting Committeeman Exams. ─── 摘要在今年举办的国家级白酒评酒委员考试中,四川郎酒集团的沈毅战胜了来自全国的100名对手,一举夺得了冠军。

17、Being a committeeman at acute medicine /emergency committee in Heilongjiang province and at acute medicine /disease committee of medicine committee in China. ─── 是黑龙江省急诊急救委员会委员,中华医学会急诊急救医学危重病分会委员,哈尔滨市医疗鉴定委员会委员。"

18、Committeeman of Psychiatric Branch of Shan'xi Medical Association ─── 中华医学会陕西精神病学专业委员会常委

19、Xue Yongnian, professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Committeeman of Academic Committee, CAFA. ─── 单国强,故宫博物院研究馆员。故宫博物院学术委员会委员,宫廷部主任。

20、Committeeman of Psychiatric Branch of Shaan'xi Medical Association ─── 中华医学会绵阳医学心理学专业委员会常委

21、Committeeman of Industrial Design Committee of Ministry of Education; ─── 中国美术家协会工业设计艺术委员会委员。

22、198 centre committeeman and 158 backup centre committeeman attended the meeting. ─── 5. 出席会议的有中央委员198人,候补中央委员158人。

23、Zhao Daming is the first-degree state screenwriter of the Central Political Department Chorus and the committeeman of Dancing Theory &Learning Committee of Chinese Dancing Association. ─── 总政歌舞团国家一级编剧。中国舞协舞蹈理论学术委员会委员。

24、The society decided on(upon)a lecture series and appointed a committeeman to determine the dates, etc. ─── 一系列的联谊活动,座谈会,汉语课程和专题讲座。

25、Each student does his own part in the collective thorough cleaning and takes a rest after the labor committeeman's examining. ─── 集体大扫除时每个人都必须做好自己份内之事;做好之后由劳动委员检查之后方可休息。

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