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08-17 投稿


disuse 发音

英:[d?s?ju?s]  美:[d?s?ju?s]

英:  美:

disuse 中文意思翻译




disuse 常用词组

fall into disuse ─── 淘汰;废弃不用

disuse 词性/词形变化,disuse变形


disuse 短语词组

fall into disuse

1. 废而不用

These methods have fallen into disuse.


1、disuse and ─── 废弃和

2、disuse-atrophy ─── [医] 废用性萎缩

3、come into disuse ─── 不用,废弃

4、disuse muscle ─── 废用肌

5、atrophy of disuse ─── [医] 废用性萎缩

6、disuse day ─── 废弃日

7、get rusty from disuse ─── 因不用而生锈

8、disuse osteopenia ─── 废用性骨量减少症

9、disuse muscle weakness ─── 废用性肌无力

10、disuse osteopenia mri ─── 废用性骨质减少

11、disuse atrophy ─── 失用性萎缩

disuse 习惯用语

1、come into disuse ─── 废弃, 不用

2、full into disuse ─── 废弃, 不用

disuse 相似词语短语

1、disused ─── adj.废弃不用的;v.废弃(disuse的过去分词)

2、disusage ─── 废弃

3、discuses ─── n.铁饼;掷铁饼

4、diseuse ─── 疾病

5、dishouse ─── vt.自家里赶出;抢夺住宅

6、diseuses ─── 妇女

7、disuses ─── n.不被使用;vt.停止使用

8、misuse ─── v.误用,滥用;虐待;n.误用,滥用;虐待

9、disabuse ─── vt.使省悟;解迷惑;释疑;矫正

disuse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The factory fell into disuse twenty years ago. ─── 这个工厂二十年前就废弃了。

2、He talked to no one, probably not even to her, for his voice had grown harsh and rusty, as if from disuse. ─── 他跟谁也不说话,恐怕对她也是如此,他的嗓子似乎由于长久不用变得嘶哑了。

3、principle of disuse ─── 弃用原则

4、fall into disuse ─── vi. 废而不用

5、The rapid transit system designed to link the center with outlying areas withered away from disuse. ─── 原本设计用来把城市中心与边远区域联结起来的快速交通系统由于停止使用而破败不堪了。句子的主干是红色部分。

6、to fall into disuse ─── 废止不用

7、A state of disuse or inactivity. ─── 废弃闲置的状态

8、Such laws are mostly in disuse elsewhere, but Thailand’s was harshened in the 1970s. ─── (尼泊尔曾遭受激烈内战的折磨,而昔日干预政权的尼泊尔国王现在的身份是共和国的平民。

9、limited price charge for single disuse ─── 单病种限价

10、Clinical analysis of disuse strabismus ─── 废用性斜视的临床分析

11、If because violate discipline to be warned twice by the school,enjoy the student of national defence fellowship, or of punish of above of serious punishment of warning, give fall into disuse. ─── 如享受国防奖学金的学生因违纪受到学校两次警告、或一次严重警告处分以上处分的,予以淘汰。

12、words that have fallen into disuse ─── 废止不用的词

13、Study of Processing Paper Mill Disuse Materiel- Wheat Straw with Zymogen Dosage ─── 发酵菌剂处理麦秸的试验研究

14、and these days of Purim should never fall into disuse among the Jews, nor should the commemoration of these days cease among their descendants. ─── 各省各城、家家户户、世世代代记念遵守这两日,使这普珥日在犹大人中不可废掉,在他们后裔中也不可忘记。

15、Some pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse. ─── 一些悲观的专家认为,汽车注定会被废弃。

16、The conclusion was made that the parameters of CMAP and ADEMG can be used as objective basises for evaluating the electrophysiological functions of the disuse muscle atrophy. ─── 发现废用性肌萎缩之股内侧肌其复合动作电位之表面积、振幅及运动神经单元之数目,激发率有明显之下降。

17、She had only rudimentary cosmetics, dry and cracking with disuse . ─── 她只有一些起码的,因为久已不用而干裂的化妆品。

18、come into disuse ─── 废弃不用

19、Disu Pb-Zn deposit, Sichuan is a typical sedimentary-reworked one. ─── 四川底苏铅锌矿床是一个典型的沉积改造型矿床。

20、In case of disuse for a long time, it is necessary to discharge the feed in the pump chamber completely and wash it with water or steam. ─── 当泵处于长期停止工作时,应将泵腔内料液放净,并用水或蒸汽冲洗。

21、As a result of inactivity and disuse, people's bodies can easily become weak and vulnerable to disease. ─── 不活动和不使用的结果,人们的身体变得虚弱容易生病。

22、The chromic edema,muscled atrophy, joint stiffness, and disuse osteoporosis that can result from knee joint immobilization, because of lower limb fracture surgery. ─── 下肢骨折手术后,长期卧床和膝关节制动可引起关节肿胀、肌肉萎缩、关节僵硬、骨质疏松,最终导致膝关节功能障碍。

23、The old device that 60 time initial stage uses big plant to fall into disuse tries to transform begin to produce panne, the product is exported for the most part. ─── 60年代初期利用大厂淘汰的旧设备加以改造开始生产平绒,产品大部分出口。

24、Disuse the ampere of power source and accumulator cell [the armrest moves]. ─── 不用安电源及蓄电池[靠手动]。

25、Following symptoms: rest pain and tissue necrosis, ischemic neuropathy, skin color changes, skin adnexal dystrophy, disuse muscle atrophy and joint stiffness etc. ─── 发展后可出现静息痛及组织坏疽、缺血性神经病变、皮肤色泽改变、皮肤附属器营养障碍、废用性肌萎缩及关节僵硬等症状。

26、There shall be no obligation under this Agreement to protect geographical indications which are not or cease to be protected in their country of origin, or which have fallen into disuse in that country. ─── 对于在其来源国不受保护或中止保护的地理标志、在来源国已废止使用的地理标志,依本协议无保护义务。

27、The compare of the predictive methods for disuse osteoporosis through observing the parameters of cancellous bone connective of disuse osteoporosis ─── 应用干骺端骨连接性参数进行废用性骨质疏松症预防措施的比较

28、This set me in a muse, whether his timidity arose from too long a disuse of any human company. ─── 我不禁沉思起来了,他这样的胆小如鼠,是不是因为他远离人群太久了的缘故。

29、Effect of Intrinsic IGF-I on Rat's Muscular Disuse Atrophy and Exercise Recovery ─── 大鼠骨骼肌废用性萎缩与运动恢复中内源性IGF-I的作用

30、If will measure according to the occupation standard that this is about to publish, the ambry company that at present home has 60% will be fallen into disuse to go out bureau. ─── 如按照这一即将出台的行业标准来衡量,目前国内有60%的橱柜企业将被淘汰出局。

31、This irrigation canal has fallen into disuse. ─── 这条渠荒废了。

32、Its deplorable peculiarity was, that it was the faintness of solitude and disuse. ─── 却是由于孤独与废弃所导致的衰弱,而这正是它凄惨的特色。

33、The main products: Goudi flocking, leather cashmere, France cashmere, Long Hair printing, flocking embossed, gold foil, Disu, printing and other post-processing. ─── 主要产品:沟底植绒、牛皮绒、法国绒、长毛印花、植绒压花、烫金、滴塑、印刷等后处理。

34、disuse osteoporosis ─── 废用性骨质疏松

35、but it had fallen with disuse now, and scarcely any one at Audley Court knew whether the spring had dried up or not. ─── 可是它现在因废弃不用而倒坍了,奥德利庄院府邸里几乎没有什么人知道这井是否已经干涸。

36、The termination of a right or privilege through disuse, neglect, or death. ─── 失效,终止通过不用、忽视或死亡而达到的权力或特权的终止

37、Cross the left and right sides 15 years again! Can fall into disuse basically! The product that replaces a phone had come out! But had not gained ground namely! Not anxious! ─── 再过15年左右!就会基本淘汰!取代电话的产品已经出来了!但是就是还没有普及!不着急!

38、(1) uses Niao of larger dose sulphur namely at the beginning kind medicine, at the same time all disuse insulin, can add when necessary take double guanidine kind medicine. ─── (1)一开始即用较大剂量磺脲类药,同时全部停止使用胰岛素,必要时可加服双胍类药。

39、disuse principle ─── 失用原则

40、Suchlaws are mostly in disuse elsewhere, but Thailand’swas harshened in the 1970s. ─── 与此同时,王室利用军事小集团内部的矛盾斗争,并与中央情报局关系亲密的边防军结成特殊关系。

41、Cubical weights for taxation and trade fell into disuse, and the international trade networks began to deteriorate. ─── 徵税、买卖用的立方体砝码,不再有人使用;国际贸易网络也开始崩坏;

42、He talked to no one, probably not even to her, for his voice had grown harsh and rusty, as if from disuse. ─── 他守口如瓶,可能对她还不至于这样,因为他的声音已经变得沙哑而刺耳,很可能是一言不发的结果。

43、the Highlands are a mountainous region of northern Scotland famous for its rugged beauty; known for the style of dress (the kilt and tartan) and the clan system (now in disuse). ─── 以其崎岖不平的美景闻名的苏格兰北部的丘陵地区。

44、When the disuse, its artistic disposition is highlighted immediately, send out a sharp dimensional existence move. ─── 不被使用时,它的艺术性格马上凸显,散发出强烈的空间存在感。

45、Below this kind of circumstance, end fall into disuse make even if a kind remove illegally the behavior of the contract. ─── 在这种情况下,末位淘汰制就是一种非法解除合同的行为。

46、Disuse osteodystrophy ─── 废用性骨营养障碍

47、Conclusion:Disuse strabismus has its distinct clinical features,and may be diagnosed separately from ot... ─── 在废用性斜视的发生过程中,视力发育障碍在先,斜视发生在后。

48、Those who maintain the idea of disuse cannot hinder the development of the Chinese medicine,no matter how powerful they seem to be; ─── 废论者,尽管以科学道士自居,且自诩为自由派人士,但他们所表现出来的,却是悖逆民主精神的霸权意识。

49、medical equipment disuse ─── 医疗设备报废

50、Effects of Disuse on Trabecular Bone Structure ─── 废用对松质骨结构的影响

51、If often think oneself are " become an officer " , be sure to be looked ordinary " crop common people " fall into disuse. ─── 如果老认为自己是“当官的”,必将被看起来并不起眼的“平头百姓”淘汰。

52、muscular atrophy of disuse ─── 废用性肌萎缩

53、Though the ancient site fell into disuse after the 16th century, it is still known as Tadmor and there is a small newer settlement next to the ruins of the same name. ─── 尽管这一古城在16世纪之后不复使用,但人们仍然记得泰德穆尔,在紧邻遗址的地方,有一个新的居住地同样采用了这个名字。

54、The Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Route, which had linked China to the world, lapsed into disuse. ─── 连接中国和世界的丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路逐渐被废弃。

55、After all the years of disuse (several bridges were blown up), the train link between Sarajevo and Belgrade reopened late last year. ─── 在停运了这么多年之后(有几座桥梁已经毁坏了),这条连接萨拉热窝和贝尔格莱德的火车路线于去年重新开通了。

56、If it is me that can determine to choice a city should disuse bicycle or automobile, I will prefer to the latter without any hesitation. ─── 如果让我来决定我们要一个没有自行车的城市,还是要一个没有汽车的城市,我会毫不犹豫地选择后者.

57、Disuse lubricant device: reduce pollution, shorten maintenance time and prolong life-span in chain and track. ─── 免加油链条装置,减少污染,缩短保养工时,同时提升链条及轨道的寿命。

58、Words which fall into disuse may sometimes be revived with a new meaning. ─── 废而不用的词有时会有新意而再用起来。

59、In disuse strabismus,disturbance of visual acuity was present before strabismus developed. ─── 弱视是引起视力障碍最多见的疾病。

60、Three, give interior outside floor watering the water cooling down , trying one's best to disuse Shimizu, but use washing clothes after washing clothes in summer; ─── 三、夏天给室内外地面洒水降温,尽量不用清水,而用洗衣之后的洗衣水;

61、disuse handicap ─── 废用性缺陷

62、The office of basileus fell into disuse; ─── 巴赛勒斯一职已经丧失了她的意义;

63、There shall be no obligation under this Agreement to protect geographical indications which are not or cease to be protected in their country of origin,or which have fallen into disuse in that country. ─── 对于在其来源国不受保护或中止保护的地理标志、或在来源国已废止使用的地理标志,依本协议无保护义务。

64、Advanced study of disuse muscle atrophy ─── 废用性肌萎缩研究进展

65、Keywords disuse;osteoporosis;animal model;prophylaxis; ─── 关键词废用性;骨质疏松;动物模型;预防;

66、revival from inactivity and disuse. ─── 从静止状态或闲置状态的苏醒。

67、"The marching subsidy may have fallen into disuse but then again, the public service never had such an enormous car fleet as it does today," said Jose Abraao, a union representative. ─── 公务员代表阿布拉奥说:“‘步行奖金’曾经差点被取消,但后来还是保留了,因为以前的公务员可没像现在这样都有私车代步。”

68、One's learning falls into disuse ─── 学殖荒落

69、When you use it, perfect simple sense makes popular feeling satisfaction enough; When the disuse, its artistic disposition is highlighted immediately, send out a sharp dimensional existence move. ─── 当你使用它时,完美的质感令人心满足足;不被使用时,它的艺术性格马上凸显,散发出强烈的空间存在感。

70、Words fall off by disuse. ─── 字不用就废了。

71、become rusty from disuse ─── 因不用而生锈

72、While important, they seem to become stale quickly, fall into disrepair or disuse, and are discarded. ─── 虽然重要,但是它们似乎很快就过时了,失修或停用,并且报废了。

73、The cadre can go up can issue main body mechanism to be made by lieutenancy, fall into disuse make and choose appoint makes 3 parts comprise. ─── 干部能上能下主体机制由任期制、淘汰制和选拔任用制三部分组成。

74、Someone feel that newspapers are bound to fallinto disuse. ─── 一些人预言很快报纸杂志就会没人看啦。

75、85. He felt himself from disuse to be unfit for parochial duty. ─── 他觉得自己由于长期不工作,已经不适合做教区的职务了。

76、disuse the original complex form of Chinese characters ─── 不用繁体字

77、Hotel of one star class is faced with " the market falls into disuse, want possibly a few years to disappear from the scene too. " ─── 一星级酒店正在面临市场淘汰,过几年可能要销声匿迹。

78、This set me in a muse, whether his timidity arose from too long a disuse of any human company. ─── 我不禁沉思起来了,他这样的胆小如鼠,是不是因为他远离人群太久了的缘故。

79、he is failed into disuse. ─── 他被淘汰出局。

80、The" Disuse of Substantial Laws", which has certain advantages, also plays an important role in the Burden of Proof in the Criminal Procedural Law and the Administrative Procedural Law as well as in the Civil Procedural Law. ─── "不适用规范说"具有特定的优越性,对解决刑事诉讼及行政诉讼中的证明责任问题也具有重大意义。

81、He gazed with admiration on the war chariots and glittering arms now reposing in disuse. ─── 他带着羡慕的目光凝视着被弃置不用的战车,和闪闪发光的武器。

82、Winging scapula due to disuse atrophy of the traumatic trapezius muscle is rare, but the prognosis is good. ─── 但外伤造成单纯斜方肌失用性萎缩而导致翼状肩胛更为罕见,但预后甚佳。

83、rusty from disuse ─── 因弃置不用而生锈

84、machines that have fallen into disuse ─── 弃而不用的机器

85、The results also revealed that joint deformity, disuse atrophy or medication seemed not the main reasons of muscle weakness in rehumatoid arthritic patients, except pain. ─── 另外,除了疼痛,关节变形、长期使用不良、或服用的药物,似乎均非类风湿关节炎患者肌无力之主因。

86、disuse amblyopia ─── 废用性弱视

87、To existence bubble appearance eliminating the website now, although fall into disuse the phenomenon is not quite apparent, but they can be washed out, because their itself is " inferior goods " . ─── 对于现在网站而言不排除存在泡沫现象,虽然淘汰的现象不太明显,但是他们会被淘汰,因为他们本身就是“劣质品”。

88、disus atrophy ─── 废用性萎缩

89、fallen into disuse ─── v. 废而不用

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