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08-17 投稿


Algeria 发音

英:[?l?d??ri?]  美:[?l?d???ri?]

英:  美:

Algeria 中文意思翻译



Algeria 网络释义

n. 阿尔及利亚(北非国家)

Algeria 短语词组

1、algeria coc ─── 阿尔及利亚coc

2、algeria capital ─── 阿尔及利亚首都

3、algeria president tebboune covid ─── 阿尔及利亚总统乔维德

4、algeria soccer ─── 阿尔及利亚足球

5、Censorship in Algeria ─── 阿尔及利亚的审查制度

6、algeria news ─── 阿尔及利亚新闻

7、algeria flag ─── 阿尔及利亚国旗

8、algeria shoes website ─── 阿尔及利亚鞋网站

9、Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria ─── [网络] 阿尔及利亚人民民主共和国

10、Algeria national football team ─── 阿尔及利亚国家足球队

11、algeria map ─── 阿尔及利亚地图

12、algiers algeria ─── 阿尔及尔 ─── 阿尔及利亚

13、algeria mauritania ─── 阿尔及利亚毛里塔尼亚

Algeria 相似词语短语

1、Algerian ─── adj.阿尔及利亚的;阿尔及利亚人的;阿尔及利亚文化的;n.阿尔及利亚人

2、algerita ─── 阿尔及利亚

3、Algeria ─── n.阿尔及利亚(北非国家)

4、galleria ─── n.风雨商业街廊,拱廊

5、algesia ─── n.[内科]感觉过敏;[生理]痛觉

6、Nigeria ─── n.尼日利亚(位于非洲)

7、Egeria ─── n.[天]埃杰里亚(女子名);女顾问;水蕴草属

8、algerine ─── n.阿尔及利亚横条厚呢

9、Valeria ─── 瓦莱里娅(人名)

Algeria 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Local people there have been demanding the Berber language to be recognized as an official language in the constitution of Algeria. ─── 当地民众要求在宪法中确定柏柏尔语为阿官方语言。

2、In he 15th century, Spain and Turkey conquered Algeria. ─── 15世纪,西班牙和土耳其先后入侵。

3、Its members are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Algeria, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Gabon, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Mexico, ndonesia. ─── 成员国包括:沙特阿拉伯、朗、威特、拉伯联合酋长国、塔尔、拉克、利亚、日利亚、尔及利亚、比亚、哥拉、丹、蓬、内瑞拉、瓜多尔、利维亚、西哥、尼。

4、KIV company is one of the largest automobiles dealers in Algeria, and its headquarters is located in the capital of Algeria, Algiers. ─── KIV公司是阿尔及利亚境内规模最大的汽车经销企业之一,总部位于首都阿纳巴。

5、I grew up in France, Tunisia and Algeria. ─── 我在法国、突尼斯和阿尔及利亚长大。

6、On May 22,2003,an earthquake of M 6.9 occurred in Algeria,resulting the heavy losses of life and property. ─── 20 0 3年 5月 2 2日阿尔及利亚发生 6 9级地震 ,造成生命和财产的严重损失。

7、They should develop an energy alliance with Algeria, talk more to the OPEC oil cartel and start talks with Central Asian producers, says the commission. ─── 委员会称,欧洲国家还需同阿尔及利亚结成能源联盟,同欧佩克的石油企业扩大谈判以及和中亚的石油厂商开始谈判。

8、A double haunting presence looms throughout all the books: that of Algeria, where Camus was born, and of his mother, Catherine. ─── 所有的书中都有两个挥之不去的形象:加缪出生的阿尔及利亚和他的母亲卡特琳娜。

9、The countries participating in this demonstration project are: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda. ─── 参加此示范项目的国家包括:阿尔及利亚、布基纳法索、喀麦隆、埃及、加蓬、加纳、肯尼亚、莱索托、马里、毛里求斯、莫桑比克、尼日利亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、南非和乌干达。

10、Egypt, Morocco and Algeria have their family law to allow mothers to pass on their citizenship. ─── 埃及、摩洛哥和阿尔及利亚已经修改了家庭法,以允许母亲传承其公民权。

11、Aaron resolute courageous and dared to help person's disposition also to move Algeria and UK, two young people have had the sentiment. ─── 阿龙的刚毅果敢和勇于助人的性格也打动了阿英,两个年轻人产生了感情。

12、The five highest petroleum production countries in Africa are Nigeria, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Angola. ─── 尼日利亚、阿尔及利亚、利比亚、埃及、安哥拉是非洲的五大产油国。

13、A city of northeast Algeria on the Mediterranean Sea near the Tunisian border. Founded by the Carthaginians, it was an early center of Christianity. Population, 222,'07. ─── 安纳巴:阿尔及利亚东北部一城市,位于地中海沿岸靠近突尼斯边界。由迦太基人建立,是早期的基督教中心。人口222,'07

14、Therefore, the greeting of the Chinese words “nihao” can be heard everywhere in Algeria. ─── 在阿尔及利亚到处都能听到中文“你好”的问候。

15、Truffle mushrooms are plentiful in the southwest Algeria desert. ─── 块菌蕈类在西南部的阿尔及利亚沙漠是丰富的。

16、A city of northeast Algeria on the Mediterranean Sea near the Tunisian border. ─── 安纳巴阿尔及利亚东北部一城市,位于地中海沿岸靠近突尼西亚边界。

17、S.-Algerian relationship.However, by late 2002, Algeria was publicly admonishing the United States for its tardiness in delivering on its promises of military equipment. ─── 但是,在2002年末,阿尔及利亚因为美国所承诺的军事装备推迟的事公开告诫美国。

18、From Spain, Carignane spread in popularity to Algeria, where it was also exported to France. ─── 佳利酿葡萄从西班牙传到阿尔及利亚,再从阿尔及利亚出口到法国。

19、In 1996, Algeria produced 177. 8 Mtoe of oil and gas, including 38 Mt of crude oil and 115.8 Bern of natural gas. ─── 1996年阿尔及利亚油气产量为1.778亿吨油当量,其中原油3800万吨,天然气1158亿立方米;

20、The Russian authorities say that they have arrested eight suspects in connection with the hijacking of a cargo ship that disappeared on a voyage from Finland to Algeria. ─── 俄罗斯当局称他们已经逮捕了8名涉嫌劫持货船“北极海”号货船的嫌疑犯,这艘货船近日在从芬兰驶往阿尔及利亚的途中失踪。

21、December 17 Oran in Algeria at the OPEC ministerial meeting is an occasion to make major decisions. ─── 12月17日在阿尔及利亚奥兰举行的欧佩克部长级会议才是作出重大决定的场合。

22、Products are exported to the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Nigeria, South Africa, Algeria, Russia and other countries and regions. ─── 产品远销菲律宾、马来西亚、越南、阿联酋、叙利亚、尼日利亚、南非、阿尔及利亚、俄罗斯等国家和地区。

23、In six years time, the trees had done so well, she founded a trust to finance the planting of 130,000 more trees on a 260-acre dump in the desert wastes at Bou Saada, Algeria. ─── 在六年的时间里,这些树功勋卓越。温迪又设立了基金,为在阿尔及利亚布萨达的260亩沙漠荒原上再种植13万株树木提供资金。

24、Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has agreed to mediate between Algeria and Egypt in an increasingly heated row over football, state media say. ─── 利比亚领导人同意充当阿尔及利亚和埃及足球纠纷的调停中间人。

25、Ancient beads that may represent the oldest attempt by people at self-decoration have been identified from sites in Algeria and Israel. ─── 在阿尔及利亚和以色列的一些地方分离出可能代表古人自我装饰的古珠串。

26、Today also mark the end of my favourite course Introduction to international studies, Saying goodbye to my partner Rafik and friends of Algeria OSU. I miss him much. ─── 今天,在坐学校的校车的时候很是不爽,那个司机就是人满不上,以前可是加一两个都没有什么的啊,这次遇到我了,算我倒霉

27、Ahmed Bani, military spokesman of the council, said he wasn't surprised to hear Algeria had welcomed Gadhafi relatives. ─── 过渡委员会军队发言人巴尼(AhmedBani)说,他对阿尔及利亚接受卡扎菲家属的消息并不感到意外。

28、The truffle season in Algeria is working magic this year. ─── 今年,阿尔及利亚的块菌产季简直忙得不可思议。

29、The hostages were among 32 seized in separate incidents in February and March in southern Algeria, famous for its grave sites, but also for smuggling and banditry. ─── 32名人质是在二月和三月的时候,在阿尔及利亚南部被绑架的,那里以墓穴和雕刻出名,但是也充满走私和盗墓行为。

30、For good measure, he also surrenders to five million illegal immigrants from Algeria. ─── 从好的方面说,他也是向法国境内五百万阿尔及利亚非法移民投降.

31、A town of northern Algeria at the foot of the Atlas Mountains southwest of Algiers. It was built on the site of a Roman military base. Population, 136,033. ─── 卜利达:阿尔及利亚北部一城镇,位于阿尔及尔西南阿特拉斯山脉山脚。建在罗马军事基地之上。人口136,033

32、Egypt and Algeria are two big countries in the North Africa. The way of their economic development is the same, but they have different invest laws. ─── 埃及和阿尔及利亚是北非的两个大国,它们的经济发展道路相似,但投资法却不尽相同。

33、A city of northeast Algeria on the Mediterranean Sea near the Tunisian border. Founded by the Carthaginians,it was an early center of Christianity. Population,222,607. ─── 安纳巴阿尔及利亚东北部一城市,位于地中海沿岸靠近突尼西亚边界。由迦太基人建立,是早期的基督教中心。人口222,607。

34、By contrast, Sonatrach took over foreign oil firms' assets in Algeria much more abruptly and acrimoniously, following a long and bitterly fought war of independence. ─── 想类似的,马来西亚和巴西有着强大的政府以及多样化的经济,因此其国营石油公司也比其他大多数国有公司要好。

35、DJ Times: What's the biggest difference for a DJ spinning in the U.S as opposed to Algeria? ─── DJ时代:一个DJ纺在美国与在阿尔及利亚最大的不同在哪?

36、ALBERT CAMUS was born in Mondovi, Algeria, in 1913. ─── 加缪1935年开始从事戏剧活动,曾创办过剧团,写过剧本,当过演员。

37、There are 94 countries represented in Barcelona, from Algeria to Zimbabwe. ─── 巴塞罗那有从阿尔及利亚到津巴布韦94个国家的代表处。

38、The Delegation of Nigeria stated its support for the position conveyed by the Delegation of Algeria, as regards to proposal 8. ─── 尼日利亚代表团说关于提案8,它支持阿尔及利亚代表团的立场。

39、More than that, Algeria's attractions may even surpass those of its more famous neighbours. ─── 不仅如此,阿尔及利亚的吸引力超越了比他们更有名气的邻国。

40、He says that today's meeting is just for consultation and in preparation of the next facial official meeting in Oran, Algeria, in December. ─── 他说今天的会议只是一个初步的协商,为下一次十二月的阿尔及利亚奥兰官方会议做准备。

41、A double haunting presence looms throughout all the books: that of Algeria, where Camus was born, and of his mother, Catherine. ─── 所有的书中都有两个挥之不去的形象:加缪出生的阿尔及利亚和他的母亲卡特琳娜。

42、But he is a loyal member of the FLN, the party that drove the French out of Algeria and has held power ever since. ─── 但他同时也是FLN的重要成员,该党亲自将法国殖民者逐出阿尔及利亚,并在此后一支掌握政权。

43、Before he was a year old, the infant Albert lost his father, an early settler in French Algeria, in the battle of the Marne. ─── 加缪的父亲是法属阿尔及利亚的侨民,加缪还不满一岁时,父亲就在马恩战役中阵亡。

44、He took off with his writer friend for Algeria. ─── 他突然与他的作家朋友去了阿尔及利亚。

45、Ouyahia of Algeria and cooperation between the two countries expressed satisfaction with the hope that bilateral economic and trade cooperation to a higher and deeper level. ─── 乌叶海亚对阿中两国合作表示满意,希望两国经贸合作向更高和更深层次发展。

46、A member of a Berber people of northeast Algeria. ─── 卡比尔人阿尔及利亚东北部的柏尔人一族中的一员

47、In the World War II, Algeria became a major base for the Allied North Africa Campaign, and Algiers was the Capital of free France until the liberation of Paris. ─── 二次大战中,阿尔及尔曾为北非盟军指挥部所在地,一度为法国临时首都。

48、Official reports in Algeria suggest that calm is returning to the country. ─── 阿尔及利亚官方的报道暗示该国正在恢复平静。

49、The foreign experts living at the Youyi Binguan include many Muslims from India, Pakistan, Iraq, Algeria, Sudan, etc. ─── 在友谊宾馆居住的外国专家中有很多来自印度、巴基斯坦、伊拉克、阿尔及利亚、苏丹等国的穆斯林。

50、M. Walter hired him as a reporter to write a series of articles on his experiences in Algeria. ─── 华代尔先生聘请他担任记者,以他在阿尔及利亚的经历为题材写一组文章。

51、Khelil said OPEC may meet again before the cartel's planned gathering in Algeria in December and it may cut prices yet again before the year is out. ─── 克利勒表示,欧佩克成员国12月份按计划在阿尔及利亚集会,但之前可能还会再次会面,而且在今年年底前可能还会减少石油产量。

52、Nearer to the close of polls the Republican also saw Iraq, Namibia, Congo, Sudan, Algeria and a few other countries offer him support. ─── 在民调即将结束的时刻,伊拉克、纳米比亚、刚国、苏丹、阿尔及利亚和其他一些国家给了共和党支持。

53、Pictured above is a man who suffered bubonic plague during the outbreak in Algeria in 2003. ─── 以上图片内容是2003年阿尔及利亚一例感染淋巴结鼠疫的病人。

54、In Algeria, too, a rich array of serious-minded parties is allowed to compete for parliamentary seats. ─── 在阿尔及利亚,也有一大批行事严肃认真的党派获得了争取议会席位的权力。

55、Second, they were fighting an increasingly nasty little colonial war in Algeria. ─── 其次,他们当时正在阿尔及利亚进行一场日益变得棘手的小型殖民地战争。

56、North Africa generally, including Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Azores, Madeira Islands. ─── 北非通常包括埃及、苏丹、利比亚、突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、亚速尔群岛、马德拉群岛。

57、Triassic basin is the main oil and gas bearing basin in Algeria, with excellent geologic conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation.The main source rock is Lower Silurian shale. ─── 摘要三叠盆地是阿尔及利亚的主要含油气盆地,油气成藏地质条件优越,主要烃源岩为下志留统页岩。

58、It also names Algeria, Equatorial Guinea and Malaysia. ─── 同样还有阿尔及利亚、赤道几内亚以及马来西亚。

59、The Tanezrouft Basin, in south-central Algeria, is one of the most desolate parts of the Sahara, and is sometimes called the land of terror. ─── 位于阿尔及利亚中南部的塔奈兹鲁夫特盆地是撒哈拉沙漠中一处最荒凉的地方,有时这里被称作“恐怖之地”。

60、But the low turnout dispelled hope that Algeria may be edging towards true democracy. ─── 但是,支持这些计划的人数之少让走向民主之路的希望烟消云散。

61、He spelt all the nations of Africa running alphabetically from Algeria to Zaire. ─── 他按字母顺序拼出了从阿尔及利亚到扎伊尔的所有非洲国家。

62、Huawei also ventured to inhospitable backwaters outside China.It was in Algeria during its 2003 earthquake and Iraq during its war. ─── 华为也冒险到其他一些闹战乱和灾荒的落后国家开拓市场,例如,2003年闹地震的阿尔及利亚和打仗的伊拉克。

63、Many Arab regimes, from Egypt to Algeria, have even greater worries: Their economies have been hit hard by recession, and they do not have the benefit of the massive oil reserves held by Saudi Arabia. ─── 从埃及到阿尔及利亚,很多阿拉伯政府更担心的是:他们的经济已遭受衰退的重创,并且他们并未在沙特阿拉伯大规模石油储备中获利。

64、Held in a camp in Algeria, the event helps draw attention to the plight of refugees. ─── 它在阿尔吉利亚的一个营区举办,来提高世人对难民困境的关注。

65、They had established two Kingdoms in the Northern Algeria. ─── 公元前3世纪,阿北部曾建立过两个柏柏尔王国。

66、The Qatari oil minister, Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah, said Wednesday that OPEC would “definitely” cut output when it meets Dec. 17 in Algeria. ─── 卡塔尔的油部长,阿布杜拉箱柜哈马al-Attiyah,星期三说当它在阿尔及利亚遇见十二月17日的时候,石油输出国家组织会"一定"减低输出。

67、Known as corsairs, perhaps the most infamous Barbary Coast pirate was Barbarossa, who united Algeria and Tunisia as military states under the Ottoman sultanate and maintained his revenues by piracy. ─── 希腊、罗马在其帝国扩张思想大行其道期间,在跨越重洋入侵他国领土的航线上,也不得不面对海盗的肆虐。

68、It also agreed on the suggestion made by the Delegation of Algeria on behalf of the African Group. ─── 它还同意阿尔及利亚代表非洲集团所提的建议。

69、Senegal in the African zone qualifiers in the middle of the sixth group, the rival group including Algeria, Gambia and Liberia. ─── 塞内加尔在非洲区预选赛中分在第六组,小组对手包括阿尔及利亚、冈比亚和利比里亚。

70、Barely released from prison, Kamel is deported to his birthplace, a small village in Algeria stuck between mountains and the sea. ─── 刚出狱的卡米被法国政府遣返回出生地,他的家乡是在阿尔及利亚一处被群山与海包围,位处遍僻的一条小乡村。

71、An ancient city of northwest Africa in present-day northeast Algeria south of Annaba. Saint Augustine was its bishop from a.d.396 to430. ─── 希波古代非洲西北部的一座城市,在今天阿尔及利亚东北部,安纳巴以南圣奥古斯丁在公元396年到430年任该城的大主教

72、South African won over Algeria 2-1. ─── 南非队2:l击败阿尔及利亚队。

73、The mosque, whose prayer room has 13 aisles with eight bays, is one of the largest in Algeria. ─── 城中的清真寺祈祷室有13条走廊和8个架间,是阿尔及利亚最大的清真寺之一。

74、Some cover vast cultural distances: the nuncio in Algeria was born in Taiwan. ─── 一些使节则跨越了很大的文化差异:驻阿尔及利亚的大使出生于台湾。

75、In Bou Saada, Algeria, some trees alter the climate and soil to make them fit for more trees. ─── 在阿尔及利亚的布萨达,一些树木改变了气候和土壤,从而使那里适合更多树木的生长。

76、Born in Morocco, Archbishop Mamberti has represented the Holy See in Algeria, Chile, Lebanon, Sudan and at the UN. ─── 出生于摩洛哥的曼贝蒂总主教曾担任过圣座驻阿尔及利亚、智利、黎巴嫩、苏丹和联合国的代表。

77、AS ELECTION day drew to a close last week, the narrow streets of Algeria's capital erupted. ─── 当上周选举日结束时,阿尔及利亚首都的狭窄街道沸腾了。

78、OPEC is scheduled for this week, three cities in Algeria in Oran meeting. ─── OPEC定于本周三在阿尔及利亚城市奥兰举行会议。

79、Saint Laurent was born August 1, 1936, in Oran, Algeria. ─── 圣洛朗1936年8月生于阿尔及利亚的奥兰。

80、In Algeria it survives among the Kabyles. ─── 在阿尔及利亚,它还存在于卡比尔人中间。

81、Also Tuesday, Algeria's president defended Zidane and said soccer fans shouldn't condemn the French star. ─── 在星期二,阿尔及利亚的总统维护齐达内并说球迷们不要责备他。

82、Russia said that it had found a hijacked merchant ship that had gone missing in the Baltic Sea on July 30th en route to Algeria. ─── 俄罗斯说它发现一艘被劫持的商船驶向阿尔及利亚的途中在7月30号消失于波罗的海。

83、The question now is how much the events in Tunisia will influence people in other countries, like this man in Algeria. ─── 现在的问题是有多少在突尼斯的事件将影响其他国家的人都觉得这人在阿尔及利亚。

84、For good measure, he also surrenders to fivemillion illegal immigrants from Algeria. ─── 从好的方面说,他也是向法国境内五百万阿尔及利亚非法移民投降。

85、He says that today's meeting is just for consultation and in preparation of the next official meeting in Oran, Algeria, in December. ─── 他说今天的会议仅仅是商谈以及为下次12月奥兰,奥格瑞亚的正式会议做准备。

86、The Saharan Film Festival took place in the far western corner of Algeria, where the immense dunes of the Sahara desert begin to form. ─── 撒哈拉影展在西方的角落,阿尔及利亚举办,这里被模仿成撒哈拉沙漠的沙丘,揭开序幕。

87、During the past year Liebherr harbour mobile cranes were delivered to such well-known markets as Great Britain (8 units) as well as Spain, Iran and Algeria (6 units each). ─── 在过去的一年里,利勃海尔移动式码头高架吊被卖到许多举世闻名的大市场,比如英国(8台),以及西班牙,伊朗,阿尔及利亚(各销售了6台)。

88、He says today's meeting is just for consultation and in preparation of the next official meeting in Oran, Algeria, in December. ─── 他指出,今天的会议只是协商,为12月在阿尔及利亚奥兰举行的正式会议作准备。

89、Algeria has been going through political upheaval for the past two months. ─── 在过去的两个月里,阿尔及利亚一直经历着政治动乱。








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