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purulent 发音

英:['pj??r?l(?)nt]  美:['pj?r?l?nt]

英:  美:

purulent 中文意思翻译



purulent 短语词组

1、purulent appendicitis ─── [医] 化脓性阑尾炎

2、purulent pancreatitis ─── [医] 脓性胰炎

3、infantile purulent conjunctivitis ─── [医] 婴儿脓性结膜炎

4、purulent hepatitis ─── [医] 脓性肝炎, 肝脓肿

5、purulent iritis ─── [医] 脓性虹膜炎

6、purulent edema ─── [医] 化脓性水肿

7、purulent inflammation ─── [医] 脓性炎

8、purulent cyclitis ─── [医] 化脓性睫状体炎

9、chronic purulent synovitis ─── [医] 慢性脓性滑膜炎

10、purulent ophthalmia ─── [医] 脓性眼炎, 睑脓溢

11、purulent exudate ─── [医] 脓性渗出物

12、purulent conjunctivitis ─── [医] 脓性结膜炎

13、muco-purulent discharge ─── [医] 脓性卡他, 脓性粘膜溢

14、purulent pachymeningitis ─── [医] 脓性硬脑膜炎

15、purulent meningitis ─── [医] 脓性脑膜炎

16、purulent encephalitis ─── [医] 脓性脑炎

17、purulent gastritis ─── [医] 化脓性胃炎

18、purulent keratitis ─── [医] 脓性角膜炎

19、purulent infiltration ─── [医] 脓液浸润

purulent 词性/词形变化,purulent变形

副词: purulently |

purulent 相似词语短语

1、puberulent ─── adj.被微柔毛的;长满短绒毛的

2、purulently ─── 化脓性

3、patulent ─── 帕特伦

4、muculent ─── adj.粘质的

5、luculent ─── adj.透明的;光亮的;容易了解的

6、purulence ─── n.脓;化脓;含脓;流脓

7、turbulent ─── adj.动荡的;湍流的;与紊流有关的

8、purplest ─── 紫色的;帝王的;华而不实的(purple的最高级)

9、purulency ─── n.化脓;脓性

purulent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Otherwise, it might partially purulent infection, leading to infection and fever. ─── 否则,可能会使局部感染化脓,导致感染性发热。

2、Reasons of misdiagnosis for acute purulent arthritis of hip joint in infantile patients ─── 婴幼儿急性化脓性髋关节炎贻误诊断原因探讨

3、purulent choroidal detachment ─── 化脓性脉络膜脱离

4、purulent mastitis ─── 化脓性乳房炎

5、acute purulent tenosynovitis ─── 急性化脓性腱鞘炎

6、Here, there is no clear boundary between tube and ovary and the dilated tube is filled with purulent material. ─── 图中可见卵巢和输卵管分界不清,扩张的管腔内容大量脓性物质。

7、Acute purulent inflammation ─── 急性脓性炎症

8、Reflux's role in otitis media appears to be most pronounced in younger children and those with purulent effusions. ─── 回流的作用,中耳炎似乎是最为明显,年幼的儿童以及那些化脓性积液。

9、a purulent discharge from the wound ─── 从伤口中流出的脓

10、Keywords Fluorescence quantitative ploymerase chain reaction;Non purulent meningitis;Virus;Mycoplasma pneumoniae specific;IgM;Children; ─── 关键词荧光定量聚合酶链反应;非化脓性脑膜炎;病毒;肺炎支原体;免疫球蛋白M;儿童;

11、Copius purulent sputum production with cough is typical. ─── 咳大量脓痰是其特征。

12、Purulent exudate may unite the eyelids. ─── 脓性渗出物使上下眼脸粘连。

13、If client has a productive cough and mucus is purulent, note amount, color, and odor of mucus. Obtaining a specimen may be indicated. ─── 如病人有排痰性咳嗽,粘液带脓,应注意粘液数量、色及气味。获取标本。

14、chronic purulent otitis media ─── 慢性化脓性中耳炎

15、He had enjoyed good health until Oct. 1960, when he gradually deeloped cough and purulent sputum. ─── 他一直很健康,到1960年10月,才慢慢地开始有咳嗽和脓痰。

16、Expectoration of purulent sputum ─── 咳出脓性痰

17、Otherwise, it might partially purulent infection, leading to infection and fever. ─── 否则,可能会使局部感染化脓,导致感染性发热。

18、infantile purulent conjunctivitis ─── [医] 婴儿脓性结膜炎

19、purulent disease ─── 化脓性疾病

20、General practitioners often prescribe antibiotics for respiratory tract infections when nasal discharge is purulent. ─── 一般的医生都用抗生素治疗呼吸道感染引起的脓鼻涕。

21、Two Cases of Acute Purulent Thyroiditis ─── 小儿急性化脓性甲状腺炎二例

22、This 52-year-old male patient presented with unilateral left-sided nasal obstruction, purulent nasal discharge nad occasional epistaxis for several years. ─── 局部检查发现左侧下鼻甲后端有一结节样肉芽肿块,经病理切片及结核菌培养试验证实为结核症。

23、Lung abscesses, if large enough, will contain liquefied necrotic material and purulent exudate that often results in an air-fluid level by chest radiograph in the abscess. ─── 如果肺脓肿足够大,将包含液化坏死物质和脓性渗出物,因此胸片上显示脓肿的气-液平面。

24、Report of a case with Salmonella typhi septicemia complicated with purulent meningitis ─── 伤寒杆菌败血症并化脓性脑膜炎一例

25、acute purulent meningitis ─── 急性化脓性脑膜炎

26、Acute purulent otitis media mastoiditis ─── 急性化脓性中耳乳突炎

27、Around the opening of the urethra a purulent urethral discharge ─── 尿道口流脓

28、In chronic form, greyish- green plagues or purulent cheesy exudate are observed in lungs and airsacs. ─── 慢性型在肺脏和气囊中见到黄绿色斑块或化脓性干酪样渗出物。

29、Extensive acute inflammation may lead to abscess formation, as seen here with rounded abscesses (the purulent material has drained out after sectioning to leave a cavity) in upper lobe and lower lobe. ─── 广泛的急性炎症可导致脓肿形成,如图所示,肺上叶和肺下叶可见圆形脓肿(脓液排出后在切面上显示为空洞)。

30、Keywords purulent meningitis;ceftazidime;continuous intrathecal administration; ─── 化脓性脑膜炎;头孢他定;椎管内持续给药;

31、acute purulent otitis media ─── 急性化脓性中耳炎

32、A purulent exudate is seen beneath the meninges in the brain of this patient with acute meningitis from Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. ─── 急性链球菌感染所致化脓性脑膜炎患者脑膜下可见化脓性渗出物。

33、The lying veteran was choked with sobs and a mouthful of purulent sputum almost choked him to death. ─── 当时躺在病床上的老兵早已泣不成声,一口脓痰差点把他给憋死过去。

34、purulent pulpitis ─── 化脓性牙髓炎

35、And sometimes more serious effects such as purulent wound infections and severe pneumonia may occur, requiring hospitalisation and special antibiotics for treatment. ─── 严重者可引致化脓之伤口感染或严重肺炎,需要住院并用特别的抗生素治疗。

36、Value of Detecting Matrix Metalloproteinases Levels for Differential Diagnosis between Purulent Meningitis and Viral Encephalitis in Children ─── 基质金属蛋白酶检测对鉴别化脓性脑膜炎与病毒性脑炎的价值

37、acute purulent myelitis ─── 急性化脓性脊髓炎

38、A purulent pericarditis is most often the result of spread of bacterial infection from lung or mediastinum. ─── 化脓性心包炎常由肺或纵隔的细菌感染播散引起。

39、Purulent sputum, dyspnea, rhonchi bilaterally. ─── |浓痰, 呼吸困难, 肺部有杂音.

40、A device,such as a tube,inserted into the opening of a wound or body cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material. ─── 引流管插入伤口或体腔,以便排出液体或脓状物的装置,如管子。

41、The Application of Minim Input Pump in Convulsion Stage with Purulent Meningitis ─── 微量泵在小儿化脓性脑膜炎抽搐期的应用

42、(2) pyuria pyuria has purulent cell in make water namely. ─── (2)脓尿 脓尿即尿中有脓细胞。

43、If client has a productive cough and mucus is purulent, note amount, color, and odor of mucus. Obtaining a ecimen may be indicated. ─── 如病人有排痰性咳嗽,粘液带脓,应注意粘液数量、颜色及气味。获取标本。

44、An eye disease of children and adults that is milder than trachoma. It consists of purulent conjunctivitis that heals spontaneously without scarring. ─── 会自动全愈无巴痕。

45、Purulent: numerous PMN's are present. Also called "empyema" in the pleural space. ─── 化脓:有大量嗜中性粒细胞,在胸膜腔积聚又称为积脓。

46、acute purulent nasosinusitis ─── 急性化脓性鼻窦炎

47、Laparoscope combined Duodenoscope treat for Acute Obstructive Purulent Cholangitis and the Curative Effect of Common Bile Duct Primary Suture ─── 双镜联合治疗急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎并胆总管一期缝合疗效观察

48、Analysis of cerebral CT for children's purulent meningitis: a report of 80 cases ─── 儿童化脓性脑膜炎80例CT检查分析

49、DPB is an idiopathic inflammatory disease that is not uncommon.It is characterized by chronic cough with purulent sputum and exertional dyspnea and accompanied history of chronic paranasal sinusitis. ─── 患者常有慢性咳嗽、咳痰及活动时呼吸困难,影像学可见两肺弥漫性分布的小叶中心型结节阴影,常合并有慢性鼻窦炎。

50、In fact, this is the retained smegma, which will cause some problems, such as secondary infection, swelling, purulent secretions and so on. ─── 实际上这就是包皮垢的存留,这种情况会带来一些问题,比如继发感染、红肿、脓性分泌物等。

51、But some patients have symptoms of infection, kidney and tenderness of the area will be mass, has a large number of leukocytes in urine or purulent cells. ─── 但这部分病人一般都具有感染的症状,肾区可及触痛性包块,尿中有大量白细胞或脓细胞。只要仔细观察,鉴别诊断并不困难。

52、a. Purulent discharge is often caused by mastitis or a breast abscess. ─── 乳腺炎或乳房脓肿常引起排脓

53、a contagious disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pock marks ─── 一种传染疾病,特征是皮肤上生斑疹

54、Surgical treatment of subdural effusion complicating purulent meningitis in infants ─── 婴幼儿化脓性脑膜炎致硬膜下积液的外科治疗

55、Treatment of purulent knee arthritis with debridement under arthroscopy and continuous short-term lavage with a fast flow after operation ─── 关节镜下清理及术后大流量短程持续灌洗治疗化脓性膝关节炎

56、Purulent mastitis associated with childbirth ─── 分娩相关的脓性乳腺炎

57、Treatment of purulent corneal ulcer with anterior chamber irrigation and conjunctival flap masking ─── 前房冲洗及结膜瓣掩盖治疗化脓性角膜炎

58、Clinical Study of Measures Promote Healing of Intestinal Anastomosis in Severe Purulent Peritonitis ─── 促进化脓性腹膜炎肠吻合愈合的临床研究

59、A purulent exudate is seen beneath the meninges in the brain of this patient with acute meningitis from Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. The exudate obscures the sulci. ─── 急性链球菌感染所致化脓性脑膜炎患者脑膜下可见化脓性渗出物。渗出物使脑沟变浅。

60、The wall of an abscess that is organizing has granulation tissue, seen here at the left.The purulent exudate with some hemorrhage is seen at the right in the abscess center. ─── 如图所示,左边机化的脓肿壁可见肉芽组织,右边脓肿中央可见脓液流失伴出血。

61、dacryocystitis with purulent exudate ─── 大眦脓漏

62、Study on the treatment of the experimental purulent menigitis with dexamethasone and the relationship to the brain derived neurotrophic factors ─── 化脓性脑膜炎时地塞米松治疗与脑源性神经营养因子关系的实验研究

63、Acute purulent osteoarthritis ─── 化脓性骨关节炎

64、Acute purulent pericarditis ─── 急性脓性心包炎

65、From the purulent fluid of eduction of aperture of fistula of oral cavity mucous membrane, enter enteron ceaselessly, can cause symptom of apparent gastric bowel path. ─── 从口腔粘膜瘘孔排出的脓液,不断进入消化道,可引起明显的胃肠道症状。

66、An Efficacy Comparison Among Different Antibiotics Used for the Treatment of Purulent Meningitis ─── 不同抗生素治疗化脓性脑膜炎疗效比较

67、acute purulent thyroiditis ─── 急性化脓性甲状腺炎

68、Medicine A device, such as a tube, inserted into the opening of a wound or body cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material. ─── 引流管:插入伤口或体腔,以便排出液体或脓状物的装置,如管子

69、Gonorrhea causing female reproductive system inflammation, has purulent sex leucorrhea, lumbago, abdominal pain. ─── 淋病引起女性生殖系统炎症时,有脓性白带、腰痛、下腹痛。

70、A device, such as a tube, inserted into the opening of a wound or body cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material. ─── 引流管插入伤口或体腔,以便排出液体或脓状物的装置,如管子

71、4.Antibiotics are probably effective for acute purulent rhinitis, say the authors. They can cause harm but most patients will get better without antibiotics. ─── 急性化脓性鼻炎是会引起损伤,抗生素对此也许是有效的,但大多数人不用它也会好转。

72、The Clinical Study of Local Injection of Cefoperazone in Treatment of Purulent Wounds ─── 局部注射头孢哌酮处理化脓性伤口的临床研究

73、In this case, blood filled the pleural cavity (hemothorax), but atelectasis could also result from filling the chest with air (pneumothorax), transudate (hydrothorax), lymph (chylothorax), or purulent exudate (empyema). ─── 但是肺不张也可由胸腔内充满气体(气胸)、漏出液(胸水)、淋巴(乳糜胸),或者脓性渗出物(脓胸)引起。

74、Puncture and fistulation and tubation of intine maxillary sinus in treating chronic purulent nasosinusitis ─── 上颌窦内壁穿刺造瘘置管治疗慢性化脓性鼻窦炎

75、If pathogenic bacteria noxiousness is acuteness, did not wear outwards in purulent fluid before defeating, inflammation already diffused, encroach whole eyelid board and form palpebral abscess. ─── 如果致病菌毒性剧烈,则在脓液未向外穿破前,炎症已扩散,侵犯整个睑板而形成眼睑脓肿。

76、The abdominal cavity is opened at autopsy here to reveal an extensive purulent peritonitis that resulted from rupture of the colon. ─── 图示尸解打开腹膜腔,暴露出结肠穿孔引起的广泛化脓性腹膜炎。

77、a contagious disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pock marks. ─── 一种传染疾病,特征是皮肤上生斑疹。

78、Fester sex meningitis can make little patient cerebra general be put into trouble, the purulent sex exudation that channel of cerebral tissue surface and cerebral heart, head, head is cracked and spinal cord surface all has different rate. ─── 化脓性脑膜炎可使患儿大脑普遍受累,脑组织表面及脑底、脑沟、脑裂和脊髓表面均有不同程度的脓性渗出物。

79、The smell of purulent sputum incubating deep within a lung may waft its way up the bronchial tree, resulting in serious halitosis. ─── 肺中的浓痰的气味沿着支气管呼出来导致严重的口臭。

80、This is a purulent pericarditis. Note the yellowish exudate that has pooled in the lower pericardial sac seen been opened here. ─── 化脓性心包炎。注意黄*色的分泌液淤积在已被切开的心包腔内下部。

81、Projects an insect egg that emits a purulent swarm on impact. Inflicts damage on the target and his nearby allies. ─── 召唤虫卵,对接触到它的人散发充满毒脓蜂群,使敌人及其周围的盟友受到脓液伤害。

82、Copius purulent sputum production with cough is typical. ─── 反复感染、咳大量脓痰是其特征。

83、purulent knee joint arthritis ─── 化脓性膝关节炎

84、Purulent drainage from external ear canal ─── 外耳道脓性引流

85、Mainly treats nasosinusitis, the stuffy nose partner purulent secretion aware nose smelly and so on sickness. ─── 主治鼻窦炎、鼻塞伴脓性分泌物自觉鼻臭等症。

86、To appearing the sty of purulent head, after it is mature to can wait for abscess, undertake pus is treated dissectioning discharging. ─── 对已经出现脓头的麦粒肿,可待脓肿成熟后,进行切开排脓治疗。

87、purulent and bloody stool ─── 大便脓血

88、The purulent exudate with some hemorrhage is seen at the right in the abscess center. ─── 右侧脓肿中央可见伴出血的脓性分泌物渗出。

89、chronic purulent nasosinusitis ─── 慢性化脓性鼻窦炎




短语搭配Snivel Swindler 黏黏大盗to snivel 哭脸 ; 哭鼻子mucous snivel 鼻鼽snivel l 啜泣examination of snivel spot 鼻涕斑检验lung dominating snivel 肺主涕be apt to snivel 动不动就哭鼻子lung forms snivel 肺为涕sticky purulent snivel 黏脓涕


一.snivel 英音:['snivl] 美音:['sn?v!]


不及物动词 vi.



名词 n.






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