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08-17 投稿


akimbo 发音

英:[??k?mbo?]  美:[??k?mb??]

英:  美:

akimbo 中文意思翻译




akimbo 网络释义

adv. 两手叉腰adj. 两手叉腰的

akimbo 短语词组

1、akimbo gaming akimbo ─── 游戏

2、akimbo m19 ─── 阿基姆博m19

3、akimbo cafe akimbo ─── 咖啡馆

4、akimbo audiobook player ─── 包括音频播放器

5、akimbo lab akimbo ─── 实验室

6、akimbo cafe lab akimbo ─── 咖啡馆实验室

7、akimbo meaning akimbo ─── 意思

8、akimbo span ─── 肘间距

9、akimbo card akimbo ─── 卡

10、akimbo definition akimbo ─── 定义

11、guns akimbo ─── 阿金博枪

akimbo 相似词语短语

1、timbo ─── 树藤;n.(Timbo)人名;(基里)斯姆博;(塞拉)廷博

2、limbo ─── n.监狱;地狱的边境;放置丢弃物的场所;处于中间的或不定的状态;n.(Limbo)人名;(纳米)林博

3、cacimbo ─── n.加新坡雾(非洲西南沿岸的一种浓雾)

4、Crimbo ─── 罪犯

5、kimbo ─── 金波

6、bimbo ─── n.女人(尤指行为不检点者,如妓女);男人(尤指名誉不好者,如流氓);n.(Bimbo)人名;(德、意、尼日利)宾博;(西)宾沃

7、skimo ─── 爱斯基摩人

8、himbo ─── n.英俊却无头脑的年轻男子;徒有外表却无内涵的男人

9、dimbo ─── 烟雾

akimbo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Desirable also admire horizontal to massage (do not need akimbo ) single-handed. ─── 也可取仰卧式按摩(一手不需叉腰)。

2、children standing akimbo by the fence. ─── 双手叉腰站在篱笆附近的孩子们。

3、He was still deep in sleep, legs kicking akimbo as he raced across a field after an imaginary cat. ─── 它依然熟睡,双脚抵腰,好像在追逐着瞌睡猫。

4、with one's hands on one's hips; akimbo ─── 两手叉腰

5、Trinket stood to one side, arms akimbo, thinking to himself: 'Here's your man! ─── 韦小宝走到殿边一站,双手扠腰,心道:“老子就在这里,你们放马过来罢。”

6、Do not stand with arms akimbo, around shoulders, or leaning on other objects. ─── 不得叉腰、抱肩,不得依靠它物。

7、The exclusively personal attention which he devoted to each one, standing half bent, ear to one side, elbows akimbo, saying: "Soup--green turtle, yes. ─── 伺候,半弯着腰立在旁边,侧耳倾听,两手叉腰,口里念着:"汤--甲鱼汤,好的。一份,好的。牡蛎吗,有的--要半打,好的。芦笋。橄榄--好的。"

8、Do not stand with arms akimbo, around shoulders, or leaning on other objects. ─── 不得叉腰、抱肩,不得依靠它物。

9、She stood,arms akimbo,looking around. ─── 她站著,两手叉著腰,向四下张望。

10、(9) lies on his back bridge preliminary pose: The patient lies on his back, make strong point with akimbo, two legs bend one's knees becomes 90 degrees, sole is put on the bed. ─── (9)仰卧架桥 预备姿势:患者仰卧,以两手叉腰作支撑点,两腿屈膝成90度,脚掌放在床上。

11、, standing half bent, ear to one side, elbows akimbo, saying: "Soup -- green turtle, yes.One portion, yes.Oysters -- certainly -- half-dozen -- yes.Asparagus.Olives -- yes. ─── 他对每一位顾客都悉心专门地伺候,半弯着腰立在旁边,侧耳倾听,两手叉腰,口里念着:“汤--甲鱼汤,好的。

12、(2) wind places pose of lotus leaf provision: Bipod is opened a bit wider than the shoulder, akimbo, big toe is advanced. ─── (2)风摆荷叶 预备姿势:两脚开立比肩稍宽,两手叉腰,拇指在前。

13、wind places pose of lotus leaf provision: Bipod is opened a bit wider than the shoulder, akimbo , big toe is advanced. ─── 风摆荷叶预备姿势:两脚开立比肩稍宽,两手叉腰,拇指在前。

14、The mistress stood with arms akimbo while she talked to her new servant. ─── 女主人双手叉腰站着对他的新仆人说话。

15、Photo Gallery: Jurassic Period The late-Jurassic Archaeopteryx lithographica, shown here with legs akimbo and wings outspread, is believed by many to be the world's first bird. ─── 译文:侏罗纪时代图片集。晚侏罗世始祖鸟lithographica ,在这里显示双手叉腰与腿和翅膀延伸,相信是许多成为世界上第一鸟。

16、with arms akimbo ─── 两手叉着腰

17、The way it runs – pumping its back legs akimbo, has earned it the name "bicycle lizard." ─── 它逃跑的方式 – 把后腿向后弯曲,所以被人称为“自行车蜥蜴”。

18、arms akimbo ─── 双手叉腰

19、stand akimbo ─── 手叉腰站着

20、He stood there with arms akimbo. ─── 他双手叉腰站在那.

21、She stood with arms akimbo while she gave the mistress a piece of her mind. ─── 她双手插要站着,对女主人诉说着她的一桩心思。

22、akimbo span ─── 肘间距

23、Next, with right hand akimbo, left hand is massaged 36 times, the method is Alexandrine, way is opposite. ─── 然后,以右手叉腰,左手按摩36次,方法同上,方向相反。

24、bipod maintains square-shouldered distance, both hands akimbo. ─── 两脚保持肩宽的距离,双手叉腰。

25、She was 3 feet tall with arms akimbo and wearing a full-length skirt, displaying a gracious posture despite her old age (she stood 3 feet high and her hands rested on her hips. ─── 考古工作者把这些碎片重新拼装起来后,惊奇地发现那位女神原来是一位相貌十分摩登的女郎。

26、She stood, arms akimbo, looking around. ─── 她站着,两手叉着腰,向四下张望。

27、Desirable also admire horizontal to massage (do not need akimbo) single-handed. ─── 也可取仰卧式按摩(一手不需叉腰)。

28、she stood there akimbo. ─── 她两手叉腰站在那里。

29、twist.with arms; akimbo with one's hands on one's hips and one's elbows pointed outwards ─── 双手叉着腰.

30、both hands akimbo , left leg feels with you comfortable pose stands backward backward, right leg take up, sole contacts the ground. ─── 双手叉腰,左腿向后以你感到舒适的姿势向后站立,右腿绷紧,脚掌接触地面。

31、Children standing with arms akimbo. ─── 双手叉腰站着的孩子们

32、There he remained,dead to the world,limbs akimbo,until we left(Alex Shoumatoff)[ She ] often skips into a veritable ballet of akimbo limbs(Jack Kroll) ─── 直到我们离去他一直四肢弯曲着呆在那儿,对外界全然不顾(亚历克斯·肖马托夫)[她]常常能跳出四肢弯曲的真正的芭蕾舞动作杰克·克罗尔)

33、the body stands, both hands akimbo, curve knee next, keep small couchant pose. ─── 二、身体站立,双手叉腰,然后弯曲膝盖,保持微蹲的姿势。

34、FAN: (Folded akimbo against her waist) is me her was you dreamed before? ─── 扇子:(阖拢,斜顶着腰肢)你原先梦想过的她,就是我吗?

35、Fixed akimbo rapid fire exploit. ─── 修正双枪的射击速度问题。

36、a tailor sitting with legs akimbo; stood with arms akimbo. ─── 裁缝交叉着双腿坐着;两手叉腰的站着。

37、She stood with arms akimbo. ─── 她双手叉腰站着。

38、He was still deep in sleep, legs kicking akimbo as he raced across a field after an imaginary cat. ─── 它依然熟睡,双脚抵腰,好像在追逐着瞌睡猫。

39、(11) all sides places lotus provision pose: Patient bipod is standing, both hands akimbo, big toe is in hind. ─── (11)四面摆莲 预备姿势:患者两脚正立,双手叉腰,拇指在后。

40、In the strip clubs of Kabuki-cho. dancers pass Polaroid cameras to the patrons and pose, legs akimbo, for thousand-yen tips. ─── 在歌舞伎的夜总会,舞女们在波拉相机面前摆出迷人的姿势。

41、2. Children standing with arms akimbo . ─── 他两手叉腰,站在铺子前。

42、Body language is one kind of nonverbal communication, such as winking (to indicate "I'm kidding" or a sexual advance), or arms held akimbo (in some cultures, merely resting; ─── 肢体语言是一种非言辞的沟通方式,例如眨眼(以表示“只是在开玩笑”或者有性方面的暗示)或者两手叉腰(在某些文化里,它纯粹表示放轻松;

43、Their Captain sat on his horse, arms akimbo, surveying the scene. ─── 史松双手叉腰,骑在马上掠阵。

44、They were sprawled, all legs and arms akimbo across their seats, absorbed in their cellphones or speaking quietly in small knots. ─── 他们在座位上摊手摊脚,有些全神贯注地在玩手机,有些几个人一起轻声谈话。

45、The referee stood with his arms akimbo. ─── 裁判双手叉腰站着。

46、both hands akimbo, left leg feels with you comfortable pose stands backward backward, right leg take up, sole contacts the ground. ─── 十五、双手叉腰,左腿向后以你感到舒适的姿势向后站立,右腿绷紧,脚掌接触地面。

47、It was in one of these that our word akimbo unexpectedly appeared more than 200 years earlier than the next citation in the 1600s. ─── 就是在这些文献中,我们的单词akimbo出乎意料的早出现了200多年,下一个引用则是在17世纪了。

48、Put your elbows slightly forward with arms akimbo. ─── 肘稍向前,两手叉腰。

49、Akimbo - Kung Fu Hero Chinese ─── 功夫英雄中文版

50、The handsome young soldier who had brought in the wood put his arms akimbo, and began a smart and nimble shuffle with his frozen feet as he stood. ─── 那个抱木柴来的年轻英俊的士兵,两手叉腰,就地快速和有节奏的跺着冻僵了的脚。

51、Natasha flung off the shawl that had been wrapped round her, ran forward facing the uncle, and setting her arms akimbo, made the movements of her shoulder and waist. ─── 娜塔莎扔下披在她身上的头巾,向大叔面前跑去,她双手叉腰,耸耸肩膀,停步了。

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