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08-17 投稿


boaster 发音

英:[?bo?st?r]  美:[?b??st?(r)]

英:  美:

boaster 中文意思翻译



boaster 词性/词形变化,boaster变形

名词: boaster |动词第三人称单数: boasts |动词过去分词: boasted |形容词: boastful |副词: boastfully |动词过去式: boasted |动词现在分词: boasting |

boaster 短语词组

1、boaster synonym ─── 吹牛者同义词

2、boaster definition ─── 吹牛的定义

boaster 相似词语短语

1、blaster ─── n.导火线,爆裂药;爆破工

2、boater ─── n.硬草帽;乘船的人

3、Coaster ─── n.沿岸贸易船;杯托,小托盘;雪橇

4、boasted ─── v.v.有(引以为荣的事物)(boast的过去式和过去分词);扬言

5、toaster ─── n.烤面包炉;用即兴演讲配以雷盖音乐的主持人

6、roaster ─── n.烘烤器;炙烤的人;烤用的食物

7、booster ─── n.升压机;支持者;扩爆器

8、bolster ─── n.长枕,垫枕;承梁;托木;支持;(削砖用的)凿刀;v.支持,支撑;给(座位)加软垫;改善,巩固;增强,激励;n.(Bolster)(美、印、荷)博尔斯特(人名)

9、baster ─── n.润肉者;n.(Baster)人名;(英)巴斯特

boaster 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What do you mean by your boast? ─── 你这样自夸是什麽意思?

2、asked the boaster, and went with the pitcher to the water. ─── 牛皮大王,并与投手的水去。

3、A boaster and a liar ar Woman e cousins-german. ─── 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。

4、He boast that he was the strongst man in the village turned out to be unture. ─── 他自诩是村里最强壮的人,后来证明并非事实。

5、Joe always like to blow his own trumpet. He would boast his relation net. ─── 乔总是喜欢自吹自擂,有机会它就吹嘘自己的关系网。

6、Henry actually used to boast that he never kept any files. ─── 事实上享利经常吹嘘他不保留任何档案。

7、The boaster always boasted, but his neighbor had never believed his boast. ─── 这个自吹自擂的家伙老是吹牛,但他的邻居从来都不相信他吹的牛皮。

8、Cactus Valley boast of having one of the most variety of cactus plants, some as old as70 years. ─── 园内拥有超过70多年历史的仙人掌。它种植的植物和仙人掌种类繁多.水培法栽培植物包括番茄、莓等供观赏.

9、Tianshan mountains boast of many strange creatures, for instance, beavers. ─── 天山上奇珍异品很多。 我们知道水獭是生活在水滨和水里的,而天山上却生长着旱

10、A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 255. Learn not and know not. ─── 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。不学无术。

11、Miss Lee is a big boaster; her bark is bigger than her bite. ─── 李小姐是个自吹自擂的人,她的咆哮声比口咬的动作更厉害。

12、Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. ─── 不要为1明日自夸,因为一日要生何事,你尚且不能知道。

13、Don't boast and don't be modest. ─── 不要自夸,也不要太谦虚。

14、Don't you and Fitchett boast too much, that is all! ─── 你和菲奇特就算了,别不知好歹!

15、The government's other boast is to have fostered “inclusive growth”. ─── 印度政府还有一项自夸的是它们培养了“包容性增长”。

16、And they may like to boast about their every-man-a-king populism. ─── 同时他们可能喜欢夸耀自己“每个人都是国王”的民粹主义原则。

17、SES and Eutelsat boast profit margins of over 25%. ─── 其中SES和欧洲通信卫星公司宣称达到了25%的利润率。

18、Not of works, lest any man should boast. ─── 也不是出于行为、免得有人自夸。

19、English: A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. ─── 中文:吹牛者和撒谎者是表兄弟。

20、He would always help a lame dog over the stile, that was his boast. ─── 他常常对有困难的人帮一把,这是他引以自傲的事。

21、Darling used to boast to Wendy that her mother not only loved him but respected him. ─── 他是一个学问高深的人,懂得股票和红利什么的。

22、We boast of our professional refurbishing team. ─── 二、我们拥有专业的修缮队伍。

23、It has never been the boast of a modest person that he alone could accomplish such a hard task. ─── 一个谦虚的人从来不会夸口说只有他才能够完成这样一件困难的任务。

24、It can boast better views than many of the lakeside palace hotels. ─── 在这个地方你可以欣赏到比很多湖边宫廷宾馆更好的景色。

25、They always be boast theirselves though many situation they just say that. ─── 他们喜欢自吹自擂,尽管多数情况下只是说说而已。

26、and a liar are cousins-german. ─── 与扯谎本是同宗。

27、However, it was my only experience to boast about in my childhood. ─── 在我的童年中,也就只有过这么一次。

28、You who boast in the law, do you by transgression of the law dishonor God? ─── 你指著律法夸口,自己却犯律法玷辱神么?

29、KJV] Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? ─── [新译]斧头怎可以向用斧头砍木的人自夸呢?

30、None but a coward dares to boast that he has never known fear. ─── 只有懦夫敢于声称自己从来不知道惧怕。

31、They have a host of matters to deal with, and nobody can boast of being able to handle everything perfectly. ─── “班长”的事情很多,谁也不能说样样事情就处理得那么周到。

32、It is a disease to boast when you do not know. ─── 不知知之,病。

33、His boast that he was the strongest man in the village turned out to be untrue. ─── 他自诩是村里最强壮的人,后来证明并非事实。

34、EIAI can boast that none of its planes has been hijacked since 1968. ─── 可以使EIAI公司引以自豪的是它的飞机自从1968年以来没有一架被劫持过。

35、In public they have to boast about the training revolution they are supposedly. ─── 在公开场合他们不得不吹嘘据称是由他们领导的培训革命。

36、Great boaster, little doer . ─── 夸夸其谈,不见行动。

37、He says it "vaunteth not itself". It doesn't boast about its achievements. ─── 他说: "爱是不自夸"。就是让我们不为自己的成就夸口。

38、He used to boast to us about his rich aunt. ─── 他常对我们夸耀他那富有的舅母。

39、The worst use that can be made of success is to boast of it. ─── 利用成功的最差劲的手法是以此炫耀。

40、Every salesman boast of his own ware. ─── 卖主皆夸已货好。

41、I don't believe his boast that he can run faster than I can. ─── 他吹牛说他能跑得比我快,我不相信。

42、A boaster and a liar are cousins. ─── 吹牛和说谎本是同宗。

43、I would rather die than have anyone deprive me of this boast. ─── 因为我宁可死,也不叫人使我所夸的落了空。

44、Boast yourself!I will never believe you! ─── 吹你的牛吧!我再也不相信你了。

45、A boaster and a liar are cousins. ─── 吹牛和说谎本是同宗。

46、The medal he won was his boast. ─── 他获得的那枚奖章是他的骄傲。

47、Which city can boast such success within a decade? ─── 哪个都市能因在十年内获此成就而自豪?

48、They had all many things to relate, especially the shirt collar, who was a terrible boaster. ─── “我连半点钟的安静都没有!

49、The best way to cure a boaster is by putting his words to the test. ─── 治愈自大的人最好方法是对他说的话进行测试。

50、That is not all he has to boast about. ─── 值得他夸耀的还不止这个。

51、Does not boast of its length of years. ─── 不夸耀时间久远。作者

52、Boast 2 inside how to found a character " crape myrtle god " ? ─── 大话2里面怎么创建人物“紫薇神”?

53、It was his proud boast that he had never missed a day's work because of illness. ─── 他从未请过一天病假,这是他引以自豪的事。

54、D: Don't boast about yourself. I will smash you up. ─── 别得意,我会撞扁了你的。

55、His boast that he could drink ten pints of beer impressed nobody. ─── 他自吹自擂说能喝十品脱啤酒,但无人理睬他.

56、A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 5. Between friends all is common. 5. Fools grow without watering. ─── 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。朋友之间不分彼此。朽木不可雕。

57、He always boast about how well he plays golf. ─── 他常常自夸他高尔夫球打得如何如何好。

58、So that no one may boast before him. ─── 使一切有血气的,在神面前一个也不能自夸。

59、A young man challenged him to make good his boast. ─── 一个青年要他把他说的大话兑现。

60、Don't believe all he says - he's a bit of a boaster. ─── 别全信他说的,他有点自吹自擂。

61、Even a small town will boast a couple of shops. ─── 即使一个小镇总也有三、两家店铺而引以自豪。

62、That is why I gave you hard names and boast of my callous strength. ─── 因此我给你安上了苛刻的名字,而夸示我的硬骨。

63、Don't boast about your chopstick skills when you don't have any. ─── 在你不懂用筷子的时候,记得不要强作熟练。

64、I n the foreseeable future, the village will boast a new school and a new road. ─── 在可预见的未来,这个村庄将以拥有一所新学校和一条新道路而自豪。

65、His boast is that he' s the best. ─── 他自吹他是最好的。

66、It is his boast that he has never been late for work. ─── 他为自己上班从未迟到感到自豪。

67、He would always help a lame dog over a stile, that was his boast. ─── 他总是对有困难的人帮一把,这是他引以为豪的事。

68、He himself was a bad commander, a boaster and ruffian . ─── 他本人是个弊脚的指挥官,会吹牛皮,又粗鲁残暴。

69、And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for Allah loveth not any arrogant boaster. ─── 你不要为藐视众人而转脸,不要洋洋得意地在大地上行走。真主确是不喜爱一切傲慢者、矜夸才的。

70、He loses no opportunity to boast of the glories of his native land. ─── 他不失时机地吹嘘他家乡的繁华。

71、He thought that it was something of which he could justifiably boast. ─── 他认为这是一件可以自夸的事。

72、Joe made good his boast to swim across the lake. ─── 乔夸口要游过湖去,他果然做到了。

73、He never boast his wife,just takes her for granted. ─── 他从不夸妻子,只是觉得她一切理当如此.

74、This boast is not confirmed by my memory of anybody who on Sunday morning has forced me to partake of his adventure. ─── 在我的记忆中,这种夸夸其谈从未被任何一位星期日早晨强迫我参加他的散步活动者证实.

75、English: A boaster and a liar are all one. ─── 中文:吹牛者和撒谎者是一路货。

76、Those who like to boast are always unpopular. ─── 喜欢吹擂自己的人总是不太招人喜欢的。

77、That is why I gave you hard names and boast of my boast of my callous strength. ─── 因此我给你安上苛刻的名字,而夸示我的硬骨。

78、The worst use that can be made of success is to boast of it . ─── 利用成功的最差尽的手法是以此炫耀。

79、They all had much to say, but the collar the most; for he was a real boaster. ─── 他们都有许多话要讲,但是衬衫领子讲得最多;因为他真是个吹牛大王。

80、His writing ability is not much to boast of. ─── 他的写作能力不很好。

81、A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.Bluffing and lying are the same clan. ─── A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。

82、Do not boast until your enemy is dead. ─── 仇敌死前莫自夸。

83、His boast that he can drink ten pint of beer impress nobody. ─── 他自吹自擂说能喝十品脱啤酒,但无人理睬他。

84、Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? ─── 15斧,岂可向用釜砍木的自夸呢。

85、Every man has assuranced enough to boast of his honesty - few of their understandings. ─── 人人皆夸耀自己诚实,但是几乎无人理解诚实的含义。

86、It is bad to do evil, but worse to boast of it . ─── 作恶是坏事,扬恶恶更甚。

87、He won't boast about his firm's sensational performance. ─── 他不会吹嘘自己公司的轰动效果。

88、I like to boast, smugly, that I haven't paid for a CD in years. ─── 以前我总喜欢自鸣得意到我已经好几年没有买过一张CD了。

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