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08-17 投稿


plication 发音

英:[[pla?'ke???n]]  美:[[pla?'ke???n]]

英:  美:

plication 中文意思翻译



plication 短语词组

1、plication knee ─── 折叠膝

2、plication hip ─── 折叠髋关节

3、plication define ─── 应用程序定义

4、plication game ─── 复制游戏

5、capsular plication ─── 包膜折叠术

6、concentric plication ─── 同心折叠

plication 词性/词形变化,plication变形

异体字: plicature |

plication 相似词语短语

1、replication ─── n.复制;回答;反响

2、publication ─── n.出版;出版物;发表

3、aprication ─── 日光浴

4、explication ─── n.说明;阐明;展开(花瓣、叶子等的)

5、plications ─── n.褶皱,皱纹

6、duplication ─── n.复制;副本;成倍

7、implication ─── n.含义;暗示;牵连,卷入;可能的结果,影响

8、silication ─── n.硅化作用

9、application ─── n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;(对事物、学习等)投入

plication 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Calculative method of mechanical admittance curve and its preliminary ap plication for multi-defective piles in layered soil ─── 层状土中多缺陷桩的导纳曲线计算及初步应用

2、left atrial wall plication ─── 左房壁折叠术

3、Plication of annulus of heart valve ─── 心脏瓣膜环折术

4、Keywords Reel curtain type dry seal gas holder;Rubber membrane;Sealing;Ap plication; ─── 卷帘型干式气柜;橡胶膜;密封;应用;

5、plication deformity ─── 折襞畸形[胃次全截除术后造影征象]

6、intestinal plication ─── 小肠折叠排列术

7、Plication of fascia of hand ─── 手筋膜折术


9、diaphragmatic plication ─── 膈折叠术

10、Abstract:The function of line according to the need and ap- plication for VXIbus based test software platform is present- ed.The methods of realization of line and test are given. ─── 摘要:根据VXI总线测试软件平台的要求和实际应用, 提出了连线应有的功能,阐述了连线的实现办法,并对 连线进行了测试。

11、Disadvantage and Improvement of Video Conference System in Distance Teaching Ap plication ─── 视频会议系统在远程教学应用中的不足与改善

12、It was safe and effective to perform midline whole layer plication under endoscopic assistance. ─── 我们趁著合并有骨盆腔内手术之便,在内视镜辅助下安全而有效的施行中线摺叠术。

13、Kay's plication operation ─── 凯氏折迭术:三尖瓣闭锁不全, 后叶损毁者, 折迭后叶, 使变成二叶

14、Plication of sphincter of urinary bladder ─── 膀胱括约肌折术

15、Treatment of recurrent intestinal obstruction with modified external intestinal plication: a report of 52 cases ─── 改良肠外排列治疗复发性小肠梗阻52例分析

16、Plication of urethrovesical junction ─── 尿道膀胱接合部折术

17、constitutional plication the present age. dements ─── 构成要素

18、Matlab /Borland C++Builder /SQL Server Co-programming and Its Ap plication ─── Matlab/Borland C++Builder/SQL Server混合编程及应用

19、The splitting method is employed to demonstrate the Miller s theorem and coupling Miller s theorem and the ap- plication of the splitting method for circuit analysis is described by using example. ─── 用阻抗分裂法证明了密勒定理及对偶密勒定理,并举例说明了阻抗分裂法在电子线路分析中的应用。

20、internal plication suture ─── 内部折迭缝合

21、Keywords liquid pressure energy;recycle;ap plication; ─── 流体压力能;回收;应用;

22、Plication of mesentery ─── 肠系膜折术

23、radiating plication ─── 放射褶(动)

24、plication of eventration of diaphragm ─── 膈膨升折术

25、Keywords Three-target horizontal well;Kenji ya ke oil field;ap plication; ─── 三靶水平井;肯基亚克油田;应用;

26、The pumps have long been used on nuclear submarines but this is the first ap plication of them on a commercial nuclear power plant. ─── 该泵曾长期在核潜艇中使用,但这次是他们首次在商业核电站中应用。

27、To recover renal anatomy and function, 32 patients with severe hydronephrosis underwent removing causes for obstructions as well as renal plication. ─── 为了恢复积水肾的解剖和功能,我们对32例重度行积水病人在去除梗阻病因的同时,实施肾折叠成形术。

28、Plication of fascia ─── 筋膜折叠术

29、The Dependablitiy Between CT Grade of the Acute Pancreatitis and CT Depiction of the Liver Parenchymatous Abnormal Density of the Com plication of the Acute Pancreatitis ─── 急性胰腺炎CT分级及其所致肝实质密度异常的CT表现间的相关性

30、Plication of uterosacral ligament ─── 子宫骶韧带折术

31、plication of intestine ─── 肠折叠术

32、Metal O-rings was required as a high reliability sealing element in the safety valve for the ap-plication in nuclear power plants. ─── 金属“O”环作为安全阀的静密封元件,要求具备极高的密封可靠性。

33、Good results were obtained. Its ap plication proves that the tool is reliable, accurate and easy to operate. ─── 应用结果表明,该仪器操作简单,性能可靠,测试数据精确,具有较好的应用价值。

34、Plication of diaphragm ─── 膈折术

35、A simplified method for the calculation of the filling ratio of the mill and its ap plication ─── 一种简捷计算磨机填充率的方法及应用

36、It is made by plication of the two upper limbs of the "Y" after the removal of the seromusculature from the biliary limb, so that the conjoined wall-in-between will he compassed deviating to the biliary, side to form a spur value. ─── Y的两升支并拢缝合前,先切除胆道支邻侧的浆肌层,则使缝合后的共同肠壁被压迫偏向胆道侧而形成矩形瓣。

37、plication of Jason inversion to prediction of gas - bearing reservoir in Shangfa gas field, Baise Basin. ─── Jason反演在百色盆地上法气田含气砂层预测中的应用

38、Surgery com- plication ─── 并发症

39、Plication of emphysematous bleb ─── 气肿性肺大泡折叠术

40、Sorption study s howed that there was a great difference in sulphur adsorption among soils and ap plication of fertilizer sulphur adsorption. ─── 不同土壤对硫的吸附差异较大,应针对不同吸附特性推荐施肥;

41、This review can provide the guidance for appropriate ap plication of elemental S in S deficient soils and give suggestion for future res earch on this aspect. ─── 对今后在缺硫土壤上合理施用硫磺提供理论依据,并对今后的研究方向提出了建议。

42、RESULTS: The result of each operation had its advantages and complications. Levator plication was an ideal surgical method for the current. ─── 结果:每种手术均有其优点及并发症,提上睑肌折叠术为目前较为理想的手术方法。

43、rectal plication ─── 直肠折叠术

44、plication of small intestine ─── 小肠排列术小肠折叠排列术小肠折术

45、Plication of peripheral vein ─── 周围静脉折术

46、tricuspid plication ─── 三尖瓣折术

47、plication A series of small folds or pleats. ─── 折叠一系列的小摺层或褶状物。

48、Plication of inferior vena cava ─── 下腔静脉折术

49、At last an example is given to demonstrate the availability and ap-plication of the proposed method. ─── 最后取一组小样本数据进行计算,实例结果表明所提出的方法合理有效。

50、Plication of tendon ─── 肌腱折术

51、Repair of uterine ligaments by plication ─── 用折术行子宫韧带修复术

52、Concomitant procedures included mitral leaflet removal (5 patients), leaflet plication (3), closure of mitral cleft(8), and anuloplasty (28). ─── 同时行瓣裂缝合8例,瓣环成形28例(后环缝缩14例)。

53、plication of valvular ring ─── 瓣环折叠术

54、This paper introduces a novel lightweight protocol for field sensor networks suit to Industrial ap- plication. ─── 本文针对工业监控现场特点,提出一种面向现场传感器网络的轻量级通信协议。

55、Plication of stomach ─── 胃折术

56、The concept of clean degree about en vironment of finishing plants and ap plication technology of con-trolling clean degree of plants are i ntroduced. ─── 介绍了涂装车间环境的洁净度概念及控制车间洁净度的一些软、硬件应用技术。

57、cusp plication ─── 瓣叶折迭术

58、plication operation of urethra ─── 尿道折叠术加

59、plication of Landscape Ecology[ M ] . Beij ng : Science Press ,2000. ─── [傅伯杰,陈利顶,马克明,等.景观生态学原理

60、Plication of tricuspid valve with repositioning ─── 三尖瓣折术伴复位术

61、The ap plication of the generally used expression is discussed.The reason of which is not suitable to non-cooperative rangefinder is pointed out. ─── 对普遍使用的计算接收光功率公式的适用范围进行了讨论,指出了其不适用于非合作目标短距离测量的原因。

62、Another case had Abdominal cocoon(AC),found in the operation of i ntestine obstruction ,and had performed thesubtotal capsulectomy ,enterolysis an d plication of intestine. ─── 结果:两例病例分别随诊6年、3年,均未再出现肠梗阻表现,预后好。

63、tendon plication ─── 肌腱短缩术

64、The paper also provi des the structure of combined hermetic devices of the typical hydraulic cylinder s, materials and operation parameters and introduces the prospect of study and ap plication of combined hermetic device. ─── 给出了典型液压缸组合式密封装置的结构形式、用材料和工作参数,指明了组合式密封装置的应用和研究前景。

65、Keywords reactive spray drying;modeling;ap plication; ─── 喷雾反应干燥;模拟;应用;

66、Plication of round ligament ─── 园韧带折术

67、And then some important related elements which affect the classified perfo rmance of AWN are analyzed, conclusions which are of great importance in real ap plication are obtained. ─── 同时对该网络的分类性能进行了分析,得出了一些具有实际价值的结论。

68、Abstract: Readiness is a necessary quality characteristic of naval ship's weapon system in ap? plication. ─── 摘要:战备完好性是舰船系统在使用过程中需要达到的一种质量特性。

69、Plication of levator for blepharoptosis ─── 提肌折术用于睑下垂

70、Objective To evaluate renal plication and nephropexy in the treatment of giant hydronephrosis. ─── 目的评价肾折叠和肾固定术在治疗巨大肾积水患者中的作用。

71、Human Herpesvirus 8 Lytic Cycle Re plication and Human Immunodeficien cy Virus Type 1 Tat ─── HIV-1 Tat蛋白对人类疱疹病毒8型复制的影响

72、This article guides you through making the most out of Rails applications in WebSphere Ap-plication Server. ─── 本文将指导您在WebSphere Application Server中充分利用Rails应用程序的功能。

73、This paper introduces the technical performance of RFID and its merits an d demerits,and makes brief analysis on the feasibility of the ap plication of RFID in library from soc ial,economic and technical aspects. ─── 介绍了RFID的技术性能及其优、缺点,并从社会、经济及技术等方面对RFID在图书馆应用的可行性进行了简要分析。

74、Good results were obtained.Its ap plication proves that the tool is reliab le, accurate and easy to operate. ─── 应用结果表明,该仪器操作简单,性能可靠,测试数据精确,具有较好的应用价值。

75、Construction Technology of Inclined-layer Placing Method for RCC Dam and Its Ap Plication ─── 碾压混凝土筑坝斜层铺筑法的施工技术及应用

76、Keywords plication of lower lid retractor;correct;lower lid entropion; ─── 关键词下睑缩肌折叠术;矫治;下睑内翻;

77、Benefits of this procedure included plication of diastasis recti, short learning curve, the absence of postoperative board like rigidity of abdominal wall and no need for expensive instruments. ─── 当腹部整形被考虑为附加手术而计划合并治疗的时候,我们可以趁腹膜腔已先前被打开之便,利用内视镜作中线筋膜的摺叠术。

78、The theoretical model of agicultural mechanization system evolution and its ap plication ─── 农业机械化系统演化的理论模型及应用

79、Theory of the generalized modular design of hydraulic press and it's ap plication ─── 液压机广义模块化设计原理及其应用

80、Plication of tendon of hand ─── 手肌腱折术

81、The level of ap- plication and research on oil analysis can be enhanced by using the network system. ─── 依托该网络,可提高我国油 液监控的总体水平。

82、The Application of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in Am plication and Detection of STlb Gene of ETEC ─── PCR在大肠杆菌ST1b基因扩增及其基因检测上的应用

83、Plication of ventricle of heart ─── 心室折术


85、The paper describe basic concept, characteristic and ap - plication of the sensor network. ─── 本文主要介绍了传感器网络的基本概念、特点和应用。

86、plication of urethra ─── 尿道折叠术

87、Plication of jejunum ─── 空肠折术

88、As the peritoneum remained intact in most abdominoplastic procedures, it was difficult to achieve whole layer plication of diastasis recti. ─── 在2-23个月的追综期内,除了一些小副作用外,大多达成好的美容效果。

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