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08-17 投稿


greyhound 发音

英:['gre'ha?nd]  美:[?ɡre?ha?nd]

英:  美:

greyhound 中文意思翻译



greyhound 网络释义

n. 灰狗(一种猎犬);快速船

greyhound 短语词组

1、mahratta greyhound ─── 马哈拉塔灰狗

2、Italian greyhound ─── 意大利灵缇犬

3、greyhound logo ─── 灰狗标志

4、greyhound bus ─── 灰狗长途客运, ─── 灰狗巴士〔美国的一种城际汽车客运服务〕

5、greyhound bus schedule ─── 灰狗巴士时刻表

6、brindle greyhound ─── 斑点灰狗

7、greyhound buses ─── 灰狗巴士

8、the greyhound is a dog ─── 灰狗是一只狗

9、greyhound movie ─── 灰狗电影

10、greyhound bus tickets ─── 灰狗巴士票

11、greyhound racing ─── 赛狗

12、greyhound dog ─── 灰狗

13、greyhound dvd ─── 灰狗dvd

14、greyhound rescue ─── 灰狗救援

15、greyhound cafe ─── 灰狗咖啡馆

greyhound 词性/词形变化,greyhound变形


greyhound 相似词语短语

1、gazehound ─── n.锐目猎犬

2、greyhounds ─── n.灰狗(一种猎犬);快速船

3、greyhead ─── greyhead

4、grewhound ─── 灰色

5、draghound ─── n.经训练能循人工臭迹追踪的猎犬

6、grewhounds ─── 灰狼

7、gorehound ─── n.爱好充满暴力和血腥的恐怖电影的人

8、deerhound ─── n.猎鹿犬

9、geepound ─── n.斯勒格;机磅

greyhound 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They say people can visit all the major American cities on a Greyhound and the fee is reasonable. ─── 人们说乘灰狗汽车可以走遍美国的主要大城市,而且费用也不贵。

2、The Hu le ace telescope is the size of a greyhound bus, it weighs ten to and flies 400 miles above the earth, moving five miles a second. ─── 哈勃太空望远镜的大小和灰狗巴士差不多,重达10吨,在离地球400英里的高空上飞行,每秒钟移动5英里。

3、Some folks like to get away, take a holiday from the neighborhood. Hop a flight to Miami Beach or to Hollywood. Me, I'm taking a Greyhound... ─── 有些人喜欢远行,离开四邻度假。登上前往迈阿密海滩或好莱坞的飞机。而我,将乘坐灰狗(长途客车)...

4、The Chinese thought it a shame for Monterey, Seaside and Pacific Grove combined not to have a Greyhound station. ─── 中国人觉得蒙特雷,海滨市,太平林市加在一起还不值得灰狗在这里设一个站,简直是耻辱。

5、Mr.Li didn't show up Wednesday or Thursday, the same day reports of a gruesome attack aboard an eastbound Edmonton-to-Winnipeg Greyhound bus began to surface. ─── 在蓝色字体部分的描述中,我们可以推测“李伟光”在温尼伯得到了一个面试机会,人家告诉他大约在月底进行这次面试。

6、Have you ever heard of American Greyhound buses? ─── 你有没有听过美国灰狗巴士?

7、You can go to every corner of the United States by Greyhound bus,can't you? ─── 搭乘灰狗巴士,你可以到达美国的任何角落,不是吗?

8、A man charged with stabbing and beheading a fellow Greyhound bus passenger appeared in court. ─── 一名男人因砍伤一个灰狗公车乘客,并斩断他的头被起诉。

9、var dogs = new Array("poodle","puli","greyhound");var fish = new Array("trout", "mackerel", "bass");var birds = new Array("robin", "hummingbird", "crow"); ─── 作了定义,其参数为-被选的动物种类。首部中我首先定义的几个数组:

10、When I was 18 and 19 I was flying down the wings like a greyhound, beating players and crossing the ball. ─── 当我还是18或19岁的时候,我奔跑起来像在飞,能够晃过后卫随意控制球。

11、The Greyhound is a sleek, contoured dog built for speed with a very deep chest and a flexible, curved spine. ─── 为了满足速度的需要,灵缇有着一个光滑的呈波状形的体形,和深深的胸部及灵活、弯曲的脊柱。

12、Any of a breed of swift, short-haired dog developed in England for racing, resembling the greyhound but smaller. ─── 小灵狗一种敏捷、短毛的狗,培育于英国为比赛而用,与灵相似但体型要小一些

13、small slender dog of greyhound type developed in England. ─── 在英国培育的一种小而瘦长的灰狗。

14、Good morning, could you tell me how to reserve a ticket for Greyhound Bus? ─── 早晨好,您能告诉我如何预订灰狗巴士的车票吗?

15、It's all right,” Jean urged him.“ You're free.” Suddenly Frankie understood. He exploded into a run, flying over the filed like a greyhound, his hooves barely touching the ground. ─── 没事了,”琼鼓励它。“你自由了。”突然间,弗兰基明白了。它猛地奔跑起来,像头身细腿长的细狗飞越过旷野,四蹄几乎腾空。

16、Any of a breed of swift,short - haired dog developed in England for racing,resembling the greyhound but smaller. ─── 小灵狗一种敏捷、短毛的狗,培育于英国为比赛而用,与灵?相似但体型要小一些

17、You'd better check the local Greyhound Bus depot , ─── 你最好去当地的灰狗巴士站,

18、Greyhound Package Express ─── 灰狗快运公司(美)

19、30. A fox ran across a field in front of him, as fast as a greyhound, as graceful as a cat. ─── 一只狐狸在他眼前一晃而过,象猎狗一样迅速,象猫儿一样轻巧。

20、Atlantic greyhound ─── 大西洋航线快速定期船

21、A fox ran across a field in front of him, as fast as a greyhound, as graceful as a cat. ─── 一只狐狸在他眼前一晃而过,象猎狗一样迅速,象猫儿一样轻巧。

22、A driver heading a wrong way crashes into a Greyhound bus in Alabama.The car's driver was killed, passengers on the bus injured.Authorities are investigating why the car was going the wrong way. ─── 在阿拉巴马,一名司机转向错误,同一辆灰狗汽车公司的公车相撞,汽车司机当场死亡,公车上的乘客受伤。

23、KJV] A greyhound; an he goat also; and a king, against whom there is no rising up. ─── [新译]还有高视阔步的(高视阔步的”原文作“束着腰的”,意义隐晦;现参古译本改译。)鸡和公山羊,以及率领军兵的君王。

24、they watch the parades or greyhound and horse racing, or they attend one of the many dances or contests that are held. ─── 他们会在旁观看游行或灰狗、马匹赛跑,或者是亲自参与其中一项舞蹈或竞赛项目。

25、There is a station outside the Greyhound Bus Depot . ─── 灰狗站外面就有一个车站,

26、He wandered distractedly out of his home, hitchhiked to Washington, and got on a Greyhound headed South. ─── 他心烦意乱地离开家,搭车前往华盛顿,又乘上了南下的灰狗巴士。

27、In the early 1900s, huge crowds would gather to watch greyhound coursing. ─── 在20世纪初期,看灰狗赛跑的人越来越多。

28、M8 Greyhound no longer does incremental engine damage to vehicles. ─── M8灰狗不在对装甲车造成叠加性的引擎损害。


30、Then, the second order moment, entropy, contrast, and uniformity are described as four image features based on the image greyhound symbiosis matrix on the point of statistics. ─── 从统计分析的角度出发,基于图像灰度共生矩阵描述了二阶矩、熵、对比度和均匀性这4个纹理特征量。

31、Abdomen : Slightly tucked up beyond the bottom line of the thorax, but never greyhound-like. ─── 腹部:略微上提胸部以外的底线,但从来没有灰狗状。

32、Each summer in the late 1960s, my two sisters and I would ride the Greyhound bus from Arizona to Arkansas to stay with our father. ─── 六十年代末的每个夏季,我和两个姐姐都要坐长途汽车从亚利桑那州回阿肯色州陪父亲住一段时间。

33、a greyhound coward ─── 夹着尾巴的猎犬

34、Greyhound bus ─── "灵缇"长途公共汽车(在美国很大一部分地区行驶的公共汽车,车上有善于赛跑的灵缇作为标志,华侨称之为"灰狗")

35、small slender dog of greyhound type developed in England ─── 在英国培育的一种小而瘦长的灰狗

36、Are you familiar with small lodging facilities around the Greyhound Bus station in San Francisco? ─── 你熟悉灰狗巴士在北方三幡市那边的起点站附近的小旅馆吗?

37、I didn't fly. I took the Greyhound. ─── 我没有乘飞机。我乘的是灰狗巴士。

38、Bargain Greyhound Racing Ticket On Sale! ─── 便宜赛狗票!

39、Greyhound is the largest long distance coach company, which offers the monthly pass. ─── “灰狗”汽车公司是美国最大的长途汽车公司,有月票出售。

40、Cause in my head there's a greyhound station ─── 因为在我脑海里有个车站

41、3.Barny has a good eye for a greyhound and very often picks the winner. ─── 巴尼很能辨认赛狗,因而常常能挑选出优胜者来。

42、in repose, folded back like a Greyhound's, though raised above the head in excitement without losing the fold, and even in some cases semierect. ─── 与爱尔兰猎狼犬很相像,但是体格梗轻巧,毛皮也更光滑一些,头部吻部呈锥形,反映出在血统上受灵提的影响,甚至被称作粗毛灵提。

43、A driver heading a wrong way crashes into a Greyhound bus in Alabama. ─── 在阿拉巴马州,一辆轿车司机驶入逆行车道与一辆长途汽车相撞。

44、They also spread into Persia and were sometimes called Persian Greyhound or in some other countries Like Russia where they are called Tazi, but they are ALL Salukis. ─── 他们还向波斯扩散,有时被称作波斯灵犬,在俄罗斯等有些国家,他们被称作“Tazi”,但他们都是萨路基。)

45、Where do I get a Greyhound ticket? ─── 我在哪儿买"灰狗"车票?

46、You can buy it when you go to the Greyhound station. ─── 您可以乘车时到"灰狗"车站去买。

47、The Greyhound running dog is one of the most-recognized brands in the world. ─── 灰狗公司也提供观光式以及全套式的服务。

48、The Hubble space telescope is the size of a greyhound bus, it weighs ten tons and flies 400 miles above the earth, moving five miles a second. ─── 哈勃太空望远镜的大小和灰狗巴士差不多,重达10吨,在离地球400英里的高空上飞行,每秒钟移动5英里。

49、Like a sprinting greyhound, its sheer athleticism is evidenced by taut, tightly pulled skin with a minimum of superfluousness aside from a pair of gills tacked on to the fenders. ─── 就像一个短跑灰狗,其纯粹的运动就是明证弦,紧紧拉皮肤用最少的superfluousness除了对鳃上涨的挡泥板。

50、In the 1500s, Queen Elizabeth I abolished this law and later initiated the first formal rules of greyhound coursing. Thus, dog racing became known as the "Sport of Queens." ─── 在16世纪,伊丽莎白一世废除了这个法律,之后制定了灰狗赛跑的第一个形式规则。因此,赛狗又以‘女王的活动’而知名。

51、the smooth-haired variety was developed from the Beagle, greyhound, Bull terrier , and a smooth-coated Black-and-tan terrier. ─── 另一种皮毛光滑,祖先为小猎兔狗、灵、斗牛及一个毛皮光滑、黑色与棕黄色相间的品种。

52、You may go to the Greyhound Website and get one online. ─── 您可以上灰狗的网站,在线购买一张。

53、Last summer I traveled from New York to San Francisco by Greyhound. ─── 去年夏天我搭灰狗巴士从纽约旅行到旧金山。

54、Italian Greyhound ─── n. 意大利灵缇犬

55、I missed the Greyhound bus. Could you please tell me how to get to Washington Square? ─── 我错过了灰狗巴士,请问怎么到华盛顿广场?

56、The world's fastest runners couldn't keep up with a greyhound in a straight sprint. Were such a contest held on a track with banked turns, it would become laughable. ─── 在直线短跑比赛中,世界上跑得最快的选手也赶不上一只灰狗。如果比赛安排在有转弯的跑道上进行,那么比赛的情形一定会使人哈哈大笑。

57、It takes ten hours to get to Florida by Greyhound. ─── 乘"灰狗"要10小时到达佛罗里达。

58、He gaged a costly ring upon the speed of his greyhound. ─── 他押上一只昂贵的戒指以示他猎犬的速度。

59、They suggested Greyhound and explained to me the reasons. ─── 他们建议灰狗并且解释了原因。

60、Muscular thighs and second thigh long and strong as in the Greyhound, and hocks well let down and turning neither in nor out. ─── 大腿肌肉发达,且第二节大腿长而结实,象灵缇犬的腿。飞节位置低,既不向内弯,也不向外翻。

61、bet money on(a horse,greyhound,etc) ─── 下赌注于(赛马、赛狗等)

62、I'm going to Greyhound City Terminal to buy a ticket for tomorrow. ─── 我准备到灰狗巴士的市区终点站买张明天的票。

63、At 5 am Greyhound bus from LA pulled into the bus terminal in Salinas. ─── 清晨五点钟,从洛杉矶来的灰狗长途汽车开进萨利纳斯车站。

64、Go Greyhound. ─── 坐灰狗公共汽车去。

65、In Norman England, the greyhound was a symbol of nobility. ─── 在诺曼时期的英格兰,灰狗是高贵一种象征。

66、The Greyhound Bus Origin Museum is located in Hibbing Minnesota. ─── 灰狗汽车公司原址博物馆座落在明尼苏达的希宾镇。

67、Valley Race Park - Contains programs and charts, simulcast calendar, directions, contacts and offers information on greyhound racing and wagering. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

68、He exploded into a run, flying over the filed like a greyhound, his hooves barely touching the ground. ─── 它猛地奔跑起来,像头身细腿长的细狗飞越过旷野,四蹄几乎腾空。

69、Italian greyhound [Italy] ─── 义大利亚格丽厚恩度[义大利]

70、They are the well-known Greyhound buses, Greyhound being the name of the company which owns these long-distance buses. ─── 他们就是著名的灰狗公共汽车。灰狗是一家拥有这些长途巴士的公司名。

71、Greyhound Lines, Inc. ─── 格雷杭得运输公司

72、Across the street from the church was a Pan American gas station where the Greyhound bus stopped. ─── 横跨从教会延伸出来的街道,有一个公共汽车终点站,旁边是个加油站。

73、You can also enjoy the most comprehensive pre-race analysis, trackwork and live races of Macao Horse Racing, as well as the live races of Macao Yat Yuen Greyhound. ─── 此外,澳门博览台更独家为您播送澳门赛马的赛前分析、晨操及赛事直播;并于赛狗日直播澳门逸园赛狗实况。

74、Should be set on high;in repose, folded back like a Greyhound's, though raised above the head in excitement without losing the fold, and even in some cases semierect. ─── 关系到个人喜好,但深兰灰色肯定是首选,其他的就是深浅不同的灰色、斑点色,深颜色通常是首选。

75、"The wirehaired variety was developed from a rough-coated Black-and-tan terrier; the smooth-haired variety was developed from the Beagle, greyhound, Bull terrier, and a smooth-coated Black-and-tan terrier." ─── 一种皮毛卷曲,来源自皮毛粗糙、黑色与棕黄色相间的品种;另一种皮毛光滑,祖先为小猎兔狗、灵、斗牛及一个毛皮光滑、黑色与棕黄色相间的品种。

76、And thus you see many a guy walking down the street with an Edsel.He could have a Porsche.He's got the mastiff, but wants the whippet, the greyhound. ─── 所以你看到很多家伙上街带着个“伊德塞尔”(注:福特汽车的一个品牌,属中低价位车,此处比喻女人的质量档次),其实他本来可以开辆“保时捷”的。

77、Last week, a small uncle to have a small Greyhound. ─── 上个星期,小姑父抱来一只小灰狗。

78、A Greyhound is airconditioned,too. And it has reclining seats. ─── 灰狗巴士也有空调设备,并且有卧椅。

79、Greyhound can run very fast ─── 灰狗跑得很快。

80、Some breeds, like the greyhound, have distinctions noticable only to the expert eye. ─── 一些品种,象灵缇(不知道翻译对否)只有行家才能分辨出来他们的差别。

81、Talbot, Mastiff and Greyhound - Courage, vigilancy and loyal fidelity. ─── 塔尔博特犬、马士提夫獒犬、灵(犭是)-勇气、警惕以及对信念的忠诚。

82、It may take two days for you to get Yollow Stone NP, if you decide to take Greyhound. ─── 我个人觉得还是集中精力玩一个地区比较好。贪多吃不下。

83、Any of a breed of swift, short-haired dog developed in England for racing, resembling the greyhound ─── 小灵狗一种敏捷、短毛的狗,培育于英国为比赛而用,与灵?飨嗨频?体型要小一些

84、A man he met on the Greyhound bus gave him a room until he found his feet. ─── 他在灰狗巴士上结识了一个人,那人提供给他一个房间落脚。

85、Tormented by the wish to see his father and his fairy sister with azure hair, he raced like a greyhound. ─── 他渴望看到自己的父亲和天蓝色头发的仙女姐姐,这让他很痛苦,他像灰狗一样狂奔。

86、Top speed up to 64 miles an hour. When you look at a cheetah, you are more likely to think 'spotted greyhound' than you are 'big cat. ' ─── 最高时速可达每小时64英里。在看到猎豹时,你更认为它像“斑点灰狗”而不是一只“大猫”。

87、” I left the shelter immediately, phoned my biological father in Boston, and took a greyhound that evening to see him. ─── 于是我马上离开庇护所,打电话给我在波士顿的生父,然后坐上傍晚的灰狗长途客车去看望他。

88、Mr. Liu is waiting in a Greyhound bus station for a long-distance bus, and needs some help. ─── 刘先生在格雷杭德长途汽车站等车,

89、In another song, "A Truck Driver's Prayer," the driver prays for a chance "to pass a Greyhound bus" before he dies. ─── 在另一首名叫“一个货车司机的祈祷”的歌里,司机祈祷自己能在有生之年有机会“超过一辆灰狗客车”。

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