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palatal 发音

英:[?p?l?tl]  美:[?p?l?tl]

英:  美:

palatal 中文意思翻译




palatal 网络释义

n. 上颚音adj. 腭的;上颚的

palatal 短语词组

1、palatal fissure ─── [医] 腭裂

2、palatal fold ─── 腭旋褶

3、Palatal consonant ─── 硬颚音

4、palatal myoclonus ─── [医] 腭肌阵挛

5、palatal bar ─── [医] 腭连接秆

6、Voiced palatal stop ─── 语音腭停止

7、palatal tuberodties ─── [医] 腭粗隆

8、palatal defect ─── [医] 腭缺损

9、maxillary palatal process ─── [医] 上颌骨腭突

10、median palatal cyst ─── [医] 腭中囊肿

11、palatal abscess ─── [医] 腭脓肿

12、palatal indices ─── [医] 腭指数

13、palatal arch ─── [医] 硬腭弓, 上颌弓

14、palatal triangle ─── [医] 腭三角

15、palatal tooth ─── 腭骨齿

16、Palatal lateral approximant ─── 腭侧近似

17、palatal reflex ─── [医] 腭反射

18、palatal nystagmus ─── [医] 腭震颤, 腭帆提肌痉挛

19、palatal surface ─── 腭面

palatal 词性/词形变化,palatal变形

副词: palatally |

palatal 相似词语短语

1、palatial ─── adj.宫殿似的;宏伟的;壮丽的

2、palatably ─── adv.称心愉快地;美味地

3、Galata ─── n.(Galata)人名;(匈)高洛陶;(俄、意)加拉塔

4、palama ─── [脊椎]膜蹼;鸟蹼

5、balatas ─── n.巴拉塔树,钱线子属植物;橡皮树,树胶

6、palatally ─── 腭的;腭音的;摩擦产生的;舌面中音的

7、palatable ─── adj.美味的,可口的;愉快的

8、palatals ─── adj.(与)腭(有关)的;上颚音的;n.颚音;构成腭的骨板

9、balata ─── n.巴拉塔树,钱线子属植物;橡皮树,树胶

palatal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Absent palatal reflex ─── 上颚反射缺失

2、Four patients had palatal myoclonus .Sleep disorders were also observed (four cases) . ─── 四位患者有腭肌阵挛,也可观察到睡眠障碍(4人)。

3、The patients with malignant eyelid tumors had good cosmetic results after tumor excision followed by reconstruction with palatal grafts and local skin flap. ─── 两例肿瘤切后眼睑缺损之病患,于同一次手术接受硬颚黏膜瓣与局部皮肤瓣重建手术,术后眼部外观几近正常;

4、Keywords all-trans retinoic acid;mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal cells;cell cycle;cyclins;retinoblastoma protein; ─── 全反式视黄酸;胎鼠腭间质细胞;细胞周期;细胞周期蛋白;视网膜母细胞瘤蛋白;

5、2. A18 year old male patient,Mesial lesion in relation to 26.Mesial and distal amalgam restorations with marginal deterioration.Discoloured Palatal groove. ─── 18岁男性患者,26号牙齿的牙冠中面出现缺损,中面及远中面的汞合金修复出现边缘恶化现象。上颚沟变色。收藏指正

6、Objective To evaluate the clinical stability of the palatal implant anchorage system in orthodontic treatment. ─── 目的评价腭部种植体支抗系统在临床固定矫治技术正畸治疗中的稳定性。

7、Helix spring expansion appliance;palatal suture;Tetracycline;force;age. ─── 01环圈式扩弓器;腭中缝;四环素;力值;年龄

8、posterior palatal seal area ─── 后腭封区, 后腭封闭区

9、Palatal sensations of fullness and roundness, with a pleasant taste of chocolate. ─── 整个上腭有种丝滑的巧克力的味道。

10、Methods Spiral CT scanning, image processing and CAD technology and FEM software were employed in the study to construct the three-dimensional finite element model of maxilla with a palatal implant. ─── 方法采用螺旋CT断层扫描、计算机图像处理、计算机辅助设计和有限元软件处理,建立含腭部种植体的上颌骨三维有限元模型。

11、Influence to Maxillary Development by Repairing Denudated Palates with Buccal Mucosa and Palatal Mucosa ─── 口腔颊、腭黏膜修复硬腭裸露骨面对上颌骨生长发育的影响

12、Clinical retrospective study of pure titanium palatal plate for upper complete denture ─── 上颌钛制腭托全口义齿临床应用的回顾性研究

13、Keywords rapid palatal expansion;palatal suture;tetracycline labeling;bisphosphonate;relapse ratio;mineralization apposition rate; ─── 快速上颌扩弓;腭中缝;四环素标记;二磷酸盐;复发率;矿化沉积速率;

14、Rapid Palatal Expansion(RPE) ─── 快速扩弓

15、The Use of Botulinum Toxin A in the Treatment of Palatal Myoclonus Tinnitus ─── 应用肉毒毒素A治疗腭肌阵挛性耳鸣临床分析

16、anterior palatal major connector ─── 前腭杆

17、Establishment of three-dimensional finite element model of maxillary complete denture with different shapes of palatal vault ─── 不同腭穹隆形态上颌全口义齿三维有限元模型的建立

18、human embryonic palatal mesenchymal(cells) ─── 人胚胎腭间质(细胞)

19、the changes of maxillary except palatal expansion did not influenced the successful result after the treatment finished. ─── 所引起的上颌复合体的扩弓以外的变化直至治疗结束,仍未发现对治疗结果产生显著影响。

20、A18 year old male patient,Mesial lesion in relation to 26.Mesial and distal amalgam restorations with marginal deterioration.Discoloured Palatal groove. ─── 18岁男性患者,26号牙齿的牙冠中面出现缺损,中面及远中面的汞合金修复出现边缘恶化现象。上颚沟变色。

21、Increases of palatal angles were significantly greater in the adult than those in the child group. ─── 成人组腭角变化值明显大于儿童组,具有显著性。

22、With respect to the protection of the anchorage of molar, it is more suitable for the palatal implant to connect with the first permanent molar than with the maxillary second bicuspid. ─── 就保护磨牙支抗来说,种植体连接在上领第一性磨牙较之连接在上领第二双尖牙更加合适。

23、palatal salivary gland of adenoid cystic carcinoma ─── 小涎腺腺样囊性癌

24、To pronounce as or alter to a palatal sound. ─── 发成颚音或变成颚音

25、This article presents a girl, aged 9 years and 6 months, with palatal arch constriction resulting in bilateral posterior crossbite and midline deviation. ─── 本文提出的临床病历报告为一名九岁半的女童,她于上颚因骨骼性狭窄而造成有双侧性后牙错咬的现象,并伴随功能性下颚咬合偏移中线的症状。

26、Analysis the cause of anterior palatal bow fracture in FRIII Appliance and development in experimental study to it ─── FRIII型矫治器前腭弓易断原因分析及改进

27、Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of titanium palatal plate for complete denture. ─── 摘要目的:观察钛制腭托全口义齿临床应用效果。

28、posterior palatal bar ─── 后腭杆

29、Keywords bone denudation palatal mucosa buccal mucosa maxillary development; ─── 关键词裸露骨面;腭黏膜;颊黏膜;上颌骨发育;

30、Keywords Bisphosphonate;Rapid maxillary expansion;Rat palatal suture;Relapse ratio osteoclast; ─── 双膦酸盐;快速上颌扩大;破骨细胞;

31、8.Any shovel or chisel shaped central or lateral tooth.Incisors have an incisal edge and concave lingual/ palatal which makes them perfectly adapted for cutting food. ─── 所有铲形或凿形的中央或侧方的切牙.门牙有一个切割缘和舌/腭的凹面以利于对切割食物做最佳的调整.

32、The anterior and posterior palatal circle(double bar) on the other hand is mechanically and biologically sound and cannot be cirticized if it is loacted as not to impinge upon tissues. ─── 前后腭杆设计无论在机械上还是在生物学上都比较合理,如果在设计上能够避免压迫软组织将是非常理想的。

33、palatal lift prosthesis ─── 提腭假体

34、Results: Cephalometric analysis revealed that the premaxilla was moved forward and downward and the length of palatal plane increased. ─── 头影测量分析显示上颌前部得到有效向前、向下移动;腭平面延长。

35、The center of rotation was an area located at the alvelar bone under the trifurcation near the mesiobuccal root and palatal root. ─── 3.牙体瞬间转动中心是一个范围,位于根分叉处偏近中颊根及舌侧根区域的牙槽骨中。

36、To pronounceas or alter to a palatal sound. ─── 发成颚音或变成颚音。

37、Ainless steel palatal bar wire ─── 不锈钢腭杆丝

38、Palatal expansion is frequently applied in correction of maxillary transverse deficiency and upper dental arch constriction. ─── 腭扩展是正畸常用的矫治上颌横向发育不足及上颌牙弓狭窄的固定矫治技术。

39、Rate of normal oral mucosa was 16.2%. Rate of normal labial,buccal,palatal and gingival mucosas was 65.7%. Incidence of fissured tongue was 74.3%. ─── 口腔粘膜全无异常率16.2%,唇颊腭龈粘膜无异常率65.7%,裂纹舌检出率74.3%,其异常中多见血管痣斑、粘膜老年斑,未见恶性病变。

40、palatal indices ─── [医] 腭指数

41、DEX can stimulate proliferation and metabolism of EPM Cells,and may disturb the development of palatal shelves. ─── DEX显著促进腭突间充质细胞的增殖代谢,可能干扰腭突间充质细胞的正常生长代谢而影响了腭发育。

42、half-round palatal lingual bar ─── 半圆腭舌杆

43、brr,taik palat betul la kau? ─── 心情: 令人讨厌 昨天。

44、median palatal ─── 上腭中部

45、A Comparative Study of Fixed Palatal Arch and Face Bow in Reinforcing the Maxillary First Molar Anchorage ─── 固定式横腭杆口外弓加强上颌磨牙支抗的比较研究

46、If the abutments of natural teeth are located ideally, an U-shape maxillary denture base can be a comfortable choice instead of the one that covers the palatal side. ─── 但若上颚臼齿区完全缺牙,为了维持假牙的固持力,只好被迫做成不舒适的大面积假牙。

47、palatal organ A structure on the roof or palate of the mouth used to taste and touch food items in Carassius auratus. ─── 上腭(颚)器官存在于鲫鱼,被使用于品尝和接触食物组成的一种在嘴巴的顶部或上腭上的结构。

48、Two cases of palatal tumor received excision at Sun Yat-Sen Cabcer Center, the defect in the palatal area was reconstructed with temporalis muscle flap. ─── 孙逸仙医院耳鼻喉科经历2例腭之肿瘤病人,在切除肿瘤后造成腭之缺损,均直接以颞肌肉瓣作一次重建,效果良好。

49、For the model of upper first molar, the RFDR with bony defects at buccal side, palatal side, mesial side and distal side were 5.5%, 2.3%, 17.2% and 23.1%, respectively. ─── 上颚第一大臼齿在模拟颊侧、颚侧、近心侧与远心侧单侧齿槽骨缺损时,共振频率减少的比率分别为5.5%、2.3%、17.2%及23.1%。

50、Most of the mesiodens were conical shape (82.25%), in palatal side (98.1%) and erupting invertedly (57.67%). ─── 所有正中赘生齿中,以腭侧(98.1%)、锥形(82.25%)、反向萌发(57.67%)的比例较多。

51、palatal defect ─── [医] 腭缺损

52、Keywords bisphosphonate;rapid expansion;palatal suture;relapse ratio;mineralization apposition rate; ─── 二磷酸盐;快速扩弓;保持;复发率;矿化沉积速率;

53、Body mass index, gender, smoking status and bio types of periodontal tissue do not influence the thickness of palatal mucosa. ─── 身体质量指数、性别、抽菸与牙周生物表现型并不会影响个体间黏膜的厚度。

54、Objective: To analyse the pathogenic characteristics, diagnostic approach and principles of management in palatal adenogenous tumors. ─── 目的:分析腭部腺源性肿瘤的病源特征、诊断方法和治疗原则。

55、interim palatal cleft prosthesis ─── 暂时性腭裂修复体

56、Palatal enanthem can also occur, but is relatively uncommon. ─── 上颚也可能发生痉挛,但相对较少见。

57、This case report describes how to reconstruct the interdental papilla using a piece of palatal wedge soft tissue for the situation due to the side effect from GTR surgery. ─── 本报告提出一病例利用上颚舌侧楔行软组织来重建因牙周引导组织再生手术引起的牙间乳头缺损。

58、Changes of aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase activities in gingival crevicular fluid during rapid palatal expansion ─── 快速扩弓前后龈沟液天冬氨酸转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶水平的变化


60、velar,as in c in cake or g in log,as opposed to palatal or soft ─── 与软音或软腭音相反的硬腭音,如cake(蛋糕)一词中c的发音或log(原木)一词中g的发音

61、Unilateral buccinator myomucosal island flap with double opposing Z-plasty for wider palatal cleft repair ─── 应用单侧岛状颊肌黏膜瓣和双反向双Z成形术修复宽大腭裂

62、Retention and relapse of dental arch after rapid palatal expansion in rats ─── 快速上颌扩弓保持与复发的动物实验研究

63、Inhibitory effect of Guangxi cobra venom on noovel human palatal salivary gland cell line of adenoid cystic carcinoma ─── 广西眼镜蛇毒对人类小涎腺腺样囊性癌细胞株的抑制作用

64、Identifying and treating the second mesiobuccal root canal in maxillary second molars is improved by modified access preparation and probing the fissure or groove between the mesiobuccal and palatal canal orifices. ─── 改良髓腔入口和探查近中颊根根管口与腭根根管口之间发育沟或暗线的方法,有利于发现和治疗上颌第二磨牙近中颊根第二根管。

65、split ended palatal lingual bar ─── 叉口腭舌杆

66、Keywords substitute palatal plane;maxilla development;overbite depth indicator;anteroposterior dysplasia indicator;unilateral cleft lip and palate; ─── 替代腭平面;颌骨发育;覆(牙合)深度指标;前后向不调指标;单侧完全性唇腭裂;

67、anterior palatal bar ─── 前腭杆, 前腭连接杆

68、The paper discusses the issues related to International Phonetic Alphabet( IPA) as following:1) Initiative vs. passive vocal organs;2) Post-alveolar and retroflex;3) Palatal and velar;4) Pronunciation method. ─── 本文谈几个与国际音标的辅音有关的问题:壹、动发音部位和主动发音部位;贰、后音和卷舌音;叁、腭音和软腭音;肆、于发音方法。

69、Methods: 25 patients with soft palate cleft were repaired with palatal push back flap, and followed up to evaluate velopharyngeal function. ─── 方法:采用腭黏膜瓣后推术对25例软腭裂患者进行整复治疗,并对其进行随访,以了解术后腭咽闭合的情况。

70、Keywords maxilla;palatal implant;three-dimensional finite element; ─── 上颌骨;腭部种植体;三维有限元;

71、maxillary palatal process ─── [医] 上颌骨腭突

72、Keywords Fixed palatal Arch(FPA);face bow;anchorage; ─── 固定式横腭杆;口外弓;支抗;

73、Keywords palatal neoplasms/diagnosis;palatal neoplasms/therapy; ─── 关键词腭肿瘤/诊断;腭肿瘤/治疗;

74、Keywords Incisive papilla;Palatal wrinkle;determines;Opposite reference value; ─── 关键词切牙乳突;腭皱;测量;相对参考值;

75、Methods: 25 patients with soft palate cleft were repaired with palatal push hack flap, and followed up to evaluate velopharyngeal function. ─── 方法:采用腭黏膜瓣后推术对25例软腭裂患者进行整复治疗,并对其进行随访,以了解术后腭咽闭合的情况。

76、This paper reviews the types of appliance, skeletal and dental changes, and comparison with rapid palatal expansion. ─── 本文就慢速腭扩展的矫治器类型、骨性和牙性改变以及与快速腭扩展的比较作一综述。

77、palatal acrylic splint ─── 丙烯酸塑料腭夹

78、Keywords Rapid palatal expansion;Gingival crevicular fluid;Aspartate aminotransferase;Alkaline phosphatase; ─── 快速扩弓;龈沟液;天冬氨酸转氨酶;碱性磷酸酶;

79、Adaptation of pure titanium palatal plate for upper complete denture: a clinical study ─── 上颌钛制腭托全口义齿材料临床适应性研究

80、a diacritical mark (~) placed over the letter n in Spanish to indicate a palatal nasal sound or over a vowel in Portuguese to indicate nasalization. ─── 在西班牙语里放在字母n上表示鼻腭音或者在葡萄牙语里放在元音上表示鼻音化的发音符号(~)。

81、Results A three-dimensional finite element model of palatal implant anchorage is successfully constructed, meeting t. . . ─── 结果建立了符合生物力学研究需要的腭部种植支抗的三维有限元模型。

82、Objective In order to investigate and analyze the early complications of palatal repairs and to improve the effect of palatal repairs. ─── 摘要目的探讨胯裂修复术后并发症的原因及防治,提高腭裂修复效果。

83、In the maxilla, the abutment distribution did not allow a palatal-free restoration. ─── 在上颌,基牙的分布情况不允许做不覆盖腭部的设计。

84、Effect of palatal vault, cusp inclination and position of artificial teeth on the stress distribution in the base of the maxillary complete dentures ─── 上颌全口义齿基托多因素三维有限元分析

85、Reconstruction of the palatal defect by folding radialis forearm free flap ─── 折叠前臂桡侧游离皮瓣在上颌、腭部缺损修复中的应用

86、The Clinical Observation of General Anesthesia Combined with Block Anesthesia of Anterior Palatine Nerve in Children Palatal Cleft Sugery ─── 小儿腭裂修补术全麻中辅以腭前神经阻滞的临床观察

87、Keywords cleft palate and lip buccal mucosa palatal mucosa denuded bone histology; ─── 唇腭裂;颊粘膜;腭粘膜;裸露骨面;组织学;

88、Results: Cephalometric analysis revealed that the premaxilla was moved forward and downward and the length of palatal plane increased. ─── 头影测量分析显示上颌前部得到有效向前、向下移动;腭平面延长。

89、The difference between palatal widths of two sides and the asymmetry ratio between the different groups were compared and analyzed. ─── 结果裸露组与材料组左右侧硬腭骨宽度非对称率无差异;

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