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08-17 投稿


assimilating 发音

英:[??s?m?le?t??]  美:[??s?m?le?t??]

英:  美:

assimilating 中文意思翻译



assimilating 短语词组

1、assimilating tissue ─── [植]同化组织

2、assimilating filament ─── 同化灯丝

assimilating 词性/词形变化,assimilating变形

动词过去分词: assimilated |动词第三人称单数: assimilates |动词现在分词: assimilating |动词过去式: assimilated |名词: assimila-tor |

assimilating 反义词


assimilating 同义词

understand | soak | ingest | learn | blot up | digest | adjust | go native | soak up | fit in | incorporate | adapt | conform |absorb | imbibe | up | embrace | blot | take in | integrate | blend in | espouse | domesticate

assimilating 相似词语短语

1、dissimilating ─── vi.变得不同;vt.变得不同

2、dissimulating ─── vi.掩饰;假装;装糊涂;vt.掩饰;假装;装糊涂

3、assimilative ─── adj.同化的;同化力的

4、assimilation ─── n.同化;吸收;[生化]同化作用

5、annihilating ─── v.消灭;废止;摧毁(annihilate的ing形式)

6、disassimilating ─── vt.使异化;使分解代谢

7、assibilating ─── 协助

8、assibilation ─── 咝擦音化;齿音化

9、assimilations ─── n.同化;吸收;[生化]同化作用

assimilating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Smallest Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus (SUSAN) algorithm ─── SUSAN算法

2、By turning the refusal of exit visas for Soviet Jews into a political issue, it helped keep Jews there from assimilating. ─── 通过将拒签苏联犹太人出境签证演变为一个政治问题,从而有助于避免苏联犹太人被苏联政府所同化。

3、The Capacity of Photosynthesis Bacteria Rhodopseudomonas palustris Assimilating to Phosphate ─── 光合细菌沼泽红假单胞菌同化磷能力的研究

4、The act or process of assimilating. ─── 同化吸收的行为或过程

5、The great obstacle that prevents European immigrants assimilating quickly with the rest of the Australian population is that of language. ─── 使欧洲移民不能跟澳大利亚人迅速同化的最大障碍是语言。

6、Astronomers think that large galaxies such as the Milky Way and neighboring Andromeda grew by assimilating smaller ones. ─── 天文学家认为,像银河系与邻近的仙女座星系这类大型星系,是藉著吸收小型星系而成长的。

7、(2) assimilating dissoluble contamination by vegetable and soil; ─── (2)植物吸收、土壤吸附溶解态的污染物;

8、Phenyl- hydrazine Measuring by Gas Assimilating Method ─── 气体吸收法测定苯肼

9、biologic assimilating coefficient ─── 生物吸收系数

10、A Tentative Interpretation of the Category "Assimilating" of Ancient Chinese Painting Theoretics ─── 中国古代文艺理论"化"范畴试绎

11、This paper attempts to examine in the light of developmental epistemology the psychological factors behind the striking difference between China and Japan in assimilating foreign culture. ─── 中日两民族在接受外来文化时表现出的差异在近代尤为突出。

12、Anatomical observations of assimilating branches of nine xerophytes in Gansu. ─── 我国甘肃九种旱生植物同化枝的解剖观察.

13、Consequently, it aims to life experience and enlightenment that come from the assimilating between the vitality of nature and the spirit of aesthetical subject. ─── 三是自然万物之生机与主体之精神相融互契所产生的生命体验及境界。

14、But there is another. We should put these conclusions to the test of our own experience, assimilating what is useful, rejecting what is useless, and adding what is specifically our own. ─── 然而还有一件事,即是从自己经验中考证这些结论,吸收那些用得着的东西,拒绝那些用不着的东西,增加那些自己所特有的东西。

15、It differs from all accepted Candida species by fermenting D-galactose, cellobiose but not maltose, trehalose and by assimilating D-ribose, 2-keto-D-gluconate but not maltose, trehalose. ─── 此新种可发酵半乳糖,纤维二糖,但不酦酵麦芽糖,海藻糖;可利用核酸糖2-酮-D-葡萄糖酸,无法利用麦芽糖,海藻糖,因此有别于目前已知所有念珠菌属的酵母菌。

16、It demonstrated vividly the possibility of assimilating contemporary popular music into the symphonic tradition. ─── 它生动地展示了将当代流行音乐融入传统交响乐的可能性。

17、Assimilating the filling pipe to a grounded conductor at the axis of the vessel,the electrostatic boundary problem is solved analytically. ─── 将鹤管等效为储罐对称轴上的接地导体,推导了静电场边值问题的解析解。

18、Screening of Oleaginous Yeasts for Broad-Spectrum Carbohydrates Assimilating Capacity ─── 广谱碳源产油酵母菌的筛选

19、The elements of Chinese traditional decoration have extremely high aesthetical value, and there are many things worthy assimilating and using for the modern environment decoration. ─── 中国传统装饰要素有着极高的美学价值,有很多值得现代环境装饰吸取和借鉴的地方。

20、assimilating parenchyma ─── 同化实质

21、While the two ethnic groups are infiltrating and assimilating each other, the mainstream is the conformity of Zhuang into Han. ─── 壮、汉民族之间既有融合,也有同化,但是壮融入汉是主流;

22、Multiple value of Manet's works was unveiled as a result of assimilating nutrition from many fields. ─── 对多方面营养的汲取,使得马奈的作品显露出多重价值。

23、I never succeeded in assimilating his explanations. ─── 我向来无法理解他的解释。

24、As an imported goods,Chinese opera is not only characterized by opera,but also characterized by Chinese artthrough assimilating the quintessence of Chinese art. ─── 中国歌剧不仅具有歌剧的特征,更重要的是它吸收了许许多多中华民族艺术的精华,成就了具有中国特色的歌剧艺术。

25、In its cultural development, Vietnamese nation had a strong assimilating character, which shows as inclusiveness and assimilation to foreign cultures as well as cultural communication. ─── 在越南文化的发展过程中,越南民族表现出了极强的交融性,这种交融性体现在越南民族对外来文化的兼容并蓄和融合同化,同时也体现在越南民族在文化上的对话交流。

26、univalue segment assimilating nucleus ─── 吸收同值核区

27、Roscoe Pound said, history of one legal system is, to a great extent, a history of borrowing the materials from other legal systems and assimilating materials beyond law category. ─── 庞德说:“一种法律制度的历史在很大程度上乃是向他国法律制度借用材料以及将法律之外材料加以同化的历史。”

28、It is the recreation of art and self-multiplication of culture, and is the prologue of assimilating world performed by the national culture in the context of globalization and the new growth point of economic culture development. ─── 敦煌艺术再生,既是艺术的再创造和文化的自我增值,是民族文化在全球化背景下“化全球”的先声,同时也是经济文化发展的新的增长点。

29、If databases and journals remain discrete, our methods of assimilating information will change relatively little in the years to come. ─── 如果数据库和期刊仍然是离散的,我们传播信息的方法将在未来几年相当少的改变。

30、Combining Perceptual Knowledge and Rational Knowledge, Assimilating Scientific Technology into Ecology--Architectural Design for the Central Apartment in Pudong ─── 感性理性相结合,融科技于生态之中--陆家嘴中央公寓建筑设计

31、hopelessly, I should add, because that frenzy of mutual possession might have been assuaged only by our actually imbibing and assimilating every particle of each other's soul and flesh; ─── 同时还是无望地,我必须补充说;因为相互占有的狂乱只有靠实际吸吮、融合彼此灵魂和肉体的每一分子,才能平息下来;

32、Assimilating data from a simulated global constellation of stratospheric balloons ─── 从模拟的全球平流层气球型得出的同化资料

33、Assimilating long-term hydrographic information into an eddy-permitting model of the North Atlantic ─── 同化长期水文信息进入北大西洋有涡模式

34、improve and innovate on the Basis of assimilating and absorbing the imported technologies ─── 在消化、吸收的基础上发展创新

35、KOMIX was beneficial to Pleurotus hypha for assimilating and utilizing zinc element. ─── 发现高美施对平菇母种菌丝吸收利用锌元素有增效作用;

36、Generally, this package policy can be assimilating to a comprehensive treatment in traditional Chinese therapy. ─── 总的来说,这些一揽子政策有点类似中药配方的综合治疗。

37、Investigate the impacts of assimilating satellite rainfall estimates on rainstorm forecast over southwest United States ─── 同化卫星降雨估计对在美国西南部暴雨预报影响的研究

38、The assimilating heart: All things are generated by Dao and fostered by De energy; he who assimilates himself into Dao De is with the assimilating heart. ─── 同心:万物因道而化生,以德能而长养,同于此道德者为同心。

39、Ginsnosides distributed mainly in the assimilating tissue and phloem parenchyma cells and much less were detected in epidermis, phelloderm and collenchyma. ─── 组织化学实验表明,绞股蓝人参皂甙主要分布在营养器官的同化组织及韧皮部薄壁细胞中,厚角组织、表皮及周皮的栓内层也有少量分布。

40、Owing to the great genius of the 14th century poet Chaucer, the native literature was sufficiently vigorous and experienced in assimilating for foreign influences without being subjected by them; ─── 3)由于14世纪伟大的天才诗人乔叟的出现,英国本国文学得以蓬勃发展,能够在吸收外国文学影响的同时,并未处于从属地位;

41、Assimilating method has been summarized on the design of hot-blast exchanger for cupola gas remaining heat, of which design theory has been analyzed with a model and example. ─── 本文总结了冲天炉炉气余热回收热风换热器的比拟设计法,对比拟法的设计原理进行了分析,并且给出了一个模型换热器和设计实例。

42、I tell them I'm still assimilating lots of things and trying to adapt, 'though there is no doubt the change is very possitive for me and the team and franchise are in an amazing level. ─── 当然,这么个换法我无限欢迎.我希望能在这终老嘛,跟着小拜说不定还整几个戒指,不过在此之前还是得跟科比拿几个,到时候....哼哼,功勋老将...

43、In the historical development of Mulao people, "Dong" had the function of offering sacrifices to ancestors, cohering clansman, assimilating different races, administrating the society, etc. ─── 在仫佬人漫长的历史进程中,"冬"具有祭祀祖先、凝聚族人、容纳异族、管理社会等功能。

44、The Chinese culture based on patriarchal-feudalism proved capable of assimilating many alien cultures. ─── 具有“封建宗法性”特征的文化,对外来文化“食而能化,化而能食”。

45、Objective The assimilating cholesterol abilities of "Lactobacillus acidophilus" were preliminarily studied in MRS liquid medium. ─── 摘要目的对嗜酸乳杆菌在MRS液体培养基中同化胆固醇的能力进行初步研究。

46、At its worst, the idea shows that advertising executives seem to have concluded that older consumers are incapable of assimilating new ideas. ─── 从最差的方面看,这种想法表明,广告业管理人员似乎已断定,老年消费者无法吸收新观念。

47、Research on Changing the Law of Net Assimilating Rate of Oilseed Population ─── 油菜群体净同化率变化规律的研究

48、Planning and Architectural Design for the Second Building Cluster of Guangzhou University Town-- Communicating and Sharing, Assimilating into Nature, Integrating Organically ─── 广州大学城组团二规划与建筑设计--交融共享、亲近自然、有机和谐

49、In the process of implementing the multinational management, Chine s e enterprises should be good at summarizing and assimilating the experience of o verseas multinational companies. ─── 中国企业在实施跨国经营过程中,要善于总结和吸取海外跨国公司的经验。

50、The Changes of Confucianists'Thought "Assimilating Barbarians with Chinese Civilization" in Ancient China ─── 中国古代儒家"用夏变夷"思想与理论的变迁

51、Human arsenic intake from rice consumption can be substantial because rice is particularly efficient in assimilating arsenic from paddy soils, although the mechanism has not been elucidated. ─── 砷中毒是全世界的一个重大公共卫生问题,在孟加拉国和印度非凡严重,在那里这种物质存在于地下水中,并被淹水稻田中的水稻吸收。

52、His empire building dreams had encompassed Mandalor of late, and he wished to remove his dependence on Mandalorian weapons by taking the planet and assimilating the technology for himself. ─── 他建造帝国的梦想囊括了处于后期的马达洛,并且他希望通过占领这个星球并且吸收他们的技术为己用。

53、Smallest Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus(SUSAN) ─── 最小吸收同值核区SUSAN

54、The study showed that the human body is capable of assimilating more anthocyanin pigments as intakes increase. ─── 研究表明当摄入增加时,人体有能力吸收更多的花青素色素。

55、They try their best to play all kinds of drama, assimilating the pop stars that they have seen in films, television and magazines. ─── 她们努力地模仿着在电影、电视、杂志中见过的流行明星,扮演着各自的角色。

56、Battle command systems help commanders make informed decisions by rapidly assimilating data. ─── 作战指挥系统能够通过迅速吸收数据帮助指挥官做出明智的决定。

57、Assimilating the experiences and lessons of foreign counterparts,the author offers strategies for Chinese consultation industry development,based on Chinese situation. ─── 同时根据国外咨询业发展的经验教训,结合我国国情,提出了我国咨询业发展的应对措施。

58、Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus (USAN) ─── 同值收缩核区(USAN)

59、Effects of Stubble Mulch and Tillage Management on Assimilating Production and Distribution in Summer Maize ─── 残茬覆盖与耕作方式对夏玉米光合产物生产与分配的影响

60、He is in favor of assimilating all that is good in Western culture, but by no means a slavish admirer of our ways. ─── 他在吸收所有的青睐,是好的,西方文化,但决不是我们的方式奴隶的崇拜者。

61、By assimilating the shadow, eating it and taking it in rather than projecting it out onto others, we become whole and authentic. ─── 通过吸收我们的隐性面,接纳而不是将它置于外在,我们变得完整并真实。

62、Stolen Generation is an evil consequence of Australian assimilation policy and an important part of assimilating Australian aborigines. ─── “被偷走的一代”是澳大利亚同化政策的产物和实现同化澳大利亚土著的重要内容。

63、In the age of globalization, we should keep our eye on "assimilating world", based upon occidental concepts. ─── 在全球化时代我们应当警惕以西方的观念"化全球"。

64、Critically assimilating the research achievements of predecessors, this article puts forward the personal view of the author, in which the norms are summarized as a hierarchical hypony... ─── 在此基础上,参照莫斯科语义学派的元语言释义方法,尝试改进现代汉语详解词典的一些词语释义方法。

65、Utility of Assimilating Surface Radiometric Temperature Observations for Evaporative Fraction and Heat Transfer Coefficient Retrieval ─── 同化地面辐射仪的温度观测对蒸发部分和热传输系数反演效用

66、The layers of assimilating tissue parenchyma cells in cultured soybean legume were more than in wild soybean, which showed that cultured soybean had stronger photosynthesis function and more advanced evolutionary level. ─── 栽培大豆荚果果皮同化组织中薄壁组织细胞层数比野生大豆的多,表现出栽培大豆较野生大豆强的光合作用功能,代表了较高级的进化水平。

67、Study on the Law of Assimilating Fertilizer of Dry Farming Sweet Potato in Low Hills Region of Taihang Mountain ─── 太行山低山丘陵区旱作甘薯吸肥规律研究

68、Studies on the assimilating cholesterol ability of Lactobacillus acidophilus in MRS medium ─── 嗜酸乳杆菌同化MRS培养基中胆固醇能力的研究

69、Tides of the Bohai, Yellow and East China Seas by Assimilating Gauging Station Data Into A Hydrodynamic Model ─── 渤、黄、东海潮汐的一种验潮站资料同化数值模式

70、Wu Changshuo's emphasis on the expression of lines itself has a close relationship with the second aspect of his painting aesthetics thoughts, that is painting by assimilating the calligraphy spirit. ─── 吴昌硕的绘画成就得益于他早年颇有深厚功底的石鼓文书法和篆刻艺术,因而金石气的笔法笔意自然融入他的绘画之中。

71、Herald: Brian, as a Korean-American, how was it assimilating to Korean culture? ─── 作为一个美籍韩国人,你对韩国文化怎么看?

72、assimilating tissue ─── 同化组织

73、The results show that the simulation results whose initial fields assimilating the soundings data are more close to the environment than the ones which not. ─── 在初始时刻同化了探空资料后的初始场更接近真实大气状况,同化探空资料初始场的模拟结果比没有同化探空资料初始场的模拟结果更接近于实际探空资料。

74、Case of Qinghua Tongfang Assimilating and Incorporating Lu Yi Electronics Corp. At the Basis of Stocks ─── 清华同方以股票收购方式吸收合并鲁颖电子案例

75、Absorbing and assimilating the foreign cultures between nations will enrich and promote the development of aesthetic conceptions. (ibid. ─── 在民族之间,吸收和同化外来文化会丰富和发展民族审美意识的发展。

76、In order to improve our ability of assimilating alien cultures and accelerate the development of Chinese culture, it's necessary for us to retrospect this historic episode again. ─── 为了提高在中外文化交流中的借鉴能力,更好地吸收异质文化的优良成果,推动本国文化的进步与发展,从文化交流的角度来重新审视这一历史片段意义重大。

77、Each has advantages and disadvantages in terms of meeting young people, assimilating into the new culture, and allowing you personal space. ─── 每个年轻人都有自己的优缺点,让自己融入所在的文化,但是需要有自己的空间。

78、Keywords mercury;biologic assimilating coefficient;biogeochemistry transfer;Wuli River; ─── 汞;生物吸收系数;地球化学迁移;五里河;

79、Critically assimilating the research achievements of predecessors, this article puts forward the personal view of the author, in which the norms are summarized as a hierarchical hyponymy system. ─── 本文结合学界已有的研究成果,提出自己对标准概念的看法,把标准划分为具有属种关系的概念层次体系。

80、Objective The assimilating cholesterol abilities of Lactobacillus acidophilus were preliminarily studied in MRS liquid medium. ─── 目的对嗜酸乳杆菌在MRS液体培养基中同化胆固醇的能力进行初步研究。

81、3) Owing to the great genius of the 14th century poet Chaucer, the native literature was sufficiently vigorous and experienced in assimilating for foreign influences without being subjected by them; ─── 由于14世纪伟大的天才诗人乔叟的出现,英国本国文学得以蓬勃发展,能够在吸收外国文学影响的同时,并未处于从属地位;

82、As the last item on the agenda, Mr. Junji Ishikawa, president of Giga-Stream Inc. Presented the lecture on the "State of Assimilating Media and Optical Discs." ─── 最后,Giga-Stream公司的董事长石川纯二先生,以独特的角度作了题为“媒体融合的现状和光盘”的演讲。

83、environmental assimilating capacity ─── 环境同化能力

84、The general solution of an orthotropic crack problem was obtained by assimilating the problem with isotropic crack problem, and employed as the global interpolation function in F2LFEM. ─── 与各向同性平面裂纹问题比拟,获得正交各向异性平面裂纹问题的一般解,并将它作为整体插值函数;

85、Your accuracy will drop as you work on assimilating the new character, but it will rise again to 90 percent or better. ─── 你的精度会随之下降当你吸收新的字符,但会再次上升到百分之九十以上。

86、assimilating Barbarians with Chinese civilization ─── 以夏变夷

87、"Only by discarding the dross and assimilating the essence, fostering strengths to make up for weaknesses and mutual learning will it be possible to promote common development and progress. " ─── 只有取其精髓,去其糟粕,扬长避短,相互借鉴,才能促进共同发展和共同进步。

88、net assimilating rate ─── 净同化率

89、Repairing the Old as Good as New, Assimilating the New into the Oid--The Remodeling Design for the Library of BeiJing Aerospace University ─── 整旧如新融新于旧--记北京航空航天大学图书馆改造设计

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