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08-17 投稿


deluding 发音

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英:  美:

deluding 中文意思翻译



deluding 短语词组

1、deluding means ─── 欺骗手段

2、deluding spirit ─── 迷惑的灵魂

3、deluding myself ─── 自欺欺人

4、deluding definition ─── 自欺欺人的定义

5、deluding oneself ─── 自欺

6、deluding define ─── 迷惑性定义

7、deluding meaning ─── 迷惑的意思

deluding 词性/词形变化,deluding变形

动词过去分词: deluded |动词过去式: deluded |副词: deludingly |名词: deluder |动词现在分词: deluding |动词第三人称单数: deludes |

deluding 相似词语短语

1、denuding ─── v.剥露;剥夺(denude的ing形式)

2、detruding ─── vt.推出;扔掉;逐出

3、deludingly ─── 字幕

4、delundung ─── 德伦东

5、belauding ─── vt.对…大加赞扬

6、delousing ─── v.灭虱,除去(人或动物上的)虱子(delouse的现在分词)

7、deleading ─── vi.去铅

8、eluding ─── vt.(尤指机智地,巧妙地)避开,逃避,躲避;vt.使无法得到;使无法达到;vt.使不记得;使不理解

9、deluging ─── n.洪水;泛滥;暴雨;vt.使泛滥;压倒

deluding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、24. Given the violent realities of Iraq, however, outsiders are deluding themselves if they expect scruples such as these to have much impact in Baghdad. ─── 不过,以伊拉克目前的乱局而论,局外人若真以为绞刑与否会对伊拉克产生多大的影响,那可就看走眼了。

2、Deluding myself into believing that I was not prepared, I gave up without any humble attempt. ─── 自欺欺人地告诫自己还没有准备好,我没有做出任何谦卑的尝试。

3、A person may sit on a losing stock for ten years, deluding himself it is only a paper loss. ─── 一个人可以持有亏损的股票长达10年,欺骗自己说这只是账面亏损。

4、She insists the money spent on nail-painting, hair-colouring and the like is an investment and will be more than repaid when he marries her. Is she deluding herself? ─── 她坚称,花在美甲和染发等方面的钱是一种投资,在男友迎娶自己时就会获得更多的回报。她是在欺骗自己吗?

5、The only problem is when they say, ""No, we don't need Jesus. ln fact, we're not even committing a sin.'' That's when they're deluding themselves。 ─── 唯一的问题就是当他们说“不,我们不需要耶稣,实际上,我们不认为同性恋是罪过”的时候,这时候,他们才被滔天大浪所淹没。

6、A lot of people don't delegate because they're the only person who can do a particular task. If that's you, you're probably deluding yourself. ─── 许多人不委派的原因是他们是能做某件事的唯一的人。如果你是其中的一位,那么你也许就在“骗”自己了。

7、Then I came to India and I saw that the people there were deluding themselves equally, carrying on the same old traditions, treating women cruelly. ─── 然后我回到印度,并看到那里的人们同样在欺骗自己,继续着不变的古老传统,残酷地对待妇女。

8、I may be deluding myself,but I think I'm losing weight. ─── 我可能在骗自己,但我认为正在减轻体重。

9、Recreational day-traders who expect to make money are deluding themselves into believing that they will reach their elbow with their teeth. ─── 杂技性的日内交易者期望赚钱,其实是被迷惑了,就像以为可以用牙齿咬到手肘一样。

10、They couldn't go on deluding themselves into thinking that they would soon become millionares. ─── 他们不再继续欺骗自己,梦想很快成为百万富翁。

11、Despite all my powers of deluding myself, it became more and more difficult to find proof enough to satisfy me. ─── 尽管我仍试图欺骗自己去相信它,却越来越难找到足够的证据来说服自己。

12、He's deluding himself if he thinks it's going to be easy. ─── 他要是以为那事很容易,那就是自己欺骗自己。

13、That dull child's mother is deluding herself with dreams of his future success. ─── 这个傻孩子的母亲自我安慰地幻想着,将来这个孩子会有出息的。

14、Satan is a long way from having retired from the business of deluding and ruining God's children if he can. ─── 撒旦从不肯告退,放弃他攻击,诱惑,毁灭神儿女的事业的。

15、She had been deluding herself that he loved her. ─── 她一直欺骗自己说他爱着她。

16、Is she deluding herself? ─── 她是在欺骗自己吗?

17、That new job title is just a way of deluding her into thinking she's been promoted. ─── 那个新的职位头衔只是骗她相信自己已被提升的一种手段而已。

18、I've already said that many individual evolutionists, like the Pope, are also religious, but I think they're deluding themselves. ─── 我已经说过了很多进化论者,想教宗一样,同时信奉宗教的,但我觉得他们在自欺欺人。

19、This is a fact, and I would be deluding myself if I tried to convince myself that all is well when it definitely isn't. ─── 这是一个事实,如果我要说服自己一切都好而其实绝对不那样时我就等于在迷惑自己了。

20、He thoughtmaybe his ears were deluding him. ─── 他到处看了看,什么人也没有。

21、He's deluding himself if he thinks it's going to be easy. ─── 他要是以为那事很容易,那就是自己欺骗自己。

22、Equally, if the surprise depreciation of the renminbi against the dollar this month is a policy shift, China is deluding itself. ─── 可是,本周的美中战略经济对话暴露了混淆的思路。

23、And stop deluding yourself that you have so many interests that you can't choose. ─── 也请不要再迷惑彷徨于你所感兴趣的那些事情上,因为你是无法选择的。

24、I love Arsene and truly appreciate all that he has done for Arsenal but he's deluding himself here. ─── 我喜欢温格,真正欣赏他所做的一切,但他这次是自欺欺人。

25、But even though we know that we will have to do it eventually and that we’re just deluding ourselves we still put it of. ─── 如果你的拖拉习惯很严重(就像我),你可能会意识到这个问题:拖拉是因为想逃避做那些使人厌烦、困难等事情。

26、MEN like to believe that they run the world. They are not deluding themselves. ─── 男性喜欢认为他们主宰世界。他们没有迷惑自己。男性喜欢认为他们主宰世界,这并不是自欺欺人。

27、The president was deluding himself if he thought he was safe from such action. ─── 如果总统认为他能从这次行动中安然脱身,那就是自欺欺人。

28、For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, ─── 故此,神就给他们一个生发错误的心,叫他们信从虚谎。

29、This is a fact, and I would be deluding myself if I tried to convince myself that all is well when it definitely isn't. ─── 这是一个事实,如果我要说服自己一切都好而其实绝对不那样时我就等于在迷惑自己了。

30、They are not deluding themselves. ─── 这并不是自欺欺人。

31、But I am only deluding myself thus.The fact is, I wish to be near Charlotte again, that is all. ─── 其实,这并不是我的目的,我只是想再挨绿蒂近一些,仅此而已。

32、In many cases, Dharma seems to be just a show and just on more way of deluding oneself. ─── 在很多例子中,法教都被视为只是一种作秀及欺瞒自己的方式;

33、" They used Teresa's desolation as another proof that believers are deluding themselves. ─── 他们用德肋撒嬷嬷的孤寂再一次论证信徒们是在蒙蔽自己。

34、For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is deluding himself. ─── 人若无有,自己还以为有,就是自欺了。

35、"We have to stop deluding ourselves that by burying our heads in the sand, we are capable of protecting anything," he said. ─── 他说:“我们不能再自欺欺人地认为把头埋在沙子里就可以保护自己”。

36、3 For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is deluding himself. ─── 人本来不算什么,若自以为算什么,就是欺骗自己。

37、"So he looked and looked, but he didn't see anyone.He thought maybe his ears were deluding him.So he continued collecting items in the house. ─── 他看来看去,却看不到任何人,他想也许是自己听错了,就继续的搜刮。

38、Of thou's deluding Zi be the NO.1 of world!" ─── 的古惑仔就是世界的NO.1!”

39、We have to stop deluding ourselves that by burying our heads in the sand,we are capable of protecting anything. ─── 我们必须停止自我欺骗,以为把头埋进沙子就能保护一切。”

40、Equally, if the surprise depreciation of the renminbi against the dollar this month is a policy shift, China is deluding itself. ─── 同样,如果本月人民币兑美元出乎意料的贬值代表着政策转变,那只能说明中国在哄骗自己。

41、The hotel has a standard sign room deluding establishes/double executive suites, presidential suite, and other types of rooms 192. ─── 酒店拥有标准单人房、豪华单/双人房,行政单/双人房,行政套房、总统套房等各类客房192间。

42、"We have to stop deluding ourselves that by burying our heads in the sand, we are capable of protecting anything, " he said. ─── 他说:“我们不能再自欺欺人地认为把头埋在沙子里就可以保护自己”。

43、They are deluding themselves. ─── 不过是自我欺骗罢了。

44、She had been deluding herself that he loved her. ─── 她一直欺骗自己相信他爱着她。

45、Economic forecasters may be deluding themselves if they are counting on a quick, strong recovery. ─── 经济预测家如果在指望经济快速强劲的回复,可能只是自欺欺人。

46、His clothes were very good and his appearance still excellent, but it involved the trouble of deluding. ─── 他还是衣冠楚楚,外貌依旧很出众,但是这却带来了造成错觉的麻烦。

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