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positivism 中文意思翻译



positivism 反义词


positivism 常用词组

logical positivism ─── 逻辑实证;逻辑的实证主义

legal positivism ─── 法律实证主义

positivism 词性/词形变化,positivism变形

形容词: positivist |名词: positivist |

positivism 短语词组

1、positivism empiricism ─── 实证主义经验主义

2、classicalism vs positivism ─── 古典主义与实证主义

3、positivism research ─── 实证研究

4、positivism constructivism ─── 实证主义建构主义

5、positivism and interpretivism ─── 实证主义与解释主义

6、positivism define ─── 实证主义定义

7、positivism brazil ─── 实证主义巴西

8、positivism in research ─── 研究实证主义

9、legal positivism ─── [法] 法律实证主义

10、positivism definition ─── 实证主义定义

11、logical positivism n. ─── 逻辑的实证主义

12、positivism synonym ─── 实证主义同义词

13、sociological positivism ─── 社会学实证主义

14、analytical positivism ─── [法] 分析实证主义

15、positivism philosophy ─── 实证主义哲学

16、positivism for dummies ─── 假人实证主义

17、contemporary positivism ─── 当代实证主义

18、positivism defined ─── 实证主义定义

19、positivism criminology define ─── 实证主义犯罪学

positivism 同义词

incontrovertibleness | accuracy | advantageousness | security |absoluteness | confidence | favourableness | positivity | profitableness | positivism | favorableness | knowledge | incontrovertibility

positivism 相似词语短语

1、passivism ─── n.消极主义;被动性

2、positivistic ─── adj.实证主义的,实证哲学的

3、cognitivism ─── n.认知主义,认知论

4、possibilism ─── 可能派信条(或观点);可能主义

5、positives ─── n.实在的事物;阳极板(positive的复数)

6、positivity ─── n.积极性,确实

7、positivist ─── n.实证主义者,实证论者;adj.实证主义的

8、positivists ─── n.实在法学派;实证法学家(positivist的复数)

9、primitivism ─── n.原始主义;尚古主义;原始的风格

positivism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、psychological positivism ─── 心理学实证主义

2、Based on three reasons above, logic positivism and its successors advance the statement that “value judgment is unverifiable ”. ─── 基于以上三方面的理由,逻辑实证主义及其继承者提出了“价值判断是不可证实”的论断。

3、And then, positivism is divided into two subspecies: inclusive positivism and exclusive positivism.The difference of positivisms is about whether morality could become legality act standard or not. ─── 同时,德沃金的批判又引起了实证主义内部的分裂,即坚持安置命题的包容性实证主义与坚持来源命题的排他性实证主义的出现。

4、In the history of positivism,Mach's ideology on element and the elemental monism has always occupied a very important position. ─── 在实证主义哲学的发展史上,马赫的要素及要素一元论思想始终占有非常重要的地位。

5、explanation mode of positivism ─── 实证主义解释模型

6、schoen, ich finde diese "keine Polaritaet" sehr positiv. ─── (不错啊,我觉得无极很好啊)。

7、The idealistic origin of Dworkin’s Theory of Legal Principle is the criticism of positivism and the continuation of liberalism. ─── 其理论的思想来源于对法律实证主义的批判和对自由主义的延续。

8、As a result, the new positivism maintains a thorough reformation of the traditional philosophy through logical instruments and physical language. ─── 于是,这种新的实证主义主张用逻辑工具、物理语言对传统哲学进行彻底改造。

9、Conde positivism is both the major cause of Fayol theory of management process and the source of the defects of the theory. ─── 孔德实证主义既是管理过程论产生的重要原因,也是造成管理过程论缺陷的根源。

10、"Positivism became the ‘scientific’ base for authoritarian politics, especially in Mexico and Brazil" (Raymond Carr) ─── “实证论成为极权政治的‘科学’基础,尤指在墨西哥及巴西”(雷蒙·卡尔)

11、analytical positivism ─── [法] 分析实证主义

12、The critique of the scientific view in the logical Positivism ─── 对逻辑经验主义科学观的批判

13、Popper developed the Falsification that when he was surrounded by the atmosphere of Positivism, which asserted the epochal meaning of falsification. ─── 巴柏从实证主义的学术氛围中发展出否证主义,主张否证所代表的划时代意义。

14、The characteristics of the poetry putting sentences in criticism mainly embody in three aspects, positivism, details criticism, perceptual and rational unity. ─── 古代诗歌摘句批评的特徵则主要体现在实证性、细部批评性、感性与理性的统一性三个方面。

15、The philosophy of Auguste Comte;positivism. ─── 康德哲学,实证哲学奥古斯特 康德的哲学;实证主义

16、Brandes, Dialectics, Positivism, Psychology, The age’s spirit, Individual liberty. ─── 勃兰兑斯;辩证法;实证主义;心理学;时代精神;

17、The theory of constructive factors(Tatbestad) by Beling is the main reflection of positivism in criminal law research, symbolizing that the study of crime came into a new stage of formality. ─── 德国刑法学家贝林提出的构成要件理论是实证主义方法在刑法学研究中的集中体现和主要成果,它标志着刑法学对于犯罪的研究开始了形式化的新历程。

18、Comte settled the contradiction between individual emotion and social emotion following holistic and social principia,so that he showed emotional positivism path to construct harmonious social order. ─── 孔德遵循整体性和社会性的基本原则来解决个人情感与社会情感的矛盾,从而找到了构建和谐社会秩序的情感实证主义路径。

19、Urban Scene: the Positivism Research on Construction of Ecological Ethics ─── 城市景区:生态伦理建设的实证研究

20、Of or relating to positivism. ─── 实证主义的实证哲学的或与此有关的

21、Positivism, a philosophy system established by Comte, is regarded not to embrace theology or metaphysics. ─── 实证主义是孔德确立的关于实证科学的哲学体系,被认为与神学、形而上学互不包容。

22、The philosophy of Auguste Comte; positivism. ─── 康德哲学,实证哲学奥古斯特·康德的哲学;实证主义

23、Positivism and post-positivism do not preestablish the existence of cultural problems, and service based on it cannot really help the object of service. ─── 实证主义和后实证主义不预设文化问题的存在,在此基础上形成的服务,并不能真正帮助服务对象。

24、Reviewing and Reflection of Study of Positivism on Moral Motive in the Last 20 Years ─── 我国道德动机实证性研究20年的回顾与反思

25、Serve as enlightenment with this, put forward those who unite to build " Chinese economics " academic system must hold to positivism viatic viewpoint. ─── 并以此作为启示 ,提出了建立统一的“中国经济学”理论体系必须坚持走实证主义道路的观点。

26、The Distinction between "validity" and "fact"--from an angle of analytical positivism ─── "价值"与"事实"的区分--从分析法学视角

27、Firstly, it uses the positivism as the analysis means and made an investigation on the phenomenon in Changsha urban area. ─── 首先,采取实证分析方法,就长沙市城区无证无照经营现象进行综合调研。

28、In some degree, Comte thought positivism is positivistic science, and positivistic stage is the highest one for the development of human's intelligence. ─── 孔德认为,在某种意义上,实证主义即是实证科学,而实证阶段是人类智慧发展的最高阶段。

29、Sine the later half of the 19th century, the emerging of positivism and scientism as well as the criticism from the later humanism have developed the two opposing camps, scientism and humanism. ─── 19世纪下半叶以来,随着实证主义、科学主义的兴起以及尔后人文主义者对它们的批判与反对,出现了科学主义和人本主义两大思潮的对立。

30、history of positivism ─── 实证史学

31、the age of post- positivism ─── 后实证主义法学时代

32、It is also clear that precisely because of his ethically based criticisms, Levinas will continue to appreciate the unsurpassed positivism of Husserl's phenomenology. ─── 同时,这也是很清楚的,由于其精确的基于伦理的判判,列维纳斯将要继续感激胡塞尔现象学卓越的实证。

33、The Comparison of Positivism Historiography and Marxism Historiography ─── 实证主义史学与马克思主义史学比较研究

34、The philosophical content of the scientific spirit reflected from the view of post-modernistic trend of thought should include the spirit of openness, doubting, criticism and positivism. ─── 从后现代主义思潮出发反思科学精神,其哲学内涵主要应该包括开放精神、怀疑精神、批判精神和实证精神等等。

35、Methods Positivism study and document compare analysis were applied. ─── 方法应用实证研究和文献比较方法。

36、It might be effective for French School to use the positive method of study to legalize comparative literature as a subject,considering the dominant positivism in Europe in the 19th century . ─── 在19世纪弥漫于欧洲的实证主义学术氛围中,法国学派的实证研究对比较文学学科的“合法化”也许是必要的。

37、Positivism Philosophy ─── 实证哲学

38、In the past far-flung century, our so-called science has suffered from punishment due to its abandoning itself to stupidity and has been always stagnated in the cages of positivism and even pragmatism. ─── 在过去一个漫长的世纪里,我们的所谓科学由于自甘愚昧而遭受惩罚,始终被停滞在实证主义乃至实用主义的牢笼里。

39、Conde positivism is based on empirical natural science, with observable and testable facts and knowledge as its content. ─── 孔德的实证主义是以实证自然科学为根据,以可以观察和实验的事实及知识为内容。

40、false positiv ─── 假阳性

41、He might have chosen to echo the rising Keynesianism and positivism of his day. ─── 他本可以选择附和当时处于上升期的凯恩斯主义和实证主义。

42、Criticism on Logical Positivism 's Picture of Science and its Proposition ─── 对逻辑实证主义科学观及其原则的分析

43、The positivism analysis of the industry structure and quality of "Fujian province and Guangdong province and Jianxi province" economic zone ─── “闽粤赣”经济区产业结构与产业素质的实证分析

44、He then pointed out positivist spirit embodies the connotation of positivism in a centralized way, and observation and reasonable prediction is the main characteristics of positivism. ─── 孔德指出,实证精神集中体现了实证主义的内涵,观察和合理的预测是实证精神的主要特性。

45、Logical positivism notwithstanding,rationalist and historicist stanced have begun to come to the fore of late. ─── 尽管有逻辑学的实证主义,然而通过定性的方法的普及,理性主义和历史第一主义的态度已经在不久以前出现。

46、Scientific interpretation is influenced by the concept of logical positivism. ─── 逻辑实证论的概念对于人们进行科学判断很有影响。

47、In the view of "rule of law",we have to choose the legal positivism. ─── 在法学三大流派中,只有分析法学最能满足现代法治之需。

48、Rudolf Carnap... was a leading exponent of logical positivism and was one of the major philosophers of the twentieth century. ─── 卡纳普是二十世纪的重要哲学家之一。他是逻辑实证主义的一个领导性倡议者。

49、From External Perspective to Internal Perspective: H. L. A. Hart and the Hermeneutic Turn in Legal Positivism ─── 从外在视点到内在视点:哈特与法律实证主义的诠释学转向

50、moral positivism ─── 伦理实证论

51、Tendency of the Harmonious Combination of Natural Law Theory and Legal Positivism ─── 当代西方自然法理论与法律实证主义的融合趋势

52、Opposed to all forms of naturalism is legal positivism, which is roughly constituted by three theoretical commitments: the Social Fact Thesis, the Conventionality Thesis, and the Separability Thesis. ─── 与一切自然主义相对立的是法律实证主义,它大致上由三个理论命题组成:事实命题,因袭命题,分离命题。

53、Nonlinear Singular First Order Partial Differential System Whose Eigenmatrix Exponent Has a Positiv ─── 具有正整数特征指数的一阶非线性奇异偏微分方程组

54、Keywords the Separability Thesis;Reasons;Authority;the Sources Thesis;Exclusive/Inclusive Legal Positivism; ─── 分离命题;理由;权威;来源命题;排他性/包容性法律实证主义;

55、The prattling pedlars of positivism deserve to be mocked. ─── 乐观主义的空谈家们应该被世人嘲笑。

56、The marvelous achievements of the experimental natural sciences prompted the emergence of a materialistic metaphysical doctrine, positivism. ─── 实验自然科学的非凡成就促使唯物主义的形而上学学说——实证主义的出现。

57、Yes, you teach philosophy, but do you know logical positivism? ─── 你懂不懂什么叫?

58、Beccaria provided no substantial evidence for it.As natural sciences were gradually adopting positivist methodology, criminologists also turned to positivism. ─── 主要是那些存在于法学、经济学等领域的文人,既在教学第一线,又在研究第一线。

59、Positivism flatly denies that any field of inquiry is open for teleological research. ─── 实证主义断然否定那些采用目的论做研究的领域。

60、It is the reform direction of political class to lay stress on political philosophy, social philosophy, ethics philosophy, law philosophy and logic positivism philosophy. ─── 在教学中突出“政治哲学”、“社会哲学”、“伦理哲学”、“法哲学”和“逻辑实证哲学”取向,是政治课教学改革的方向性努力。

61、Formed in the 1920s, the logical positivism is the main sect of analytic philosophy.Its core is the “Vienna School” which was created by Moritz Schlick and represented by Rudolf Carnap. ─── 形成于20世纪20年代的逻辑实证主义,是分析哲学的最主要的支派,其核心是由石里克所创立,以卡尔纳普为代表的“维也纳学派”。

62、logical positivism ─── n. 逻辑的实证主义

63、Galileo's Tradition and Economic positivism ─── “伽利略传统”与经济学实证方法

64、So, because of the sociological turn, Thomas Kuhn opened the new dimension of philosophy of science with opposing to positivism based on logic and experience in traditional philosophy of science. ─── 库恩以此来反对传统科学哲学以逻辑和经验为基础的实证主义,并开启了科学哲学的新方向。

65、On the basis of reviewing the history of euthanasia and social welfare, the present author explores the relationship between euthanasia and social welfare from the view of theory and positivism. ─── 作者在考察安乐死与社会福利历史的基础上,从理论和实证两个维度探讨它们之间的内在关联性。

66、Positivism Study on the Migrant Workers'Right of Obtaining Remuneration for Labor ─── 农民工劳动报酬权实证研究

67、Introduction of Positivism and Transformation of Legal Methodology ─── 实证方法的引入与法学研究方法的转型

68、In research based on positivism, the problem is determined at an early stage, whereas it belongs to one of the last activities in research based on social constructivism. ─── 在确定的基础研究方面,在一个早期决定的问题,而他是属于以社会构成的研究方面为基础的最后行动。

69、The nonpejorative name"Legal Positivism," like most terms which are used as missiles in intellectual battles, has come to stand for a baffling multitude of different sins. ─── “法律实证主义”本来是个不含贬义的名词,但是像大多数专有名词,当被用作学术辩论的武器时,已经渐渐变成许多不同的罪恶的代名词。这真是令人困惑。

70、Where is the way for positivism approach under the circumstances of globalization and new world structures? ─── 在全球化时代和新的世界结构条件下,实证主义的出路在哪里?

71、The major sources of her thought are: Feuerbach's religion of humanity, positivism and Darwinism. ─── 她的思想的主要来源是人本宗教、实证主义和达尔文主义。

72、The particular analytical methods of the study of company law is the cost-benefit analytical method and te coalescentof canonical analvtical method and positivism analytical method. ─── 公司法分析的具体方法是成本效益分析法和规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法。

73、the positivism audience research ─── 实证主义受众研究

74、Three generations of positivism has aff ected classical behaviorism, structural psychology and neo-behaviorism respectiv ely. ─── 三代实证主义分别影响着激进的行为主义、构造主义、新行为主义。

75、Hobbes is a precursor of modern positivism and analytical jurisprudence. ─── 霍布斯是现代实证主义法学和分析法学的先驱。

76、contemporary positivism ─── 当代实证主义

77、This kind of viewpoint often has color of thick positivism, scientism and idealism, and gives cultural value of science high evaluation and fully affirmation. ─── 因此,科学精神并非只是自然科学的精神,而是整个人类文化精神的不可缺少的组成部分。

78、Benthamism jurisprudence and Positivism jurisprudence is representative. ─── 功利主义法学无疑是具有代表性的法学理论。

79、Regretfully the centralism political system that Bolivar had cherished was not accepted fully by positivism politics until the late era of 19 century and early era of 20 century. ─── 但直到十九世纪末二十世纪初,玻利瓦尔所设想的中央集权政体才逐渐表现出应有的价值,被实证主义政治家和民众主义运动领袖所借鉴。

80、How does positivism confront all kinds of post modernity thoughts? ─── 实证主义如何面对各种后现代性的思想?

81、positivism, information waves,manas,dharma,probability waves ─── 实证逻辑,信息波,意根,法尘,机率波

82、However, from the angle of positivism, any single law cannot provide thorough and powerful protection for computer software. ─── 但从实证的角度来看,任何单一的法律保护模式都不能全面、有效地保护计算机软件。

83、Value positivism expresses the legal and illegal, seeking for the legal influence in value in the norm of law or in prejudication. ─── 价值实证表达着法律的合法与非法问题,在法律规范中、在判例中寻求价值因素对法律的影响。

84、Positivism Spirit of Zhang Dainian's Philosophial Thought ─── 张岱年哲学思想的实证精神

85、Kong De 1830 to 1842 " positivism tutorial " 6 this publish, those who opened positivism campaign is prelusive, in the west positivism thoughts is formed on philosophical history. ─── 孔德1830到1842年《实证哲学教程》六卷本的出版,揭开了实证主义运动的序幕,在西方哲学史上形成实证主义思潮。

86、idealistic positivism ─── 唯心实证主义

87、Historians have to understand the political, economic, and intellectual conditions that brought about positivism, old and new. ─── 历史家应当了解,新旧实证论之所以产生的政治、经济和知识环境。

88、To understand Greenspan's firm and what it did, it is important to understand the role of the economic expert in an age of positivism. ─── 为了了解格林斯潘的公司到底是做什么的,我们必须了经济专家在干预主义时代的作用。

89、Serum PRL level before operation was po sitively related with Pit-1 mRNA level (r=0.92, P

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