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gastrocnemius 发音

英:[,g?str?(?)'kni?m??s]  美:[,ɡ?strɑk'nimi?s; ,ɡ?str?k'nimi?s]

英:  美:

gastrocnemius 中文意思翻译



gastrocnemius 网络释义

n. [解剖] 腓肠肌(位于小腿后方)

gastrocnemius 词性/词形变化,gastrocnemius变形

名词复数: gastrocnemii |

gastrocnemius 短语词组

1、gastrocnemius muscle ─── [医]腓肠肌

2、gastrocnemius function ─── 腓肠肌功能

3、gastrocnemius anatomy ─── 腓肠肌解剖学

4、gastrocnemius medial head ─── 腓肠肌内侧头

5、gastrocnemius movement ─── 腓肠肌运动

6、gastrocnemius meaning ─── 腓肠肌意义

7、gastrocnemius muscles ─── 腓肠肌

8、musculi gastrocnemius ─── [医] 腓肠肌

9、gastrocnemius structure ─── 腓肠肌结构

10、gastrocnemius exercises ─── 腓肠肌运动

11、gastrocnemius medialis ─── 腓肠肌内侧

12、bursa of gastrocnemius ─── [医] 腓肠肌囊

13、gastrocnemius medial ─── 腓肠肌内侧

14、gastrocnemius lateralis ─── 腓肠肌外侧肌

15、musculus gastrocnemius ─── 腓肠肌

16、gastrocnemius vein ─── 腓肠肌静脉

gastrocnemius 相似词语短语

1、astronomies ─── n.天文学

2、gastrocnemii ─── n.腓肠肌(位于小腿后方)(gastrocnemius的变形)

3、astrochemist ─── n.天体化学家

4、gastronomics ─── 美食学

5、gastrodermis ─── 胃皮;[无脊椎]肠表皮

6、gastrocnemial ─── 胃肠道疾病

7、gastrocnemian ─── 胃肠道疾病

8、gastronomers ─── n.考究饮食的人

9、gastrectomies ─── n.[外科]胃切除术

gastrocnemius 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sciatic gastrocnemius preparation ─── 坐骨神经腓肠肌标本

2、We treated PCL injury in medial approach by cutting off gastrocnemius inner side.This method can avoid the complex regional anatomy ( such as blood vessel and nerve) in usual approach, ... ─── 作者2年来采用腓肠肌内侧头切断后内侧入路治疗PCL损伤,既避开了局部复杂的解剖结构(如血管、神经),又能显露清楚、操作方便、安全省时、经济实惠,便于掌握推广。

3、Effect of denervation on intramuscular nerve, motor end plate and muscle spindle of the compartment of lateral gastrocnemius in rabbit ─── 家兔腓肠肌亚部神经切断对其肌内神经、运动终板和肌梭的影响

4、The relative muscle mass of gastrocnemius and the contents of malonal dehydealdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) in rats were observed. ─── 观察大鼠腓肠肌相对肌质量、组织丙二醛(MDA)和谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量的变化。

5、Study of early injury difference between cerebral cortex and gastrocnemius muscle and its mechanism after severe burn in rats ─── 大鼠严重烧伤后大脑皮质和腓肠肌早期损害的差异性及其机制

6、After 3-week-treatment, effect of three kinds of treatment methods to the recovery of injured sciatic nerve and gastrocnemius muscle"s atrophy and controlling by sciatic nerve was observed. ─── 治疗三周后,观察三种疗法对损伤坐骨神经恢复及神经所支配的腓肠肌萎缩的影响。

7、Applied Anatomic Study of Di-pedicle Gastrocnemius Myocutaneous Flap in the Treatment of Soft Tissue Defect Around Heel Combining Achilles Tendon Defect and Clinical Report ─── 双蒂腓肠肌皮瓣修复跟腱及皮肤缺损的应用解剖学研究和临床应用

8、Keywords stroke;tibial anterior muscle;gastrocnemius muscle;surface electromyography (sEMG); ─── 脑卒中;胫骨前肌;腓肠肌;表面肌电图;

9、Applied anatomic study of di-pedicle gastrocnemius myocutaneous flap in the treatment of soft tissue defect around heel combining Achilles tendon defect ─── 双蒂腓肠肌皮瓣下滑修复跟腱及皮肤缺损的应用解剖学

10、Turn the tendinous origin of the medial head of the gastrocnemius laterally to serve as a retractor for the popliteal vessels and nerves (Fig. 1-55, D). ─── 术中可将腓肠肌内侧头的腱性起点向外翻转,形成对腘血管神经的保护(图1-55D)。

11、There were fasciocutaneous cross-leg flap, gastrocnemius musculocutaneous and gastrocnemius muscle cross-leg flap.All of these flap survived. ─── 提出三个病例,依序是交叉腿腓肠肌肌皮瓣,交叉腿腓肠肌肌瓣及交叉腿筋膜皮瓣,所有的皮瓣均存活。

12、Effects of Hypoxia Alone or Hypoxia Combined-Exercise on Morphology of Rat Gastrocnemius Muscle ─── 缺氧及缺氧复合运动大鼠骨骼肌组织化学观察

13、There was no siatistical difference between IP 10 and I/R group. IP 10,IPS,ADO and DIA preconditioning all enhanced NO content of in homogenate of gastrocnemius. ─── 肌肉故 含量:RZh及R24h,IPS、AOO及0u组均明显低于1八组,IP10组在与1八组则无明显差别:肌肉 NO含量 RZh及 R24h时,IP10组 IPS、ADO及呼A组均明显高于 I/R组;

14、Study on the distraction-resisting force contributed by gastrocnemius ─── 胫骨骨干延长端腓肠肌导致的牵伸阻力的研究

15、Revascularization by a short autologous venous graft from the grand anastomotic or gastrocnemius artery can be an alternative technique. ─── 心肌血运重建术的短期自体静脉移植的大腓肠肌动脉吻合或可替代技术。

16、Keywords Chengshan acupoint(BL57);acupuncture;stiff neck;acute lumbar muscle sprain;hemorrhoids;dysmenorrheal;shoulder periarthritis;gastrocnemius strain (Original article on Page 31); ─── 承山穴;针灸疗法;落枕;急性腰扭伤;痔疮;痛经;肩周炎;腓肠肌劳损;

17、Keywords surgical flap;gastrocnemius;myocutaneous flap;Achilles s tendon;applied anatomy; ─── 关键词外科皮瓣;腓肠肌;肌皮瓣;跟腱;应用解剖;

18、2) Compared with I/R group,DIA,IPS and ADO preconditioning reduced MDA and MPO in homogenate of gastrocnemius. ─── 肌肉匀浆mA值 RZh及 R24h,DIA,IPS、ADO组均明显低于 1/R组,IP10组在与1瓜组则无明显差别;

19、Effects of hepatocyte growth factors on contractile function of disused gastrocnemius atrophy in rats ─── 肝细胞生长因子在防治大鼠腓肠肌废用性萎缩中的作用

20、Study on pathologic morphology of gastrocnemius of the varicose veins lower extremities ─── 下肢静脉曲张腓肠肌的病理形态学研究

21、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Gastrocnemius flexibility and incidence of lower extremity overuse injuries in the 2 groups. ─── 主要观察指标:两组观察对象的腓肠肌柔韧性及下肢疲劳性损伤发生率。

22、Investigation of morphology to intramuscular nerve, motor end plate, muscle spindle in the compartment of lateral gastrocnemius of rabbit after nerve crush ─── 兔腓肠肌肌亚部神经挤压后肌内神经、运动终板和肌梭等的变化

23、Three patients required a local gastrocnemius flap. ─── 三名患者接受了局部转腓肠肌皮瓣。

24、Method 11 cases of avulsed tibial attachment of the PCL had been undergone a operative imternal fixation through the posteromedial approach of the gastrocnemius in clinic. ─── 方法应用膝后腓肠肌内侧入路对11例PCL胫骨撕脱骨折行复位固定。

25、medial gastrocnemius ─── 内侧腓肠肌

26、Dancing Dobermann disease is a type of myopathy that primarily affects the gastrocnemius muscle in Dobermanns. ─── 杜宾舞蹈病是一种见于杜宾犬的主要影响腓肠肌的一种疾病。

27、To Estimate Early Postmortem Interval by Investigating Changes of Rats'Gastrocnemius Excitability ─── 大鼠死后腓肠肌直接电兴奋性变化与早期死亡时间的关系

28、After the performance, Wang spot was immediately taken to hospital for diagnosis and treatment, the initial diagnosis as "gastrocnemius injury. ─── 演出结束后,王斑被立刻送往医院诊断治疗,初步确诊为“腓肠肌拉伤”。

29、Neurotomy of the motor branches of tibial nerve innervating the medial gastrocnemius muscle for calf reduction ─── 胫神经腓肠肌内侧头肌支切断的小腿减肥术

30、Objective:To investigate the effect of Rhodiola Sachalinensis A Bor(BSAB) polysaccha-ride on gastrocnemius fatigue in vitro induced by electric stimulation to Toad. ─── 目的:探讨高山红景天的主要成分红景天多糖对电刺激离体蟾蜍腓肠肌疲劳的影响。

31、Single-arm External Fixation Frame Combined with Medial Head of Gastrocnemius Muscle Musculo-cutaneous Flap for Treating of Tibiofibular Fracture with Extensive Skin Avulsion ─── 单臂外固定支架联合腓肠肌内侧头肌皮瓣治疗胫腓骨骨折合并大面积皮肤撕脱伤

32、Morphological changes and their mechanism of gastrocnemius muscle damage following early severe burn in rats ─── 严重烧伤早期腓肠肌损伤的形态学改变及其机制的初步探讨

33、Dancing Dobermann disease is a type of myopathy that primarily affects the gastrocnemius muscle in Dobermanns. ─── 杜宾舞蹈病是一种见于杜宾犬的主要影响腓肠肌的一种疾病。

34、Experimental study of H-reflex induced by nerval-end branch of rat gastrocnemius ─── 大鼠腓肠肌神经终支肌电H反射实验研究

35、The Achilles tendon that connects with soleus, gastrocnemius muscle and calcaneus behaves like a "three stings system" . ─── 基于阿基里斯腱在解剖学上同时连结了腓肠肌、比目鱼肌与跟骨,可将其视为一个三弦联结系统。

36、sciatic nerve - gastrocnemius ─── 坐骨神经-腓肠肌

37、The treatment to the deep ulcer in the lateral part of heel with the lateral head of gastrocnemius muscular cutaneous flap from the crossing legs ─── 交腿带蒂腓肠肌外侧头肌皮瓣治疗足跟外侧深部溃疡

38、Effect of hepatocyte growth factor on the apoptosis of gastrocnemius cell of fixed hindlimb in rats ─── 肝细胞生长因子对后肢固定大鼠腓肠肌细胞凋亡的影响

39、isolated gastrocnemius ─── 离体腓肠肌

40、There are the phenomena of hypoplasia in the gastrocnemius MEP of the neonatal mouses with spina bifida manifesta. ─── 显性脊柱裂仔鼠腓肠肌运动终板有发育不全现象。

41、The effects of Qianglisheng, obtained from Mucuna macrocar pa Wall, on rat gastrocnemius fatigue in vivo induced by electric stimulation were investigated. ─── 目的:采用以大果油麻藤的藤茎提取物为主的复方中药制剂强力生注射液,观察其对大鼠在体腓肠肌疲劳的影响。

42、He has got strong and healthy gastrocnemius muscles. ─── 他的腓肠肌结实而又健美。

43、Methods: Isolated toad gastrocnemius stimulated by electricity as the fatigue model, the duration and amplitude of muscle contraction were recorded. ─── 方法:采用脉冲式电流直接刺激离体蟾蜍腓肠肌作为疲劳模型,观察肌肉收缩力、达最大收缩力所需时间以及肌肉收缩持续时间的变化。

44、Objective: To study the effects of botulinum toxin-A (BTX-A)on the ultrastructural change of gastrocnemius muscle and relative tissue of spastic paralytic rats. ─── 目的:研究A型肉毒毒素注射致痉挛瘫痪大鼠腓肠肌及相关结构超微结构的改变。

45、Methods Nerve muscular branches and endings at the proximal aspect of the soleus muscle and the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle were dissected. ─── 方法将至比目鱼肌近侧、腓肠肌内侧头、腓肠肌外侧头的神经肌支及其在肌门处的终支解剖分离,观察各终支的形态及分布。

46、The ultrastructural changes of gastrocnemius muscle and related tissue of spastic paralytic rats in different period were studied by transmission electronic microscopy. ─── 各组于注射后不同时间进行神经行为学检测、肌肉及相关组织结构透射电镜检查。

47、bursa of gastrocnemius ─── [医] 腓肠肌囊

48、The electromyogram (EMG) of each subject's tibial anterior, lateral gastrocnemius, biceps femoralis and rectus femoralis was measured. ─── 测量其胫骨前肌、外侧腓肠肌、股直肌和股二头肌的肌电图。

49、Objective: To sum up the clinical effects of the treatment of sofe tissue defect in the leg with exposed bone by using medial head of gastrocnemius muscle flap. ─── 摘要目的:总结腓肠肌内侧头肌瓣修复小腿软组织缺损骨外露创面临床应用效果。

50、Effects of Ligustrazine on Gastrocnemius Fatigue in Vivo Induced by Electric Stimulation in Toad ─── 川芎嗪对电刺激在体蟾蜍腓肠肌疲劳的影响

51、isolated toad gastrocnemius ─── 离体蟾蜍腓肠肌

52、Keywords Popliteal vessel Trauma Cutis Avulsed wound Gastrocnemius flap Therapy; ─── 腘血管;创伤;皮肤;撕脱伤;腓肠肌瓣;治疗;

53、Keywords Acanthopanax senticosus injection;Electric stimulation;Gastrocnemius;Muscle fatigue;Toads; ─── 刺五加注射液;电刺激;腓肠肌;肌肉疲劳;蟾蜍;

54、L-NAME 10 mg/kg daily was injected into the denervated gastrocnemius in Group A, and normal saline was injected into the denervated gastrocnemius in Group B. ─── B组:注射同等体积的生理盐水。

55、In an initial pilot study, 25 patients with unilateral leg ischemia received an injection of bone marrow-mononuclear cells into the gastrocnemius of the ischemic limb and of saline into the other leg. ─── 在最初的先期实验中,有25位患有单侧下肢局部缺血的患者接受注射骨髓单核球细胞在局部缺血下肢的腓肠肌,同时也注射生理盐水在另外一只腿。

56、Enhanced activity of succinate dehydrogenase in rat's gastrocnemius under hypoxic living with normoxic training ─── 低氧复合常氧训练增强大鼠腓肠肌琥珀酸脱氢酶的活性

57、Effects of Temperature on Contractibility of Toad Gastrocnemius Muscle ─── 温度对蟾蜍腓肠肌收缩能力的影响

58、Ultrastructural changes in the muscle fibers of denervated rabbit gastrocnemius in degeneration and regeneration ─── 家兔失神经支配腓肠肌肌纤维退行性变与修复性再生的超微结构观察

59、The greater activation of rectus femoris and medial gastrocnemius is correlated to the increased required progression power as increased incline slope during stance phase. ─── 股直肌和内侧腓肠肌活化增加,与坡度增加所需下肢前进动力增加相关;

60、Nitric oxide synthase expression in ipsilateral gastrocnemius muscle after crush injury of sciatic nerve in rat ─── 一氧化氮合酶在坐骨神经夹伤后腓肠肌中的表达变化

61、Procaine did produce overall longer sensory blockade(P=0.0011)and motor blockade at the gastrocnemius(P=0.0004)and quadriceps(P=0.0146) muscles. ─── 普鲁卡因的确在感觉阻滞(P=0.0011)和腓肠肌(P=0.0004)、四头肌(P=0.0146)运动阻滞上持续时间更长。

62、Keywords soft tissue defects of the leg;gastrocnemius flap;complication; ─── 小腿软组织缺损;腓肠肌肌皮瓣;并发症;

63、Objective: To review result of treating soft tissue defect of anterior side of tibia by transposing vascularized muscle flap of medial head of gastrocnemius muscle. ─── 目的:回顾性研究带血管蒂腓肠肌内侧头肌皮瓣转位修复胫前软组织缺损的临床治疗效果。

64、Under different concentration of recuronium, the MTAI% of the gastrocnemius was higher than the MTAI% of orbicularis oris muscle (P

65、Method The laboratory examinations, electromyogramms and gastrocnemius biopsies were studied in 37 patients with restless leg syndrome who were not found other primary disease . ─── 方法 观察37例临床表现为不宁腿而暂未发现其它原发病患者的实验室检查、肌电图及腓肠肌活检情况。

66、Methods The nervous filaments of rats were separated from muscular nerves innervating the gastrocnemius muscles and afferent discharge from the muscle spindle was recorded. ─── 方法以大鼠为对象,在支配腓肠肌的神经上分离神经细束,引导肌梭的传入放电。

67、Expression pattern of growth differentiation factor 8 during denervative atrophy of the gastrocnemius ─── 生长分化因子8在腓肠肌失神经萎缩过程中的表达变化

68、METHODS: Recruits in control group did routine extension movement, including extension exercises of gastrocnemius tendons; ─── 方法:对照组进行日常的伸展运动,包括腓肠肌腱的伸展练习;

69、Keywords taurine muscle;gastrocnemius;mice;sporting ability; ─── 牛磺酸;腓肠肌;小鼠;运动能力;

70、musculi gastrocnemius ─── [医] 腓肠肌

71、Reconstruction of the Patella Tendon and Soft Tissue Loss by the Medial Head of Gastrocnemius Muscle Musculocutaneous Flap with Achilles Tendon ─── 带跟腱的腓肠肌内侧头肌皮瓣修复膝前软组织与髌腱缺损

72、Keywords leg;skin defect;gastrocnemius musculocutaneous flap; ─── 关键词小腿;皮肤缺损;腓肠肌皮瓣;

73、He has got strong and healthy gastrocnemius muscles. ─── 他的腓肠肌结实而又健美。

74、The gastrocnemius and soleus press the sole of the foot into the floor. ─── 腓肠肌和比目鱼肌将脚底压向地板。

75、Objective To introduce the sliding gastrocnemius myocutaneous flap for the Achilles tendon and its overlying skin defect and evaluate its effects. ─── 目的介绍腓肠肌推进皮瓣一期修复跟腱伴腱周皮肤缺损的方法。

76、Keywords gastrocnemius muscle;damage;burn; ─── 关键词腓肠肌;损伤;烧伤;

77、Keywords calf reducetion;gastrocnemius;muscular branch;neurotomy; ─── 小腿减肥;腓肠肌;肌支;神经切断;

78、Result: In the group of NGF,CNTF and GDNF applied in combination, SFI,NCV,CMAP,and recovery rate of gastrocnemius muscle wet weight were better than those in all other groups; ─── 结果:三种因子联合治疗组坐骨神经功能指数、神经传导速度、动作电位波幅、腓肠肌湿重恢复最佳;

79、Keywords estimating of postmortem interval;gastrocnemius;electric excibility;forensic medicine; ─── 死亡时间推断;腓肠肌;电兴奋性;法医学;

80、Objective To introduce a simplified posteromedial approach of the gastrocnemius for reattachment of bony avuision of the PCL from the tibia. ─── 目的探讨膝后腓肠肌内侧入路修复膝关节后交叉韧带(PCL)胫骨撕脱骨折。

81、Total gastrocnemius muscles resection for hypertrophic muscular calves were performed in 10 patients at Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital from May 2001 through April 2004. ─── 从民国九十年五月到九十三年四月间,共有十位病人在慈济医院接受腓肠肌全部切除手术来治疗肌肉型的小腿粗大;

82、Purpose:To detect the effects on muscle activation level and mechanical properties of human gastrocnemius muscle of eight weeks plyometric exercise training. ─── 目的:讨论8周的增强式运动训练对健康年轻人小腿腓肠肌肌肉活性及机械特性之影响。

83、Methods Eight hundred and fifty-nine patients after substitute popliteal vein valve operation were given gastrocnemius massotherapy, joint exercise and guidance of movement before leaving hospital. ─── 方法859例静脉肌袢代瓣术后患者行腓肠肌按摩、关节锻炼和出院前活动指导并观察其效果。

84、The Achilles tendon that connects with soleus, gastrocnemius muscle and calcaneus behaves like a “three stings system”. ─── 基于阿基里斯腱在解剖学上同时连结了腓肠肌、比目鱼肌与跟骨,可将其视为一个三弦联结系统。

85、Keywords calf reduction;gastrocnemius;muscular branch;tibial nerve;applied anatomy; ─── 小腿减肥;腓肠肌;肌支;胫神经;应用解剖;

86、The earth electrode was inserted from distal to proximal limb into gastrocnemius muscle around tibialis anterior muscle. ─── 接地电极从肢体远端向近端插入腓肠肌临近胫前肌处。

87、Manpowered gastrocnemius extrusion ─── 人力挤压腓肠肌

88、The observation of gastrocnemius motor end plate of the neonatal mouse with spina bifida manifesta ─── 显性脊柱裂仔鼠腓肠肌运动终板的观察

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