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08-17 投稿


windlass 发音

英:['w?ndl?s]  美:['w?ndl?s]

英:  美:

windlass 中文意思翻译



windlass 网络释义

vt. 用绞盘吊起n. 绞盘,辘轳;卷扬机

windlass 短语词组

1、windlass in gear ─── 起锚机挂档

2、windlass steelcrafts ─── 起锚机钢船

3、vertical windlass ─── 立式起锚机

4、windlass font ─── 起锚机字体

5、hydraulic windlass ─── 液压锚机,电动 ─── 液压锚机

6、single end windlass ─── 单侧起锚机

7、Spanish windlass ─── [医] 西班牙纹带(用作肢体止血带)

8、windlass mechanism ─── 起锚机机构

9、windlass restaurant ─── 锚机餐厅

10、windlass test ─── 起锚机试验

11、capstan windlass ─── 立式起锚机

12、differential windlass ─── 差动滑车

13、windlass swords ─── 起锚机剑

14、windlass towton ─── 锚机牵引

15、windlass effect ─── 卷扬机效应

16、windlass traction ─── [医] 绞盘牵引

17、above deck windlass ─── 甲板上起锚机

18、vertical shaft windlass ─── 立轴起锚机

windlass 词性/词形变化,windlass变形

动词第三人称单数: windlasses |动词过去式: windlassed |动词现在分词: windlassing |动词过去分词: windlassed |

windlass 相似词语短语

1、windlasses ─── n.绞车;[船]起锚机(windlass的复数形式);v.吊起(windlass的第三人称单数形式)

2、windases ─── 温达斯

3、windblasts ─── 爆炸气浪;阵风

4、windblast ─── 爆炸气浪;阵风

5、windflaws ─── n.一阵狂风

6、windas ─── 风

7、windless ─── adj.无风的;平稳的

8、wineglass ─── n.玻璃酒杯;葡萄酒杯

9、windlassed ─── n.绞盘;卷扬机;辘轳;v.用绞盘吊起

windlass 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Put the windlass in gear. ─── 和上锚机离合器。

2、Tie the rope to the axis of the windlass. ─── 你去把绞绳套在绞车的轴上。

3、windlass model ─── 绞车模型

4、The Application of ABM Transducer at Blast Furnace When be Feed Stuff Used Windlass ─── ABM变频器在高炉卷扬上料的应用

5、Manual anchoring for the port windlass. ─── 左锚机手动抛锚。

6、Manipulator and bogiel move up and down along the track with the towing of the windlass’s wire rope. ─── 机械手及行走机构通过卷扬机钢丝绳的牵引沿导轨上下移动。

7、Using facility machine tool repair windlass's principal axis of principal clause ─── 利用简易机床修复主井提升机主轴

8、either of a pair of strong posts that support a windlass on a ship's deck. ─── 船的甲板上的支撑起锚机的强桩。

9、These results provided general insights into the biomechanical aspects of windlass mechanism and Achilles tendon force onto plantar fascia stress and strain distribution. ─── 本研究结果提供绞盘机制并阿基里斯腱拉力之拉伸方式,对足底筋膜造成的应力应变分布情形之生物力学方面的解释。

10、windlass foundations secured to the deck ─── 甲板锚机固定座

11、wind a windlass ─── 绞动辘轳

12、differential windlass ─── 差动滑车差动卷扬机

13、Tie the rope to the axis of the windlass. ─── 把绞绳套在绞车的轴上。

14、This paper introduces the automatic drilling principle, the hardware composition and software program in the windlass percussive drilling by the microcomputer control system. ─── 介绍了卷扬式冲击钻进过程中,微机控制实现自动钻进的基本原理、硬件的组成和软件的设计。

15、any of the ridges on the barrel of a windlass or capstan ─── 一种绞盘筒盘或绞筒的筋条

16、a windlass rotated in a horizontal plane. ─── 在水平面旋转的绞盘。

17、Application of Inverter in Windlass of Blast Furnace ─── 变频器在高炉卷扬机上的应用

18、Overhauling and Assembly of Coal Mine Windlass Sliding Bearing ─── 矿井提升机滑动轴承检修与装配

19、This paper expands on the strain unit of windlass in theory from the perspect of the whole system . ─── 本文从系统整体出发,对绞车式拉进装置作了详细的论述。

20、The running status analysis of DC motor in a windlass ─── 卷扬设备中直流电机运行状态分析

21、main hoisting windlass ─── 主提绞车

22、We design and manufacture a wide range of electric and hydraulic windlass,towing winch, mooring winch,capstan, crane, steering engine and hatch etc. ─── 公司主要设计、制造各类电动、液压式锚机、拖缆机、系泊绞车、绞盘、起重机、舵机、舱口盖等产品。

23、a.Use braking device to stop windlass for 2-3 times While breaking out each anchor, to demonstrate its effect. ─── 每边锚抛出的同时使用制动器将锚机停止2-3次,检验其效能。

24、And I hear the darkies coming home across the fields at dusk, tired and singing and ready for supper, and the sound of the windlass as the bucket goes down into the cool well. ─── 我也听到那些声音:经 历了一天的劳作,黑人拖着疲惫的身躯,从满是尘土的田地里归来,他们唱着歌,准备晚餐;吊桶放下水井时,绞盘在吱纽作响。

25、Mechanical anchoring for the port windlass. ─── 左锚机机械抛锚。

26、9.Sailors hove up the cable with windlass or capstan . ─── 水手们用绞盘或起锚机把缆绳拉起来。

27、6 Shipyard sort out the relevant record and fill in test report after anchor equipments and windlass test. And signed by shipyard/classification society/shipowner. ─── 每个锚链的标记和链尾固定情况应在安装前进行检查,弃链器设备的检验应在锚脱勾时进行。锚链全部收好后检查链在锚链舱的堆放情况是否完好。

28、The windlass was extremely large for such a relatively small boat, project leader Pollack said. ─── 工程负责人波拉克说,相对于这艘小船来说这是一个非常大的绞盘。

29、On Optimal Research of Overhaul flow Process of Large Type Power Transformer Windlass Cover ─── 大型电力变压器吊罩检修的流程优化研究

30、a small engine (as one used on board ships to operate a windlass) ─── 在船上操作绞盘的发动机

31、The windlass was extremely large for such a relatively small boat, project leader Pollack said. ─── 工程负责人波拉克说,相对于这艘小船来说这是一个非常大的绞盘。

32、The windlass and the well were made of an empty bottle by me. Though it looked rude, my son and his friend played very happily. ─── 空的饮料瓶被我改装成了辘轳和井,尽管做工粗糙,有糊弄之嫌,但儿子和他的小伙伴却玩的津津有味。

33、Chinese windlass ─── 差动绞盘

34、windlass line strander ─── 盘绞式绞线机


36、G4 is the preferred chain for anchoring or windlass applications, and has twice the working load of BBB chain, so you can use a smaller size with the same strength. ─── G4是泊锚或起锚机应用的首选,而且是BBB锚链工作负荷两倍,因此你可以选择比较小尺寸HT锚链而具有同样的强度.

37、Oil leakage is found in way of several connections and there’s a loud noise in the gear box of the windlass. ─── 有几个接头处发现漏油,锚机齿轮箱内的声音很大。

38、Keywords windlass;clutch;cast iron;structural flaw;casting flaw; ─── 卷扬机;离合器;铸铁;组织缺陷;铸造缺陷;

39、turn a windlass ─── 摇辘轳

40、Rotary drilling rig auxiliary windlass turning malfunction obviating ─── 旋挖钻机副卷扬单向回转故障的排除

41、9. Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear( windlass、 mooring winch). ─── 舵机(机、缆机)压系统安全装置调整。

42、steam-turbine-driven windlass ─── 汽轮机驱动起锚机

43、Spanish windlass ─── [医] 西班牙纹带(用作肢体止血带)

44、Answer: Slip even if put the heavy thing on slideway, force of choose and employ persons or windlass involve the operation with bend slip clog. ─── 答:滑就是把重物放在滑道上,用人力或卷扬机牵弓重物滑动的操作。

45、Hand windlass and anchor capstan ─── 手动起锚机及起锚绞盘

46、cattle hoisting windlass ─── 牛胴体卷扬机

47、Exploration of Protection Unit Standard for Alternating Current Windlass Programmable Controller Electricity Control System ─── 交流提升机可编程电控系统保护装置设置标准探讨

48、either of a pair of strong posts that support a windlass on a ship's deck ─── 船的甲板上的支撑起锚机的强桩

49、hydraulic windlass ─── 液压起锚机

50、endless rope windlass ─── 无极绳绞车

51、Overhauling main engine, repairing boiler, windlass, steering gear or other important navigational equipments. ─── 拆修主机、锅炉、锚机、舵机、重要导航设备;

52、a small engine (as one used on board ships to operate a windlass). ─── 在船上操作绞盘的发动机。

53、Have a variety of ancient water on the apparatus, such as Egypt's chain pump (17th century BC), Chinese桔槔(17th century BC), windlass (11th century BC) and water (1 century AD). ─── 古代就已有各种提水器具,例如埃及的链泵(公元前17世纪),中国的桔槔(公元前17世纪)、辘轳(公元前11世纪)和水车(公元1世纪)。

54、windlass current electricity control system ─── 提升机电控系统

55、Any of the ridges on the barrel of a windlass or capstan. ─── 绞盘的肋骨一种绞盘筒盘或绞筒的筋条

56、To lift or haul by means of a windlass or winch ─── 吊起,拉上通过辘轳或起货机吊起或拖上来

57、windlass man ─── 提升机工

58、friction windlass ─── 摩擦卷扬器

59、windlass bucket ─── 绞盘吊桶小吊桶

60、Appliance Situation Analysis of Windlass High-performance Rubs Gasket ─── 提升机高性能摩擦衬垫的使用情况分析

61、windlass traction ─── [医] 绞盘牵引

62、electric windlass ─── 电动起锚机

63、electro hydraulic windlass ─── 电动液压起锚机

64、one end of the steel cable is connected with the windlass and the other end thereof is connected on the travelling car. ─── 钢索的一端与卷扬机连接,另一端连接在移动小车上。

65、Application of Simulated Windlass Control System from Practical AC Electrically Driven Windlass ─── 改交流三速电动锚机为锚机模拟器的探索

66、We should reinforce the downside of the windlass. ─── 我们应该在锚机的反面加强。

67、windlass machine ─── 吹风机

68、Study on the Technique of the Active and Passive Method to Reduce Noise of Windlass ─── 卷接机噪声主被动联合控制技术研究

69、windlass main ─── 抽风总管大风道

70、Keywords windlass current electricity control system;programmable controller;protection unit;standard; ─── 提升机电控系统;可编程控制器;保护装置;规范;

71、In the process of production of introduced high speed windlass set PROTOS70, the undesirable phenomena of Water-Soft Paper ill-bonded, dropping cigarette filter and Water-Soft paper wrapping border often appear in the practiceal production. ─── 摘要在引进的高速卷接机组PROTOS70生产过程中,经常出现水松纸粘结不良、掉咀、水松纸翘边等现象。

72、hand windlass ─── 手摇卷扬机

73、windlass - a winding device, usually consisting of a spool with double crank handles, a set of pulleys and hooks, but not normally equipped with a ratcheting device. ─── 机-清盘装置,通常由一个缓冲的双曲柄把手,一套滑轮和钩,但通常不会配备棘轮装置。

74、Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear(windlass,mooring winch). ─── 舵机(锚机、绞缆机)液压系统安全装置调整。

75、that the stream at Winsor in Hampshire was too tiny to carry the meaning, “river-bank where boats are pulled by a windlass”, she had posited for Windsor in Berkshire. ─── Hampshire郡Winsor镇的那条小河实在太小了,因此“河里的船靠着河岸上绞盘拖拉前行”(她对“Windsor”的解释)这个说法有些名不副其实。

76、30.      Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear(windlass、mooring winch). ─── 舵机(锚机、绞缆机)液压系统安全装置调整。

77、Each set has an anchor chain lifter, a hawser drum and a warping drum. One spare motor shall be provided for the windlass. ─── 每台设有一个锚链轮,一个系缆筒和一个付缆筒。

78、Keywords Blast furnace Increase material and windlass Frequency variable speed control; ─── 关键词高炉;上料卷扬;变频调速;

79、Power Engineering Department ? The windlass is the usual anchor handling device where one machine may be used to handle both anchors. ─── 锚机是常见的锚操作设备,它是用一台机器来操作两只锚。

80、The omnidirectional windlass mill can utilize the wind energy of tail wind, side wind and even dead wind simply and effectively. ─── 本实用新型能简单而且有效利用顺风、侧风甚至逆风的风能。

81、put windlass into gear. ─── 准备绞锚。

82、To raise with a windlass. ─── 用绞盘机(或起锚机等)吊起,拉起

83、main windlass ─── 主卷扬机

84、Baigou the south and north Liuzhuang, windlass into the villages, almost every family in this as a career. ─── 白沟的南、北刘庄,辘轳把等村,几乎家家以此为业。

85、the barrel of a windlass ─── 卷扬机的圆筒

86、windlass mechanism ─── 卷扬机构

87、Sailors hove up the cable with windlass or capstan. ─── 水手们用绞盘或起锚机把缆绳拉起来。

88、Forecastle deck shall be provided on forward deck. Deck structures in way of windlass, mooring fittings, hawser pipes, foremast etc. shall be reinforced. ─── 在首部甲板上安装首楼甲板。锚机,系泊配件和锚链管、艏桅杆处等的甲板结构需要加强。

89、Installation and alignment inspection of windlass. ─── 锚机安装与校中检查。

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