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08-17 投稿


wean 发音

英:[wi?n]  美:[win]

英:  美:

wean 中文意思翻译




wean 网络释义

vt. 使断奶;使断念;使放弃n. (苏格兰)幼儿n. (Wean)人名;(英)威恩

wean 短语词组

wean from

1. 使放弃

She tried to wean him from playing football.


1、wean band ─── 断奶带

2、wean green ─── 断奶绿

3、to wean from ─── 断奶

4、green soy wean ─── 绿色大豆断奶

5、wean off buspar ─── 断奶

6、wean sb off sth ─── 使某人断奶

7、wean meaning ─── 断奶的意义

8、wean new ─── 断奶

9、wean definition ─── 断奶定义

10、to wean ─── 断奶

11、to wean off ─── 断奶

12、wean off ─── 使断奶 ─── 使脱离戒掉

wean 同义词

rolling | affluent | luxurious | loaded | filthy rich | newly | in | well-off | comfortable | financially | opulent | sumptuous | substantial | well-to-do | silk-stocking | profuse | prosperous | magnificent | moneyed | well-heeled | splendid | dough | elegant | full of | on | flush | on easy street | secure | filthy | lavish | ample | forehanded | full | of | easy | street | replete | glittering | abundant |rich

wean 词性/词形变化,wean变形

动词现在分词: weaning |动词第三人称单数: weans |动词过去式: weaned |动词过去分词: weaned |

wean 反义词


wean 相似词语短语

1、Lean ─── v.倾斜身体;倾斜;倚靠;(使)斜靠;adj.瘦且健康的;收益少的;贫乏的;(企业或机构)精简的;(混合汽化燃料)空气占比高的;n.瘦肉;倾斜;倾斜度;n.(Lean)(丹)利恩(人名)

2、Jean ─── n.珍(女子名)

3、Sean ─── n.肖恩(男子名)

4、bean ─── n.豆;嘴峰;毫无价值的东西;vt.击…的头部;n.(Bean)人名;(英)比恩

5、weans ─── vt.使断奶;使断念;使放弃;n.(苏格兰)幼儿;n.(Wean)人名;(英)威恩

6、Dean ─── n.院长;系主任;教务长;主持牧师

7、Kean ─── n.基恩(男子名);肯恩(美国一所大学名)

8、gean ─── n.欧洲甜樱桃;n.(Gean)人名;(意)杰安

9、-ean ─── abbr.有效原子序数(EffectiveAtomicNumber);实验过敏性神经炎(ExperimentalAllergicNeuritis);n.(Ean)人名;(柬)延

wean 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Over the past few years, Thailand's exporters have been trying to wean themselves off dependence on U. ─── 过去几年中,泰国出口商一直力图减少对美国消费者的依赖。

2、Wean Hydrocele Treated with Chinese Gall Pellicle ─── 五倍子涂膜剂治疗小儿鞘膜积液

3、I think wean strike a bargain with you if your pries care competitive. ─── 我认为如果价格有竞争力,我们就可以达成交易。

4、Another country keen on cellulosic ethanol is Sweden, which is relying heavily upon wood-based solid and liquid biofuels as part of its plan to wean itself off oil by 2020. ─── 另一个在乎钎维乙醇的国家是瑞典。它相当期待木质固体和液体的生物燃料能为本国在2020年摆脱石油的计划助一臂之力。

5、wean a baby from the mother [breast] ─── 使婴儿断奶

6、Part of you will still want that cigarette, so wean yourself off them gradually. ─── 你还会有点想要香烟,所以要让自己逐渐戒掉。

7、She tried to wean his husband from gambling. ─── 她试图使丈夫不再赌搏。

8、In the case of nicotine, wean yourself now and determine to give them up completely and forever in Ramadan. ─── 如果是尼古丁,现在就戒掉并决定在斋月中完全的永远的放弃它。

9、Clinical Analysis of Wean Clostridium Perfringens Infection ─── 小儿产气荚膜梭菌感染临床分析

10、wean compound glycyrrhiza mixture ─── 小儿复方甘草合剂

11、She tried to wean him from playing football. ─── 她试图让他不再踢足球。

12、The results show that congenital abnormity and menses injury contribute to most wean epilepsies,which are followed by encephalic infection and wean trauma. ─── 可见在小儿癫痫病因中,先天异常及卫生期损害是其最常见病因之一,其次是小儿外伤及颅内感染。

13、I have to wean myself from watching TV every night. ─── 我得改掉每天晚上看电视的习惯。

14、The clinical observation of hypoferric anemia on chinese traditional medicine combined with west medicine for patients with wean iron deficiency anemia ─── 中西医结合治疗小儿缺铁性贫血临床观察

15、What am I to do Someone here is really not happy Put myself on a line It seems I never got through to you So I wean myself off slowly ─── 我该怎么办某人因我沮丧不安即使我不断付出但似乎从未了解你的心所以我慢慢选择放弃

16、wean from ─── 使放弃

17、wean sb(away)from drugs,drinking,gambling,etc ─── 使某人渐渐戒毒、戒酒、戒赌等.

18、Realize of using leave pin in vein of wean by singlehand send canal ─── 小儿静脉留置针单手送管法的应用及体会

19、Interest in Nepstar could be high, given the government's efforts to wean hospitals off prescription-drug sales, which would foster the growth of pharmacies. ─── 海王星辰连锁药店可能引起投资者浓厚的兴趣,原因是政府遏制医院多开处方药的行动有望推动药店的增长。

20、and yet, explain it how you will, it gave him pleasure to wean me away from my dreams and fill me full of dates and historical events. ─── 然而不知道为什么,他非常喜欢驱走我的迷梦,并给我灌输各种日期和历史事件。

21、Critics warn loosening the purse-strings would fuel inflation, drive up interest rates and stifle efforts to develop new businesses to wean the economy from its dependence on oil. ─── 批评人士警告说,政府慷慨解囊可能会引发通胀,推高利率,并阻碍为了让经济脱离对石油的依赖而发展新企业的努力。

22、Some analysts say a better way to wean Asia off exports and encourage domestic consumer spending would be to let Asian currencies appreciate. ─── 一些分析人士说,让亚洲不再依赖出口,转而鼓励国内消费者支出的更好的方式是让亚洲货币升值。

23、Virulent reasons and kinds of wean piglets suffer from diarrhea ─── 断奶仔猪腹泻的种类及发病机制

24、wean trauma brain infarction ─── 小儿外伤性脑梗死

25、Take the time to wean yourself. ─── 要花时间去戒掉。

26、Danieli Wean United concept of a combined Steckel/plate mill fed by a medium slab caster is becoming the winning solution for a modern approach to the plate market. ─── 作为一种攻占板材市场的现代化手段,达涅利威恩联合公司的由中厚板坯连铸机提供原料的中板/炉卷联合轧机正在成为一种走向成功的解决方案。

27、Analysis of Pathogeny and Correlative Factors of 200 Clinic Cases of Wean Epilepsy ─── 200例小儿癫痫病因及相关因素分析

28、Often she tried, as gently as might be, to wean him from this fanatic worship of the Muses. ─── 她常常尽量委婉地劝他别这样狂热地崇拜缪斯女神。

29、Did, till we loved ? were we not wean'd till then ? ─── 在于什么?莫非我们还没断奶,

30、She tried to wean him away from baseball. ─── 她要他以后不要再打棒球了。

31、Amid all of this political teeth-gnashing, Mr Fukui has been anxious to wean Japan off its addiction to cheap money. ─── 在全部行政努力中,俊彦先生高度重视断绝日本人对贬值货币的偏好。

32、WenZhou city: The surveillance control engineering outfit of the center of forcing to wean ─── 温州市强制戒毒所监控工程配套

33、China is making some progress in its efforts to wean itself off dependence on the Russians. ─── 中国正在努力发展,争取摆脱对俄罗斯的依赖。

34、Celiotomy Wean ─── 剖宫产儿

35、On the other hand, in patients who failed to wean, SO2 decreased during weaning since oxygen transport did not increase enough in the face of the increased oxygen demand due to the increased work of breathing. ─── 另一方面,脱机失败的病人,由于氧供没有增加到足以满足呼吸做功增加引起的氧耗增加,脱机期间的SO2降低。

36、You want a fight, President Bush? Let's fight to wean ourselves off Middle East oil through an energy policy that doesn't simply serve the interests of Exxon and Mobil. ─── 你想打仗吗,布什总统?让我们为通过不仅满足“艾克森和莫比尔”(美国石油公司)的利益的能源政策,以使我们逐渐摆脱对中东石油的依赖而战吧。

37、to wean from bottle to cup ─── 从奶瓶断奶改用杯子

38、Effect of Supplement of Yeast in Wean Piglet Diet on Performance ─── 添加酵素菌对断奶仔猪生产性能的影响

39、The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills. ─── 医生设法使她逐渐停止服用安眠药片。

40、Even if the whole problem disappeared tomorrow, it would take years to wean consumers and companies away from their profligate borrowing habits of the past. ─── 即便当下的问题明天就会消失,消费者和公司也要花费数年来改掉他们之前养成的敞手借钱的习惯。

41、A big issue is how to wean hospitals off their dependence on revenue from user payments. ─── 如何才能使医院断绝“病人付款”这一畴钱方式就是一个大问题。

42、Dilatation of Wean Urethral Cystoscope treating 25 Cases of Stricture of Wean Urethral ─── 小儿尿道膀胱镜扩张治疗小儿尿道狭窄25例

43、Shares in the sector rose after George Bush's state-of-the-union address in January, when he swore to wean America off dependence on foreign oil. ─── 今年一月乔治.布什在国情咨文讲话中承诺要戒断美国对外国石油的依赖,该领域的股价应声上涨。

44、Keywords Wean;Expanding ballonet;Enwraping penis; ─── 小儿;气囊扩张;包茎;

45、wean pig ─── 断奶仔猪

46、You are given capsules or pills with small quantities of nicotine to wean you from the habit. ─── 给你一些含有少量尼古丁的胶囊或药片帮你戒瘾。

47、The irony of the US retreat on the renminbi, though, is that China has been powerless to wean itself off its addiction to buying US debt, the other side of the bilateral financial ledger. ─── 不过,美国在人民币问题上退却的讽刺之处在于,中国迄今摆脱不了购买美国国债的习惯。中国购买美国国债之举,是双边财务总账的另一面。

48、The Buffalo kingdom is choosing to ensoul all cows raised for dairy products until humans wean themselves from the requirement of such nutrients to foster ascension. ─── 水牛王国正选择去赋灵予所有为牛奶制品而被饲养的母牛,直到人类自己断绝了此类营养的需要来培育提升。

49、One hundred and forty-seven piglets were used to inves tigat e the effect of exogenous glutamine and glutamate on the performance of piglets wean ed at 28 days . ─── 147头二元杂交仔猪进行饲养试验,探讨外源性谷氨酰胺和谷氨酸对28日龄断奶仔猪生产性能的影响。

50、I do not know how I'm going to be able to wean that boy from the influence of those bad boys down the street. ─── 我不知道怎么才能使那个男孩子摆脱街上那些坏孩子的影响。

51、Japan’s failure to wean itself off exports sooner means that it now faces a more painful adjustment. ─── 日本不能快速的将自己从依靠出口的情况中摆脱出来意味着他们要面临更痛苦的调整。

52、Thinking the microphones were off, George Bush told a group of Republicans in July that Wall Street needed to “sober up” and wean itself from “all these fancy financial instruments”. ─── 以为麦克风本已关掉,布什总统在7月曾对一群共和党人说道,华尔街需要清醒起来,并摆脱那些花哨的金融工具。

53、I might be able to gradually wean myself off the alarm, at least during the daytime naps. ─── 或许我会戒掉对闹钟的依赖,最起码在白天小睡的时候可以。

54、Flooding happened to 3, no pregnant woman died and no bleeding happened to the new wean. ─── 3例出现产后出血,无孕产妇死亡,未发现新生儿出血。

55、Wean epilepsy ─── 小儿癫痫

56、1. With electricity costs rising -- along with global-warming guilt -- consumers across the country are struggling to wean themselves from the A/C. ─── 夹在电价上涨和全球变暖恶果之间的美国消费者在是否应关掉冷气的问题上很是挣扎。

57、He also said that Dr Murray had been trying to wean Jackson off propofol, which the star used to call his "milk" . ─── 他还说,莫里医生曾一度想给杰克逊停止使用异丙酚,但这位巨星却把这药称为自己的“牛奶”。

58、Wean Diarrhea Treated by Feet Bathing with Chinese Drugs ─── 中药足浴治疗小儿腹泻

59、wean a person (away) from a bad habit [from bad companions] ─── 使某人弃绝恶习 [离开坏朋友]

60、One way to wean ourselves from oil is to come up with renewable sources of transportation fuel. That means a new generation of biofuels made from nonfood crops. ─── 一个令我们逐步摆脱对石油依赖的途径就是研制出可再生的运输燃料。这意味着从非食品作物中研制出新一代的生物燃料。

61、Their advocates argue that they could beused to wean Americans off their dependence on petrol, which degrades theenvironment, props up unsavoury regimes and clogs traffic. ─── 庇古税的拥护者争辩庇古税可以用来掐断美国人对石油的依赖,而正是石油业造成了环境的恶化,同时支撑起令人讨厌的政体,带来阻滞的交通。

62、So far, its efforts to temper economic growth, encourage energy efficiency and wean the country off heavy industry have had little effect. ─── 到目前为止,中国调控经济增长、鼓励节能和转变重工业模式的努力已经起了一定效果。

63、You know him personally, you wean? ─── 你的意思是你本人就认识他?

64、Did, till we lov'd? Were we not wean'd till then, ─── 倘若我们早些断奶,是否可早日共沐爱河?

65、The significance of lab check-up of wean infectious mononucleosis ─── 小儿传染性单核细胞增多症实验室检查及意义

66、You must wean yourself from smoking. ─── 你必须戒烟。

67、Another fun way to wean your family is to conduct taste tests. ─── 另一个使家人转变观念的方法是进行意向测试。

68、He must wean himself from suckling the energy of others and become a vibrant transmitter of energy himself.He must allow that energy to flow from source, through him, and into the world. ─── 他必须避免自己依靠从别人那里获得能量,而变成一个能量的释放者,把能量传递给整个世界。

69、wean sb from drugs, drinking, gambling, etc ─── 使某人渐渐戒毒、 戒酒、 戒赌等.

70、Instead, you’ll find simple pasta dishes to wean your kids off boxed macaroni and cheese; ─── 你会发现能够说服你的孩子离开了盒装通心粉和奶酪简单的面条菜;

71、He tolerated his radiation therapy well, but attempts to wean his steroids resulted in prompt seizure recurrence. ─── 患者对放疗的耐受性很好。但当试图撤离激素治疗时,却引起癫痫重新复发。

72、LL: Wow, Lihua. Not only am I glad that you are back, I'm grateful that wean spend some time tother in this w erm weather! ─── 是啊,今天天气真是太好了。你看,对面快餐店门口的那个不是小燕吗?我们过去打个招呼吧!

73、She tried to wean him away from football. ─── 她要他以后不要再踢足球了。

74、Clinical study on left ventricle function changes in hypothermic extra corporeal circulation heat-beating after wean's congenital heart-rectification ─── 浅低温心跳中小儿先心矫正术后左心功能改变的临床研究

75、All-knowing God, wean us from leaning on human understanding and self-reliance, and teach us to trust and obey you. ─── 全知的上帝,叫我们弃绝人的理性和自我依赖,并教导我们要信靠和顺服你。

76、wean infantiel enuresis ─── 小儿遗尿

77、Tom was sent away to school to wean him from bad companions. ─── 汤姆被送去上学,以使他和坏伙伴断绝来往。

78、Emerging markets that need to wean themselves off cross-border capital will grow more slowly than their potential. ─── 新兴市场需要戒除他们对跨境资本的依赖,这将使他们比他们的潜势发展的更慢。

79、Keywords Celiotomy Wean;Asphyxia;Cause; ─── 剖宫产儿;窒息;原因分析;

80、wean someone (away) from ─── 使某人放弃

81、A year later came the Enhanced Energy Security Act, which aimed to wean the U. S. off of its addiction to foreign oil. ─── 次年,美国又颁布了《加强能源安全法案》(EnhancedEnergySecurityAct),旨在降低对进口石油的依赖。

82、Such enthusiasm reflects the hope that nuclear power can wean America off imported fossil fuels. ─── 政府的热心反映出美国希望利用核电以戒除进口化石燃料。

83、A Chinese man dropped dead after playing Internet games for three consecutive days, state media said on Monday, as China seeks to wean Internet addicts offline. ─── 星期一,中方媒体称一男子因连续三天玩网络游戏最终导致猝死,并以此来告戒那些网络沉迷者。

84、The hospital managed to wean her off the drug. ─── 医院已让她逐步减少依赖这种药。

85、The question will be sharpened by the central bank's determination to wean banks and their creditors from the idea that there is an implicit government guarantee. ─── 中央银行决心要逐渐减少银行和债权人对存在默认的政府保证金这一想法的依赖,使这一问题变得更加尖锐。

86、Experience of retention- enema with Chinese medicine on the treatment of frequent disease of wean ─── 中药保留灌肠治疗小儿常见病的体会

87、“It is an alternative fuel that will help wean us off foreign oil,” he said. ─── “替代燃料将使我们摆脱对国外石油的依赖,”他说。

88、If the US can wean itself off what has been an unhealthy addiction, the shock could yet turn out to be to its long-term advantage. ─── 如果美国能戒除自己不健康的依赖性,那么这场冲击或许最终会造就其长期发展的优势。

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