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08-17 投稿


appetizer 发音

英:[??p?ta?z?r]  美:[??p?ta?z?(r)]

英:  美:

appetizer 中文意思翻译



appetizer 词性/词形变化,appetizer变形


appetizer 短语词组

1、appetizer recipes ─── 开胃菜食谱

2、endive appetizer ─── 开胃菜

3、easy appetizer ─── 简易开胃菜

4、appetizer spongebob ─── 开胃海绵宝宝

5、appetizer ideas ─── 开胃菜

6、appetizer filled with cream cheese ─── 奶油 ─── 奶酪开胃菜

7、impressive appetizer ─── 令人印象深刻的开胃菜

8、appetizer trademarked ─── 开胃菜商标

9、appetizer plates ─── 开胃菜盘

appetizer 相似词语短语

1、appetizers ─── n.开胃菜;头盘餐前小品;头盘(appetizer的复数)

2、appetisers ─── n.开胃菜(appetiser的复数)

3、appetizes ─── 开胃菜

4、appetiser ─── n.吊胃口的东西;开胃食品(等于appetizer)

5、appetized ─── 开胃的

6、appetised ─── 仪器

7、appetise ─── 开胃

8、appetize ─── 食欲

9、appetises ─── 开胃菜

appetizer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pickled vegetaBle of Sichuan flavour is a good appetizer and affords a lingering after-taste. ─── 川味泡菜,清口开胃,令您回味无穷。

2、If I go back, they'll think I'm a coward.I'd rather be dinner than a coward.Here, you can start with my hand.It'll be an appetizer. ─── 在爱德华生命的最后一刻,威尔为父亲讲述了一个即将发生的真实故事:爱德华将在深爱着他的亲朋好友的环绕中安详逝去。

3、Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer. ─── 可口的小饼乾就是简单的开胃品。

4、The guests were served prawn cocktails as an appetizer. ─── 客人点明虾鸡尾酒当开胃酒。

5、Do you want to order an appetizer first? ─── 你想先点一道开胃菜吗?

6、an appetizer consisting usually of a thin slice of bread or toast spread with caviar or cheese or other savory food. ─── 一种开胃食品,通常由薄面包片或敷鱼子酱的烤面包片、干酪和其他开胃食物组成。

7、Adding up some flavor and appetizer to your reality will be of help ,even the best bet. ─── 刚才好几个人投完币没反应,到我这改投不进去了,这叫什么事啊!

8、not drink much less of a hero is heroic, and the wine can only be regarded as a hero out of aperitif, appetizer, wine, liquor beauty. ─── 不喝酒的英雄则少了许多豪气,而酒离开了英雄只能当作餐前酒、开胃酒、养颜酒。

9、Would you like any appetizer? ─── 您要开胃菜吗?

10、Its not backlit, so no using in the dark, its tiny (couch monster appetizer), and it looks really cheap, like a remote for a 100 dollar room air conditioner. ─── 它没有背光,所以没有在黑暗中使用,其微小的(沙发怪物开胃菜),它看起来很便宜的,就像是一个100美元的房间空调器遥远。

11、Mom ordered smoked salmon as the appetizer. ─── 妈妈的甜菜是点烟熏鲑鱼。

12、Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer ─── 可口的小饼干就是简单的开胃品

13、4. Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer. ─── 可口的小饼乾就是简单的开胃品.

14、appetizer wine ─── 开胃葡萄酒

15、to golden guiling paste, special effects guiling paste, appetizer guiling paste, Moistening Lung guiling paste, beauty guiling paste-based Foshan specialty guiling paste; ─── 以金黄龟苓膏、特效龟苓膏、开胃龟苓膏、润肺龟苓膏、养颜龟苓膏为主的佛山特产龟苓膏;

16、Do you want to start with an appetizer? ─── 你想先来一道开胃菜吗?

17、Would you like an appetizer? ─── 你想来个开胃小菜吗?

18、For a light appetizer what do you recommend? ─── 你会建议什麽清淡的开胃菜?

19、A good impression shows you while start eating the first appetizer or cold dishes,then full of praise also shows you while eat the first two/double entrees/main courses. ─── 开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。吃头两道主菜时也赞不绝口。

20、Yes. I`ll start with an appetizer of oysters. And I`m also going to have the Chef`s Salad. ─── 好的.我先要一道生牡蛎开胃菜.也要一份大厨师特制色拉.查看全文来源分类:衣食住行

21、Try ordering a healthy appetizer plus soup or salad. ─── 尝试订一份健康的开胃食品外加一碗汤或一份沙拉。

22、The American buyers I represent, to them, 10 cars is an appetizer. ─── 对我背后的美国金主而言,这十辆车只是开胃小菜.

23、The host generally pays, and no one wants to hear you gripe about appetizer prices or shrimp count. ─── 主人通常都会支付账单,没人想要听到你抱怨关于开胃菜的价格或者小虾的个数。

24、Would you like any appetizer? ─── 您要开胃菜吗?

25、phoenix appetizer plate ─── 凤凰大拼盘

26、A typical banquet consists of four appetizer dishes, such as cold cut platters or hot hors d'oeuvres; ─── 一次典型的饭宴包括四个开胃菜,如冷拼盘或者热的餐前小菜;

27、Appetizer: Tuna fish cake with tacos ─── 前菜:金枪鱼糕配墨西哥玉米片

28、Okay, right. thank you. um, you know what? Can you just cancel my main dish, And I'll just have the appetizer as the main? ─── 好,谢谢你,还有…你能不能帮我取消主菜,把开胃菜做主菜就好了?。

29、The first dish (appetizer) and cold dishes are very likely to give us a favorable impression.And we keep lavishing our praises on the first two main courses as well. ─── 开卷之时,我们常常思想模糊,思维割裂,苛求小说真实,认定诗歌造作,视传记为美化,期望史书认同一己之见。

30、, who has elevated his morel side dish to an appetizer. ─── 康德伦把羊肚菌从配菜提升为开胃菜。

31、fruit cocktail au curacao [appetizer] ─── 什锦水果泡咖啡酒[开胃小菜]

32、The meal would consist of several courses including a soup or salad, an appetizer, the main dish, and a dessert. ─── 一顿饭可能包括几道菜品,比如汤或沙拉、开胃品、主菜和甜点。

33、Since it has many more calories than other Korean foods, they usually eat Pa-Jeon as a little appetizer with alcoholic drinks. ─── 为了让子女学华语与英语而暂居古晋的金女士,不知不觉地定居了下来。至今,已经步入了第11个年头。

34、The teacher asks student what they can order for appetizer,main course and dessert? ─── 先由学生根据查找的资料介绍每部分可以点什么菜,根据学生的介绍教师做补充。

35、"The data is questionable and mixed, but oysters do make a nice appetizer, " she said. ─── “数据是可疑的和混杂的,但牡蛎的确可以作为一盘好的开胃菜,”她说。

36、an appetizer served as a first course at a meal. ─── 一种开胃食品,作为一顿饭的第一道菜供应。

37、A typical banquet has four appetizer dishes, such as cold cuts or hot ones; six to eight main dishes; then one savory snack - type dish and a dessert. ─── 典型的宴席包括了:四道开胃菜,如:冷盘或热菜;六到八道主菜;然后有一道辛辣的菜肴或甜点。

38、appetizer,main course,and dessert. ─── 头盘、主菜和甜点.

39、Tuna has a flavor of fresh and tender, which is reinforced by the mixed tastes of various sauce.And Seaweed is rich in nutrition.The appetizer will be the best choice before you start to enjoy others. ─── 吞拿鱼的肉质鲜美细嫩,不同的酱料汇集在一起,酸咸适口,再加上海藻的新鲜营养,生成一种清爽奇妙的美味,用作开胃前菜再好不过。

40、An appetizer made with a slice of baked potato skin, spread with a topping such as cheese or meat, and usually broiled or baked. Often used in the plural. ─── 土豆皮:用烤过的马铃薯皮制做的餐前开胃食品,顶上覆一层奶酪或肉类,通常将其煮熟或烤熟,常用作复数

41、Would you like to start with an appetizer? ─── 喜欢吃点什么开胃品?

42、Appetizer; appetizer; starter ─── 开胃食品

43、an edible snail,especially one prepared as an appetizer or between entrees ─── 可食用的蜗牛,特别是用来做开胃菜或两道主菜间所上的菜

44、Would you like some appetizer while you are waiting? ─── 您要不要在等候时先吃点开胃的东西?

45、The palate is clean, zesty and refreshing with ripe citrus and tropical fruit flavours balanced by a streak of crisp acidity.Ideal as appetizer and combined with seafood. ─── 成熟柑橘和热带水果味带来纯洁,热烈,凉爽口感,和酸味达到完美平衡。

46、I'll see about your order, Whould you like some appetizer while you are waiting? ─── 我会去看看您点的菜做得怎样了,您是不是先吃点开胃的东西?

47、2.Warm salad of polenta with capers, tomatoes and basil or some other appetizer? ─── 侍者: 香草、黄菇蕃茄玉米芯沙拉还是别的开胃品?

48、It can be served as a meal of its own (accompanied by rice, potatoes, or French bread), as a side dish or appetizer along with crusty bread . ─── 它可以单独做为一道菜,同时也可以与硬皮面包搭配在一起,作为配菜或者开胃菜。

49、An appetizer usually consisting of an assortment of ingredients, such as smoked meats, cheese, fish, and vegetables. ─── 开胃菜开胃小吃,通常涵盖各种材料,如熏肉,奶酪,鱼和蔬菜

50、You can have it for lunch the next day or as an appetizer. ─── 你可以拿这些食物当第二天的午饭或当做开胃菜。

51、As an appetizer. ─── 作为开胃菜。

52、A. Would you like some appetizer to start with? ─── 你要不要先来点开胃菜?

53、Balanced on a bed of baby vegetables, garnished with minced roasted tomatoes and garlic, this juicy appetizer is excellent. ─── 一排小青菜平衡了这道菜的色泽与口感,它点缀在烤西红杮块及烤大蒜块间。真是一道汁多味浓的开胃菜。

54、appetizer,recipes,appetizers,meatball,recipes,chicken,wings,party,appetizer,recipes,party,appetizer,Amazing Appetizer Recipes Make Parties Memorable! ─── 中国餐饮运营网所有导出链接网站,其内容与本站无关,本站不对其行为负责,您要自己承担由此而产生的风险。

55、Eggplant appetizer with cheese and garlic ─── 俄式茄子奶酪

56、What would you like for your appetizer? ─── 你要什么样的头盘?

57、Appetizer with crisp Pickled Vegetables ─── 开胃爽口泡菜

58、If officials have their way, English-speaking visitors will be able to order “beef and ox tripe in chili sauce”, an appetizer, rather than “husband and wife's lung slice”. ─── 如果官方译法得以施行,英语游客就可以点一份叫“辣味牛肚”的开胃菜,而不是“丈夫和妻子的肺部切片(夫妻肺片)”。

59、not drink much less of a hero is heroic, and the wine can only be regarded as a hero out of aperitif, appetizer, wine, liquor beauty. ─── 不喝酒的英雄则少了许多豪气,而酒离开了英雄只能当作餐前酒、开胃酒、养颜酒。

60、The host generally pays, and no one needs to hear you gripe about appetizer prices or shrimp count. ─── 主人通常都会支付账单,没人想要听到你抱怨关于开胃菜的价格或者小虾的个数。

61、Would you like to share an appetizer? ─── 想不想一起吃个开胃菜?

62、Yes, and what would you like for your appetizer? ─── 好的,开胃品点些什么呢?

63、China is not about to gobble up the region, beginning with Taiwan as an expensive appetizer. ─── 中国不会一口吞掉东亚,光是台湾这道开胃菜的代价就足够昂贵了。

64、Waiter: What would you like to have for the appetizer? ─── 您要什么开胃饮料?顾客:雪利酒。

65、Pathe set menu Your choice of one appetizer ─── 您可以从下面开胃菜中挑选一道您喜欢的开胃菜

66、I like this! Sour spicy vege! Good appetizer! ─── 我喜欢这道!老坛子,酸辣口味,非常开胃!

67、B: Would you like an appetizer? ─── 乙:您要不要先来个开胃品?

68、In medicine with expectorant antiasthmatic, thirst Sheng Jin, the role of Runchang appetizer. ─── 在医药上具有祛痰平喘、止渴生津、开胃润肠的作用。

69、We served some crackers and cheese as an appetizer. ─── 我们上了些饼干和奶酪作为开胃品。

70、Warm salad of polenta with capers, tomatoes and basil or some other appetizer? ─── 侍者:香草、黄菇蕃茄玉米芯沙拉还是别的开胃品?

71、When oysters are served as an appetizer, set the oyster fork to the right of the spoon. ─── 如果生蚝作为开胃菜上桌,那么生蚝叉要放在勺子的右边。

72、Brush some radicchio leaves with olive oil before grilling them, or wrap medallions of goat cheese with the beautiful crimson leaves, and then grill the bundles for a tangy appetizer. ─── 在红菊苣叶上刷一点橄榄油,然后拿去烤,或用它漂亮的深红色叶片把圆形的羊奶起司包起来,烤一烤就是一道挑动味蕾的开胃菜。

73、A meal out means a glass of wine, maybe an appetizer, for sure a dessert. ─── 下馆子就是要有美酒、或许还应该有开胃菜,当然甜点是绝对少不了的。

74、PUPU will break your sticks and stones. And eat them as a light appetizer. ─── 噗噗会打碎你的棍棒和石头,然后当成开胃果吃掉。

75、For the more indulgent diner however, there are also several set menus to choose from, which include an appetizer, entree, cheese plate and a dessert. ─── 如果想点更多,也可以从菜单中自选开胃菜、主菜、奶酪盘和甜点。

76、In October the new French executive chef Gastaldi Joachim will prepare French style buffet, including appetizer, soup, main dishs and dessert. The price is RMB80(lunch). ─── 咖啡厅:在10月新聘请的法国行政总厨师长一哥斯塔蒂先生推出正宗法式自助午、晚餐,包括各种头盘、汤、热菜和甜食、水果等。午餐80元,晚餐138元。

77、a dish served as an appetizer before the main meal. ─── 在主餐前上的一道开胃菜。

78、What would you like to have for your appetizer, sir? ─── 先生,要点什么样的开胃菜呢?

79、A typical banquet consists of four appetizer dishes, such as cold cut platters or hot hors d'oeuvres;six to eight main courses; ─── 一个典型的宴会,包括四个冷切盘子或热的开胃菜等的开胃菜菜、 六至八个主要的课程 ;

80、Waitress:Would you like an appetizer? ─── 女服务员:你想来点开胃小菜吗?

81、Enjoy as appetizer,or as companion with fish, sea food and light meat. ─── 作为餐前酒或者是配合鱼,海鲜和白肉尤为适宜。

82、A: Would you like an appetizer? ─── 您想要来一份开胃菜吗?

83、Share an appetizer or a dessert with a friend. ─── 同朋友一起分享开胃品或甜点。

84、appetizer - vension carpaccio, smoked mushroom panicotta and chocolate olive oil. ─── 一片片的生牛肉很有质感,配以磨菇mousse 及花生粒,甚有嚼头。

85、You would like another appetizer? If you would be so kind as to wait a few moments, I will check whether we still have any. ─── 您还需要点凉菜吗?如果您愿意稍等一会儿,我厨房看看还有没有。

86、an appetizer consisting usually of a thin slice of bread or toast spread with caviar or cheese or other savory food ─── 一种开胃食品,通常由薄面包片或敷鱼子酱的烤面包片、干酪和其他开胃食物组成

87、Small during pregnancy, what pregnancy does not want a serious response, I have heard she is from the north and send a point north of millet and some of the pickled appetizer sour beans to her. ─── 小汪刚怀孕时,妊娠反应严重什么也不想吃,我听说她是北方人,就送了点北方小米和一些酸溜溜开胃的腌豆角给她。

88、Preseason is an appetizer, meal to immediately. ─── 季前赛无疑是一道开胃菜,大餐马上就到。

89、1.a snack; a light repast 2.an appetizer; a side dish ─── 小吃


In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer. Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts. They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life.


火龙果的英文翻译是Dragonfruit。词汇分析dragonfruit 英[?dr?ɡ?nfru:t] 美[?dr?ɡ?nfrut] n. 火龙果;双语例句1.Thestaringredientofthedayisdragonfruit! 今天主要的食材是火龙果!2.Inutritious,canbeanappetizer.eatingdragonfruitthat'sall. 我的营养丰富,可以开胃.肚子不舒服,吃一点火龙果就好了.3.Individually,blendthecoconutflesh,mangofleshanddragonfruitfleshinagrinder,untilsmooth. 把椰子肉、芒果肉、龙珠果肉各别放进搅碎机里搅拌成细滑果酱.4.Beautifulfruitofdragonseasinceanabundantplace,itisthecityofcivilizedsanitation. 龙海既是花果鱼米之乡,又是文明卫生之城.5. It has dragon fruit in it! 有火龙果在里面!

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