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08-17 投稿


illimitable 发音


英:  美:

illimitable 中文意思翻译



illimitable 网络释义

adj. 无限的;无边际的

illimitable 词性/词形变化,illimitable变形

名词: illimitability |副词: illimitably |

illimitable 短语词组

1、illimitable means ─── 无限手段

2、illimitable male ─── 不屈 ─── 不挠的男性

3、illimitable man ─── 不屈 ─── 不挠的人

4、illimitable define ─── 无限定义

5、illimitable definition ─── 无限定义

6、illimitable dolor ─── 无限忧郁

7、illimitable power ─── 不可战胜的力量

8、illimitable images ─── 无穷 ─── 无尽的影像

illimitable 相似词语短语

1、illimitableness ─── 无限性

2、eliminable ─── adj.可消除的;可消去的;可排除的

3、illimitably ─── adv.无尽地;无限地

4、inimitable ─── adj.独特的;无比的;无法仿效的

5、indomitable ─── adj.不屈不挠的;不服输的;不气馁的

6、limitable ─── adj.可限制的

7、illuminable ─── adj.可照明的;可被照明的

8、imitable ─── adj.可模仿的

9、elicitable ─── adj.可引出的

illimitable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We have no vast mountain ranges, no illimitable plains, no leagues of forest, and are deprived of the grandeur that may accompany these things. ─── 这儿没有崇山峻岭,没有一望无际的平原,也没有广袤的森林,因而无从领略这些景物是何等壮观。

2、illimitable space ─── 无限的空间

3、always the spiritual first, then the transformation into the infinite and illimitable possibilities of achievement. ─── 所有的冲动和渴望正是通过这种渠道在这一体系中运行。

4、Flute tamber is gentle and transparent,someone said the illimitable sky would be imagined when listening flute. ─── 长笛演奏出来的音色轻柔透明,有人说听起长笛的声音便联想起一望无际的蓝天。

5、communion with love , illimitable and infinite . ─── 是爱,永生和永恒之间的交流

6、In the Internet's case, the rubbish purveyed is limitless and illimitable. ─── 从互联网的方面说,供应的垃圾是无限和不可限制的。

7、It was there before him, around him, everywhere, illimitable, immeasurable. ─── 它就在他的面前,他的四周,什么地方都是,一眼望不到头,多得不可胜数。

8、Flute tamber is gentle and transparent, someone said the illimitable sky would be imagined when listening flute. ─── 长笛演奏出来的音色轻柔透明,有人说听起长笛的声音便联想起一望无际的蓝天。

9、We deal now not with things of this world alone, but with the illimitable distances and as yet unfathomed mysteries of the universe . ─── 我们今天不仅着眼于这个世界上的事情,而且还要探讨没有极限的遥远宇宙中我们还不理解的各种奥秘。

10、for in that new realm was neither land nor sea, but only the white void of unpeopled and illimitable space. ─── 因为这新的国度中既无海洋亦无陆地,只有空无一人、无界无限的纯白虚空。

11、Research of the Illimitable and Smooth Zoom of Image ─── 图像无级平滑缩放算法研究

12、We misunderstand the limited nature of news, the illimitable complexity of society; we overestimate our own endurance, public spirit, and all-round competence . ─── 我们误解了新闻的局限性和社会的无限复杂性,我们过高地估计了自己的承受能力、社会精神和各方面的才能。

13、the absolute, by its very rigidity, urges spirits towards the sky and causes them to float in illimitable space. ─── 这绝对真理,凭着它本身的严正,把人们的思想推向晴空,并使遨翔于霄汉。

14、His mercy is vast, illimitable. ─── 祂的慈悲广大无边。

15、He gave to them all, without stint, from his illimitable store of realization. ─── 剧作家和醉汉。他毫无保留地给予他们所有自己的实现。

16、illimitable a. ─── 无穷的;

17、He had caught a glimpse of the apparently illimitable vistas of knowledge. ─── 无穷无尽的知识远景在他眼前闪现了一下。

18、He had caught a glimpse of the apparently illimitable vistas of knowledge. ─── 那仿佛无穷无尽的知识远景在他眼前闪现了一下。

19、the illimitable reaches of space and time ─── 空间与时间的无边无际

20、My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. ─── 我的信仰是对一个伟大崇高灵魂的卑微赞美,它在我们用微弱渺小的精神感知到的微小细节中释放自己。

21、In the next Chapter, I shall try to show you how you can apply the illimitable power of Mind hopefully towards the successful treatment of disease. ─── (在下一章中,我会尽力为大家展现如何将意识思想的无穷力量应用到成功的战胜疾病中去。)

22、Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all ─── 黑暗之神、腐烂之神和红色死神以不可抗拒的力量统治一切。

23、Mankind has begun to glimpse its illimitable powers. ─── 人类终于得以瞥见一丝无穷的能量。

24、5.We have here no vast mountain ranges, on illimitable plains, no leagues of forest, and are deprived of the frandeur that may accompany these things. ─── 这儿没有崇山峻岭,没有一望无际的平原,也没有广袤的森林,因而无从领略这些景物是何等壮观。

25、Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all. ─── 黑暗之神、腐烂之神和红色死神以不可抗拒的力量统治一切。

26、Through the deep silence of this illimitable whiteness we few human creatures walked along with our shadows, without a word. ─── 穿过这无限纯白中的深深的寂静,我们几个活物,和自己的影子一起往前走着,一语不发。

27、We deal now not with things of this world alone, but with the illimitable distances and as yet unfathomed mysteries of the universe. ─── 我们不单要从现在这个世界,而且要从无法估算的距离,从神秘莫测的宇宙来论述事物。

28、they found the methods of modern experimental science which promise in the end to give man illimitable power over the world and over his own destiny. ─── 但结果却是他们发现了现代实验科学的方法,这些方法最后有可能赋予人类掌握世界和自己命运的无穷力量。

29、In the internet's case, the rubbish purveyed is limitless and illimitable . ─── 从互联网的方面说,供应的垃圾是无限和不可限制的。

30、And what a work it is!How multiform, how responsive to every need and every incident of life!What illimitable possibilities of achievement and of excellence! ─── 无论处在怎样的社会地位或是拥有怎样的内在气质,一份真正的报纸都应当具备独立自我的灵魂。

31、He had caught a glimpse of the apparently illimitable vistas of knowledge. ─── 那仿佛无穷无尽的知识远景在他眼前闪现了一下。

32、Entering thy sovereign, dim, illimitable grounds, ─── 走进你生命之尊,昏,无边的背景,

33、Main Productions: Sanguinolent Spirit, Loessial Highland,Ode of Hot Blood, Moon on Xilou, More Deeper My Love of you, More Serious of My heart Hurt, Never Give Up, Sisters and Brothers, Illimitable Love, Tens Years of Marriage etc. ─── 主要作品:《血染的风采》、《黄土高坡》、《热血颂》、《月满西楼》、《对你的爱越深就越来越心痛》、《永不放弃》、《姐妹兄弟》、《爱无极限》、《结婚十年》等。

34、the illimitable ocean [space] ─── 浩渺无边的海洋[太空]

35、And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all. ─── 黑暗、衰落和“红死”统领一切。

36、In the internet's case, the rubbish purveyed is limitless and illimitable. ─── 从互联网的方面说,供应的垃圾是无限和不可限制的。

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