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08-17 投稿


darksome 发音

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darksome 中文意思翻译



darksome 短语词组

1、darksome night and shining moon ─── 漆黑的夜晚和明月

2、darksome craft market ─── 黑暗工艺品市场

3、darksome moon ─── 阴暗的月亮

4、darksome market ─── 黑暗市场

5、darksome meaning ─── 晦暗的意思

6、darksome synonym ─── 暗色同义词

darksome 相似词语短语

1、darkrooms ─── n.暗房;[摄]暗室

2、irksome ─── adj.令人厌烦的,讨厌的;令人厌恶的

3、larksome ─── adj.嬉戏的,好嬉戏的

4、murksome ─── 阴暗的

5、worksome ─── 工作周

6、heartsome ─── adj.精神振作的;欢快的

7、drearisome ─── 沉闷的

8、darksomeness ─── 黑度

9、dark side ─── 阴暗面;暗边

darksome 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、19 The way of the wicked is darksome: they know not where they fall. ─── 恶人的道路,却宛如幽暗,他们不知道,要跌在何处。

2、The way of the wicked is darksome: they know not where they fall. ─── 恶人的道路,却宛如幽暗,他们不知道,要跌在何处。

3、The FuYang AIDS village was cold with goose feather snow and darksome sky, wind was blowing tearing the roof top of houses and trees. ─── 乙酉春节时的阜阳艾滋病村。寒风刺骨,鹅毛大雪,天空阴冷灰暗,肆虐的风雪呼啸而至,撕扯着屋顶树梢。

4、Have the gates of death been opened to thee, and hast thou seen the darksome doors? ─── 死亡的门给你开启过吗?你见过死影之门吗?

5、the fuyang aids village was cold with goose feather snow and darksome sky , wind was blowing tearing the roof top of houses and trees. ─── 乙酉春节时的阜阳艾滋病村。寒风刺骨,鹅毛大雪,天空阴冷灰暗,肆虐的风雪呼啸而至,撕扯着屋顶树梢。

6、Think, first, of that dreadful abyss of ignorance from which all error flows and so engulfs the sons of Adam in a darksome pool that no one can escape without the toll of toils and tears and fears. ─── 首先,想想那可怕的愚昧之渊,这里谬误横生,将亚当的子孙们淹没于黑暗的泥沼之中,任何人若不付出劳碌、泪水和恐惧的代价均无法脱身。

7、"because its existence, heretofore, had brought it acquainted only with the grey twilight of a dungeon, or other darksome apartment of the prison." ─── --自从她降生以来,还只习惯于监狱中的土牢或其它暗室那种昏晦的光线呢。

8、Here they sat down on a luxuriant heap of moss; which at some epoch of the preceding century, had been a gigantic pine, with its roots and trunk in the darksome shade, and its head aloft in the upper atmosphere. ─── 她们这时在一堆繁茂的青苔上坐了下来,这地方在一百多年以前,曾经长过一棵巨松,树冠高耸入云,树根和树干遮在浓荫之中。

9、But forth vnto the darksome hole he went, ─── 继续前进,走入那个洞穴幽暗,

10、23But if thy eye be evil thy whole body shall be darksome. ─── 23但是,如果你的眼睛有了病,你的全身就都黑暗。

11、12And when the sun was setting, a deep sleep fell upon Abram, and a great and darksome horror seized upon him. ─── 太阳快要西落时,亚巴郎昏沉地睡去,忽觉阴森万分,遂害怕起来。

12、If thy eye be single, thy whole body will be lightsome: but if it be evil, thy body also will be darksome. ─── 几时你的眼睛纯洁,你全身就光明;但如果邪恶,你全身就黑暗。

13、way of the wicked is darksome: they know not where they fall. ─── 恶人的道路,却宛如幽暗,他们不知道,要跌在何处。

14、There' s no darksome matters and horrible persons that can ruin children's heart. ─── 一切阴暗的事物和可怕的人,还没有侵蚀孩子的心灵。

15、no more darksome pit nor loathsome torment than to show forth qualities which deserve to be condemned. ─── 最黑暗的惨境和最难受的折磨,莫过于表现可鄙的品质。”

16、Let a darksome whirlwind seize upon that night, let it not be counted in the days of the year, nor numbered in the months. ─── 愿那夜常为黑暗所制,不让它列入年岁中,不让它算在月分里。

17、and still it lay upon his face, as if to deepen the gloom of his darksome chamber, and shade him from the sunshine of eternity. ─── 据说连无法无天的风也敬畏牧师可怕的秘密,从不把那块面纱吹起来。不过,胡珀牧师走过熙熙攘攘的人群时,依然向众人苍白的面孔凄楚而笑。


Dark Market黑市Some people have called ICE Futures Europe a \"dark market, \" a market withlittle supervision.有些人称能源市场洲际交易所为“黑暗市场”,一个几乎没有监督的市场。

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