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08-17 投稿


chatterer 发音

英:[['t??t?r?]]  美:[['t??t?r?]]

英:  美:

chatterer 中文意思翻译



chatterer 短语词组

1、chatterer mask ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休的面具

2、chatterer hellraiser ─── 唠叨鬼

3、chatterer mod chatterer ─── 模块

4、chatterer ksp ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休的ksp

5、chatterer cenobite ─── 震颤新生岩

6、chatterer bust ─── 查特勒半身像

7、chatterer bird ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休的鸟

chatterer 词性/词形变化,chatterer变形

动词过去式: chattered |动词现在分词: chattering |动词第三人称单数: chatters |名词: chatterer |动词过去分词: chattered |

chatterer 相似词语短语

1、clatterer ─── n.饶舌家

2、caterer ─── n.备办食物者;承办酒席的人;筹备人

3、chafferer ─── n.愚弄者;恶作剧者;议价人

4、blatterer ─── 布拉特

5、chatterers ─── n.饶舌的人;喋喋不休的人

6、chattered ─── v.唠叨;喋喋不休;(动物等)吱吱叫;(人的牙齿)打战;n.唠叨;饶舌;短促的尖声;吱吱叫声;打颤声

7、charterer ─── n.租船主,租船者

8、shatterer ─── 粉碎

9、batterer ─── n.虐妻者;虐待家属者

chatterer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thoughtless, prolonged talk; chatter. ─── 喋喋不休愚蠢的、冗长的谈话;唠叨

2、Free oscillation of ball in guide ribs facilitates full port flow with minimum turbulence and chatter. ─── 在导翼中自由振荡的球有利于全流道流动,最大限度减小湍流和振荡。

3、That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words. ─── 因此我轻松地说东道西,把我的心藏在语言的后面。

4、In the countryside the only sound she could hear was the chatter of birds. ─── 在乡下她能听到唯一的声音就是鸟儿的啁啾声。

5、She's tired of their perpetual chatter. ─── 她对他们没完没了的闲谈感到厌倦。

6、Her continuous chatter vexes me. ─── 她喋喋不休的闲谈使我烦恼。

7、NSA intercepted some chatter identifying the summit as a target. ─── 国家安全局刚刚截获情报 表明某首脑人物被列为攻击目标

8、To speak or chatter glibly and rapidly. ─── 喋喋不休流利且快速地讲述或饶舌

9、His ceaseless chatter began to annoy me. ─── 他不停的唠叨使我厌烦起来。

10、You chatter like a flock of magpies. Stop talking and do your work. ─── 你们叽叽喳喳真吵死人。停止说话,做你们的工作。

11、Cut the chatter and get on with your work! ─── 别唠唠叨叨了,继续工作吧。

12、Would you please put a lid on all that chatter, I'm trying to work. ─── 可不可以请你不要讲话了,我在工作。注意

13、In person, his chatter is more ambivalent, thoughtful, punctured with smiles and a sense of humour. ─── 从外在看来,他的谈话更加矛盾复杂和具思想性,点刺以微笑和幽默感。

14、There was a lot of chatter going around that we didn't want Michael Beasley, but that wasn't it at all. ─── 因为你真的无法忍受美国队像这样溃败,即使是水球或足球,我也不希望看到美国队输掉比赛。更何况是篮球比赛!

15、They all eat and drink, do their office work, smoke and sleep, and chatter nonsensically. ─── 他们都吃吃喝喝,做他们的业内事务,吸烟睡觉,无聊闲扯。

16、Their chatter was nothing but froth! ─── 他们聊天儿没别的,全是废话!

17、The bitter north wind made the soldiers teeth chatter. ─── 刺骨的北风冻得战士们牙齿直打战。

18、He feeds me up with his chatter. ─── 他喋喋不休,使我厌烦极了。

19、He found that he was lonely and missed the sight and cheerful chatter of Yvonne. ─── 他发现自己很寂寞,怀念伊冯的身影和欢声笑语。

20、Everybody is fed up with his endless chatter. ─── 他老是絮叨个没完,所以大家都烦他。

21、Stop your useless chatter and listen to what Royis saying. ─── 你们的闲谈停一停,听听罗伊说什麽。

22、Barcelona on Saturday, in addition to some chatter about young Spanish talents Rudy Fernandez and Ricky Rubio. ─── 另外还会聊到西班牙的两位天才少年鲁迪-费尔南德兹和里奇卢比奥。

23、His silly chatter would vex a saint. ─── 他说的话很无聊,多有涵养的人也得气得发火。

24、Hear feedback from your co-pilot, flight attendants, passengers; listen to ATC chatter, music, GPWS, and more. ─── 听到你的副驾驶、乘务员、乘客的反馈,还有空管、音乐、近地告警系统等等。

25、Her incessant chatter finally wore me down and I decided to leave. ─── 她喋喋不休终于使我厌烦了,于是我决定走开。

26、It is not decent to chatter in class. ─── 在课堂上聊天是不适当的。

27、Yet, these ignorant people who are unwary of this fact continue to chatter endlessly and meaninglessly. ─── 与此同时不知自己无知的他们还喋喋不休的说个不停。

28、He assured me that behind the diplomatic chatter, Japan's foreign ministry was fuming and bewildered. ─── 他向我保证在喋喋不休的外交辞令背后,日本外务省一定是恼火和困惑的。

29、Stevens: Do you know what I am doing, Miss Kenton? I am placing my mind elsewhere while you chatter away. ─── 史蒂文斯:你知道我在做什么么,基顿小姐?当你喋喋不休的时候我正在别处神游。

30、The noisy chatter of apes from the shores followed us all the way. ─── 两岸猿声啼不住

31、Yes, the onset of a disease rigor cause my teeth to chatter. ─── 发病开始冷得我牙齿大战。

32、One day, mom will be not all in your life, even you will complain about my trivialness and chatter. ─── 在满眼葱绿的春日,在繁花似锦的夏日,在秋风落叶的秋日,在白雪皑皑的冬日,到处都留下女孩子的倩影。

33、But underneath its tranquil facade, it buzzes with biochemical chatter. ─── 不过在平静的表面以下,它的生化分子在吵吵哄哄.

34、Girls have a stronger tendency to chatter than boys. ─── 女孩子较男孩子性好饶舌。

35、Accompanied by bicker and chatter of the river, the mountain hug us, we went to sleep. ─── 在孱孱的河流声中,在群山的怀抱中,驴儿们进入了梦乡。

36、His constant chatter and grunting provided another level of entertainment for the fans. ─── 他不断的喋喋不休和咕隆声为球迷带来了另一种级别的娱乐方式。

37、To talk rapidly and noisily; chatter. ─── 喋喋不休快速、喧嚷地谈话;闲谈

38、Her silly chatter would vex a saint. ─── 她喋喋不休的话会使圣人恼烦。

39、His silly chatter would vex you. ─── 他那无聊的闲扯会使你烦恼。

40、"Stop this chatter, Chang-ma," Missy paused in her sewing to cut her short. Her cheeks flushed. ─── “张妈,少胡扯吧。”大小姐停针打住说,她的脸上微微红晕起来。

41、Well, enough chatter, let's get our hands dirty! ─── 嗯,足够的颤振,让我们我们的手脏!

42、He fed me up with his chatter. ─── 他喋喋不休,使我厌烦极了。

43、He was hotted up by her constant chatter. ─── 她的喋喋不休令他烦躁不安。

44、Stop your useless chatter and listen to what Roy is saying. ─── 你们的闲谈停一停,听听罗伊说什麽。

45、She could understand nothing but love-making and chatter. ─── 她却只会谈情说爱,聊天闲扯,别的什么也不懂。

46、He is such a fool as to think his idle chatter can influence others. ─── 他是个笨蛋,竟然以为他那无稽之谈可以左右别人。

47、Don't get involved in idle chatter that will hurt your position. ─── 不要参与闲言碎语,这可能会不利于你的工作职位。

48、He turned a deaf ear to his mother rs chatter. ─── 他对母亲的唠唠叨叨听而不闻。

49、Margie (chatter): I made some brown betty. I sent Floyd off the town with the boy. ─── (唠叨):我烤了水果蛋糕,我叫老公和孩子到镇上。

50、Can't you see that I'm in a hurry, and I have not got time to saunter along and chatter about the buttercups? ─── 你没有看见我很忙,没时间闲逛或是喋喋不休地跟你谈论什么毛茛属植物吗?

51、You mustn't chatter nonsense on serious diplomatic occasions. ─── 在严肃的外交场合你可不能唠唠叨叨地胡说一气。

52、She kept up a steady chatter which relieved him of any necessity for conversation. ─── 她已经把话都说了,解救了他的无话可说之窘了。

53、It pleased her to listen to his chatter and to look into his green eyes. ─── 听着他闲聊,看着他那双绿色的眼睛,她感到悦耳愉目。

54、Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. ─── 但要远避世俗的虚谈。因为这等人必进到更不敬虔的地步。

55、A round of chatter rose and subsided. ─── 喃喃私语声四起,继而又趋平息。

56、Listening to his continuous stream of empty chatter really tested my patience. ─── 听他那没完没了的连篇空话对我的耐心真是一大考验。

57、His continuous chatter vexes me. ─── 他唠叨不休,真烦死我了。

58、Stop your chatter and listen to what Tom is saying. ─── 停止你那喋喋不休的说话,听汤姆在说什么。

59、He was a great one for idle chatter, and often would say anything that came into his head. ─── 他向来说话“没正经”,老通宝是知道的;

60、Chatterer must be responsible for demurrage. ─── 租船人必须对滞期负责。

61、The chatter of voices gradually quietened. ─── 唧唧喳喳的声音渐渐地平静了。

62、They had a doll, which they turned over and over on their knees with all sorts of joyous chatter. ─── 她们有个娃娃,她们把它放在膝上,转过来又转过去,嘴里叽叽喳喳,有说有笑。

63、Can't you see that I'm in a hurry, and I haven't got time to saunter along and chatter about the buttercups? ─── 你没有看见我很忙,没时间闲逛或是喋喋不休地跟你谈论什么毛莨属植物吗?

64、But the Bonn University team believes plants do more than chatter about aches and pains as if passing time in a doctor's waiting room. ─── 但是,波恩大学的这批科学家认为,植物不仅仅互相交流痛苦与疼痛,就像人们在医院候诊室等候看病一样。

65、To talk idly and at length; chatter. ─── 唠叨,空谈没完没了地闲谈;闲聊

66、She would listen to my chatter as if every word I spoke mattered. ─── 她会听我喋喋不休的讲话,彷佛我说的都是重要的事。

67、Owl, when she saw that she could get no redress, and that her words were despised, attacked the chatterer by a stratagem. ─── 猫头鹰发现无计可施,它的话一点效果也没有,便想了一个计策去对付这只叫不停的东西。

68、That is whu I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words. ─── 因此我轻松地说东道西,把我的心藏在语言后面。

69、To chatter thoughtlessly or at length. ─── 唠叨,喋喋不休缺少考虑地或冗长地说话

70、Internet chatter by rightwing extremists blames some job losses on a cabal of Jewish financial elites. ─── 右翼极端分子们在互联网上发表的言论指责一小撮犹太金融精英要为一些失业负责。

71、After every work day he sat into the small house with his wirless, listening to the chatter of Morss, logging and analyzing it, ready for the next day. ─── 他每天下班后就钻进小屋摆弄无线电接收机,直到深更半夜。他坐在那里收听莫尔斯电码机的响声,对它进行登记和分析,为第二天的研究做准备。

72、That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behing words. ─── 因此我轻松的说东道西,把我的心藏在语言的后面。

73、The usual chatter of young mothers was unknown to her, and any discussions about children would be of a serious nature. ─── 她从来没有象一般年轻母亲那样叽叽喳喳地唠叨个没完。每当谈起孩子们时,她总是讲些严肃的事儿。

74、The boys were full of excitement and chatter, especially the younger one. ─── 兄弟两个兴奋不已、有说有笑,小的一个更是兴高采烈。

75、So acquisition chatter around Goldman or Morgan Stanley mightn't lift the stocks by much. ─── 因此,围绕着高盛或者摩根士丹利的收购传闻恐怕也难给两只股票带来多少提振。

76、Her constant chatter tired everyone . ─── 她不住地东拉西扯,弄得人人都厌烦了。

77、The chatterer or a named agent for or on behalf of the charterer ─── 船东或其具有名代理人,或

78、Nsa just intercepted some chatter identifying the summit as a target. ─── 国家安全局刚刚截获了一条消息表明 此次会见是某个行动的袭击目标

79、Her constant chatter tired everyone. ─── 她不住地东拉西扯,弄得人人都厌烦了。

80、You can chatter with your friends after class. ─── 你可以在下课后和你的朋友闲聊。

81、The monotony of his chatter sent me to sleep. ─── 他的喋喋不休使我昏昏欲睡。

82、But that won't stop the rumors and Internet chatter this summer. ─── 但是这不会停止这个夏天的流言和网上的谈论。

83、Magpies used to perch in the branches and wake us early in the morning with their chatter. ─── 一清早就有喜鹊在树上叫,把我们早早叫起来。







1. 词性不同:Chat是一个动词,意为“聊天”或“闲谈”,而Chatter是一个名词,意为“喋喋不休”或“啁啾声”。

2. 使用范围不同:Chat可以用来表示各种类型的对话或交流,包括面对面的聊天、线上的文字聊天、电话聊天等。而Chatter通常用来描述连续不断的、快速而琐碎的说话声或声音。

3. 含义不同:Chat强调了双方之间的交流和互动,通常传达了一种友好、随意的氛围。Chatter则更多地侧重于描述大量、琐碎的说话声或声音,有时可能被视为无意义的背景噪音。

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